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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II Mission 1.1 Just More Questions


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 45
RP Location

Kosuke Sector​

System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site​

Thanks to the officers and crew of the YSS Mazu, the crash site had been secured. The unknown cruiser was empty, a thorough deck-by-deck search had turned up nothing more than the remnants of whoever had been aboard, from a cup of some kind of drink on what was assumed to be the Captain's desk in an office off the bridge, to plates of food that had crashed to the floor in the dining hall. Deck by deck there was something they had discovered, however, small living spaces that looked as if they had been devoted to various species from a variety of environments and conditions, like little microenvironments that were arranged like some kind of a zoo or prison which allowed people to look in on them and various science-type consoles outside of each one. There were only two cells with bodies, one that had a dead aquatic humanoid and the other that contained something much more troubling, the corpses of two Mishhuvurthyar that had been butchered.

With the wreck secure, Katsuko and Akina along with the rest of the key personnel from the YSS Mazu and the YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City went to the surface to join the initial team. Outside of the launch bay and the lower decks of the ship the technicians had been able to figure out the life support system of the downed ship and brought it online to at least make the atmosphere inside breathable. Katsuko, in her older yet signature purple Mindy M2-1H, stood on the ship's bridge, her helmet tucked under her arm as she looked around. The Mazu's KAMI was still processing the ship's language. Despite the progress they had made since their arrival on the planet, there were still more questions than answers. Did the crew and other passengers get rescued before they arrived? What caused the crash? and most importantly, how did the two Mishhuvurthyar end up in a holding cell butchered.

"Everyone come and assemble on the ship's bridge," Katsuko said over the open communications channel, she figured that Akina and several other personnel from the Mazu would be on their way to the surface if they had not already arrived to help try and uncover some of the mysteries of this confusing vessel.

Let's start with all player characters on the bridge of the wrecked ship. Gets us all in one place so we can continue our adventure. @Charaa @Yuuki @Miyako @demibear @Soban @iaincarter . @Commissar Farzi (Have the Iron Company Team Stationed Outside the ship providing some cover, Have Morris join the group on the bridge)

Kosuke Sector​

System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site​

Makoto had spent a lot of time exploring the strange ship, teasing/testing its defenses, and checking it out in a way that she hoped put her in danger but not any of her crewmates. She’d seen the two Mishhuvurthyar, and it made her wonder. What weapon had killed them, who had done it, could they the CIAF ally with them? That was a question. One she didn’t have answers for but thought only time would tell. Perhaps their science division could figure it out better than she could.

With her thoughts concluded, she turned her head towards the aquatic alien. Her mind went to how appropriate its physiology would be in a water world, and she thought of an aquatic based Mindy. Before she got the message from her comms “Hai, Mikraitos-hei, on her way there now.” she said to the other caller. She started making her way back, her body disappearing from view as she did. “I wonder what kind of tech can this thing use.. Itatski-San’s Tech scanner might be able to help figure that out. I should make sure to mention it” She murmured to herself.

The bridge door opened, as if sensing her, even though visually no one was there. She stepped up to the familiar purple Mindy, and her head became visible, but most of her body remained invisible. She saluted Katskuko, her hand becoming visible like her head. “ma’am! reporting as ordered!”
Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site

The revelation of Mishhu being used as specimen of some type to another entity didn't really register with Shoi Radcliffe Yingzi. She was far more fascinated trying to get as much information about the scientific equipment and any data on what they were researching so that she could both get a jump start on what might be in the sector and fulfill her aspirations of gathering as much biomedical information for her own people's efforts back on Fujiko. Unlucky for her, there wasn't any power to get such data. So her goals would just have to wait.

Shosa Mikael Harris had a far different reaction when he learned of the two. Hearing Mishhu being butchered were always a happy occasion for the 2nd Mishhu War veteran. Though the happiness was somewhat subdued in that they were not done in by the Yamataians, but instead by another entity or faction that were more powerful then they were potentially. He always suspected such a power would exist in the galaxy, but he figured they would be more coreward than rimward.

He was deeply curious to satisfy his curiosity in investigating the very same system Yingzi was interested, but his primary concern was the protection of Katsuko and making sure the other Close Protection Specialists under him were doing their jobs. Not that Katsuko really needed him, she was from the era of Nekos that did everything on their own. Mikael and his fellow CPS were more of a ceremonial role for such Nekos and advisors for much younger Nekos.

Due to his large physique since returning to his genetic roots, Mikael makes use of a custom Mindy 4 for power armor usage. Though despite that, it still didn't feel quite right on him. Something he was going to have to get addressed with SARA and local engineers. But he figured it was a waste of time for the time being due him being the only Zhenren augmented individual that he knows of within the Star Army of Yamatai.

Yingzi was the first to enter the bridge, finding someplace in the back to look at the consoles. The "giant" Mikael stood outside right next to the entrance of the bridge, nodding at everyone that enters.
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("Her ladyship's on the surface.")

