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OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

...and I'd like to know what you've gotten planned beyond this.

Character development. Lots of it. She's actually a sort of experiment based on what I've gleamed from the methods of my favorite authors - mostly Stephenson, Gibson, Tenessee Williams, Tolken and a few others.

Still no idea if there's going to be a good ending or a bad ending for any of them. But do note, I am partial to tragedy.

How will she appear in other plots?

She already does:

So yeah, um... She already does for the most part. Each is a little different. Though this list isn't quite up to date, you can see all of the constructs here. Each is a little different, to introduce some spice when playing them.
Osaka: You should try reading some "Micheal Flynn" Specifically Firestar, RogueStar, Lodestar and Falling Stars. Many of his themes are similar to Gibson and Stephenson. (But I honestly hate most of Stephenson's works other than Cryptonomicon. They're kinda... not engaging to me. I can't connect with Stephenson's characters other than Daniel Waterhouse. I can connect to most of Micheal Flynn's characters)

If you like tragity you'll probably like "The wreck of the river of stars" too. Which I disliked because it was too tragic to me. The 'star' series ends with a lot of people's lives and honor sacrificed, but mankind irrevokably spreading into space. The wreck of the river of stars has a less positive ending.
Okay guys, I've been waiting on Waylan16 for the last seven days. His last login was on the 23rd - so I'm no longer going to wait for his response.

So, I trust you guys to do the space jump out and pick up Blindy's character - assume that Vathr'dral opens the hatch for you and facilitates what you need. I'll be posting the results of your actions as per normal.
I'm really sorry about the sudden disappearance. My Internet has been out for the last week, and so I've had no way of posting. My apologies. How should I pick up posting from here?
Blind_Gardener: If you don't post within the next two weeks (Until the 7th of April, by my calendar), Pratima will be dropped from the plot. No ifs or buts. I don't tolerate non-contributors.

Osaka: Where are you? Wake up earlier. We have things to discuss, ideas to hash out and diplomacy to make.

I even let you do your cool thing. I edited the post.
Ladies and gentlemen! We have a Plot Audit coming up soon, and I'm stretched thin by university! Update your biographies to reflect current events, answer the survey and I'll worry about the rest. Let's get a good grade!
I'm a tad confused as to who is where in relation to the Away Team (Aiesu and Keib I understand. It's everybody else that I'm confused about)
Mars, Merril, Keib and Vathr are all with the Freespacer in the engineering. Or should be at least. Mars gave order to follow.
Not quite. Allow me to clarify:

TEAM KEIB - Heading towards Hakahn's room
- Keib
- Aiesu
- Vithr (At Armoury) [NPC]
- Shimikage (At Armoury) [Inactive Player!]

AWAY TEAM - At Engineering, with Pirates heading towards them
- Mars
- Merril
- Shrie'Keng
- Vathr'dral [Inactive Player!]
- Pratima
- Gough [NPC]
- Yar'Mak [NPC]

TEAM PIRATE - On Pirate Ship, planning next move to double cross Pirates
- Veronica
- Rae

TEAM AWOL - Whereabouts/Activities Unknown
- Al'ris [NPC]
- Hakahn [NPC]
They can hear footsteps and the occasional gunshot coming up the stairs. I don't think its chatterbox time.
Just doing a roll call - I'll be posting this weekend.

Mog! You need to post.

Demonblooded is fading out of the plot, and he talked to me earlier on dealing with his orphaned character.

DragonNova! DeathEvn! PM me your plans - not in IRC. And my next post will facilitate them.

GETS TO IT! Plenty of us want to see what happens next!
Hi guys, apologies for my delays, but I've got two last exams to do tomorrow and the day after. Wish me luck, and first thing's first when they're done, you'll get a nice big post to tie everything together and get these plot threads back into one basket.
Dragonnova said:
Hey Deathevn, her name's Veronica, not Vanessa.

I am on the drugs apparently, Sorry, I have been dealing with a lot of Vanessa's as of late!

and it wont let me edit my post... sorry.. geh
Alrighty, the current post is to wrap up the DN/Deathevn/Shotty thread and bring this all together for the debrief.
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