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Interest Check Joint Datass Taskforce


The Gunman
Hey guys, so I wanted to see if you guys would be intrested in this. The plot centers around the creation of the Joint Datass Taskforce (JDT). It is kind of like if NATO had its own independent military force, acting in the intrest of its members nations.

The plot will take place aboard the JDTS Stiletto. The first several PCs will take the place of Department head like: Tactical, Navigation, Helm, Chief of the Air Group (CAG), Medical, Engineering, security... etc. If we get more than they can be placed in to one of the departments.

Is any body intrested or have questions? Feel free to ask.

Here is the link to the Wiki page. Link
Well it'll only have Nepleslian and Lor units in it, since Yamatai is no longer in it. So you'd have to talk to - oh you're an FM now. And you already accounted for the missing Yamatai. Huh. And it already has approval FM approval. Wow, you were prepared, huh?

Well, good luck.
Haha. Thanks Mog
This looks somewhat cool, but I want to verify it's more than just... ship and combat, I guess? I'd be up for jumping onboard (more isn't bad with the pacing most people hold), but I'm not exactly trying to find myself in something that doesn't allow more than just generic Shonen-esque development.
No, there is also the fact that JDT will be fought on many Political fronts. Getting bogged down in diplomacy as well as red tape for the rising military power
Yes. That would be awesome. You can choose to play the part of senior officers, Spec Ops unit attached to the ship, Diplomat, etc.
He was a tanker in the army, but its been a while since I roleplayed him, so we can say he went through officer school or something.
Hmm...we'll see what other people want, but that could be cool. he's also a computer hacker, so that's why I was thinking systems, but I don't really know the Nep Navy position for that.
If you guys need a political officer/relations officer, I can handle it maybe?
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