Great...Morris had been briefed on this Katsuko; a veteran of the Star Army, and one of their highest ranking plus a noblewoman to boot. It had led to the usual barracks gossip of how she got her command; ranging from her buying her commission(always a favorite of those of high birth) and likely sitting behind friendly lines providing 'Oversight' while her troops did the dirty work, to politicking and how many rivals were long dead in the cold ground, to how badly her first command went and how many soldiers she had to sacrifice so she could climb to the top.

A few randier rumors abounded on how many beds she'd warmed, but those were more the speculation of a bunch of horny yeomen than actual seriousness.

Regardless, there was a lot of speculation as to what kind of individual they were now working for-regardless of how bad of a case of arse-breath they may have. ("Alright-make sure we're-")
"Everyone come and assemble on the ship's bridge,"
When the order came through, Morris didn't bother to respond. ("Alright,") He growled to his fellow. ("Get the ammo and fuel distributed as best able and ensure we're dug in; whoever left the ship might not be gone.") He shook his head. ("Gonna go see what her ladyship wants.") The yeoman snorted as the big man turned, hefting his combat shield, and began to walk away. ("Maybe she wants her ale n' sweetbread?") Morris shrugged as he entered where the Yams had breached. Making his way through halls-not really taking note of the vessel's interior aside from the basic layout. As he approached the bridge he made note of the individuals assembled-a big man-wouldn't be too out of place among their own people-a floating head of a woman-likely some kind of cloaking system in that damned power armor. He'd need to have a word with her about doing that around some of the yeomen.

And of course, standing in the middle in purple power armor-maybe she fancied herself an empress?-and looking important was her ladyship herself. Not bothering to take off his helmet he gave her a brief salute. "Yeoman Sergeant Jacob Morris reporting as ordered." His voice, harsh and faintly accented sounded muffled by his helmet, seemed tired as he gave a salute. They had yet to report the supply issue as they were still trying to allocate them. Well, now was good as time as any.

Come to think of it-where'd that Pest get off to? Actually, it wasn't his problem least until that Yam returned it.
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Kosuke Sector - System YC-06C, 2nd Planet-Crash Site

Alina had already departed from the Mazu to make her way towards the surface when Katsuko's call came across the open communications channel. Surely the personnel on the ground had found something amongst the wreckage at the crash site. If that was not the case, she had left the ship for nothing other than to accompany her Taisho. She noted Mikael outside the entrance and rendered a sharp salute followed by a quick, yet respecful, "Shosa" before proceeding. As the bridge door opened before her she made her way over to render proper honors to Katsuko.

She approached Katsuko, "Reporting as ordered Taisho," she said rendering a sharp salute as she did so. Quietly she nodded to to the Nito Hei that she had overheard reporting in when she arrived. Subsequently to rendering honors to superiors who were there upon her arrival she slipped off to a nearby spot where she could be summoned to fulfill clerk like duties if need be. Naturally, she was also equipped for whatever roles she might encounter on the surface as pencil pushing would not likely be one of them.

While she stood her eyes fell across the bridge over the new surroundings they found themselves in. Something randomly reminded her that she would eventually need to seek permission to update her qualifications to include communications, as she had been functioning in the dual role for some time now. Her eyes flitted to the newcomer, observing him briefly before she returned to her own thoughts.
Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site

As he approached the crashed, and entirely alien, cruiser Motoyoshi Daisuke felt an anticipatory frisson rush through him. This was exactly the sort of thing that those heading out into the unknown of the Kosuke Sector had been hoping to find. The Shoi could almost feel the excitement of the personnel around him as the air felt almost electrified from the sheer ambient energy being given off by the Star Army's finest as they eagerly sought to explore the mysteries surrounding the stranded ship.

Not that Daisuke expected that he would be doing too much exploring himself. No, the mission operator suspected that he would more likely be involved in trying to keep the investigation from turning into a chaotic mess and, looking at the sheer scale of the alien cruiser, the Shoi knew there was great potential for just that outcome. Then again, he knew from experience not to try and predict the thought process of Motoyoshi Katsuko-Taisho. For all that he also knew her as his mother, Katsuko was a charismatic visionary and more than capable of embodying the concept of 'unconventional thought'.

As if she had heard his thoughts - a feat of mental prowess that Daisuke wasn't convinced to be beyond her - the communications channel in his Molly came to life with his mother's voice. No, he had to remind himself, Katsuko-Taisho's voice.

"Everyone come and assemble on the ship's bridge," Katsuko said over the open communications channel, she figured that Akina and several other personnel from the Mazu would be on their way to the surface if they had not already arrived to help try and uncover some of the mysteries of this confusing vessel.

