Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

SYNC Kwabba-an/Kyle


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 43
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

I am on my way back to join my crewmates. As expected, I miss you. I look forward to playing you again. Next time I will bring recording equipment, or we will book some time in a recording studio.

I am not sure when next we will meet. Until then, I shall hold on to the feather I took from you and think of you fondly. Remember that I am your Queen, Kwabba-an.

OOC: @Dragon_God
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

Yeah, I was recently deployed to the YSS Mazu after the Dragons were destroyed at Glimmergold. So I'll be doing my work there till our mission is done. I hope to see you soon! Heh... try not to lose the feather then, can't exactly send a replacement till we meet again.

I got to go now- Talk to you later!
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

I am so sorry to hear about your Dragons. I cannot imagine how upset I would have been if something had happened to my Presurgence. I was upset enough just seeing them under attack.

If I lose this feather, I will retrieve another. Possibly several, in case I make it a habit to lose them.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

I try not to think about it, it hurts my brain... memory problems. Just don't get hurt okay? Don't need to get the memo that you got injured.

Heh- try not to lose it then... Or do, that may just give more incentive to see each other again. *Short pause* I've been spending time watching Yamatai rotate, really makes my day. *Laughter follows* I looked into some of the new weapons made by Ketsurui Fleet Yards, seeing what I want to do with my new projects. I didn't know that you were a part of the development of the Aether Whip! Never thought they'd make something like that, to be honest! I look forward to testing it out whenever I get the chance!
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Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

My memory of the battle is as vague as the muffled sound of music heard through a thick wall, so I understand what you mean. I will try to be as safe as possible while I perform my duties.

Your joke about watching Yamatai rotate making your day pleased me. It was not funny, but it was clever. This pleases me.

I am very bad with guns and enemy combatants are usually too far away for my aether blades. I sent a message to the Ketsurui Fleet Yards suggesting that they make something that would let me bring an enemy into melee range. They built a prototype that I haven't been able to use yet. I suspect you would not find it easy to use. It weighs more than I do. It is primarily intended for those with superhuman strength.

I made two simple mockups of the weapon, one short one made of bass guitar strings and the other measuring the full 7.6 metres and made of utility rope. If you please me, then I will bring them when we next see each other and you will learn the proper technique for their use. If you continue to please me, I may even reward you by letting you use one of them.

On the subject of seeing each other, you will see me if and when it pleases me. You have not been addressing me properly, which displeases me. You will have to be punished. And I have an idea for something for you to wear that will remind you to whom you belong.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

Heh, well I'm glad you like the joke. Not sure how I feel about being punished though, your highness- *An anxious laugh is audible before tricking off into silence* Good thing I still have that box of... yeah. Oh- speaking on instruments, what's your favorite one to use? I'm a bit curious to know more about what you like to do. Bit hard to read you if I'm to be honest.

I'll have to inspect the specs on that at a later time, there's not enough power going into the engines to power the propulsion... Sorry if I'm a tad distracted, I'm working on a VR model of a project I have been working on for a few years. It's something I hope to propose to hopefully show my worth as an engineer. So I'm doing a bit of multitasking here, And by the way, I'm not going to let you down for trying to bite off my *Whistles*. Although the slightly embarrassed look on your face was quite a joy to see. Even if you did scare the pants off of me, not like I had any on but- you know.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

Addressing me as such pleases me. If you continue to please me, then no punishment will be necessary. Perhaps even a reward will be in order. We shall see.

It is very difficult to say which instrument is my favourite. Do you have a favourite tool? Perhaps you do, but to me, each instrument holds within it a song that only it can sing perfectly. If the instrument has strings, I can sometimes even coax it out.

I will allow your distraction for the purpose of showing your worth, as this pleases me.

With regards to almost biting you, I do sincerely apologize. Very rarely have I lost control of myself like that. I was momentarily overcome with something....instinctual. This is no excuse. How can I control my subject if I cannot control myself? I will do better next time.

Your Queen,
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

Hey, hey, don't worry about it Kwabba-an! I'm still alive right? I was just yanking your chain!

When it comes to tools, no, I don't have a favorite. I just use what I use, I have preferences, but I wouldn't call them 'favorite tools'. But I can see what you mean, I was just wanted to ask because I figured you at least played one the most. I personally like the piano, used to play the one back when I was in school, never when anyone was around anyway. Except for when the musical teacher walked in on me singing- *Chuckling* She wanted me to join chorus, but my parents wouldn't let me participate. So I just stayed with practicing every so often when I wasn't studying...

