Yes lovely, I enjoy hearing from all of you why it cannot be. I want to hear what would make it possible. Let's look at it positively.
I also keep hearing that hurr durr SAoY won't adopt mecha, but that is wrong. Like I already said it already used mecha in past, although in limited number.
@Nashoba did so in his own plot, I was there and I want to see more of it. Hell I even have a neko that can pilot a mecha, which was approved by char mods. I am much too busy to create new mecha unit, not to mention that it would most likely not be approved, before Wes allows more mecha included in SAoY.
Also do not forget we are not talking about toweing beast Battletech style, but rather about Frames, which as far as I know are generally about 8 meters tall, which is lot, but it is not too toublesome just thanks to its size. Also why I am talking about mecha in SAoY and not for example Nepleslia is simple. Whether we like it or not, Yamatai has most plots, players and GMs. There is most room to put fun stuff into. So that is why I picked SAoY for this thread.
For example, nowadays some infantry units in SAoY use Tasha, which nice little gun platform but on its own does not give players way too much to have fun with. If they control Tasha, they just tell it to go fight. Frame could do the same job, but would include a player into actual game. It would give room for more ways to have fun and in the end it would be GMs decision if he would want Frame in his plot or not. But if ships like Aeon can carry around Tasha, there is in same way nothing stopping it with carrying around something like Asura.
Which leads me back to my first point. I want this just so there is more ways of having fun. I mean what is one of the reason we all do SARP right? To have fun. I am not saying every SAoY unit from now on should have mecha. I am saying that the option of having one would be nice. It would not be too hard too.
Just as nowadays it is said that some units use Tasha (just example) it would not be too hard to say that some units use Frames. There, done.
@Wes, I would very much like to see a reply from you on the question from
@Fred .