In response, Daisuke started loping towards the bay door that was serving as their entry point into the alien cruiser. His Molly, more properly named a Yu-M1-2B Series Light Mechanized Power Armor, was capable of running at a hundred kilometres per hour, not that the mission operator needed anywhere near that kind of speed. Still, Daisuke gracefully made his way into the crashed cruiser with graceful alacrity and followed the navigation markers the suit's Immersion System were projecting for him. In what felt like very little time at all, but was in fact several minutes according to his mission clock, Daisuke found himself approaching the bridge.

Slowing to a much calmer pace, the Shoi entered into the bridge. Reaching up and removing the Molly's helmet before securing it under an arm, Daisuke approached the purple Mindy M2-1H that was Katsuko's signature power armor. He crisply came to a stop and, fighting the momentary urge to hug his mother or bow to his Clan Matriarch, Daisuke raised his free hand to salute the Fleet Admiral.

"Motoyoshi Daisuke-Shoi, reporting as ordered, Taisho." The mission operator tried to keep his tone even and professional, but somehow Daisuke suspected that anyone who knew him would be able to tell just how excited he was at that moment. He never had been terribly successful at hiding his emotions from those around him, especially when they had known him for long enough to know all of his tells.

Kosuke Sector​

System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site​


The Chief Science officer hovered in next, she was surprised to be in a power armor so early into the mission, but such is the nature of field work. The irascible princess had a standard loadout. The changes she made were geared towards a support and sensor role. "Fuck me, this is so cool." She had spent the clearing operation in one of the labs on the Mazu while the other was set to come to the surface soon. One of the most important tidbits was the presence of various biological forms, including ones they all recognized very well. It made her wonder what, or if, they had medical ethics. "So are we doing a forensics runup once the lab is here, or just moving the samples after recording telemetry? I'd like to perform at least cursory autopsies. It'll show me a bit about how these fuc-new potential friends do their studying."


Akina brought up the rear, though she floated in backwards as if she thought someone might be following them. "This is certainly an ominous vessel. They definitely left in a hurry." She noted, getting in approximate position near the other Taisho, keeping her armor's boots slightly off the ground. With air superiority, and an actual perimeter, things felt more stable. The Mazu maintained her readiness condition. "That was good work, contact team." I thought they might be in the walls or something. She thought to Katsuko. Some part of her was slightly paranoid that they were still around, getting recon on them. So much activity was going on in the derelict now that it was little surprise the lab touched down and was released by her shuttle carrying it as a payload.

Field lab functional. Pinged the crews on the ground and the monitoring mother ship.
"Peepers! Noooooo! Ch-chotto matte! Dame dame dame yo!"

It only took a single, shiny, fast-moving object to undo the last hours of Tachiko's work. Work, both in terms of the meticulously organized and catalogued collection that Tachiko, the former chief medical officer she was, had made of specimens and artifacts acquired from the drones' preliminary investigation of the wreck, as well as that invested in building teamwork among the FARS and the "Pest" with her indulgent, wheedling treatment. The latter collapsed into chaos as Peepers, coursing instincts aroused, stopped working in harmony to instead give chase to the swiftly-moving Daisuke, barreling through the stacked and laid out display. Exemplars of technology and biological samples flew through the air much as they likely did once before when the ship had crashed. The Frisbee-shaped FARS drones scattered, their light bars flashing red and speakers blaring klaxon alarms as their collision warnings went off and the well-choreographed synchronized work devolved into a miniature Kessler Syndrome simulation.

"Ayano-nee-sama! Watch out!"

With one hand on the SachiTech Tech-Scanner she had been using to compare the findings against databases of known technology and manufacturers to find matches, or at least analogues, the other gripped, Nekovalkyrja-strength-tight, on Peepers' sturdy turret trunnion, Tachiko could only engage her inertial-gravity control system, and let herself float, flapping like a flag on a breeze, as she was otherwise helplessly dragged along to the bridge while the runaway drone pursued her brother. Deposited, unceremoniously, on the deck after colliding with a bridge console when Peepers zagged hard to port, she was thankful for her currently-reduced-mass state, reflexively disengaging it to allow her to tumble to a stop right at the feet of her adopted mother and commanding officer, and the Yeoman Sergeant.

Peepers circled Daisuke menacingly thrice, chirping lowly in a threatening tone, before returning to heel politely at Morris's feet.
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Both Kaoru and Minato had remained behind on the Mazu, which gave the XO a chance to sit in the command chair again just like in old times. The open communications channel with the Taisho however made their presence possible for the field meeting. Katsuko gave a nod of acknowledgment as each member of the team arrived on the bridge of the wrecked cruiser. "Deck-by-deck searches have almost been completed, we've stumbled upon an abandoned ship. As Shimizu-Taii pointed out we've found some unfortunate and familiar remains...A pair of Mishhuvurthyar. The lab module has landed for your use to dig into the causes of death, Taii. Also, try to concentrate on the dead aquatic humanoid, we all know what the other two are," she said in the opening of her run down on what they had all reported. "We're not getting very far with the technology on this ship. While the systems show as familiar our ability to access them appears to be limited to extremely limited, as a result, I'd rather we focus on gaining a specific set of information. We should focus on gaining knowledge about where the ship originated and where it was en route to when this incident took place. Once we get that information we can figure out our next move, and leave a team behind to extract as much information as we can from this wreck," she continued, then she addressed Morris, "How do things look outside, all is quiet still?" she inquired. She was interested in what he and the others had to report or offer for ideas. "Anyone else have anything to report or have suggestions to offer up?" she asked.

