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RP: SSS Journeymen 3 [Mission 0] Overture

"Yes it does. One more question, am I to report to a Chief security Officer or to you captain? I want to know so I do not overstep any boundaries." Kage said after taking a sip of his green tea.
"The answer to your question is two part." the Captain said before taking a sip of his tea.

"When you are onboard the Tensai, you will answer to our Security Chief during any kind of security situation. When you folks are deployed off ship unless we get a more senior person for security. You would answer to whomever is the designated team leader for the mission." he paused.

"Which brings me to an important point. Journeymen teams can be up to eight people. Currently there are five of you. So we have three more spaced. I will probably make a point of assigning a different non-trainee to the role of team lead and eventually based on performance make a decision about a permanent leader for the team."
"Any questions regarding procedures or being assigned to a team would go to the chief. Got it." He said and sipped his tea. While he wouldn't be able to join the Star Army of Yamatai, he was going to do his part to save the world and he was going to do his damn best to do it.
"Ms Mason prior to the team being deployed. I will need you to do a physical exam of each member and update their records with it.

Mr Kenshin I will want you to go over the Tenba-Class assigned to your team and ensure it is ready when we need to deploy.

Mr Minato, I want you too look at what we currently have in stock on the Tensai in the way of firearms and what you want to have on your vehicle.

Oh, I almost forgot. Because the YX-C3-0101 is going to be used only by you. You can customize the Extended Duration (MCS) to make it more comfortable.

Ms Yikateme I would suggest that you assist Ms Mason." Thomas said.
Alice listened to discussion between security guy and Captain Jameson. It did not interested her in any way. She was not interested in Star Army. She would probably still hate it if were not for Yamataian ship to save them from Meier station. Young medic sighed, noticing how often her though went to that time and place. In reality she would love to forget about it.

"That should not be any trouble Mr. Jameson." Alice responded to Captain and nodded. She then looked at the girl Jameson called Yikatame. "Miss Yikateme, I am Alice Mason. I am pleased to meet you and would be happy for any assistance. At least we will have time to get to know each other better. We might even figure out our ships name." She said to young girl and smiled.
Sakura was happily drinking her juice when she heard what the captain had said, causing her to fumble with the half full cup for a moment. "Y-y-yes sir," responded Sakura nervously. She then looked over at Mason before drinking the rest of her juice.
Thomas smiled briefly. "Well, unless anyone else has a question for me. I am going to leave you folks to your own devices. The conference room is yours for as long as you need it.

The Tensai is scheduled to launch tomorrow morning at 0900 hrs. So make sure you are on board by 0830 if you decide to head out.

YX-C3-0101 is in the cargo hold, while she is not ready for launch you can check it out if you like.

Sayuri is naturally at your disposal." He stood up took his cup of tea and walked out.
"Roger that sir." Kage said with a smile. Kage then finished his tea and got up to do his job. He went out and headed to the cargo bay to requisiton his gear. He pulled out his PDA to check the invetory of the weapons that they had on board. "Sayuri, I need to requisition some firearms, who do I talk to about it?" He asked as he typed up what he thought that he might need first. He went to the YX-C3-0101 and checked out the systems on board. "Also, do we have a pilot for the YX?"

He made sure while he was waiting for an answer from Sayuri he checked the cargobay and made sure that the seats were comfortable enough.
Alice sighed and rubber her forehead looking at the girl in front of herself. That girl looked fairly young. Alice was surrounded by military last few years so being in group of civvies was still little new to her.

"Don't worry girl, I won't bite you." She said and tried to smile. "I got an idea, let's head to med-bay now. We can start the medical check-up with each other, what do you say?"
Chikai watched in amusement when their security person walked out immediately after the Captain. Guess he isn't the social kind. he thought.

He stood up and grabbed his bottled water. "Mason-San, give me a call when you're ready for me to come down to medical. I guess I will go check out our ship and start the preparations.


Raquel upon hearing Alice spoke up, "Mason-San, since I don't have anything in particular to do at the moment. I would like to come on down and get my medical review done as well. Besides it will give Sakura-Chan and I a chance to catch up a bit."


Sayuri had monitored Kage from the moment he left the conference room. She was curious as to what he was doing, and why he left so soon when it was clear to her that Captain wanted them to get to know each other. This was one of the things she enjoyed about working with non-AI's their unpredictable nature.

