Star Army

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Magneto Contraterrene Projector


Inactive Member
-Producer Information-
Manufacturer: NovaCorp
(Suggested) Price: 7,900 KS
Individual Component Costs:
Carbine(itself): 7,000 KS
CT(MCP-01-A) Round: 15 KS
Magazine: 150 KS

-Nomenclature Information-
Name: Centripetal Contraterrene Projector (CCP)
Type: Centripetal-Force Carbine
Model: Third
Role: Medium anti-armor, anti-fortification
Length: 838/757 mm (closed/open)
Weight: 4 kg

-Discharge Information-
Projection/ammo type: Solid Lead projectile with antilead contained inside carbon buckyballs(conprising 1% of the projectiles mass)
Firing Mechanism: 50 rounds are held and accelerated to 1,200 m/s in the magazine. Upon firing, one round is allowed to rocket down the barrel
Caliber: 8mm
Effective Range: 650 m
Maximum Range: (Atmosphere): 1.5 km
Minimum Range: 0
Muzzle Velocity: 1,200 m/s
Muzzle Blast: none
Firing Mode(s): Single, Burst(programmable), Auto
Recoil: none
ROF: Can empty the magazine in less than one second: 1800 rpm

-Ammo Description-
Name: CCP-01-A
Visual Description: Each round is painted with a yellow hue to induce caution. The magazine is a large red disk that is inserted in the rear of the weapon.
Ammo: Matter/anitmatter rounds
Charge: Each magazine has enough charge to last 8 hours.
Damage Description: Initial piercing effects due to high velocity, followed by detonation of antimatter as it is dislodged from its containment inside the carbon buckyballs.

-Firing Mechanism-
Each bullet is held in a special disk that is housed in the magazine. When the magazine is placed into the weapon, the disk begins to spin. Due to circular motion, the instant one of the bullets is released, it will continue moving at right angles from the point it was released from. When the trigger is depressed, one, or more, bullet(s) at the top of the disk are released, and allowed to travel down the barrel. Due to the circular motion of the magazine/firing mechanism, only slight jerks are felt as the magazine rebalances itself. The only noises are those of the projectiles breaking the sound barrier.

-Weapon Mechanisms-
Safety: Yes, ambidexterous, lever
Fire mode selector: Yes, ambidexterous, lever
Weapon Sight: Yes, holographic, keyed to helmet fequency.
Attachment Hard points: Yes, immediately after the forward handgrip.

-Maintenance Information-
Field Maintenance Procedure: None needed, other than to clean debris off. Latches included to break open the barrel for cleaning
Replaceable Parts and components: Other than the trigger, no moving parts. All the rest of the weapon is sealed to prevent tampering. Magazine is, of course, removable.

-Visual Description

Tsuki, there are nicer ways to make a point.

However, I'd tend to agree. The weapon does seem a tad to overpowered to see use. It's essentially a railgun with explosive solenoids that fires at a ridiculous firing rate - in fact, way too high to be of much use in combat. The pricing itself isn't cost effective either : I can see loads of other types of existing weaponry being better deals.

One request : try to link pictures in another window instead of putting up an image that will break the table arrangement. Please.
Tsuki said:
No comment, seeing as how I nearly stopped reading after "W00T ANTAIMATTAR GUN!"

I see. No sense of humor? Nevermind.

Kotori said:
One request : try to link pictures in another window instead of putting up an image that will break the table arrangement. Please.

Ill keep that in mind.

Kotori said:
However, I'd tend to agree. The weapon does seem a tad to overpowered to see use. It's essentially a railgun with explosive solenoids that fires at a ridiculous firing rate - in fact, way too high to be of much use in combat. The pricing itself isn't cost effective either : I can see loads of other types of existing weaponry being better deals.

"Overpowered?" Whats this about "aether beams?" and "gatling railguns?" Please take a look at your own weaponry. You've got some kick-ass stuff in there. This gun simply takes various aspects of what you know, and glombs it all in one package. Not much use in combat? Beggin yer pardon sir, but this thing would be quite useful. It *does* have single shot capabilities. Think of it as kinda like a shotgun: powerful shot that knocks you on your ass.