Katsuko looked briefly between those gathered, similar to Akina she couldn't help but be suspicious that they were being observed - just her suspicions lay beyond the wreck and the planet itself, there were plenty of places in the system where a ship or ships could observe them from a distance. If someone had rescued this crew already they may still be close by. At least those assigned to the mission were the best of the best. Katsuko and Akina both present on the surface continued to display that they both continued to hold that signature unorthodox methodology that they had commanded with earlier in their careers.

Kosuke Sector​

System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site​


Soggy Hole to the Bridge​

Mazumi had chosen to stay back, much like her sister, and Kaoru had done. She was a caretaker, and felt she had no business being down there, even with the crash site secured for now. She didn’t trust she could offer anything to the team, in terms of technology or skill that would be of help so she stayed in her lounge. Her focus now was brewing a delicious drink that could be served to on duty personnel. Once she was finished, he set them onto a tray along side a cracker, which was filled with nutrients and supplements to boost energy.

She took a tray and walked towards the bridge where the doors hissed as they opened, as if telling the innocent caretaker that she had no business being there. She proceeded forward, noting where Kaoru was sitting, but if Kaoru expected her to react she didn’t. “I have prepared drinks for the two of you, and any who needed one, in addition to crackers,” she said with a sweet smile as she carefully used skills to balance the tray with one hand, and remove the glasses to hand over, as well as crackers should they need a pick me up. She thought of sending something down there, but their power armor had a tech that allowed them to drink. Though as she was passing her delivery, her eye caught sight of the screen that showed Makoto wasn’t wearing armor but was partly invisible.


The ninja glanced around the area, noting the technology, but like Katsuko and Akina, she found herself uncomfortable being there. Perhaps it was because of what the ship entailed, a crashed down vessel and the fact there were already multiple dead bodies. The Mishuu being dead was a good thing, but this unknown alien. That was something that concerned her, though, did they really know if the Mishuu was dead? The thought gave her a horrible gut feeling, and her hand moved towards her Katana hilt, once more, a precautionary measure. Times like these she wished she used a Power Armor, and could use the Mindy’s scans to check things out. Tachiko’s appearance and the appearance of the SachiTech Tech scanner caught her attention. She’d heard good things about that scanner.
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Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet- Crash Site

Daisuke found himself unsure whether to be more surprised by his sister's...unorthodox arrival technique or the confusingly territorial actions of the drone. It was certainly a first for him, in fact the minkan couldn't think of any other time he had been so obviously threatened by a drone. Honestly, while he could probably make a fuss about it acting so inappropriately, the Shoi was honestly more amused by its actions than offended. Besides, it was obviously important to his sister, somehow and he would be willing to bet a small fortune that there was a hilarious explanation as to her method of arrival.

"Come, sister." He spoke fondly, moving over to help Tachiko back to her feet while the others answered Katsuko-Taisho's queries. "I admire your persistence in developing drone-assisted room-entry techniques for our valiant forces, but I think you need to work the kinks out of the landing before any further field-testing." Daisuke's melodic voice was clearly teasing, equally showing his amusement and affection.

Maybe that small act of levity would also help lift some of the oppressive mood the minkan could feel settling around the crew. Having only just arrived on the crashed cruiser - and being no specialist in alien architecture, technology, biology or culture - Daisuke wasn't sure that there was anything else constructive that he could add to the proceedings at that moment in time.

"Tachi! Nandaiy-shit!" The Taii's armor smacks dead into one of the walls causing an amusing, if loud 'DO-O-O-ON!' of metal. What the flying fuck, literally. Need more help than Daisuke can give? I think he's got you. Ayano managed to keep her mouth shut and just send a direct thought to her little sister, more glad she was in armor given how close the two officers came to fusing into one piece for a second. She wasn't above that, though drone into power armor was certainly not the way she imagined that shaking out.

She replied crisply to Katsuko, "You got it. I can assign that out to one of the others if I have too many hands working on the aquatic one." Ayano didn't try to hide the sound of her excitement. They would know a lot about the new species before even meeting a live one, and she had the chance to write SO many public papers if the Star Army would allow it.

The youngest of the Motoyoshi/Shimizu triplets pinged the technicians working in the caged area, This is Shimizu-Motoyoshi-Taii, move the aquatic body once you are finished gathering metrics where it is. The containment area, prepare autopsy tools and the resta' the kit too. They would have to decide on a name for them, aside from catalog nomenclature. At least until they could meet a living member of the species to ask them.


