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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 0.0] Following the other path


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World Station - Yomesou City State

Keyul was making his way to the transit station or at least he hoped he was. He had never been in this City State before, he was only here because he was doing a favor for his master.

Keyul looked up at the simulated sky, well at least it is not a rain day. He looked around at the park he was passing through. There were different plants in this park. It made sense to him though, each city state had its own layout, while certain aspects remained the same community pride allowed for differences.

'This is the day, I can hardly believe it, assigned to the Yome Ismâopate.' He thought, Keyul took a look at his chrono and realized that the pang he felt was the lack of midday meal. He had several hours before having to report to the ship's speaker.

He pulled out his datapad and inquired as to the nearest eatery. "Good there is one not too far." He adjusted his pack, picked up his carry bag, then set out for food and drink.
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World Station - Yomesou City State

Pule was looking around the city 'so I'm part of the Yome Ismâopate now' he thought while looking around carrying his bags and taking in all the sights 'this is such a nice place' he smiles to himself, then grabs his necklace feeling a bit sad but still happy that he is here.

He stomach growls loudly having missed morning and midday meal, he look around for somewhere to eat feeling really hungry and wanting to eat before getting on the ship and leaving the World Station.

He smiles as he sees a small eatery and runs in seeing if there was any place to sit before ordering a meal.
World Station - Yomesou City State

Keyul approached the eatery. He came around the corner of the building to where the entrance was and ran right into a black furred Qaktoro. The impact sent him sprawling due to the bags he was carrying. He managed to keep his bags close to him. Looking up from where he landed, "My apologies, I did not see you."
World Station - Yomesou City State

Pule gets knocked to the side by the impact but stays balanced looking at Keyul, he shakes his head and offers a hand "no it's my fault i shouldn't be standing blocking the entrance like this" he smiles "i'm Pule and you are?", he looks over Keyul "come on the meal is on me today" he fixes his bag so that it wasn't going to fall off
World Station - Yomesou City State

Keyul accepted the proffered hand and pulled himself up to his feet. "I am Keyul of Ruoka Sinloa. I was in a bit of a hurry, I am shipping out today." he picked up his bag that he was carrying and adjusted the one on his shoulder. "That is generous of you, as long you give me the opportunity to repay it should our paths cross again."
World Station - Yomesou City State

Pule smiles "your shipping out as well, could it be your assigned to the Yome Ismâopate" he looks hopeful "that's where i am assigned, then you could always repay me some way" he open the door for Keyul "after you man"
New World Station - Yomesou City State

Keyul smiled, 'Siamaka moves in the strangest ways. I meet a member of the crew because of an errand of my master.' he thought. "Well, then it appears that we are to be shipmates. After this meal I an planning to catch a shuttle to the Poku Movi Vamâqi. So I will have a chance to balance the scales one day. " He said entering the eatery.
New World Station - Yomesou City State

Pule smiles and nods "that is good, hmm i was planning to get on the hip after this meal and find a cabin to lay down in for a while" he laughs and look at him "so anything in particular you would like to eat".
"I was in the mood for some fried buvory in spice sauce, and a side of greens. Perhaps a small glass of lite ale. I would not dare have anything stronger. Would not due to meet the Ta'a drunk.

Somehow I do not think we will be going to crash in our cabins when we get there. I would not be surprised it the Ta'a decided to run drills.Speaking of which, what is your occupation?"
Pule nods "that sounds good I'm going to get the same" he looks at him "I'm a bodyguard, what is occupation?" he walks to the bar and places the order then sits down waiting.
Keyul placed his order and joined Pule at the table. "Typical answer for a body guard. I am a Warrior, but also a Faith Walker. The latter being more of a callimg, but it means my days will be full on the ship. But that just gives me more chances to bring honor to my Ruoka. I always thought I would be just a warrior like my older brother. But during my second internship I spent some time with a faith walker. He got me thinking about doing more than just being a warrior. Though being a Qakla being accepted as a warrior was challenging enough. However it seems Siamaka did not think so.

So what prompted you to become a Body guard."
Pule looks at his necklace at the mention of brother and doesn't look up "my parents were Bodyguards and i followed in their footsteps, i know that is weird" he holds the necklace tightly "and i also want to help our clan by protecting our members", he smiles slightly "you sound like you really thought about your choice".
Keyul litned to Pule, he had the feelingthere was more to hisstory. But it was not for himto press the matter

"I grew up in the shadow of myolder brother. For ome reason parents like using an older sibling as a standard. Why can't you be more like your brother. Whe your brother was your age he could do this.... A very annoying habit." He ansered as their food was delivered to the tble.
Pule eats his food in silences his hand touching his necklace he seemed sad and lonely "but brothers are your best friend and partner......" he gripped the necklace harder and looks away from the food "I'm not hungry any more". He slowly gets up "I'll see you on the ship....." he gets his bags and walks away.
Keyul could see that his companion was visibly upset though not entirely sure of the cause. He got up grabbed his bags and caught up to Pule.

"I beg pardon, my words distressed you. That was never my intent. I was speaking of my parents. My brother is someone I look up to. He never judged me by his standards. He encouraged me to walk the path I chose. When I was a young bagli he would spend time telling me stories, or bring me small items from his journeys.

I would not have ill will between the two of us, since it is likely you will have his or the ship's chronicler' life to guard."
Pule shakes his head "no no, it's okay........." he sighs "i guess i should say, this necklace i the only thing i have left of my brother" he looks down "when we were doing the Baqnor, he..... he failed".
Keyul saw the pain the Qaktoro before him. He put a hand on Pule's shoulder. "From your reaction I take it he chose Sou Fofi. A difficult decision for him, and are hard legacy for you. Did your brother give you that necklace? Or was it bequeathed?"
Pule gulps "he gave it to me on one of our birthdays before" he sighs "i have decided never to take it off untill i complete his dying words..." he walks on "and I'm not going to say them".
"As it should be, they were his last words to you." Keyul motioned in the direction to the transit station. "Let's change the subject as we walk. Why did you choose to join the Clan Defense Fleet instead of taking a position here upon World Station?"
Pule smiles "my parents were bodyguards on a few ships o i decided to follow their lead" he laughs and looks at him "I know that is weird that i follow my parents way but i thought they were amazing and didn't want to do anything else".
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