Kotori said:
a railgun with explosive solenoids that fires at a ridiculous firing rate

What? Explosive solenoids? And its technically not a railgun. I don't think I described it well, but the bullets are spun around in a circle, and released upon firing. Due to the forward velocity they take off like a bat out of hell. Yes, magnetic fields are used to initially propell the rounds, but the barrel is just a tube, basically. And last time I checked, a solenoid was an electronically controlled switch. Are you prehaps referring to something new? Do tell.
Let me make this clear : I am not harshly criticizing you. I could be right, or not, in what I'm saying, but my goal is not to drag you down. You seemed a tad on the defensive there and I want to make sure you know that generally, I try to make my comments helpful.


I'm no technical whiz, I'll admit, but I'm pretty certain the object propelled through a railgun has to be a solenoid to be able to reach the proper velocity (this is supported in part by the sci-fi author Michael Stackpole, whom wrote the mainstream battletech books. Gauss Rifles fired soccer-ball sized solenoids). The way this weapon propels it's projectiles in it's recoiless manner (that's it, right?) is something I haven't seen before - so, at the very least, I'll go to bed smarter tonight than I was this morning.

Now that you've shown me the actual principle for it's firing, I can see it do it's scattershot. Like a shotgun, you have to reload it with a cartridge which is roughly the size of a grenade, but he payload is possibly delivered more accurately at better range. What makes me uneasy is that you're usihng the term anti-matter.

The last time ~I~ used the term antimatter in an explosive... well, a whole flying city in another setting crashed from it's 300 meters perch after the said 'explosive' gobled a quarter of it's mass. I trust you'll forgive me for being so leery around the term when it's applied to a rifle any infantry soldier could use ^_^;;

( not to mention my own character carries around a standard Star Army pistol and a knife ^ ^;; your baby is powerful in comparison)

Aside from the type of payload, I think the price is too prohibitive. I bet you can buy a half-a-dozen Mindy armors for one of these rifles x_x
How... do you propose to generate a) a magnetic force that powerful in such a small object, b) have the technology to make point a feasable, c) prevent movement of the smallest kind from destabilising the ammunition in the magasine and causing it to hit the inside wall at 3000m/s, thereby itself blowing up and setting off ALL THE OTHER MUNITIONS inside the gun? >.>
Kotori said:
Let me make this clear : I am not harshly criticizing you. I could be right, or not, in what I'm saying, but my goal is not to drag you down. You seemed a tad on the defensive there and I want to make sure you know that generally, I try to make my comments helpful.

Yes, I was feeling a bit exasperated by the reaction to my failed attempt at humor and just feeling, yes, defensive. Pardon me.


Kotori said:
I'm no technical whiz, I'll admit, but I'm pretty certain the object propelled through a railgun has to be a solenoid to be able to reach the proper velocity (this is supported in part by the sci-fi author Michael Stackpole, whom wrote the mainstream battletech books. Gauss Rifles fired soccer-ball sized solenoids). The way this weapon propels it's projectiles in it's recoiless manner (that's it, right?) is something I haven't seen before - so, at the very least, I'll go to bed smarter tonight than I was this morning.

I still don't think I've made myself clear. No fault on your part, but mine. The red disc in the picture is the magazine. Essentially what happens is the rounds are actually circling round and round inside that red disc, at a tremendous velocity. Whent he trigger is pulled, one of these rounds, or all of them, are allowed to zip down the barrel. The only magnetic fields involved are those used to spin the bullets inside the disc.

Kotori said:
Now that you've shown me the actual principle for it's firing, I can see it do it's scattershot. Like a shotgun, you have to reload it with a cartridge which is roughly the size of a grenade, but he payload is possibly delivered more accurately at better range. What makes me uneasy is that you're usihng the term anti-matter.

What I meant by "shotgun" is mainly that a single round will probably remove your torso from the waist up.

Kotori said:
The last time ~I~ used the term antimatter in an explosive... well, a whole flying city in another setting crashed from it's 300 meters perch after the said 'explosive' gobled a quarter of it's mass. I trust you'll forgive me for being so leery around the term when it's applied to a rifle any infantry soldier could use ^_^;;

*evil grin* Yes I know how powerful antimatter is. thats why I'm using it. And thats why I labeled it as an antiarmor weapon.

