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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II Mission 1.1 Just More Questions

Crash Site - Unnamed Planet

After no direction had been given, Alina took a moment to think things over. She wanted to be of assistance, but without orders what was she to do? She had tried contacting her boss to no avail. As such, she proceeded with the next logical course of action. A detailed inspection of herself was conducted to ensure her equipment was secured. Everything seemed to be in place and she turned to face Katsuko, "You are most welcome Taisho, happy to help." Without any further orders from Akina, she began to make her way over towards the mobile laboratory.

A slight eyebrow raised as she heard muffled laughter from the group near this Morris fellow. Alina smirked a bit in passing, "Thaus wielk lu au jiik wauw si lisu wier sinjeu//That would be a good way to lose your tongue." she murmured to herself in Nira'las. Though she did not understand the language they switched to, but it sounded like some pretty routine stuff. As she reached the ramp leading to one of the airlocks she wondered if personnel were already at work inside. Perhaps they might have something she could help out with, if not, scans it would be. After getting through the airlock she stepped inside to look around and get her bearings of the place.
At being called out on her slip of the tongue by Katsuko herself, Tachiko's ears drooped once more and a pink blush rose in her cheeks. Momentarily her eyes drifted over to Akina, before fixing their focus back to somewhere on Katsuko's left shoulder. Nonetheless, once her orders were issued, Tachiko once more, ears up, snapped to attention. "Banzai, Heika-Taishō!"

Turning towards Makoto, Tachiko nodded, and sent a wireless ping to sync with her. "Mikratos-Hei," Tachiko said softly, "let's go!" She turned crisply to lead the way down the hall, and was promptly tripped by Peepers, who zagged instead of zigging at the last moment. Tachiko was saved only by her inertial control system, again, hanging in the air mid-trip. Snorting in annoyance, with ears pinned back sharply, she attempted again, making it a few steps before narrowly avoiding a repeat attempt by Peepers. And again, every few steps.

Crash Site​

Unnamed Planet


"The sooner we figure this out the better." Akina nodded, giving Katsuko a little ping, "I'll take care of things up top." Then she keyed over to speak with Alina.

"You and I are going to the Mazu. The rest of the fleet is coming." The escort of other armors that appeared outside knew what she was going to do in advance, of course. "Easy start, then when we're high enough we'll go for it." She also passed guidance for the simple ascent they were going to perform to get to the Mazu. Tachiko earned herself a little wiggle of Akina's fingers, just for her. With a slight smile, the Nekovalkyrja raised her arm to bid a farewell to the others as they went to their own jobs.

Love you~ She thought to Katsuko while they were still in sight of one another. The redheaded Taisho waited for the Norian to come along with her. Getting to orbit and back to the bridge was important, and if they ended up in battle, she preferred to be in a MINDY than one of the soft enviro' suits. The way back up was much more fun.

Akina realized the Norian might not enjoy screaming to orbit for fun, she would have to ask her later, but just in case,"Shanui-hei, if you want to take the shuttle up, that's fine. We'll both end up in the same place."

Field Laboratory​

Unnamed Planet


"Okay, okay, careful! Fuck. All right, just like procedure." The doctor was literally hovering over the transportation of the body. She was going to have it scanned completely, and then make many simulated autopsies at once, so the unknown being will be the least compromised if she needs to end up doing in a far more physical way. It was impossible to miss the excitement on her face even with the mask of her suit on.
[forgot something but time limits on edits ran out so..]

YSS Mazu​

Main Bridge
Mazmumi smiled at Kaoru, as her presence was acknowledged and she was thanked. She appreciated it as she kept working. β€œMust be some advanced species.” Minato’s younger sister said, as she continued to handed out drinks or treats to eat. Diligently she’d handed them a napkin which to eat over so they didn’t allow crumbs to fall in sensitive spaces(machinery or otherwise).