I'm glad we came down to see this ourselves. Even linking into something wasn't going to cut this. It had been so long since she and the love her life were exploring. The galaxy felt smaller then. The only thing she felt that hadn't changed was how she felt. Well, she loved her even more than she thought she could.

"Our goal is peaceful first contact. If we can manage it. They are at least as cautious as we are. While we are hoping for that, we'll maintain our readiness."

Her attention turned to Morris as she raised her arm in her armor and put her fist to her chest, "It's good to see you again. Thank you for your rapid response, I expected nothing less."
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Morris sighed as Peeper came to a halt in front of him, before bringing his combat shield down on it with a loud, resounding clang and the startled chirps of the Pest as it tried to get away. Looking at the idiot who'd made the mistake of encouraging the damned thing instead of thumping it, he gave a shake of his head as he lifted his shield off of it-the drone giving an angry, rolling chirp as he did. "Word to the wise; percussive maintenance is usually the best way to correct its behavior," He explained, his tone firm, "Please exercise caution in the future when dealing with any of our equipment." Nobody wanted to deal with the paperwork-but that more or less went unsaid.

They weren't the SA, or even the Neps-their equipment was not what she was likely used to. Addressing the two Taishos, he stepped with a growl of 'Stay' at the drone as it tried to take off-forcing it forward with him. The news of the gribbles didn't bode well, but hey, they were Iron Company; nothing in the job description said it was going to be easy. Morris gave a sharp salute. "Quiet as it can be your ladyship-though given the present situation-" He gestured to the butchered mishu corpses, "-that's gonna change real quick all things considered." He looked at Akina. "Can't speak for everyone but it's good to see you as well. Unfortunately, as you already know we've got a situation on our hands." He gestured to the drone, who began to look up at the pair as if begging for attention, "Thanks to a supply mix up-or possibly some thurok fucker locked em in there-we're down about a quarter of our ammo and fuel-all other supplies are accounted for."

As he was speaking, Peeper began to slowly edge forward. "We've redistributed our fuel and ammunition as best able, but it's going to limit our ability to operate effectively." The drone slowly began to reach out towards Katsuko's helmet...only to be interrupted by Morris slamming his shield down on it again. "We're going to have to establish onsite manufacturing capabilities or requisition it-honestly don't which will take longer." Dragging Peeper back, the big man gave it a rough shove toward Tachiko. ("Go back and bother her ya piece of junk.") He growled in Valhallan before continuing. "With your permission, I'd like to get the former going-especially if we have Gribblies on world, and if possible request some fabrication equipment related to chemistry and metalworking; the Crawlers can run on straight alcohol if need be and booze is easy enough to get."

That latter part went without saying; any Valhallan worth their salt knew how to make booze; still, hopefully, they'd acquiesce to his request. No point in running out of ammo in the middle of a firefight...
Standing and dusting herself off with the long, catlike ears that sprouted sideways from her head now slumped, dejectedly, backwards and down, Tachiko seemed to panic a moment, going about the motions of straightening her uniform before she realized she was wearing an environmental suit, then snapped to attention. The best of the best, indeed. Early examples of the NH-Series bioroids, especially NH-17s like Tachiko, were considered expedient and expendable equipment, so at the ripe old age of eighteen standard Yamataian years, she was, along with Katsuko, among the oldest Nekovalkyrja still in existence. As such, the powers that were did not necessarily consider it worth giving the mass-produced soldiers much in the way of competency outside of their military purposes, save some particular outside interest assigned at random. Thus they, like Tachiko among them, were often air-headed, and on top of that, some how also easily as meat-headed as any Valhallan knucklehead, brains paradoxically comprising both the densest meat and sparsest of air.

"Hai, Moth~ er, uh, Heika-Taishō!" Ears were in their proper place once again as the senior-junior officer had composed herself before she reported to Katsuko, trying to ignore the Pest slowly encroaching as if trying to sneak up on her and doing a terrible job of it.
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Kosuke Sector - System YC-06C, 2nd Planet-Crash Site

Sensing the new arrival her eyes flicked over towards the disturbance with a flat, unexpressive look upon her face. When the wearer of the Molly removed its helmet she noted the appearance of a violet haired male with eyes muck akin to her own. With not a hint of any change in expression she made mental notes of his excitable nature and identifying information, should it be needed later. Alina continued to wait patiently as the next members arrived. Immediately she recognized Taisho Akina, for whom she was a personal clerk.

