Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [Marine VR Sim] Planet X Marks the Spot

Adrian lifted his foot from the simulated pile of mush that was once a face and stepped back. He was grinning manically, reveling in the rush of adrenaline, when a white tungsten shell blazed past him and blasted through the rock wall. He blinked and stumbled back.

An AIR2 stood, hurriedly bashing his gun, attempting to fix a jam. Adrian thanked a non-existant deity for the DARTs that took out the guy's targeting, and quickly raised his carbine, aimed for the head, and fired. The Omega squad marine yelped in surprise as his head disintigrated. Adrian suddenly came to the realization that there was a large-scale battle throughout the room.
I was too damn busy with Rico to even think of these guys...
He kneeled down to Rico's corpse, grabbed a knife and some objects from his belt, and headed towards the fight.

"Gran, hurry up and get down here. These guys are fucking nasty. Benji, I sure as hell hope you got that digger machine secure. We might need a fall-back zone."
He switched off his comm as he jammed Rico's blade into the back of an Omega trying to slice one of Adrian's squad mates in two with a longsword.
benji had ringed his remaining soilders around the digging machine before Istavan and Lewis got there. Now they were firing at the Omega team, using all their ammo and letting all hell loose. "Um... Yeah you'd better fall back now... or start running 'cuse either way we got five minutes before 'ol diggers gona blow eveyone in this room to shit." Benji said calmly, whipped out his LBR and started taking percise, aimed shots at Istivan.

Sitting against the main body of the digger one for each main cardinal point were explosives, with big timers reading 4:55 on them and then dropping lower every second. If they couldn't defend the digger, no one would have the digger.

"Allright pick a pair and shoot the crap out of em boys!" Benji roared and fired his LBR again at Istavan, going for his heart and Benji staid on Istivan, and kept shooting. He manuvered his PA to keep moving, mirrioring Istivan's everymove. His men did the same. Firing every thing they had in order to defend the digger.
Gran's small squad had been trying to get a shot off from the mouth of the tunnel, but it became quickly apparent that the interference and smoke was too great even for an straight eyeballed shot. Hearing Adrian call out to him broke his tunnel vision. "Dammit, I'm sorry. Alright then, let's go guys." They all hopped into the hole, barely slowing their descent with their boosters. One of Gran squad mates picked out an Air from Fian's squad below them. He charged his PPG and released a split second before he landed square on the Omega's head, resulting in a small crater with a twisted Omega member at the bottom.

"Fuck..." Gran said with a grin as he looked back at his teammate, who was smiling like a bandit as he hopped out of the crater. "Alright boys watch out for each other and crush every Omega you see. Adrian? Where do you need me?" He called out as his squad moved quickly through the smoke.
The fights moving about on the screens quickly lost Rico's interest, and as the numbers and symbols kept filling the screens like an overly complicated video-game, he quickly allowed his mind to wander to other things. Rico sighed loudly, getting up from the wall and tapping the toe of his boot against the floor. "Omega is at the objective now...I think we might win this.â€
Istvan took a shot in the shoulder, blowing the shoulder, quite litteraly off, along with his sword. He snarled, and fired his LBR at Benji.... and empted all of his Arrows into the Digging Machine. "Men" He said "More fire! Focus on the machine!" His Gamma men fought hard, like devils more then men... not inspired by Istvan's speech as much as by the fact that their cautious leader had suddenly become incautions.... "Take at least one man down before you go... Preferably two!" Istvan shouted attempting to encorage them.

In the com to Charlie squad he spoke more calmly "We're covering you... we're distraction.... take them out."
Adrian felt a twang of pain in his groin, like someone had put a round in it while he was under anethsia.


He felt his eyes tear up, and yelled in anger and pain. The vibro-blade in his hand started shaking viscously, and he tore it out of the poor bastard he had been eviscerating, and stumbled around a bit.
Seeing a moving, breathing Omega, he rushed him, screaming in rage. The bastard had time to nick his shoulder with a knife, which put a small wound in his flesh, but Adrian quickly had his revenge in the form of knocking the smaller marine to the ground, smashing his knee into his chest, and stabbing him repeatedly.
After several seconds of slasher movie-esque screams and bloodsprays, Adrian's now grotesque armor stood amidst the numerous corpses and gibs. However, there were still two more. Fian and another armor were engaged in combat with the several remaining Alpha armors, who were losing badly. Adrian, long past the point where the whole bit about "friendly fire" could have mattered to his broken mind, he moved quickly to the Aether Cannon.
With speed and grace, he moved the barrel parrellel to the ground, grinning the whole time. The medic positioned his hand over the firing key.
He switched his comm to external speakers. "Hey, Fian! Your team fights dirty!"
With that, he brought up his fist, and smashed it down hard enough to crush the control panel. Luckily, the command was still transmitted. The cavern glowed blue, and an instant later, the final aether beam of the day was fired.
Soreta was lucky...that's all that it could have been. Sheer luck, or maybe really good reflexes, that she fired verniers in just the right direction to narrowly avoid the aether blast. Hopefully the others had survived, but she had no time to check on them right now. There was work to be done.