Kotori said:
Aside from the type of payload, I think the price is too prohibitive. I bet you can buy a half-a-dozen Mindy armors for one of these rifles x_x

Keep in mind this is an experimental weapon. Judging by your industrial capacity(as in your ability to create massive ships fairly quickly), this could be produced on a small scale and issued to special ops troops. Or used as a reusable anti-armor weapon.

Rob said:
How... do you propose to generate a) a magnetic force that powerful in such a small object, b) have the technology to make point a feasable, c) prevent movement of the smallest kind from destabilising the ammunition in the magasine and causing it to hit the inside wall at 3000m/s, thereby itself blowing up and setting off ALL THE OTHER MUNITIONS inside the gun? >.>

a) What powers your Mindy suits? Your spaceships? Not a bunch of AA batteries. My point is this: this galaxy of yours is easily advanced enough to make these things. Fold drive? Aether? Magnetic fields should be childs play.
b) see (a)
c) Well, if magnetic fields are not strong enough, then how bout carbon buckyballs? It's been proposed before, and it could easily be invented using current(SA) technology. For those of you who don't know, carbon buckyballs are a three dimensional structure that looks like, you guessed it, a ball. Made of carbon atoms. Now, inside, with the proper tools, one could place a small amount of antimatter. Due to the electromagnetic force(the force that keeps your hand from sinking into your keyboard, seeing as most matter is empty space) the anitmatter won't touch the carbon. Viola, instant containment. Intersperse these little "pouches" of anitmatter/carbon throughout the uranium bullet(perhaps a 45% antimatter) and you've got your bullet. the only problem is the electromagnetic force might be so strong it won't allow the anitmatter to move period. Another explosive could be used to initiate the reaction. I figure that once one buckyball's worth of anitmatter goes off, the rest will too, due to the concussion.
a) What powers your Mindy suits? Your spaceships? Not a bunch of AA batteries. My point is this: this galaxy of yours is easily advanced enough to make these things. Fold drive? Aether? Magnetic fields should be childs play.
b) see (a)

You're assuming the star army itself will be producing these then? As opposed to mindy suits, spaceships and aether beam rifles... And yes, magnetic fields ARE childs-play in SARP, but you're unlikely to find a field generator strong enough to accelerate the bullets AND hold them away from certain destruction through touching things smaller than, say, a PC tower, if you're including a VERY efficient power source to boot.

c) very nice solution to the bullet thing... hats off to salted fish!
... but that would make one round more expensive to produce than the entire gun (assuming at some point it will be reasonably priced).
*evil grin* Yes I know how powerful antimatter is. thats why I'm using it. And thats why I labeled it as an antiarmor weapon.

Matter/anti-mater conversion isn't an anti-armor event. When anti-matter strikes matter, it explodes into pure energy, a pingpong ball sized amount of antimatter can vaporise a 20km area. Complete and total matter/energy converson

The idea of making a standard armament with the backblast potental of anti-matter is beyond absurd. Even by the current standards of technology present in this RP.
I belive the best use of anti-matter weaponry would be in a format of an anti-ship torpedo, maybe as an orbital bombardment device also. But as a foot solider's rifle, it would be rather sketchy... a single missfire while onboard a space vessel would result in explosive decompression of the vessel. Meanwhile on the surface of a planet a missfire can result in an accedental vaporisation of your own squad and or platoon. But maybe... just maybe... it would be useful as a weapon for a specialist, such as an anti-armor sniper.
DocTomoe said:
it would be useful as a weapon for a specialist, such as an anti-armor sniper.

Yep Yep. Maybe reduce the caliber to something tiny(like 5mm) and increase the magazine size.

Tom said:
One billion KS? Is that a serious number?

Remember, experimental...

Rob said:
You're assuming the star army itself will be producing these then? As opposed to mindy suits, spaceships and aether beam rifles... And yes, magnetic fields ARE childs-play in SARP, but you're unlikely to find a field generator strong enough to accelerate the bullets AND hold them away from certain destruction through touching things smaller than, say, a PC tower, if you're including a VERY efficient power source to boot.

