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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"Hatu, we need that blackout. This just went south," Lenz growled into his SPK-R as he searched for a target to shoot, he pulled himself further back on the platform to see if he could see through the open door with his scope.
Before Lenz was able to fully sight anything inside the house, the lights dimmed, flickered, and disappeared, along with every other light around, leaving only the very distant illumination from the cars speeding on the highway behind the sniper.

Meanwhile, inside the now dark house, the ID-SOL in the entry way continued firing, while flashlight beams switched on, slightly visible from the windows facing Chandler, the source of one of them standing right in front of one. The light silhouetting a rather nasty looking rifle clamped in a giant fist, although its holder was obscured by darkness.
"Neis, I have a clear shot at one of the guards. I'm taking the shot." Chandler thought quickly about possible consequences, then shouldered the GP-1, thumbed the safety, sighted in on the target and fired a shot at the fist gripping the gun. As soon as he felt the jerk of the gun against his shoulder, he took off running for the stairs, cradling the GP-1 in his hands. As soon as he rounded the corner for the stairs he crouched in the passageway, sheltering his head from view.
Lenz inwardly cursed as he was forced to try repositioning himself on the water tower in an attempt to try locating a target turning on the night vision on his scope, he muttered into his SPK-R, "Use night vision if you got it, just be wary that those flashlights might momentarily blind you if they look at you."
Close combat was what she knew, what she had trained for before arriving at the IPG's doorstep. Except there had been no guns in the equation on Kohana...

The gunshots were a dull roar to her, stretched almost to the point of absurdity by her accelerated perception. But, regardless of her quick mind, Nelew's body could not move fast enough to dodge, not at point-blank range. Her hands could move faster though, using the fast-twitch muscles in her elbows and wrists.


The bullets hit her hands, burying themselves in Nelew's finger bones but unable to get through, their impact instead just pushing her hands back with their force. The energy of the impact was quickly redirected to move the hand to intercept the next bullet.

Nel didn't stay still while the enraged soldier fired, but kept moving as fast as she could while using the growing amount of squashed metal in her palms as very small, very fast shields as she moved around the room, bouncing off the walls to change direction without slowing down. She had to keep his attention off of the other girls...

With her alertness set high, the lights going out and loss of the visual spectrum did nothing to inhibit Nel's vision since she already had set priority on infrared and ultraviolet ranges. That meant that the ID-SOL was lit up as a glowing, rage-filled, red-white figure in the dark. She stayed in motion, alternating her movement between racing along the floor and bouncing off the walls. With no weapon herself, and her surprise lost, Nelew was stuck in a stalemate loop. She couldn't be hit, that was now her immediate goal. She had to hold until her team could move in.

She pushed off of a wall with one hand, shoving her to the side into the corner of a doorframe. She pushed off of that too, toward another wall.


Maybe he would just run out of bullets?
In another room of the house, and Red-faction loyalist ID-SOL named Jim suddenly fired his fully automatic assault rifle, yelling in pain. It wasn't really his intention, but when several bullets and a window's worth of glass shards impact you, it's rather hard to not have a reaction. The heavy rifle spat out massive rounds, cutting through walls, and into the entry way, one of them smashing his comrade in the left shoulder, causing him to yell with pain. While that may have been good news for Nelew and the other Operators, the rest of the bullets swarming the air around here certainly weren't.

On the front of the house, a window exploded outwards, revealing another ID-SOL, with another rifle, this one with a flashlight mounted below the barrel. He aimed out, found Athrylis and Cyrene, and opened fire, full auto, doing his best to kill both of them.
NOTICE: Further targets detected. Status: Unknown, 80% possibility of being injured.

Bullets sliced the air around her, one or two grazing her skin and piercing the loose pants. Things were getting too hot...and her squad mates were in danger.

Nelew continued moving in random directions until she finally found an opening as the first guard was hit. She bounded over his head and, as he turned around, she darted between his legs and leaped back onto his back. She clutched his head between her knees and aimed both of her stiff-fingered hands, one at each eye socket. Maybe then he would stop firing at her...
Chandler was once again on the roof, doing his damndest to get a shot at tme man he had previously disable.

"C'mon, gimme a window over here..."
"Athrylis!" Cyrene bolted to push Athrylis out of the way, allowing her back to soak up most of the damage. With the exceedingly durable properties of her body, he would have to put much more than a single clip of ammunition into her. The spray of rounds ripped into her mid to left upper back, and damaging her upper left arm as well.

Argh... that idiot Nelew! Didn't she realize that most prostitutes carry weapons? It would have been a simple matter of passing through, and surrendering the weapon to him if he'd asked for it. And of all things, she has to go berserk and leave us behind.

Allowing her cybernetic systems to fine tune her aim, she snapped a razor-sharp durandium stilletto from the confines of her left forearm through her wrist and viciously hurled the pointed dagger at the attacking Red. In the meantime, her right arm motioned to draw her RPB from it's holster.
Lenz opened fire on the muzzle flashing, ID-SOL firing out the window at the girls. This mission had gone sour very quickly due to some malfunction in Nelew's mental capacity. "This is royally fucked, Sir. Trying to clean this up, we have a fire fight," he muttered into his SPK-R.
"Understood. We're mobilizing for a lock-down of your city sector. Keep me informed, Initiate." The note of disappointment in Flins' voice before cutting his end of the comm line was unmistakable.

Miles away, at the IPG headquarters, a team of Britva-covered Operators piled into a Crast chopper. The men were well-armed, Peacekeeper Cudgels and energy rifles visible on them. When the last of six had finally piled in, the door closed, and the grav-assisted chopper lifted off silently, and set off into the night.