Soon, her trap-like mind came up with a plan. The useless LFR on her arm wasn't so useless after all. "GET AWAY!" she yelled, more for the benefit of herself than anyone else, as removed the LFR from her wrist and threw it. With lightning speed and rather impressive aim, a pair of needles was shot through the device just as it reached the aether cannon...naturally, the antimatter stored inside was released, and quite violently, too.

You can guess what happened after that, I'm sure...
Adrian saw the blast but could barely comprehend it had happened. He felt his entire left side go numb and was thrown the the ground violently 20 feet away. His visor was spattered with blood and Adrian groaned. That Omega bastard had just put him out. He ran a quick system check and cringed. His left arm was gone, which wasn't cool, his shields were totally gone, and his left leg was severely wounded.

The broken marine moved slowly, standing shakily. Everything in his bloodied simulated body refused to work right. He stepped shakily forward, pain still shooting from his wounded groin, and grimaced at Valkyrie and the smoke and wreckage next to her.

"You scurvy shyster bastard. You fucking KILLED ME!" At the very least, he had one more trick. Kicking in the failing boosters in his armor, he flew in a broken line at Soreta, as his right hand reached behind his back and clutched a green-capped metal shell he had pulled from Rico's belt. The medic flew his armor into Soreta's chest, embraced her in a one armed bear hug. He activated the plasma generator in his hand, clutched tight, and closed his eyes, happy that the bloody battle was finally ending.

"Good luck Benji and Gran. Rip these fuckers a new one."
Fian was exceptionally good with twin knife figthing, it was the only way he knew how to fight hand to hand. Memories were rushing back to him, the backalley fights and the five on ones back home at Funky City. The Vel Steyr mantained a zigzag course around the room, not spending more than three seconds stationary lest he gets shot at. His next two targets ate blue shells before being torn apart. The two after that he did not even bother at all, he simply grabbed them from behind in high speed and used them as a shield as he grinded the energy barrier and metal away until he striked red oil.

He was so caught up in battle that he did not notice that there was hardly anybody left on his team. Worse, those that he assigned previously to commandeer the Aether Cannon had been eliminated prematurely, leaving Adrian the pleasure of operating it unhindered. As the Cannon charged up for its final shot, the Vel Steyr's Monoeyes picked up the overwhelming energy signature and engaged the Auto-Dodge. As the Armor tried to desperately swing itself out of the trajectory, Fian flung the person he was grappling with towards the beam, pushing himself out of the way while his opponent was reduced to bones by the sheer Aether blast. Later, he smiled as the Generator blew up.

He saw Adrian pull himself up from the burning wreckage. Fian contemplated what more can be done to a broken man, his twisted logic intended to make sure his victory was absolute up to a point where he could afford to be reckless. Fian's FMD was ripped out in an earlier melee while there were numerous holes in his armor, not that it mattered in extremely close ranged combat anyway. Come on, come here, come here to your hell. He twirled his chain knives, anticipating Adrian to performe one last desperate move.

What he did not anticipate however, was that Adrian chose to lunge towards a seemingly unsuspecting Valkyrie instead. The shock caused another scene to play out in his mind as used his Push/Pull System to hurl himself towards them.

Why Karl?

It was not known to him that Valkyrie was actually Soreta, whose level of skills and training could have meant that she might have actually been expecting Adrian's attack and chose to wait till he was closer. But in any case she was violently pushed aside and Adrian caught Fian instead, both of them slamming into the wall and exploding in an angry fireball as their reactors overloaded and ammo storage ignited. The force caused the cavern structure to shake, threatening to bury the people still inside under tons of rock.

But to Fian, it was over. The VR Simulator headband was lifted from his head but he remained seated, gasping.
Captain Miller opened a communications link with a holographic visual over to Wazu. Ally had been feeding him bits of information while he worked in his office, but the captain felt obligated to check on his XO.

