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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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As Cyrene began digging through the wall, the ID-SOL she had apparently forgotten about waltzed right to the corner, peaked around, leveled his heavy machinegun at the woman, and held down the trigger, letting of a very real and very lethal stream of rounds at the cybernetic-laden Initiate.
Lenz heard the gunfire and his eyes narrowed. He hurried to the other side of the house to investigate, he didn't like the notion that they had missed splattering one of the guard's brains across the floor. He kept his rifle up at his shoulder at ready to fire if the gunfire was a guard still giving resistance.
Athrylis was on the move as soon as she heard the heavy machingun fire. Turning a corner here, a corner there, it was only a brief amount of time before she saw the ID-SOL. She would dash at the huge man, hoping he was too distracted with firing to notice her, get behind him, and try to unleash the rest of her magazine into the top of the neck, into the back of the man's head.
Athrylis was rather lucky in her attack. The guard hadn't been absorbed enough to not notice her, but he hadn't turned enough to actually get an attack in on her by the time the bullets collided at high speed with the side of his head. With a wide spray of gore, the last ID-SOL guard collapsed, dead.
Lenz came around the corner as he saw the bloody mess of the last ID-SOL guard fall to the floor. His eyes widened for a moment in dismay at the blood splattered mess of Athrylis. He did say anything for a moment and placed another bullet into what was left of the guard's head for good measure. His jaw tightened as his expression hardened again.

He knelt down beside Cyrene and appraised the mess of her back. "Initiate, you still alive?" He gentle place his organic hand on her neck to feel for a pulse. "If we need to blow this door... but first Nelew, you have any medical training?" He looked at the woman who had started following him curiously before looking back at the other girl, who hurt for him to look at right now, "M..Athrylis... you functional still?"
Athrylis turned to look at Lenz with a rather blank stare and nodded. "I am fine." For the most part anyway.

She glanced over at Cyrene wondering if she was okay and Athrylis was also a bit dissapointed at herself for not going to help when the cyborg had requested.

Athrylis kneeled down, reloading her pistol once more as she had done before.
"I'll live, I guess." Cyrene groaned painfully, her voice tinged with a slightly metallic resonance. Blueish liquid leaked from her wounds, which began initiating preliminary repairs. It would take her hours to completely fix herself, but in about a minute, she'd be able to move again. The bullets had caused serious damage to her back and legs, but she had been spared a potentially lethal wound to the head by a bit of luck and dodging on her part.
Lenz rather ungraciously grabbed a piece of the construction worker's coveralls and ripped the fabric off his body with his strong, cybernetic left hand. He held the tattered uniform in his hand and looked down at the injured cyborg, with what almost looked like kindness. "We'll stop the bleeding and field dress you as best as we can. I think I can breech that metal door with my rifle or with one of those rocket launchers in the shit pile upstairs but I need ya'll clear of it so you don't get hit with bits."
Nelew nodded to Lenz's inquiry to her medical knowledge, but he seemed to have it in hand. Noticing their conversation had turned to the wall, Nel scanned it. Easily handled, she thought. With Cyrene's initial perforations, it was clear that they didn't want it busted open...but then Lenz was suggesting using rockets. Did it not matter?

"What should I do?" she asked.
Lenz offered Nelew the large handful of torn dark blue fabric, "Stabilize Cyrene and bind as many of her wounds as you can. Then we'll move her out of the way. "

He moved away from Cyrene to allow Nelew a better chance to get close so he could quickly examine the door. "Athyrlis, keep an eye out- someone might be kicking around."
Feeling content that his job was over, Chandler sprinted off the roof and tracked the trail of destruction back to Lenz and the girls. He radioed in on the SPK-R-

"Lenz, this is Chandler. I'm coming back around to you guys, the perimeter should be secure now."
"Right, keep an eye out as you cross. Don't want to attract any more attention than we have already. Can you check around the back of the house on the outside? I haven't cleared it yet," Lenz half ordered half-asked as he considered their situation.
"Confirmed, Lenz." Chandler's approach was tenatively quiet and careful as he reached the front of the house. Finally, he reached the rear corner of the building and peeked around towards the back of the building.
Nelew took the cloth and nodded, then knelt down beside Cyrene and began cleaning and dressing the damage that had been done to the cyborg initiate. She did a very thorough job and ran out of cloth, so she began removing strips from the nearest guard's clothes to use.

Meanwhile, Nel's own wounds had already formed heavy brownish-red clots around the bullets and along the impact walls, sealing the holes until she could heal herself later. The clots had formed immediately, or so it seemed since there were only a few drops of dried blood on her clothes around the holes.
Lenz waited for Nelew to mostly be done before slinging his rifle on his back and kneeling down beside the young Veles. "Cyrene, we need to move you to the other room. You ready?" He cracked his knuckles on his organic hand idly as he waited for the woman's response.
Initiate Adair nodded to Lenz, and restood once her gun was reloaded. "Understood." She gripped her pistol tightly as she kept watch. She paced back and forth along the corridor and around the general area, still keeping within sight range of the others. She did a quick infrared sweep around, looking for any nearby hostiles.
"Yes, I think so." Cyrene glanced up at Lenz, her expression grateful, but slightly perplexed. The cyborg stood up shakily, but with surprising grace for someone that had been riddled with bullet holes minutes earlier and moved away from the wall she had been propped up against. Her clothing was now riddled with holes and stained with a few dried splotches of a dark blue-ish ichor.
"Nelew, help her," Lenz instructed as he watched the women move out of the way. He repositioned his rifle in his hands and set it to a full charge. He stood about five feet away from the metal door and waited for the charge light to come on. He raised it easily up to his shoulder, sighting what appeared to be the door's handle. He waited for the light to come on.
Nel nodded and carefully picked up Cyrene, taking her back to the entryway. There Cyrene could keep watch, be out of the way, and not be terribly worried that the building would fall down on top of her.

After making sure that the injured initiate was comfortable, Nel returned to Lenz.
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