In the house, chaos was quickly erupting. The man Chandler had managed to hit in the arm with his rifle had since recovered. The massive man was now crouched behind a wall, his rifle out the window, and firing from cover towards the only other house on the street. It would appear the drum magazine on the bottom of the rifle had plenty of ammo in it.

The guard who had opened fire from the window faced a much graver fate, his left arm and shoulder quite literally torn apart from Lenz's sniper fire, and a knife in his chest from Cyrene's arm. He yelled loudly in pain and ducked back inside, although his rifle fell to the ground from the window.

Meanwhile, the ID-SOL being assaulted by Nelew screamed as his left eye was viciously assaulted by Nelew's hand, his arm being suitably ruined for him to be able to be able to block, although his right eye was spared the same fate. His working arm also came up with the pistol, which he pointed behind his head at the woman before opening fire at where he assumed she was.
"Chandler, we're about to get this block locked down. Take out as many of these assholes as you can before Flins and his men get here," Lenz frowned. Complete failure of this mission bothered him more than anything else. His frown deepened into a grimace as he fired another couple of rounds at his previous target, hoping to blow off the poor fucker's head. "I hope at least one of those fucking girls can find that bastard and kill him."
Nelew withdrew her bloody left hand, her right hand bouncing hard off of the man's arm. Nel's neck twitched as the gun approached position to fire on her, moving her head to one side. The gun discharged, but it was a clean miss.

Her deflected hand, the one aimed at the right eye, shot up to grab the gun and force the barrel down at the guard's own head, her other hand coming up to yank on the trigger once the barrel made contact or came within clear no-miss range of his skull. After watching him fire at her, she now knew the basic operating principles behind the weapon. And, from the damage it had done to the room around her, Nel knew that it would accomplish what she needed right then.
"Athrylis, grab your gun and follow me. We're going to clear out the building before reinforcements arrive. This won't be a total failure." Cyrene bit her lip and raised her RPB, placing both of her hands on the weapon for improved aiming. She sighed, knowing the mission was a failure. Her first in a long time, and of all the missions, it had to be her first official assignment. She retrieved her S-PKR and slipped it back on and resumed communications with Lenz and Chandler.

"Lenz, Chandler? This is Cyrene. Nelew overreacted to one of the guards asking me about my RPB, and she's in the building on a killing spree. Not that she's doing a poor job, but there's the distinct possibility she might get caught off guard by something nasty that she can't dodge or block. We're going in. Cyrene, out."

RPB... remember to fire it at at least 10 feet. If he's any closer, enter melee. The cyborg reminded herself, running into the building with her gun at the ready. The other initiate shouldn't be too far behind.
Athrylis nodded to Cyrene, making a note to thank the other for possibly having saved her meager existence. She picked up her gun, the Zen Armaments CO pistol, which had been knocked out of her hands when Cyrene had unexpectedly pushed Athrylis.

Initiate Adair took a aim at the ID-SOL Nelew was on, just to be sure, though Athrylis kept an eye on the doors to other rooms. This was getting worse by the second.

Athrylis also took out her S-PKR, reactivated it, and put it back in her ear quickly.
"All right ladies, you got at least 10-15 before the big kids come in to secure the block. Hurry up and maybe they won't beat our heads in," Lenz replied gruffily.
Nelew's latest attempt at the ID-SOL's life met with similar failure. Although Nelew was strong, the ID-SOL had plenty of muscle, too. He quickly and easily twisted the gun away, instead aiming for the ceiling, which he fired several rounds into, finally emptying what seemed to have been an inexhaustible clip. The man let go of the weapon before leaping to his feet and propelling himself backwards at an alarming speed, attempting to crush Nelew between himself and a nearby wall, his right arm grabbing her own arm to make it more difficult for her to escape.
The impact the two of them made on the wall sounded like a truck had hit the building.

Fortunately, Nel had never been between the guard's back and the wall; she was instead seated in a kneeling position on his shoulders. There was nothing she could do about his grip on her arm since his hand wouldn't allow her to twist out of the hold and neither could she break her own arm to release it without sufficient leverage, so she remained on the ID-SOL's shoulders with her knees clamped on the sides of his head and hunched over as she endured the impacts.

Just because she wasn't between the wall and the guard when he hit it didn't mean she escaped unharmed, either. Being on his shoulders meant that her own body was parallel with his, when he hit the wall, she hit too, with slightly less force since her mass was lower than his. Her skeleton could withstand the pounding as well as his, but it could only go on for so long before damage became too much.

At this point, all of her training was useless. All she could think about was ending the fight by any means necessary. A knife would have made the battle much shorter, and Nelew dearly regretted leaving that weapon option behind. Instead, her left hand began alternating between pounding heavily on the ID-SOL's trachea, trying to crush it, and clawing at his throat, trying to tear it out. Then she eyed his jugular vein as the man's rage made it stand out against the tendons and muscles of his neck...
Athrylis noticed Nelew having a bit of trouble with the ID-SOL. She rushed over, still keeping an eye out for another enemy combatant coming in, and took her left arm's blade and shoved it as hard as she could at the gut of the ID-SOL. She would have shot at the guard, but hitting Nel by accident wouldn't exactly be a good thing to do, whether or not Nel could block it or not.

Athrylis then took her right arm, aimed at the ID-SOL once more. As she withdrew her left arm, she did something akin to an uppercut with her right arm, blade extended. She aimed right for the soft spot under the head, behind the front of the jaw bone....
"Neis, I've been waiting for you to say that all freakin' night!" Chandler stood up from his hiding place and came to the edge of the roof again, along the way bringing his rifle up and firing a long, sustained burst the whole way to the edge of the roof, aimed at the shooter hidden behind the wall. He slammed into the wall once he arrived, ejected his spent clip and slammed a second into it. Then he twisted up from his hiding spot and drew a bead on the shooter again, and fired another burst.
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