Yeah, those days were not fun, I think the Second Mishhuvurthyar War had only ended a few years prior... I can still recall the- nevermind. It was just a crummy time, let's leave it at that. I didn't make any friends besides me, myself, and I. Who was all I needed, until YE 40. But I rather not go into that whole plethora of drama.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

Your story pleases me. You will sing for me when next we meet.

The instrument that I use the most would be the guitar. There is much music written for it spanning the widest array of musical styles. This pleases me. I abhor the restraints imposed by genre.

Physiology is also a major factor. As you may have noticed, I have a natural aptitude for instruments that require precise fingering. My unique oral physiology makes it difficult to play instruments that involve the mouth in any way. When I have time, I enjoy creating instruments that only someone with four arms can play. There are few like me, so I feel a responsibility to find the perfect songs within these neglected instruments. If I do not, who will?

Discussing my physiology reminds me that I ought to visit my parents next time I am on Yamatai. You may accompany me if you wish. I love my family dearly. They always understand and support me. It was with a heavy heart that I left them to enlist, but I had begun to feel that something was missing by simply living with them and playing sessions and gigs. I suppose I was looking to grow my family, in some sense.

What is your family like?
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

I do not have a family, almost everyone I'm related to is dead. My sole family remaining is a cousin with who I stay in questionable contact. Our lines of work prevent us from talking, along with other things. *A long silence followed* He's a mute, so we can't talk even if we wanted to, not traditionally anyway.

As for your invitation, I would let you be the one who determines whether I go or not. Not sure how your parents would respond to a man without parents or family-
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

I am sorry about your family. I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel. I wish I knew something comforting to say, but everything sounds wrong in the ear of my mind.

Your deference to my will pleases me. This is as it should be.

That said, I do not follow your reasoning. Why should they think less of you because you are without parents or family? My mother is without her colony and without her people. She carries a great sadness, but she is not herself lesser for her loss. She demonstrates great strength through her persistence in the midst of such adversity.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

I- Don't be sorry about it, it happens sometimes, it's probably for the best anyhow. What family I had left me a long time ago. And, I didn't mean to disrespect you or your mother. Where I grew up, parents would arrange their children, and I was the one who had 'absent' or no parents. I assumed that practice was normal, so not having a family to add was not attractive or appealing...

You said that you missed your family? What are they like? I think I recall you telling me that your mother was a queen. Yeah- that night was mostly a blurred mess with what happened later, heh, sorry. Wish I remembered more.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

Where did you grow up? I do not understand what it means for parents to arrange their children. You will explain.

My mother is the Queen Before Me. She was the First Among Queens. Her colony was an example to others. But it was not enough to prevent The Great Disharmony, which brought The Sudden Cold. My mother alone survived in suspended animation until she was discovered by a small crew. That crew included my father, a geneticist, who was fascinated by her. They learned to communicate with one another and eventually fell in love. My father dedicated himself to expressing this love through the creation of offspring, an effort that would eventually produce me.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

I grew up on Tami before the First Mishhuvurthyar War, my parents were better then, they weren't so abusive. I even had a friend, she was... she was awesome. It all went away once the war broke out, and I survived the attack. Sakura, I'm not sure. I haven't seen her since. I miss her, she was the best memory of my younger life.

Mm, yeah so, I'm not that great at explaining it but, I'll try. It's when parents arrange for their children to be in relations with each other. Setting up for marriage. I of course never having that experience since lack thereof. I suppose that was for the best as well, Fuzen would have only made everything worse. Glad that whatever we are is more, natural? Heh, kind of used to more dominant women now I guess. As for your dad, I can a hundred agree with his appeal, he made the right call if you ask me. *Soft laughter*
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

I see the wisdom in this. On the World That Was, my mother might have insisted that I take males from powerful rival colonies that we might increase our own power. As it stands, there are no colonies so I may do as I please.

You are right, it is natural for men such as yourself to be subservient to their Queen. I am pleased that you see this.