Mazumi found herself closer to her elder sister, as her presence was acknowledged and she was spoken to. β€œIndeed, we Tennyo body Neko’s have excellent timing skills” she said. in a joking tone to her sister, and then answered her question. β€œyeah, there have been lots of talk about it, and and the bodies discovered. which leads me to wonder if Mishuu are edible as some have mentioned.” She said, and spotted Minato eyeing the crackers she had brought along. The Tennyo, lifted a pack and handed them out to her. β€œwanna have some? They are fresh, made it myself, with all the deliciousness and good stuff” She said with a smile.
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Crashed Ship - Katsuko, Yingzi, and Mikael​

Katsuko adjusted her Mindy 1H's helmet as she embarked on this mission with a Shoi she didn't know well. She responded to Akina's farewell with a casual "Love you too." They moved away from the bridge and proceeded down the ship's central corridor. The upper decks seemed relatively intact, but the lower levels were heavily damaged. Katsuko suspected they might have missed something crucial down there, but it was challenging to conduct a thorough scan with the lingering threat of plasma fires that had yet to be extinguished. Fortunately, the carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere leaking into the ship was gradually dealing with that problem.

As they walked, Katsuko couldn't help but comment on the sight of a pair of Mishhu corpses. "It's bittersweet to find Mishhu here, yet oddly fitting," she remarked loudly enough for both the Shoi and Mikael to hear.

Their journey led them to a sealed door, which Katsuko approached. The door assembly was displaced from its track, so she used her Mindy to forcefully push it inward, creating a loud crash. "We're close to the bridge, so this might be the Captain's Quarters," she explained. Her Mindy's light illuminated the dimly lit cabin as she stepped inside, making way for the others. "See if you can locate a log or something resembling a family photo; it would be nice to know who these people were," she suggested.

The cabin was a chaotic scene. The desk console, once attached to the wall perpendicular to the door, was now partially broken, with data chips scattered across the floor. Each chip had a different color, and the writing on them was as perplexing as the ship's unfamiliar programming language. "What a mess," Katsuko remarked. On the other side of the room, a bed had its mattress flipped over, concealing items that had shifted during the crash. Yingzi's sensor readouts fluctuated and malfunctioned as radiation levels in the room increased slightly. "Mikael, see if you can help move some of this furniture," she suggested.

Crashed Ship - Tachiko and Makoto​

The ship's control systems were severely damaged, and many were experiencing ongoing system failures. Despite successfully restoring power to the ship, it remained evident that just a few hours earlier, it had plummeted from orbit to the planet with the intensity of a runaway train. Amid the wreckage, a glimmer of light pierced through a broken bulkhead into an adjacent compartment near the bridge, suggesting that something inside was still operational. It wasn't the distress signal; that had ceased transmitting on its own during their journey to the wreck. On the opposite side of the bulkhead, multiple energy signatures were detected, all possessing an aetheric quality, though scans couldn't distinguish their specific sources. To access this area, they would need to find a way inside, but the broken door was currently supporting a fallen beam, and attempting to force it open might trigger a collapse.

Field Laboratory - Ayano​

The female aquatic alien lay on the table within Ayano's reach. Her upper body appeared mostly human, except for scattered patches of scales on her skin. Her lower half resembled that of a fish, with a scaled tail adorned with long, luxurious silky fins that would resemble expensive tapestries if she were submerged in water. Initial scans revealed that the unusual spines and crowns on her body resembled cartilage structures found in Chondrichthyes on planets like Jiyuu and Yamatai.

Along the creature's fins, there were patches of glowing particles, although the scans couldn't provide a definitive explanation, only confirming that it was caused by some type of bacterium.

The creature seemed fragile, not just due to its rapid decay, which was notably faster in the fish-like portion than the humanoid part. It emitted a strong odor of sulfur and rotting fish, a smell that would make any Yamataian recoil, given the importance of fresh seafood in their culture. The female appeared malnourished, and there was something peculiar about her gills on the neck and hips; they appeared pale with strange black bulges. Further examination and extraction would be necessary to understand this anomaly. To gain a deeper understanding, Ayano realized that she would need more than the scanner; this was an entirely unprecedented encounter, challenging even their advanced medical technology to identify some of the creature's organs.

