Fred's probably right in that there was a ton of miscommunication.
One thing for certain is that there was never any 'Anti-Yamatai' strategy or sentiment IC or OOC, and I'm sorry if you felt that way Wes. We were simply trying to do what was best for Origin, and did not believe that it had somehow harmed Yamatai in any way. Besides having it so that people viewed the company as being for anyone and not any one faction (something that actually did give us trouble from time to time when developing gear), there was also IC fact to deal with too. We were no longer based in Tami due to the NMX war, and were instead based off of Dawn Station out in Aki; unclaimed space. Unlike on Earth, we didn't have to have our headquarters be - and nor was it - based in any nation anymore. Because of this, Kai and I saw Origin as its own thing since we both worked hard on it ourselves.
I can't speak on Kai's behalf, but for me, the fact that by moving Origin out in the forums removed civilian plots from Yamatai was something that I had never, ever considered, and it's one that I only know now because you've just told me. If I had known this was what bothered you about it, I would have been given pause. Instead, all I saw during the time was resistance to the idea of us making Origin independent in the forums, which made no sense from my perspective.
To me, making the move to be Independent made sense in every way, especially because we believed that nothing changed IC for us or anyone else; the forum move was merely making official what was already fact. There was never any intent against Yamatai, because iff I was against Yamatai, and felt that Origin was against Yamatai, I would have never made the Type 35 series of ground vehicles. I made those specifically because I felt that there was a gap in Yamatai's inventory when it came to drawn out ground campaigns. However, with what was said in this thread, that's apparently not the case, and Origin is blacklisted. We've been getting/feeling friction from time to time, but never really got why. It made no sense IC. Now that it's been said, this completely caught me by surprise. I know it caught Fred and some others the same way.
In regards to getting something for Yamatai, I'm sad to say that it's really an FM decision. I'm of the belief that an FM should cater to his or her players so that they have fun, but only so long as it's within the vision that the FM has for said faction. If the FM does not feel something fits a faction, then it doesn't. The only way to even push the issue is to basically do a 'petition' and gather up players who not only desire whatever it is, but also feel that it fits said faction. On top of convincing said FM of this same thing. It's the best that can be done short of a vote.
Now, with mechs, frames and vehicles of the setting in general however, I don't think there's any In-Character justification to how under-powered they've been portrayed. Even with the miniaturization theory, there's nothing stopping one of these from being made to the same technological level as that used in a power armor. If a fusion reactor that is typically the size of a room is miniaturized to the size of a baseball to fit in a power armor, what is stopping a technologically equal fusion reactor which is the size of a house from being miniaturized to the point it's the size of a yoga ball? If a plasma projector or particle accelerator that's normally the size of Emma Watts can be miniaturized to the point it's used as a rifle, what's stopping a technologically equal plasma projector the size of an entire freight train and all its cars from being miniaturized into something the size of a light post? In fact, what's keeping six inches of Duranium, Yamataium or Nerimium from only being a little more than twice the effectiveness of a single inch that's used on a power armor when both are of the same quality?
Going off of this and how they're all built as best as possible for their size, the fusion reactor that's the size of a yoga ball should have a proportionately higher output than the fusion reactor that's the size of a baseball. The plasma projector that's the size of a light post should cause proportionately more damage than the one that's the size of Kampfer's new HK91, which I'm totally jelly of. The six inches of homogeneous armor plate should be six times more effective than the one inch of homogeneous armor that's of exact same material and quality.
I don't think there's really anything keeping us from having these things IC. If anything, it's OOC.