Though she had been intended to perform expressly as the Taisho's clerk it seemed that she would be picking up other duties. As of late she had been functioning in the dual role of both clerk and communications specialist. In her limited down time she dove head first into studying the latter, to make herself equally as capable in performing the duties required of the role. She began to wonder upon the surroundings or when things might get kicking when a ping notified her that a field lab was functional. Perhaps it might have some instrumentation on board to perform various communications and life sign scans, just in case they were not the only ones in the area. Shortly after Taisho Akina would receive a communication from her, "Taisho, if you have no need of me for clerk duties at the moment; I do believe I may be of use utilizing my communications skills performing communications and life sign scans at the field labs. That is, with your permission, respectfully." Suddenly her attention was ripped back to the excitable Daisuke.

Violet orbs narrowed as she watched the object circle around the violet haired man. Alina's pointed ears twitched with relief as the little pest backed off to seemingly rest. Hesitantly her eyes wavered back to Katsuko as she spoke. She picked up on apparent subtleties in the inquiry made to Morris. It did seem odd that they had not yet come into contact with creatures bearing a little more vitality. In case someone might be within audible range she opted to send an encrypted message to Taisho Katsuko, the other Taisho she had been working with. "Perhaps I could be of use running discreet scans for both communications and life signs that are not our own?" She looked back around as the eerieness of it all began to send her mind spinning into various paths of analytical thought. Perhaps the Taishos would simply assign her to work under someone else for the time being.

The annoying little pest seemed to be edging towards Katsuko and away from its handler. Only the slightest hint of a smile could be seen as the corner or her mouth tilted up slightly when Morris bashed it with his shield. Of course she knew of just the clerk who might be able to help with the requisition, "Mr. Morris, we have a supply clerk onboard the Mazu, Santo Hei Imaizu Sanako, should you have need of her." Alina piped up in a stonily professional tone. She herself had barely met the little furball, but had decidedly come to the conclusion she was not half bad. Her thoughts settled once more as she awaited further directions.

YSS Mazu​

Main Bridge

Kaoru looked up from the projected screen at the First Officer's Station, Minato was standing just behind her to the right kind of bent over so she could see what was on the screen. It was just then a few other crew on the bridge, typical when everyone else from the main shift was on the surface. "Thank you, Mazu-hei," the Taisa said as she glanced back at the screen. The volumetric projection showed their intensive scans of the system. It appeared that whoever had previously arrived to rescue the crew of the wrecked craft had not left any residual trail, it was just the normal background radiation and phenomenon. "Well, they must have been ghosts or using some kind of stealth technology we have never seen, they left no trace," she said in frustration as she waited for Mazumi to bring their drinks down to them.

The ship's avatar just shook her head, "I will keep scanning and try a few more heuristic methods, I have my doubts it will turn anything up though. Hopefully, they have some more luck on the surface finding out where the wrecked vessel came from or was headed to," Minato said before she gave her attention to Mazumi, "Thanks, you have good timing, I was about to suggest we take a break. How are things down in the hole? Everyone chattering about that ship down there?" she asked as she eyed the crackers the caretaker had brought up.

Crash Site​

Unnamed Planet

It had been a good call to bring their science people and the mobile laboratory to the surface. Katsuko nodded when Ayano accepted her directions and she couldn't help but hope that she had some time to get to know her better; she remained shaken by the guilty feeling that she had not been a part of her and her sister's lives in a more active way before this. She made eye contact briefly with Akina before she moved her focus to Morris. //"You should probably return the Mazu after we're done here, probably not the best of ideas for us both to be in the same place"// she sent telepathically to Akina.

Katsuko listened to Morris, the Taisho couldn't help but chuckle quietly as the Pest went against the flow of professionalism in the conversation altogether. There was a certain nuance to the Iron Company's technology, the cobbled resources appeared to function minimally at best and seemed to work on an element of luck that had so far gone in their favor. "If you can get us the specifications you need, we can use the Mazu's fabricators to produce anything you need," she said, Sure the act of producing fuel and ammunition for another party was not something the Star Army would normally agree to, but when it came to this mission in a new sector of space they had to adapt to make things work.

Although Daisuke was a Mission Operator, Katsuko knew he was also fairly technically inclined, "Motoyoshi-Ieyasu-Shoi, you take Morris and some of his personnel back up to the Mazu to take care of this fabrication problem his people are having, and loop in Imaizu-Hei when you get there," she ordered. It was time for her son to put himself into something, perhaps even make a friend or two outside of the normal rank and file. She would let Akina sort out orders for her Clerk. The Norian did have a good suggestion though, which was why she suggested her son and Morris consult Imaizu. "Thank you for the suggestion Shanui-Hei," she said to the clerk, being respectful of the fact it had been her suggestion to involve the supply personnel.