Mindy and Shuttle en route to YSS Mazu via Atmosphere - Akina and Alina / Second Shuttle - Morris and Diasuke / Everyone, including Iron Company Units not with Morris and Daisuke - Incoming Storm​

As Akina embarked on her ascent in her Mindy, and the shuttles took off into the sky, ominous changes unfolded in the atmosphere. Thick clouds began to gather, accompanied by a strengthening wind, and bursts of ionized energy streaked across the sky amidst the cloud formations. Instead of conventional rain, a deluge resembling a monsoon ensued. However, it wasn't ordinary water that poured down; rather, it was liquid hydrogen cyanide. This transformation occurred due to chemical reactions within the clouds, originating from the previously detected cyanide pockets.

The toxicity of this liquid was a significant concern, but there were other worries as well. The corrosive nature of the substance might not pose a threat to the Mindy or the shuttles, which were likely made of resilient materials like durandium. The real problem arose when another surge of ionized energy traversed the sky, causing the hydrogen cyanide to ignite explosively, setting the entire sky ablaze. This fiery tempest descended towards the saturated sands below, endangering the crafts in the sky, disrupting their sensors, and wreaking havoc on their systems. Surviving this ordeal seemed almost miraculous, and they might be compelled to make further decisions leading into the unknown.

The storm itself was colossal, spanning nearly a thousand kilometers in diameter, with winds gusting at speeds exceeding three hundred kilometers per hour, carrying flames and corrosive liquid through the atmosphere. Materials made of durandium and other less resilient metals would likely suffer damage from prolonged exposure. The Iron Company, in particular, would be severely affected, and anyone with exposed skin would feel the burning agony of the corrosive rain. Combustion engines faced the risk of explosion, and the planet had transformed into a nightmarish landscape in a matter of moments.

Inside the wrecked ship, the corrosive and flammable rain seeped through cracks and breaches, triggering plasma fires that roared through various sections of the deck. Fortunately, most of the exposed areas had already been sealed off by bulkheads during the crash, but there were still places where the corrosive substance dripped and pooled, posing ongoing hazards.

YSS Mazu - Kaoru, Minato, Mazumi​


Minato picked up one of the crackers and started eating it. After a few bites, she commented, "These crackers are amazing. Whoever made them must be really skilled and mysterious." She continued to snack on a few more bites but suddenly looked surprised as she heard an alarming notification sound. Turning her attention to Kaoru, she reported, "We've got a rapidly forming storm down there, and I've never seen one develop this quickly." She switched the main screen of the Mazu to display a massive storm, even larger than the typhoons on Jiyuu and possibly more dangerous than those on Jiyuu IV.

"There's a lot of heavy ionization in the atmosphere. It's like a swirling battery down there, and that rain... it's hydrogen cyanide," she explained to Tasia.

Over the communication channel, Kaoru addressed the away team, saying, "YSS Mazu here. We've detected some extremely severe weather conditions down there. Is everyone and everything okay?" She expressed her concern for their well-being.
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Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, Yss Mazu Bridge
Mazumi smiled with pride as Minato complimented her crackers. β€œAmazing, yes, mysterios I don’t think so. It was your humble little sister, Mazumi who made them afterall.” she said then added ”Not sure if you knew, but I participated in a lesson, started by The Taisho’s personnal chef, I think I learned a lot then. I also partnered with Doctor Butt-slapper-I mean the Chief Science Officer, Motoyoshi” She said with a blush on her cheeks. That’s when the Alarms began ringing. β€œOh dear, thatsa horrible storm! While the figurative brown and stinky is happening, are there any orders for me?” Mazumi asked as she sensed Kaoru’s concern.

System YC-06C, 2nd Planet Crash Site
Daisuke accepted her apology which pleased Makoto, and allowed her a sigh of relief as she moved to follow orders. If she displeased a Motoyoshi she didn’t think it would be good. With the telepathic contact from Tachiko, she was synced with the other Motoyoshi. Though it would appearthat her partner was… a bit of a kluts. Forcing her to move to try and save her, but didn’t need to, due to Tachiko’s own skills with their biological levitation.