"Lieutenant," he said through the visual. "How goes the training so far?"
Rico gave a long, low whistle as the action on-screen started to heat up. From the explosive conclusion in the aether room to the onslaught of gunfire in the main cavern, Rico concluded that this round of the simulation was about to reach its end. By this time, everyone was watching the viewscreens, awaiting the final shot that would decide the match.

As Fian removed his VR helmet, Rico turned his head towards him, putting on another friendly smile. Fian looked a bit shaken, and Rico didn't really blame him. He gave him a few moments to catch his breath before letting loose a sharp whistle to get his attention. "Yo Fian! Over here." Rico said softly, motioning him forward with a free hand.
Wazu looked up from his data pad displaying the statistics of the simulation, placing it down beside his chair with his cane as he answered. "I believe the Sim is doing quite well as far as usable combat experience is concerned. I have two marines I will be recommending for a promotion when this iteration is over Sir.â€
She should've died, right?

Soreta was sure she was going to die right then, and was resigned to it...after all, it was still only a VR simulation. The worst thing that could happen was her bumping her head when she got out of the simulator.

But still, there was a certain amount of humiliation involved - it was a move she shouldn't have done in the first place, allowing the enemy their last stand...she should've killed him before anything else. But then again, wasn't the antimatter supposed to kill him? Questions abounded in her mind.

Now, however, wasn't the time for them. Barely dodging some fallling rubble, Soreta opened the comm. "This is Valkyrie. Fian is dead; I'm taking over. Who's left?"

Benji and his men fought like the cornered animals they were, half beating down Istivan and his team and the rest focusing on Lewis and his team. And still more time ticked by as the count down continued dispite the darts thrown into the digger.


Benji roared and then switched targets going for Istivan again, firing every last ounce of Ani-matter towards the man. He wanted blood, lots and lots of blood. Few of his team mates had fallen, but they were still cornered and still fighting...


The bloodshed grew and Benji kept right on fighting, a risked glance at the time in his HUD and he grated his teeth. "Gran!!! Keep the command squad busy!!! I gota plan... Mike, Nemi, get your asses up to the mole and get it working, we have three minutes!!!"
Fian wiped the sweat from his forehead and remained seated. Making a conscious effort stop hyperventilating and relax. It takes a while for things to sink in on him so he made no attemp to run a post mortem or analysis on his previous battle and performace. Sufficiently calmed, he stood up.

Hearing Rico's wistle, he turned his head to catch the leader of Epsilon One motioning him over. Waving the gesture away, he quietly exited the VR Room, ignoring the screens that showed what remained of the battle and the stares of the other marines that were out of it. From a slow walk he gradually accelerated to long hurried strides as he made his way down the corridoor. There was something welling up inside him and he urgently needed to get it out.

The truth was, he needed to piss, like fucking now.
Jet was sitting in an adjacent room, monitoring the marine's VR session and smirked a bit at all the action going on. "Man I need some popcorn, this is great." he chuckled to himself. "perhaps I should've gotten in on it before but oh well. Let's see if I can increase the stress factor in this any..." he said, looking over the information the VR was producing.
Adrian tore the VR helmet off his head. Panting a little he leaned over in his chair and inhaled deeply. The pain in his genitals was rather extreme now, and he swore numerous times, most of them directed at Rico. He stood quickly and stretched, getting some feeling back in his muscles.
"Understood!" Gran shouted as his squad moved tightly through the smoke, searching for the last of the command squad. "Spotted!" Came a quick signal from one of his squad mates. They saw the Valkyrie that housed Soreta. "Green buckshot!" Gran yelled, as they spread out and quickly and boxed her in, firing line style. They quickly loaded their shells as they took their footing, but Gran fumbled slightly, he was shaking lightly, but the suit compensated for that.

"Rip him up!" He shouted as the three of them squeezed their triggers.

'God Speed to ya Gran' Benji thought as he continued to load all of his ammo towards Istivan.


It took them a bit but the two marines were all ready and set up. "What now?" Mike asked "You know what to do... the southern rock face, 'ol smokey's gona blow and we gotta get our lover outta danger..."

Benji tilted his PA so it was angled backwards. Soon, it would be soon that they would have to move or risk getting mauled by flying debris. He only hopped his plan would work.
Istvan watched as his squad drops in numbers... dwindling to two men, himself and one other. His face became a death's head rictus "We've softened them up!" He called in to Charlie, counting the enemy losses... Fewer of course, they had not been the target.... He took careful aim and discharged his LBR at Benji, only a half second before his left leg was anihalated. Down, but not out, he continued to try to hit benji with a good solid shot from the LBR.