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OOC Mikomi/Confidence OOC Thread

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Inactive Member

YSS Mikomi :: NS-S4-95
Nozomi-Class Scout Ship in the 4th Fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai

Ship Location: Bowhordia

Crew Members

Chusa Kestral Bowman (Bio) (Orders)
Commanding Officer
Location: YSS Mikomi

Juni Kurohoshi Masako (Bio) (Orders)
Power Armor Pilot/XO
Location: YSS Mikomi

Specialist Roken Techard (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi

Specialist Natalie Dawning (Bio) (Orders)
Armour Pilot
Location: YSS Mikomi

Soldier First Class Nicholas Saiga (Bio) (Orders)
Communications Technician
Location: YSS Mikomi

Former Crew Members

Taii Daduar Cometblade (Bio) (Orders)
Strategist, Commanding Officer
Location: YSS Mikomi
Notes: Requested and was given a transfer

Master Sergeant Ghi To (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi
Notes: Requested and was given a transfer

Sergeant Tom Freeman (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi
Notes: Requested and was given a transfer

Soldier Nurinishi Belgar (Bio) (Orders)
Note: Killed in Action.

Chui Lori Narui (Bio) (Orders)
First Officer / XO
Note: Killed in action.

Sergeant Major Nyton Claymere (Bio) (Orders)
Armor Pilot
Note: Left Mikomi for Leadership Training. Will Return.

Soldier Dorban Bharan (Bio) (Orders)
Armor Pilot
Note: Has not reached the Mikomi yet.

Chusa Mizuho Yukisato (Bio) (Orders)
First Officer/XO
Note: Has abandoned the Mikomi to find sanity.

Specialist Kotori Arathraka (Bio) (Orders)
LAMIA Power Armour Operator
Note: Re-assigned to the YSS Sakura.

Juni Henako Kusaki (Bio) (Orders)
Note: Re-assigned to the YSS Valiant.

Sergeant Major Saeki Aya (Bio) (Orders)
Armor Pilot
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Killed in action.

Soldier First Class Candide Neka (Bio) (Orders)
Armor Pilot
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Sustained life-threatening injuries during combat.

Soldier Doji Raihei (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Killed in acation.

First Sergeant Eve Yamazaki (Bio) (Orders)
Armor Pilot
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Killed in action

Master Sergeant Carlos Luera De la Vega (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Sustained life-threatening injuries during combat.

Sergeant Kato Tanaka (Bio) (Orders)
Location: YSS Mikomi
Note: Sustained career-ending injuries during combat.
This thread is for the OOC events and other such things, also for planning of JP's .

If you have any questions about anything, please talk to me, on here, or PM me. We have set up a YIM group so that all members of the Mikomi can talk there.

Talk away.
Right, well, time to deside a JPing time, this is for this weekend.

I suggest a Saturday or Sunday, preferably earlier on Sunday's if we do it.

So for Saturday I say 2-4 in the afternoon, and/or 10-when ever in the evening. I can do Sunday this week. This is GMT time.

Thought's? Please reply back with your times as well.

As for me, i´m on all the day the weekends. So ill be there this time if my internet feels benevolent with me :|
Right well. I am now back and really want to do some JPing. As I am also on half term it gives me more freedom to do so. SOOOO next JPing session?

Tonight, Tomorrow night? What is best for you all?

Please reply to this.

I can participate in a JP in the evenings with - hopefully - no problem.
As there where no replies to my message, apart from one. The JP will not take place tonight. However there is a possibility it may take place on Saturday (Tomorrow) night.

Contact me for your best times.
We will be needing to have a JP for the arrival at Bowhordia.

Therefor I suggest, Sunday night meaning 9PM GMT, or Monday Night/Afternoon.

This is an important point, and I need all Mikomi crew (Confidence crew are included in all of this, and are called Mikomi crew from now on as well) to repond, as I want to know best times for you.

Could you pick a US standard time please to alleviate any possible problems other players might have? The vast majority of Mikomi players are in the US. Thankies ^^
Any time today would be good. My only scheduling difficulties are on Monday and Thursday nights and the nights before tests, which I'll inform you all of in advance.
That's fine with me.
I enjoyed the one last night, and want to continue this mission with JP's as it is easier, and more fun. Sorry to those who did not get involved, it is ok you can join in and SP how you landed on Bowhordia, some have already done this.

JP tonight? I would really like to get it moving, and get you guys to have lot's of fun with it. So I don't mind. Any ideas?

It would also be nice if the Mikomi RPers could suggest times, instead of me always doing it. Have an active in-put, say how you feel, and what you would like to do. I want all you opinions, as that is how things get better.
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