@OsakanOne Why is the conversation being scattered? Because Rizzo is interfering and making it go in directions it doesn't need to. Oddly enough, my last post heaped a lot of praise and optimism in your concept. I guess somehow you didn't see it, or can't appreciate it.
I'm trying to gauge out of thin air what problems you're having. Alchemy has never been my strong suit and I'm a mind-reader either.
Rizzo. It's just not effective to go and write something, and be countered with constant "but I think it's fine" that actually bring very little that's constructive to the conversation. If I didn't need to waste my time on that, I could actually have the time to delve into it deeper and reread a lot of stuff I've already read and think more about implications and presentations for you. This isn't my submission, dammit. I shouldn't have to take responsibility for it, and here I am doing exactly that.
Why are you even bringing this up? This isn't remotely relevant to the discussion. I'm only interested in getting this thing ship shape.
Because, Rizzo. I'm coming clean on stuff he's implying. Appreciate the honesty, dammit. I don't have to take the time to write this stuff.
The problem here is more the stigma you've accured overtime than anything else. Basically, we're given something very convoluted to judge if we want in the setting or not and the reaction is: "Okay, where's the catch?"
THIS is what a machine looks like. This is the kind of page roleplayers will be dealing with specifically. Lots of pictures. Lots of simple explanations. The template/guide page I've got is specifically for GMs and people who are interested in making their own units.
Why is this my first time seeing this pushed to the fore? This is actually not so bad - the thing that bothers me the most about it at first glance is the placeholder pictures. It's look-wise not my style of mecha, but I can see why people would think it'd be cool. I haven't delved in it too much, but it seems like an okay page (with hefty paragraphs, but still okay). I really like that there are lots of pictures.
Okay, time to reorient this conversation.
The original article Osaka submitted isn't a submission per se, and more like a technical manual for units he intends to build on a certain basis. It has more to do with the NH-7's document than an actual wiki entry. By itself, the NH-7 document would be an awful wiki page because it packs waaaaaay too much detail, but it's a cool thing to read if you actually play a neko and want more indept information on how an earlier model kind of worked. I'd judge the 200-series the same way.
Meaning, essentially, that as long as all the pieces of technology included in the Decimator are approved that there should be much less problem
approving the Decimator itself.
@OsakanOne ...that you're going to have to allow us to have a bit of tunnel vision. You took this:
>Which I think isn't high because OsakanOne probably wrote this with the mindset of "this is the kind of unit I'd love to RP with"
out of context, but even with the 'long' list of people (which I don't actually think it means a lot, but it was kind of beyond the point I was making anyways), I did not think that your 200-series article was well adapted to a wider audience. I still don't, but that's because you have a stepping stone missing - that's what I now think. I think the Decimator serves as that, because it should've been what was submitted in the first place, with the unit, after approval, receiving another article who'se purpose was to go over all the gritty details.
I still think the 200-series article is really convoluted, but I'm kind of okay with that if it's meant to be some bible and not the common point of reference for roleplayers and GMs alike. It's not like the NH-7 text is really any better. The way I see it, the moment the Decimator is approved, this 200-series article is just as good as insta-approved (because I could be blamed about reading comprehension, but I am reading, dammit. I'm doing this instead of boiling tons of armor of some mech in front of my crosshairs in Mechwarrior Online, or getting more sleep). Now, the question is: do I talk about the Decimator here, or does the Decimator get its own thread?
In either case, if you find yourself with some idle time, I'd like to see: a paintover of the Decimator; less placeholder pictures. Why? Because I'm interested in seeing more.