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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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Largely unaware of Athrylis' injuries and knowing that Lenz likely had his situation under control, Cyrene quickly made her way to the doorway of the room the of the shooter taking potshots at Chandler was, and noting that he was too busy firing away at the Initiate to notice her, brought the end of her RPB up. She spent a second or so aiming at him, before unleashing a full magazine of RPB rounds into the center of his back, the aimed spray of gyrojet bullets climbing up to the top of his skull. After emptying out her gun, she ducked behind the wall and reloaded.
The ID-SOL was able to duck out of the way of the skull-smashing bullets, but not before taking several rounds. He swung around, collapsing back and ultimately to his knees, wincing and grunting heavily as the RPB rounds continued to burn and push into his torso, their jets still going. Even as they did so, the massive man found it in him to shoulder his rifle and blast away at the wall concealing Cyrene.

The upper floor of the house looked like it had been mostly appropriated for storage space, with many stains on the carpet from whatever had been moved around, and plenty of boxes. The most noticeable thing, however, would probably be the heavily-wounded ID-SOL attempting to tape the bloody mess that was his left arm up with some medical gauze from a small medkit. His pistol was laying next to his thigh.
Lenz looked at the wounded man unremorsefully as he fired 2 shots into the wounded ID-SOL, aiming for his head without a word. The Initiate simply glared down at his target, largely unconcerned with the ideas of mercy or letting the man survive. He wanted to many very horrible things to these men but settled simply for shooting this one at a very close range.
The man looked up just in time to see the Emrys sniper rifle fire, just having finished sealing a devastated artery. His face didn't show an expression before being punched in by the round. The ID-SOL slumped and died quickly, the stack of boxes behind him was sprayed with a rather chunky red gore, and more seeped from the massive wound in the front of his head, deeply staining the carpet.

The boxes that had absorbed the excess force from the rounds teetered and collapsed over him, hitting the floor and spilling out masses of packing peanuts... packed around what appeared to be a large number of rocket launchers. One of the said devices was partially destroyed by Lenz's shot, although the warhead inside was still luckily intact.

A voice would crackle in Lenz's ear from the SPK-R unit affixed there, the characteristic deep voice of Flins coming over the line.

"Initiate, what is the operation's status? Fully automatic rifle fire generally does not spell out good things for a covert mission." The Captain sounded irritated.
"We have three of the four security guards down. The girls are trying to locate the target. Chandler is working on eliminating the last guard," Lenz replied back as he kicked the ID-SOL's corpse aside as he knelt down to examine the contents of the exposed box. " I have found several boxes of loaded rocket launchers on the upper floor, sir. Do you want me to secure these?"

His eyes scanned the upper floor attentively, trying to make sure there wasn't another person lurking about.
Flins could be heard muttering slightly over the line, followed shortly by a yell in some strange language. It sounded like he had forgotten to switch off his comm fully. His voice came back over the SPK-R.

"It looks like you've just found the primary supply store of the Red insurgency in the city. Leave it be for now, kill the guards. We'll get it soon."
With her pistol reloaded, Athrylis quickly peaked around the corner and fired a few shots toward the wounded ID-SOL, aiming more towards the man's head. After the few shots, the initiate retreated behind the corner.

Back behind the relative safety of two layers of wall, Athrylis took a look at her broken arm. It was probably best that it was cybernetic, otherwise she'd probably be screaming in pain or just passed out from pain and blood loss.
"Just surrender while you still have the chance unless you wanna have a lead sex change!" Chandler moved towards one corner of the roof farther from where the ID-Sol was shooting, closer to the stairwell and (Chandler hoped) better suited for returning fire.
Lenz grunted into the SPK-R, "Roger." He stood up again looking around the boxes for a moment before looking for any other doors that he might need to clear.
Nelwe took two rounds in her right shoulder and one in her left thigh, knocking her a little off balance as she tried to escape the surprise barrage by diving out the front door and putting a wall between herself and the ID-SOL. She was definitely taking notice that firearms were the most popular weapon here. Too bad Alaster hadn't been able to demonstrate on to her.

She tilted her head, then peeked briefly around the door frame toward the first dead guard. His gun was still there...but it was empty, she remembered. No use.
The ID-SOL that Athrylis was firing took another bullet in the throat, one in the eye, and a third in the forehead. He stopped moving, and the gun stopped shooting, leaving a big, dead corpse still leaking blood all over the place as his heart began to shut down.

Upstairs was a single loft. Although there were dozens of the boxes lying around, there were no other rooms.
Lenz satisfied with his examination, went back downstairs looking for the girls, to confirm that their targets were in fact dead and provide some assistance if they weren't.
Chandler was satisfied with himself, but for another reason. Now he was ready to fight back; in a new cover spot. He poked his head up again and looked for the enemy unit, one window at a time.
Athrylis waited a little while after it seemed the ID-SOL's activity had stopped, before she peeked back out. It seemed like he was dead.... She wearily walked to the now hopefully completely dead corpse and stowed away her pistol as she examined it.

Her left blade extended, which she promptly used to slit the throat of the ID-SOL, mostly to make sure he was dead. She also did it out of displeasure of what happened to her arm. She withdrew her blade, redrew her pistol, now wondering where to head next as she stood over the bloody corpse.
Cyrene returned to the basement door, and tapped the wall adjacent to judge what qualities the obstacle might have. A heavy or more muffled sound might indicate thick barriers of concrete, while a more resounding 'ding' might mean that the surface was another metallic slab, disguised with a layer of drywall.
"Can I have someone to cover me while I breach this wall? I don't want to be caught off-guard. I'm by the basement door." Cyrene communicated to the rest of the Initiates, as she slid one of her remaining stiletto daggers from her wrist and into her grip, and using a series of thin slices, made cuts and openings to make removing the wall easier. The cyborg reasoned that if she were to go ahead and smash through the wall, she would make herself vulnerable, which wasn't much of an option.
Lenz quickly found the trail of blood and spent shell casings that indicated that the girls had been through the lower floor. He checked carefully around the corners with his rifle as he looked for targets that might've evaded or hid elsewhere in the house, in the opposite direction of the trail of carnage.

He felt his impatience again, "Girls, report your status. We're short on time. What's your 20 at this current moment? Do you require assistance?" He said quietly into his SPK-R.
Cyrene didn't have much of a hard time slicing through the dry wall. It was, after all, light sheetrock and some wood. If she kept slicing and moving in the same direction long enough, she'd find herself in a bathroom, although still on the same floor. If she turned in the direction of the door, however, she'd find her access impeded by a very solid, very tough piece of titanium, and it wouldn't simply break away like the drywall.
Nel got up and followed Lenz inside without a word, retrieving her SPKR from her boot and sticking it in one of her pockets after turning it on. She could monitor the chatter without leaving the volume above a whisper. There wasn't anything she could do right now except watch his back.
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