"At the moment Minato-San there is not a designated pilot for the team. However Stewart-San has been training on aerospace craft, so depending on your assignment. Captain Jameson could even decide to let her fly the craft.

All purchase orders must be approved by the Captain since the funding will come from the Tensai's operating budget. Simply write up the request and send it to him." she replied.
"Ok. I guess that I should head back." Kage said. "I thought that we were supposed to get to work already. By the way are there any firearms in stock aboard the ship? I would like to requistion my gear from what we have on board if we have it. If there is can you send the data to my PDA?" He felt stupid and decided that he should apologize to the crew that he would be working with and hoped that noone was offended. He arrived and walked in with a sigh.

First day and I already managed to screw up. What in the hell is wrong with me? He thought to himself. He walked over to Chiaki and tried to strike up a conversation. He gave a polite bow and spoke. "My name is Minato Kage. What is your name?" He said and waited
Alice looked Chikai's way as he walked away and frowned a little. Mason-san? Why did he not call me by my first name? She thought. Did he wanted to save face in front of the others? Whatever the reason she will tell him to cut it out later.

"Well that is fine!" She responded to Raquel instead. Frown left her face and she smiled again. "And please do not call me Mason-san. It makes me feel like an old lady. Just call me Alice. We will be spending a lot of time together from now on after all."
Sayuri chuckled across the speakers. "Minato-San the Tensai has the standard armory allotment from which you can select. You can at your preference sign-out items from the armory and put them in the Tenba. Although you might want to take into consideration that the Tenba-class does not have an armory. So what you take will need to fit into the EVA locker." The data he requested downloaded into his data pad.

Chikai encountered Kage in the hallway leading from the conference room.

He smiled, "The name is Kenshin Chikai. Since we are going to be on the same team you may as well call me Chikai. So what did you think of our Tenba?"


Raquel smiled, I think I will like this person. She is sensible. "I will call you Alice only if you agree to call me Raquel. And you are most definitely not old. Oh, and please do not call me kid like some of the other crew members. I'm not a child." she said with a grin.
"Well, I think that she'll be a good ship. Just like the Tansaku will be." Kage said. "So, Chikai what are going to be doing? I am just curious."
Chikai put a hand on corridor wall with the look an engineer gives when the admire something. "The Tensai is a nice ship. I've spent a few days helping the engineers. Still working on catching up with the new Yamatai tech.

Captain Jameson hasn't given us our mission briefing. Other than that I figure we will be operating sort of like mini-Tansaku. Ferrying supplies and personnel, checking on expeditions so that the Tensai can cover more than one team at a time."
Sakura looked between Raquel and Alice, she was going to speak but found herself unable to. She was still scared about this assignment and at the moment just wasn't entirely sure what to do other than follow the orders given to her right now.

Instead, she just decided to follow her friend and Alice to the infirmary, keeping quiet the entire way.
As they walked to the Medical bay Raquel turned to her friend, "So Sakura-Chan, what made you decide to join the SSS?"

A number of crew members walked past them in their Tanken Uniforms heading to various points on the ship.

When they approached one of the zero g corridors she stepped in, "Its two level down to medical, just in case you didn't know." she said and with a slight nudge by her inertia control started moving downward.
Sakura nervously looked at her friend, thinking on the question while trying not to think about what caused her to make that decision. "Something different, had to get away from it all. After losing my father in the Battle of Yamatai, I couldn't just sit around and do nothing, although my mother would've preferred I joined the military, I knew that just wasn't the place for me."
"Deal," responded Alice to Raquel and then followed her. Other girl was obviously quite shy so Alice did not push her. Either she will warm up to the medic or not. Hearing about her losing some in Battle of Yamatai sounded like trouble. Alice herself was still on the thrice damned space station at that time. Amaterasu be praised that she is where she is now.

"I think everyone of us lost something in this war." She could no help, but to speak up. Her expression changed from cheerful to dark frown.
Raquel looked at her friend, she had not meant to upset her. "Sakura, I think you made the right choice. And I am sure that your mother will agree in time.

Being in the SSS means that you are part of an organization dedicated to learning, exploring and in the end helping people. The military has enough soldiers, and if they need more they can always make them.

But people like you, who are good and caring... a person who wants to help people. You made the right choice. And as long as I'm with you, I've got you back." She said with a smile putting a hand on her friends shoulder.
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