Tachiko broke face for a minute, and Katsuko decided to play back her mistake as she responded, "Yes, Daughter." She gave a bit of a playful smirk before she continued, "Motoyoshi-Taii, why don't you and Makoto work on prying out the originally intended destination for this vessel? Hopefully, it will lead us to some more clues in this little mystery. " she suggested, "In the meantime, Yingzi-Shoi and I will take another deck-by-deck through the ship. Perhaps my Mindy's more intensive scanners can pick up something that we missed," she said. She knew Mikael would accompany them as well, after all, he was responsible for her protection.
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Crash Site

Yingzi's there was the briefest of panic on her face when Katsuko made the order that she and the Taisho would make another inspection of the ship. But she quickly composed herself and slightly bowed towards Katsuko. Not out of any form of disrespect but from what she was taught back on Fujiko that you should not draw attention towards leadership in the field by your actions.

"Aye aye." Yingzi said clearly in response before putting on her AMES' helmet once again.

Mikael remain silent as he reviewed what he had seen on the ship and started planning for any possible contingencies that might occur while he watched the pair conduct the operation. He already had a silent direct link to every medical trained individual at the crash site. He decided that his nodal bits will do the job of thoroughly inspecting locations he cannot see with his own eyes, passively contributing to gaining a better understanding of the crashed ship.

He released one of them from his Mindy and starting having it fly towards any exposed nooks and crannies to test out the system before releasing the rest.
Makoto saluted her arm and hand materialized as it made contact with her forehead. “Hai, understood, ma’am!” she said before she turned to the previously clumsy but adorable Tachiko. “Motoyoshi-Taii-sama, pleasure to be working with you, Ma’am!” she said as her way of greeting. Her left hand, remained at the hilt of her invisible Katana as she then proceeded forward though she accidentally bumped into Daisuke, allowing him to feel things. “My apologize, Motoyoshi-Ieyasu-Shoi-sama!” She said as she proceeded forward to her mission’s next destination on the ship. Where they might find the information Katsuko wanted. The Ninja couldn’t help but think of the fact if they brought back the aquatic alien’s body to its people, they might be able to make new friends. Perhapes the alien was someone important in rank or religious leadership. Makoto decided that time will tell what happens, but she knew one thing for sure, she will do her best to see her people to safety.
Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet
Crash Site

Daisuke listened carefully as everyone made their reports and Katsuko-Taisho gave out her orders in return. After all, you never could tell in advance when the most innocuous piece of information might become particularly pertinent down the line. Still, it all sounded fairly routine to his ears - let the scientists science, the bridge operators operate the bridge and let the biggest and best combatants root around in the ship for trouble or further secrets. The mission operator was not surprised that his mother was easily able to best leverage her people for optimum efficiency, not after twenty years spent being a leader.

At least his personal curiosity at what Katsuko-Taisho would have him doing had been answered. Daisuke was somewhat surprised at the assignment, but pleasantly so. From what little he had read so far of the Technician MOS educational syllabus, it would really be in his best interest to develop some contacts amongst the Mazu's Supply and Engineering personnel. It would also allow him the opportunity to learn more about their Valhallan associates who, if they were to remain with the Colonial Initiative fleet for the long haul, could turn out to be a significant component in the future endeavours of the Motoyoshi Clans. So, Daisuke also understood the orders that weren't given. Take stock of their allies and find ways to help bind and indebt them to the Clan and the fleet.

Regardless, an order had been given, so there was only one appropriate response. Which Daisuke was interrupted from giving as Makoto suddenly pressed into him and the minkan was immediately distracted by the eerie sensation of having an invisible body bounce off of him. He shook his head at her apology. "Perfectly fine, Mikratos-hei, carry on." Fortunately, given his occupation, Daisuke had familiarised himself with the usual members of the Mazu's primary away team. He quickly put the collision out of his mind, although it wouldn't be until much later in the day that he would regretfully wonder what tantalising sights he might have seen had he thought to switch his eyesight into the infrared or ultraviolet range.

Returning his attention to his mother Daisuke saluted once more. "Hai, Motoyoshi-Taisho." With his Molly's helmet still underarm, he turned his head and looked up, violet eyes seeking out the much taller Valhallan's faceplate. "Well than, Morris-san, if you are ready, let us go and gather the people you need to accompany us to the Mazu." Daisuke lifted his PA's helmet and, placing it over his head, quickly locked it in to place. He also made a note to look up this Imaizu-hei's service record during the flight up to the Mazu - it was always a good idea to know a little about the people you were going to work with, after all.
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"Thank you, Taisho." Morris responded; good news for once; he'd honestly been expecting to be told to 'figure it out.' Turning to Daisuke, he looked him over once before responding; he was at least a good foot and a half shorter than most of them and sounded fairly young. This meant he was likely going to be the butt end of a few jokes and general disrespect-at least until he proved himself in their eyes...would be interesting to see how the noble-born brat would handle it. "Yeoman-Sergeant or Morris is fine, kid." The big man responded, flexing his left hand-he felt the brief half-second it took for his bionics to respond. Not good. "Just a moment and I'll a few guys together." Toggling his radio as he turned, ("Garm, you there?") He barked in Valhallan, and after a few moments of radio silence cursed and reiterated. ("Garm, are you there, over?") A laugh over the radio-smart arses. ("Yea, I'm here Sergeant, was waiting on you to finish, over.") The smarmy tone he took made Morris desperately wish he was here in person. ("Now's not the time.") His response betrayed his irritation, ("Get yer sorry arse in gear-and bring me any Smith that can speak decent Trade-preferably educated, over.") A pause. ("But aren't Smiths technically educated, over?") The moment of silence stretched as Morris realized the sheer idiocy of his statement.

