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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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Alaster took the gorey scene in with mild indifference. The occasional burst of machine gun fire could be heard by the Initiate as he looked around, remembering what Lenz had just said. There wasn't any rocket launchers on this floor...

Upstairs? He thought to himself. The man had thought the smaller Initiate ment ground level considering he was basement level. Alaster walked around the house, pistol ready, ever alert as he finally found the stairs, taking cautious steps up, trying to ignore the echoing sounds of the machine gun. His foot slipped a little on one step, and he saw and to an extent smelled blood. Going all the way up, he found the massive body of an ID-SOL.

He opened one of the boxes, finding one of what he was looking for and took it out. And for good measure he grabbed extra ammo. He shouldered it, and stumped down stairs the weapon being held aloft in firing position as his other hand gripped his pistol, and the ammo being carried on a makeshift shoulder strap.

"Lenz, I'm on my way down with a rocket launcher. As soon as I have the perp in my sights I'm taking the shot. You know what to do I hope." Alaster informed the shorter man as he soon began to cautiously make his way towards where the sound of the gunfire was coming from.
Lenz grinned as he tried to return the target's weapon fire again, just trying to bide some time. He hissed to Nelew, "Watch yourself."
"Yes sir."

Nel nodded as she returned short bursts of suppression fire interspersed with the occasional attempt at a snipe shot toward the target. With his wild firing, it was rather easy to avoid the man's shots. Just a matter of keeping him from having enough time to aim, as well as keeping an eye on where his barrel was pointed and staying away from those areas.
Chandler sprinted upstairs, barging straight past Alastair. "Sorry!" He said, then grabbed a rocket launcher and dissappeared towards the basement, arriving about a minute later.

"Where do you need it?"
Lenz pointed a finger in the direction of the muzzle fire in the basement. "That way!" He scrambled to move up the stairs to get out of the radius that'd really hurt from that rocket launcher. "Nelew, pull back," he muttered into his SPK-R.
"Roger that." In a matter of seconds, Chandler had loaded, primed and readied the rocket launcher and trained it in the general direction of the muzzle fire.

"C'mon, Nelew... Pull back so you don't fuck up something else..."
Alaster made his way down and came up right by Chandler and shook his head.

"Next time watch where you're going, I have live ammo strapped to my shoulder, had you knocked me over we could've both been killed." He frowned and peered around the corner seeing the man firing wildly.

He spoke in his SPK-R then to Nelew. "Nelew, go for cover now." He ordered in an urgent sounding voice indicating both himself and Chandler were carrying the rockets.

Alaster brought up the targeting reticle and looked over to Lenz. "Lay down suppression fire." He ordered, since the guy was hiding, there was a chance he'd survive a direct bombardment. Hince why he brought spare ammo. Alaster waited a full two seconds, and thumbed the primer, and stepped out, ready to fire, his finger right on the trigger before he pulled it, and then watched as the rocket lept out of it's tube. The Initiate then ducked behind a wall, covering his ears.
Nel's SPK-R was still in her pocket, and the whisper-level volume wasn't getting over the sound of gunfire very well. But she did hear Alaster trying to tell her to find cover...and the rocket slid by her head...

What is this? she wondered, watching it pass by. It looked like a very long bullet. With fire coming out of the back. It was aimed at the enemy, but Alaster's last order made it sound like this wasn't going to just hit the enemy, she realized. She needed to put space between herself and wherever this thing hit.

The initiate got up and dashed back toward the entrance to the basement.
The table that was concealing Smith stood for about a nanosecond before turning into a wave of slag and shrapnel, propelled at high-speed by the massive explosion. The wave of destruction also sent plenty of concussive force back towards any Operator unfortunate enough to not be behind substantial cover.

The smoke, fires, and dust made it almost impossible to see what was on the other side of what was once a table from where the Initiates were.
Lenz turned back from back around the wall with his rifle raised as he descended the stairs again, he looked through his scope again, trying to find Smith... whatever of him was left. "HEY MOTHERFUCKER, ready to give yourself up yet?!"
Alaster strained his ears to hear if the man was still alive or in the process of dying. He loaded another rocket into the tube, and pulled one of his pistols out and peered around the corner.

He however remained in the safety of cover unlike Lenz, even blind fire from such dust and smoke could be deadly.
Coughs could be heard from behind the screen of smoke and flame. With them came quiet, incomprehensibly mumbling. There was obviously something behind there. If the initiates cleared the smoke, they would find a bloody, broken Smith, missing an arm, blind in both eyes, and leaking red fluid all over the floor. His body looked like it had fallen in a meat grinder.
Alaster stepped out from behind his cover and edged forward, leaving the rocket launcher behind. He followed the sound of the coughing, and faint mumbling, his pistol drawn, and in front of him.

He looked to Lenz, and silently signaled he was moving forward and into the smoke. If that guy had survived, he was incredibly lucky...and incredibly unlucky all at the sametime. The Initiate stepped forward slowly, careful to avoid the flames as he moved as silently as he could, following his ears as he heard the coughing.
Lenz nodded and followed after Alaster's lead with his rifle raised looking for Smith to put a bullet into the dying man's brain to make the mission complete.
Somehow, despite his ruined body, Smith heard the approaching men. He moved his head, just barely, in their direction.

"... Help... me... oh please... help me...." He groaned pathetically.
Lenz's expression remained cold as he waited for Alaster to make the kill- the squad leader was standing in front of him and he felt that Alaster might want to make the kill. He didn't say anything as he simply waited, his rifle raised and at ready in case something prevented Alaster from taking the shot.
Nel was thrown forward by the blast, absorbing most of the impact by rolling and coming to a stop upright on one knee, her confiscated gun held against her chest during the roll and aimed back down the hallway after the blast cleared. Her ears rang, but the ringing slowly dissipated.

Looking back down the hallway toward the fire and scorched material where Smith was, she decided to stay back until someone told her to do otherwise.
Chandler balanced the RL lube on his left shoulder and twirled the pistol on his right hand nonchalantly.

"That's what you get!"
Alaster merely looked down at the broken body of the man. His face was impassive as he heard the pleas. He raised his pistol and aimed for the man's head. A quick, and relatively painless death it would be. Despite him being an enemy Alaster alway had shown his enemy at least some small measure of respect.

"I can't help you, I'm sorry." He replied to Smith his face blank as he put two bullets into the man's skull.
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