Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [LSDF Akahar] OOC Thread

"Everyone report to the bridge,"


"We look fabulous and would like to advertise that fact as directly as possible."
(Art by the awesome Dehzinn/Foxtrot 813)
Hey guys, just a quick heads up. I'd like you all to update your biographies to reflect current and events that have happened to your Characters on the LSDF Akahar. I've updated the Akahar's history for the Plot Audit, and I'm also doing the same for the ISC Phoenix Vol. II. Help your GM and the plot get good marks!
Interest check!

How many people are still interested in playing on the Akahar?

I'm considering timeskipping the interlude and going right to the next mission. Nobody seems to be connected or engaged by the most recent post. The lack of posts from other players disheartens me greatly.
You know, I get a little tired of running plots where I have to cattle prod people into posting. Hopefully tonight's upcoming post should light a fire under your backsides.
I haven't posted in three weeks. I'm planning to rectify that tomorrow. From now on, no more waiting for the stragglers.
Sure thing! Here's a summary of Mission 2 so far:
  • Keib, Aiesu and the Bridge bunnies have been at the bridge for the last five days, searching continuously for the Mok'ro
  • The rest of the ship's occupants are left to their own devices for now
  • Null gets introduced around the ship and says hi to Keib (This is the last time they post - the player went AWOL)
  • Keib finds something that could be of interest and starts scanning
  • It's the Mok'ro
  • Keib starts planning while the 'relaxation' in the ship promises to get interesting
  • Keib makes the announcement, calls a meeting at the pilot ready room half an hour and unplugs Aiesu (He's been using her as an ARIA core)
  • Keib and Aiesu eat some lunch before going to the meeting
  • Briefing is made, people are chosen for the mission and a call for volunteers is sent out. Transport gets arranged
  • The Away team arms up
  • Aiesu and Keib have a brief meeting to discuss what happens if this all goes wrong before Keib takes the bridge and takes command of the mission
  • Away team boards transport and goes to the Mok'ro. Drop off is successful, extraction point is set and transport does perimeter duty
  • Very strange stuff happens aboard the Mok'ro, Keib gets photos/scans of it sent to him. He demands an explanation from Aiesu to know what stake Lazarus had in the Mok'ro and if its the main cause of its trouble
If you need anything further, don't hesitate to ask.
I figured Veronica knows how to speak the language because she's been operating in Lorath space for a while. Or they all have translators in their suits. Iunno.
I meant more that he can speak the slang and dialect that sounds like a pirate.

I wonder where he picked it up?
@ShotJon in response to your PM, I have a simple question here: Are you out of your goddamn mind?!

That thing is a volatile container full of Antimatter and I said it as such in the post and it was requested that you get rid of it - and now you're using it as a bludgeon.
His heart skipped a beat and his stomach lurched - the Mok'ro could crush that container antimatter container and destroy everything in a light years' radius, Akahar included.
Crushing it against something is still crushing it!

Are you sure you want to risk blowing everyone up!?

Well... generally containers like this are really really tough. So force of the ships crushing it is a lot different then using it as a baseball bat since the force if you useit as bludgeon is spread more evenly. But yeah I was not sure about this so that was why I sent you the message. Gonna edit now :)
A couple of things.

First, we have a dismal amount of activity owing to a lack of communication and posting players, and I am seriously considering putting abandoned characters up for adoption to continue the plot. Player characters whose owners haven't signed in for over six months are fair game. I will put a thread in the sign up forum.

Secondly, the brakes are out. Character Death is now possible in this plot, and death is avoidable.

Third, PvP action outcomes will be dictated by yours truly unless the two parties are going for a particular outcome for the sake of the narrative.

Finally, I will post after work tomorrow. That is a promise.
Just need @Moogle to post, then I will bring the Away Team home.

In other news, a Gallant has arrived again!