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OOC Mikomi/Confidence OOC Thread

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Alright, Daniels in around another two drama things at the moment, and doesn't seem to be inclined towards taking on being GM at this moment, due to this bussiness. He is on Hiatus.

As is this plot at the moment, so it needs a GM, someone who can motivate it, and be around for it: Not me I hasten to add.

This need only be temporary, and the automatic choice would be Sgzyr since he is ... the moderator and everything.

In terms of plot, I think Daniel only had a very basic outline, which didn't go very far.
I can sub in if needed, I'm in a bit of a lull for the 5th at the moment during the refits and everything, I could do some JP's for us. Maybe not exactly GMT friendly, though.

Anyway, my school schedule should normalize, but the biggest problem is I don't have a synopsis of exactly what is in these caves, or what happened to the crew, etc etc. In other words I'd only be able to have us retreat and start something else, let a bigger division of fleet clean up down there.
Sounds okay to me. We could always transfer you guys over to the Sakura, worst come to worst. I think that since we're out of funds for advertising, consolidation of our player base is a prudent idea.
I really have no problem with subbing in for Daniel, my latest class runs until about 3 on MFW. But until March I'll probably be going the home the majority of the weekend to pack stuff up, but I'll get YIM installed on her computer. The only free night that I don't have during the weekdays is Monday. Sorry about being slow on the reply, but I got bombarded by some nasty computer related stuff.
This is being discussed with the other moderators as to what could be done to help the Mikomi's characters move on.

To do that, though, I'd like to have an idea of whom is still paying attention to this plotship and their availability. After knowing which members of the Mikomi are still active, I think we'll be better able to decide on how to help you out.

For the coming seven days, I'll be waiting on your replies. After that, I'll endeavor to have things move on for the concerned members.
Well I'm still here, active and appreciative of the revitalisation of interest in this plot.
Okay, my deadline is past. I heard absolutely no news of anyone else except for Abweran Commander and Zakalwe. I hear Sgzyr and Blackdragon might still be around too, so, if they want to join in the conversation, by all means, please do.


Understandly, I'm going to have some trouble pursuing the current Mikomi storyline with this few players and the horde of zombies (non-played PCs) that will be standing about. I have no good way of divining what Sypher's plot was or easily continuing it either.

Therefore, I'm going to shift my concern from the plotship's survival and to the players still active that are just waiting for a chance to do some RP. What do you guys want? Do you have any ideas or options coming to your mind about what you'd like to happen to you people, and how you feel the events on the Mikomi could continue / come to a conclusion?

Just give a shout here, say what's on your minds and I'll then try to come to a satisfactory resolution for you guys.
I honestly have no idea whether the Mikomi should continue or not. With the plot at a stand still, the best thing to do would be to consolidate the players who are still around and send them to the roleplaying ship with the least amount of players and still active.

But that's just my suggestion.
You spelt my name wrong ...

I also agree that the players should probably be put onto another plot ship. However I don't think that any of the plot ships currently available are suitable because ... of me.

What you could do would transfer every other character to the 5th or something, while Ghi is transferred to the Valiant.

Or there could be another plot ship of course.
Is it just you two? Weren't there more? Sadly, I have to agree with you on one point : I just don't see what can be done to save the Mikomi plotship with so few players and the track of it's plot stalled as it is. I'm going to make mention of it to Wes and see how he thinks this could be wrapped up/concluded.

Um, well, here's what I intened. What I can tell you was that I intended to introduce a new plotship by the time Sakura Mission 5 / 5th Fleet 'The Master and the Servant' would come to an end (I don't know where Wes is going with his scenario, I'm just crossing my fingers and hope it'll come toa good resolution). With most of the components approved in the tech board in regards of the new stuff I wanted to use in the Kochou-class Escort, I should be able to wrap it all up and finish it in the near future.

I was pretty much slating the YSS Kochou to be a training vessel undergoing field testing at the same time since it was a new class. It was probably going to be like that for 3 OoC months, following the training job offer in the Star Army communication Network. After that, I was hoping to go for a more epic exploration-type plot.

The pacing of the Kochou plotship would probably lean heavily of frequent Single Posts, since my GMing experience came from another forum that followed that method. I find that it also the most advantageous for the people living in other time zones : I did have Sweden players before ^_^;. If there'd be a JP, it'd probably be at a time when everyone would be free, probably on the weekends. If I can focus more on SPs than JPs, this would allow for roleplayers whom are either slow typers or on different timezones to have as much chance to participate witohut having to fight an uphill battle against the culture of speed so common in JPs.

Anyhow, the above is mostly tentative, but I just wanted you guys to know I was working on it and I'll be glad to include Ghi and Masako on it.
I just don't have the time, or the ability to commit to another plot than the one I'm already involved in considering that I may be traveling for half of my summer vacation.
Regardless of what I do after the current arc is done in the 5th, I am willing to accept a few more players. So you've got two options then, Matthew.
Hmmmm....choices, choices. Either one may do, but it will have to wait a while. Exam week is coming up and I need my all for it.

I'll make my decision after the week of May 5th.
i dont know if this post would mean anything but i just wanted to let you all know that im still interested but if i need to move or change anything then im ok with that to.
All Mikomi characters on the roster have recieved an OOC activity check message in their orders thread. We'll see who's still around, and get rid of the inactives. The remaining players can either stay on the Mikomi or transfer. We'll figure it out in a few days. I gave people three days to respond.

Each of the messages I posted has the code BA77J8 in it, so they'll be easy to find again.
I discharged the characters belonging to listed Mikomi players who didn't respond to their character's orders threads (Code BA77J9).

To the six people who responded: Would you like your characters to be promoted and take over the Mikomi, a transfer to a new ship (or currently unused ship) for a fresh start, or a transfer to an existing RP?
I feels kinda odd in a way. Rufus came to the Mikomi to handle that particular mission because Kestral was out (I think Sypher had to be away for a time). Wes would have been the one to handle this storyline but Sypher came back, took charge and then just vanished.

Pretty sad, in a way. *sigh*
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