Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Just playing along.

One of the other people in the billet looked up at the book dropping. "Yo, Lorenzo. That thing even know what a letter is? She been looking at that page for a while." The woman pulled a basic skills text book out of her kit. "My nephew was doing bad in Nepleslian. I got this book for him. Well he wont be needing it. Structural collapse, his house fell on him. See is she even knows what letters are before giving her that gun manual." She walked over and dropped the data card on the bunk beside Lahiri. A few quick gestures and Lahiri picked it up and started playing it though. "Well that settles that." The woman walked back to her bunk to watch.
Within minutes the primer was done. Then the various publishings. She continued to read. Her eyes scanned down the page as if recorded by computer. She finished the papers within an hour. She looked up at Lorenzo. "Thank you. I do not quite understand your cultures, but.. some of the information was very interesting." She looked at the book on maintaining a pistol. "Am I to learn that as well?" Her movements were small, as if she were afraid of being chastized.
She laughed, the attempts to lock her out from the ships controls were pitiful to one such as her. Booting up the more powerful sensor array and computer, while simultaneously sending code into the pirate ship using an indirect line. As one of the most powerful hackers, she was easily able to completely lock out any human input into the ship at all. Compounding this was the relatively low tech aspects of the pirate ship, which made the lockdown all that much easier. Knowing that this would take about a minute to complete, she fired up the engines located in the back of the wreck she was flying, and maneuvered in back of the derelict vessel. Systems on teh pirate vessel shut down one by one. The first to go was the sensors, then the engines, then the weapons. After she had the ship completely under her control, she sent the bridge crew a message. "That was so much fun," she laughed, "perhaps you could use some help! I'll be right there." And with that, she directed the flying junk/ship into a docking course with the pirate ship. She wondered what kind of welcome she would receive.
ON> Charmer's Luck-Bridge

"What the hell?" The tech sentry muttered from his post. Vincent cocked a red-eyed gaze his way. "What is it, Lieutenant?"

"We're locked out from all systems! Sensors are down; engine output has fallen from 100 over 100 to 10 over 100 (100% to 10%) and all portside batteries have shut down."

"We're being attacked. Put the ship on red alert, every able-bodied soldier get to their PAs now and secure docking areas A through D!" Vincent was now relaying orders precisely and without indecision.

ON> Charmer's Luck- Bunking Compartments

Red lights on the cielings flared along with the shrill blare of a Claxon alarm. Lorenzo's head shot up towards the cieling. "Lahiri, stay here. We're going to have a problem, really fast." With that, he sprinted out of the bunkrooms towards the cargo hold where the PAs were stored.

In a matter of minutes, the full complement of Charmer's Luck- from engineers to galley cooks to tech sentries to the captain himself- were gathered at each of the frigate's four docking areas.

"Get ready; we don't know what is going to happen. Safeties off, people." Vincent ordered.
The docking areas were silent, except for the rustles of clothing that the occupants of the pirate vessel were wearing. Suddenly, one of these such doors opened and a large metal claw extended itself through the opening. It waggled up and down, seemingly waving at the group stationed there. A junker native to the Free State made its ungainly way into the corridor. A modified voice rang through the corridor, "Hello, crew of the Charmer's Luck. I certainly had some fun with your ship. I'm sure you cannot begrudge me for having some fun. Oh, where are my manners," The lights came back on, and all controls were restored to the vessel. "My name is Nahaile. Glad to meet all of you. Please engage your safeties and I will come out and meet you face to face." Nahaile giggled a little.
"Uhh..." Vincent had never interacted with a Freespacer before; only heard rumors. He remained nervous but continued relaying orders nevertheless.