Well, I see your point here. Perhaps just revert to the old fashioned way of having the bullets sandwhiched between two spinning discs. This would provide the stability to prevent the chain-reaction you justifiably bring up, and make it a whole helluva lot easier to make.

Rob said:
c) very nice solution to the bullet thing... hats off to salted fish! ... but that would make one round more expensive to produce than the entire gun (assuming at some point it will be reasonably priced).

Why thank you sir! ...but then ...oh.. :\ Yeah there's that, but I'm not proposing you equip the entire Star Army with these babies. Just a select few.

Cora said:
Matter/anti-mater conversion isn't an anti-armor event. When anti-matter strikes matter, it explodes into pure energy, a pingpong ball sized amount of antimatter can vaporise a 20km area. Complete and total matter/energy converson

An antimatter reacton *could* be considered an anti-armor event. Hell, an antimatter reaction could be considered anything. My theory here is to introduce a light, small, easy to use weapon(that supposedly could be mass-produced... someday...) to issue to troops that packs a wallop. The antimatter is simply there to incease the damage potential. Also, other than the sonic boom, the weapon is totally silent, doesn't have a heat signature, and has no recol. Thats a bunch of pluses for your common soldier.
You're forgetting the one primary problem. Each bullet would require a megnetic field in and outside the gun when the Anti-matter ammo is used. Otherwise you'll get a misfire or epic proportions when the AnitMatter strikes the air.

Sofar nothing in the RP is capable of generating a magnetic field over an area smaller then a human fist, because that kind of technology can't be shrunken any smaller.
Cora said:
You're forgetting the one primary problem. Each bullet would require a megnetic field in and outside the gun when the Anti-matter ammo is used. Otherwise you'll get a misfire or epic proportions when the AnitMatter strikes the air.

Sofar nothing in the RP is capable of generating a magnetic field over an area smaller then a human fist, because that kind of technology can't be shrunken any smaller.

You forget, the antimatter itself in *inside* the uranium bullet, not exposed to the air. Add to that the fact that the antimatter is contained within carbon buckyballs, and you've got little to no chance of everything going south.

btw: great avatar
Except Antimatter can only be safly contained in a magnetic field. It does eradicate matter when they come incontact, the Total conversion remember?

Btw: Thanks.
Cora said:
Except Antimatter can only be safly contained in a magnetic field. It does eradicate matter when they come incontact, the Total conversion remember?

Btw: Thanks.

Except that it has been theorized that antimatter could be contained insode carbon buckyballs. As described above. Sadly, I cannot find the link to where I found this info, which I know makes me look like I'm just pulling things out of my hat, but such is life.
Antimatter is unlikely to react with carbon buckyball structures, as the carbon is linked in such a way that it a) forms an extremely strong molecule and b) produces a strong electrostatic force that prevents other material from properly touching it. Unfortunately the carbon's structure prevents it from forming solid matter, instead existing as a liquid-like substance (although it is theorised that the molecules could be linked in a chain-mail like manner). This does, of course, make it a very effective container for antimatter, at least on a small scale, although expensive to produce due to the techniques that must be used to place or form antimatter within the carbon molecule.

*edit* and that's something I did just pull outta nowhere, BUT it's likely to be true. I'm good at these things. WORSHIP ME!
The entire concept of these one soldier weapons of mass destruction(anti-armour or whatever) rifles I find a bit disturbing. Even more disturbing than the RL american government having short range nuclear shells at one time.

Additionly even the slightest chance of a miss-fire makes this weapon to dangerous to produce. Not to mention the overall cost of development(if possible) and then production. At this point I'm thinking it would be more effective at this point to just buy your own ship (and a crew to go with it), to shoot things with that if you need to.
Antimatter isn't exactly godlike in capacity; although it would release a large amount of energy, mostly in the form of electromagnetic radiation, it would only actually annihilate as much matter as it actually mirrors; for example, a gram of antimatter would annihilate one gram of real matter. Not exactly mass destruction, eh?

...but as for the amount of radiation released, I'm not sure how to calculate it, but E=mc^2 dictates that one gram should release 900 terajoules of energy - that's about as much as 2 kilotons of TNT.

If anyone knows more about matter/antimatter reactions, please correct me @.@