You will tell me more of this Tami and Sakura.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

Sorry, I don't think that I can tell you much, Tami was a forest world. I mean, trees, everywhere. So lumber was a massive thing everyone worked in, my parents included. I was- not fed, so I would hang out with the few friends I had to get food. Parents thought I was a burden and needed to earn my keep. So I had to save food whenever they did give me any. Rations before military rations I guess. *Nervous laughter* I always played soldier with them, I wanted to be a Mindy pilot and fight, 'The Evils of the Empire! All shall perish before me and the Empress! I will live forever-" *Further laughter* Ah man, I regret some of the things my friend's parents recorded me saying.

As for Sakura, she was the only one who I ah... I guess liked me. She'd play soldier and feed me the most. We even made tree forts together off in the woods - Then get in trouble for trespassing on the corporate property when we got a little too curious. Her mother was in the SAoY, so I never got to see her, but her dad was cool. He thought of me as his 'Son to be'. Which always made me flare up red... She's my best friend, even if we haven't seen her since the war, I still have hope she's out there somewhere... It's been hard for me to... meet new people, let alone make friends.

Does that answer your question? *Whispering* Void, I really don't want to go into the 'Flotilia' Story... That game was dumb.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

Tami sounds wonderful. To have trees everywhere would be marvellous. The finest instruments are made of wood. There is nothing that can compare with its resonance. I understand that the World That Was had little in the way of moisture or surface vegetation.

It is very well to play at being a Mindy pilot. I can say firsthand that piloting a Mindy is great fun. To control such power is intoxicating.

Sakura cared for you in the manner that you deserved. I am sure she would have made a fine Queen for you. I would like to have met her. Perhaps someday I will.

That did answer my question. Very well done. You will be rewarded.

My curiosity will not abide you bringing up the subject of the 'Flotilia' Story without further explanation, regardless of your desire to do so.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

The thing was just some game we came up with, would be fun to see it be done as a team bonding activity though- *Laughter*

So what made you want to enlist into the Star Army though and not become a full time musician? Just always surprises me when people say they join the military and join a not common occuption. I personally don't think I've ever meet a Musician
Transcript of Audio Message
From: !Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi
To: Kyle Dee

A full-time musician is something of a rarity. Before I enlisted, I played gigs like the one you saw at the Airlock. These were usually rare occasions when another musician cancelled at the last minute and the venue needed a replacement. These usually paid a flat rate which was fairly good, except at the Airlock which pays almost nothing. These gigs gave me a lot of flexibility and control but were very sporadic.

Whenever I could, I played sessions as well. These were like having a full-time job for a single day. A studio would call us in and have us play bits and pieces that they wanted to mix into whatever they were working on. This was usually for pop songs or film scores. These sessions gave me no flexibility or control over what I played. They usually didn't even give the music in advance. If we were lucky we, the musicians, could get into the studio early and have a practice session among ourselves at least of the first few pieces. On the bright side, they paid for a full day of work, though usually at a worse rate than a gig.

During a gig, I met a couple of soldiers who are now my crewmates: Tatsugami Kozakura and Sanda Hoshi. We talked with each other longer than I had talked to anyone else besides my parents. They each had stories of why they had enlisted. I realized that I felt I was missing a sense of community that they both had. I had my parents but nobody else. I was terrified, of course, but they had given me hope that I could have the kind of family I felt I was missing. I enlisted soon thereafter. I have never met another soldier with the musician occupation, though I am sure they must exist.

Now you will tell me why you enlisted.
Transcript of Audio Message
From: Kyle Dee
To: Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi.

Because I had to, it was the only hope, dream I had left.

After I lost everything on Tami, I spent every day of my life to prepare myself for the military. No matter how hard they broke me, no matter how starved I got, I was determined to serve. There was a time in my life when I was taken to the NDC where I considered being a civilian- but that was crushed when they left me to die. When I was revived and finished rehab, I went back home to Yamatai and enlisted as soon as I could. At least here I have brothers and, well- mostly sisters who fight for me and I in turn fight for them.

I have little left keeping me going, but that's not going to drag me down from trying to become a Tiasho. Then from there, I serve till I cannot. Who knows, maybe I get married again or have kids! *chuckles* But I know that's a long way away... To just keep it simple, I want to show everyone that even a Human can climb to the top, I want to be the best- I'll augment myself chemically and cybernetically if needed, but I still want to keep me, me.

I ah, I never got the chance to say that to anyone before... I know I left parts out, but I tried to keep it short enough to digest. Sorry if I dumped too much-