Gods have mercy on him. ("Beyond turn a wrench Garm.") He growled, trying everything in his power to keep from facepalming, ("And have them meet me in ship's bridge, over and out.") Thumbing his spare canteen-the one with his ration of spirits and seriously contemplating taking a swig. Deciding against it, and figuring he'd wait till after he'd briefed them before taking a swig. A short while later Garm, another yeoman, and five smiths shuffled in. They seemed...normal enough-that was until he'd gotten to the last two' one smith was dressed in a light brigandine, which was not out of the ordinary save for the fact it was covered in odd sigils-some shaped like machinery-others in strange, inhuman forms-he thought he saw a thurok, but wasn't sure., and gear tied to a thong of leather and fashioned into a crude necklace hung from his neck. The other was the Yeoman himself; his armor was fairly normal save for some odd graffiti-mostly just insults, bragging and jokes scrawled in their native script-but the pair of giant eyes that had been added to his faceplate with 'I'm watchin' u" scrawled in trade just below the visor was a bit much. And he had a knucklehead rifle. Great...he was one of those.

Fuck you Tacho, fuck you.

With a sigh, Morris murmured to Daisuke, "Just a moment." before he gestured to Garm to follow and walked over a short distance so they couldn't be overheard-he doubted he was out of earshot of the yams-but none of the assembled bunch save for the Valhallans themselves could understand them. ("Educated, Garm, I said educated!") He growled, his voice low as he glanced briefly at the bunch. ("I did!") Garm responded frantically.

("Then explain those two?") As they argued, the two oddballs looked at each other. ("What do you their on about Anderson?") The yeoman asked, watching with interest as the two argued. ("Hell if I know Garrick,") Anderson replied, stretching briefly. ("Maybe they don't like those stupid eyes you put on your suit?") Garrick snorted, looking back at his compatriot, ("Better than the chicken scratch you drew on yours.")

("Hey-it's tradition!")

("A stupid tradition!")


The pair's argument was interrupted as the pair came back, Morris taking off his helmet and revealing his brutish, heavily scarred features. "Alright," He said in trade, his tone firm, "Her Ladyship here's been kind enough to help us with our supply issue, however as we will be boarding a Star Army Vessel-and her son's gonna be accompanying us so we can get what we need-" That got a few murmurs "-so, I'm gonna set a few general rules here and now-and yes-" He jerked a thumb to Katsuko, "-I'm saying this in front of her so none of you can try and wiggle out of it." A few mutters but otherwise the group was silent. "First things first-No brawling; I'm not havin' their MP's hauling anyone off because someone was acting ignorant. They start it, it's a different matter." That brought a few nods. "Another point-no mugging," This brought a few grumbles, "Shut it-if for some reason you lot can't get rule one through your heads and get into a fight," A few exchanged looks, "And no it doesn't mean you go looking for trouble either-but if you win, leave their gear alone; I'll turn you over myself if I get any complaints." Actually he wouldn't but they didn't need to know that. "Third, and most importantly no 'salvaging'-I don't care if someone's left it lying around-they'll likely need it." That one would go straight up ignored and they all damn well knew it as long as no one saw it-and no one was coming to him to bitch about it-well see no theft, hear no theft and occasionally commit theft.

"And finally-No bothering the women." He finished, leading a few throats being cleared and muffled laughs, "Their jobs are hard enough without you slobbering all over them. Now get yer arses in gear; we move in two." He should probably consult her ladyship and see if there was anything she wanted to add, but at the moment he really didn't care. The oddballs approached him. ("What is it?") He said, switching from trade to Valhallan, ("Was going over some of the supplies; we don't have enough nanogel for emergency repairs.") Morris sighed-welding was nice, but nanite gel was definitely good to have, especially if your hardsuit was breached. ("Alright, take this,") He handed him a stack of KS from a bag in his belt, ("And head back to Port Jyuu and see what you can find, take him with you.") He indicated Eyes. ("Don't drink it away, and come back.") Anderson nodded, and the pair stalked off.

Taking the canteen from his belt, he unscrewed the cap and took a swig-feeling the spicy-sweet, syrupy liquid coat his tongue before leaving a burning trail down his throat, before screwing it back on. "Alright, come on." He said to Daisuke, "Let's get a move on." Morris placed the canteen back on his hip as he put his helmet on and locked it into place...booze would likely make it easier to deal with the floozies-given their reputation...