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OOC Mikomi/Confidence OOC Thread

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If it makes you feel better I think he misses SA on some level ... I've managed to talk to him a little about it, and he says he can't risk getting addicted again, he's too busy with work for exams and so forth.

But yes, perhaps if Rufus had remained on the Mikomi things might have turned out differently.
Perhaps the Mikomi could be the "Training ship" new players would be sent to, with Rufus coming back again to run it? I'd be willing to help.
Wes said:
To the six people who responded: Would you like your characters to be promoted and take over the Mikomi, a transfer to a new ship (or currently unused ship) for a fresh start, or a transfer to an existing RP?

Hmmmm...I could honestly be fine with any of those choices, but I guess either sticking with the Mikomi and a promotion maybe the simplest. At least it doesn't involve transfering or the creation and planning of new ships.

But as I said before....I'm fine with any of them, majority rules.
I agree that the promotion of the remaining characters to take over the ship would be the easiest. That being said, I won't have a problem going along with whatever you think is best for the ship and the remaining characters, Wes.
Ok people, I know this is a bit of short notice, but would tonight or tomorrow night be better to do a short JP of dropping off the archived characters who will not be used as the plot continues? I'd be able to do it next week as well after Wednesday night, as that is when my finals are over.
You know it's difficult for me to make these JP's, but I think I'll be able to make one over the weekend, I'll just not sleep for a while. I can do one today and tommorow certainly. During the week is harder.
Please start single posting--don't wait forever for a JP.
Well with finals this week, my schedule is a little busy. But, I'll be able to wrap something up Wednesday night.
I should be able to post something tomorrow (later today is probably amore appropriate statement).

Looking forward to being active
You can look forward to the same thing with me....I started working everyday from Mon-Fri starting 10:30 and finishing up at 2:30. It maybe short, but I also have business with finding a new apartment so that takes up sometime too.

I also have plans going for most of this week that keep my from my computer for a while. But I will have time to post in between those times.
Guys I can't tell you how sorry I am. I fell really bad for leaving you guys alone so that you had nothing to do.

Sorry is all I can say.
Sypher said:
Sorry is all I can say.
How about a JP time for these guys, or an SP?
Well would people like to do a JP soon, this week some time. I don't think it will work however, as it seems a lot of people have been killed off. Also that not many people now come on YIM as much. In this situation that we are in, I do not think that a JP would work. I think SP is better at the moment.

To those still active, what day is best for you, and what time?
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