"All teams, stand down. Safeties off but be ready to fire should things go south."
All the men heard a hiss as the junker's top screwed off and thunked to the floor. A woman wearing mostly red and black, with the exception of her white undershirt, clearly visible as it was sticking out in places, exited the junker. She had all sorts of gaudy jewelry hanging from her and her hands seemed odd at first glance. At closer inspection, they were, in fact, robotic. She clapped these hands together and smiled, "Well done, clearer heads prevailed! So, how did you like my show? And what would you be called?"
Vincent stepped forward from the group of armored soldiers, cradling his Type 1 in metallic hands. "I'm Vincent Harrison, captain of the Charmer's Luck. And you're lucky we haven't shot you on the spot; as we do not take kindly to hackers invading our computer network."
Nahaile cocked her head, as if not understanding, then smiled, "Ah yes, those without the skill do not find it fun. I am sorry that you weren't able to enjoy my games. Perhaps I could repay you by lending you some of my skills. First though, why don't you direct me to Lahiri. I wish to speak with her."
"Lahir- Oh, you mean our new crew member. Follow me." Vincent ordered his crew to part and beckoned for Nahaile to follow, hefting the weight of his Type 1 onto his back and un-hooking his helmet, revealing his blonde hair and red eyes.
Nahaile was impressed, the man did not show much reaction to her knowing who the newest treasure of the Charmer's Luck was. She had, of course been tapping their network, hearing everything worth hearing since before the derelict ship had exploded, or rather, destroyed. "Well done, Captain Vincent of the Charmer's Luck, you make those men obey you with such vigor. But of course you know the best state is consensual anarchy; everyone works for the common good without being told that they need to. That is why I like pirates best, and best of all pirates like your crew. You do not overindulge in power, nor debauch yourselves in 'booty'".
Lahiri lay curled up on the bunk she had been given. All the books lay neatly stacked by the bunk. The book on cleaning the pistol lay right where it had been deposited. She had drifted into a soft slumber. When the door slid open, Lahiri looked up quickly to see who was entering. Neither person she knew, she placed her head back on her pillow and relaxed.
"Well, here she is." Vincent stood in the corridor outside, gun held at parade rest.

"Make it fast, please. We have business to attend to- namely evading the patrol craft that's lurking around here somewhere."
Nahaile smiled, "I would be happy to help you find that ship as soon as I finish here. In fact, I'll have some fun toying with it!"

"First though," Nahaile pointed at Lahiri, "As a seeker of data, I am very interested to know what you are. There are some things about you that just don't add up." She cocked her head. "Hmmm. I heard the conversations made about you, and while I know you don't know much of this language, you could at least tell us something?"

Nahaile realized she was babbling, but really didn't care very much. "Well I suppose that I could help you learn the language, but you had better tell us something worth learning afterward." She said the last with a smile.
"What are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here?" Nahaile said, "if you are not able to tell me, then I will be forced to stay on this ship until I get an answer out of you." And with that she giggled and waited for a response.
What are you?

Lahiri mimicked the strangers voice perfectly, then shrugged, "I know no word in your language to say."

Where did you come from?

Lahiri grinned broadly, "Silver ship land and take me from Gorma fields."

Why are you here?

Lahiri nodded, "Servant, was given to Lo'Ren'so. I do what he tell me." She moved to a seated position, still bonelessly positioned, but now sitting upright.
Without thanking the girl at all, the freespacer turned quickly away, mumbling the answers that she had extracted from the girl. As Nahaile came upon Vincent, she said, "Well that certainly is going to give me something to think about. In fact, after helping you find that pesky patrol craft out there, I shall toy with it while pondering what I have learned. While I have their attention, you go in with your toys and do what you do to their kind. We will start immediately."

Nahaile stalked off towards her junker, where her powerful computer and sensor array were stored.
"Nahaile, I like the way you think." Vincent cradled the Type 1 in his arms and locked his helmet back onto his head, then hacked back into his PA system.

"Attention all teams, this is your captain. We have the assistance of a hacker as of right now. So we're mounting an attack on that patrol craft. Do the usual workover- raid, steal the tech and PAs or vehicles, then wipe the craft data and kill anyone raising a gun at you."