Makoto followed, slightly to the front ot Tachiko as to better defend her should something happen. She was the first to notice the glimmer of light that seemed to come from a bulkhead. Due to not being in a Mindy, she relied on Tachiko to scan, but then they got to a new area. Makoto examined this, lookin and checking on how they’d make it inside. She didn’t trust that it would fall on them. Thats when they'd gotten Kaoru's report, and she responded. "Motoyoshi-Tai and I are still inside the ship, should be safe unless the storm is strong enough to destroy it.
On the ground around the crash site, Company soldiers cursed and bellowed orders as they scrambled to move supplies-while they'd been stored in environmentally sealed containers-being fairly durable themselves; it didn't mean they were immune to the environment spontaneously combusting, let alone exploding. Morris cursed as he and the technicians boarded the vessel were jostled around in their seats, though the Yams seemed pretty comfortable in that armor of theirs.

"This thing gonna hold together?" Morris inquired; the shuttle was all clean lines and smooth angles; and the armor didn't seem all that thick either. Made him feel like they'd just closed the lid on their own coffins...


On the ground, an unusually short technician, practically a midget by the standards of his kin-was barking orders-a few yeomen made to protest but were quickly silenced, or put in the dirt then silenced-instructing and at times assisting in moving the supplies. The half-tracks were of the greatest concern; one had a tread blown off as a particularly large puddle of liquid ignited and a duo of technicians were attempting to repair it. ("Leave it!") He snapped, his deep baritone voice edged with command that would not bed defied. ("We will fix it later-assist with moving the supplies!") The pair looked to the other, and one of the glared back through his helmet. ("And who in Ancestors' Great Scorched Scrotums put you in charge you fucking midget!?") The man-likely aggravated by who he likely saw as inferior simply on size alone and decided that now was the perfect time for violence, made to move, only to be greeted with a hammer suddenly appearing inches from the side of his head. ("I am a master smith,") The smaller man responded calmly, indicating his rank, ("And therefore your superior-now assist with moving supplies.") The man glanced back to his friend, and reluctantly got up, grabbing several cans of fuel and taking them to the vessel to be stored.

The smith watched the duo go and sighed; the wench had been right-this was going to be harder than he thought...
Kosuke Sector, System YC-06C
Shuttle Two

There were times Daisuke was quite appreciative of the enhanced audio pickup and signal processing of Power Armor suits such as his Molly. The jury was out on whether today was going to be one of those days. Thanks to the fidelity and sensitivity of his suit's polyphonic quad-crystal crystalline audio sensor array, the Shoi was quite capable of listening to the conversation taking place in the shuttle's cockpit. While not something he would normally concern himself with, the words 'rising ionization' 'navigational computer error' and 'switching to manual control', especially when spoken together in something of a professionally worried tone, had definitely drawn his interest.

And then the sky exploded.

As the shuttle rolled and rocked, Daisuke turned his head from where his suit was locked down to look at Morris. "The Fukuro has an excellent track record and KFY is known..." quite what the Ketsurui Fleet Yards were known for would not be revealed as a shocked "CFS overloading! Oh shit!" was picked up from the cockpit by his Molly, just before the multi-role shuttle, bucked hard and groaned in a way that portended nothing good. It only took the detached, highly-trained part of his minkan mind a moment to recall that during the ascent, the shuttle's anti-grav engine would be boosted by the shuttle's CFS field to achieve escape velocity. If the continuous explosions had overloaded the CFS field, then the sudden exposure to unsafe velocity would have done a number on the Fukuro's frame - hence the tortured cries of the metal beast.

Not that Daisuke took much comfort in his analysis. No, he was far too busy trying to deal with the unique sensation of being locked-in-place inside a shuttle that was, for all intents and purposes, tumbling out of the sky at far too high a speed. Up was down and left was right and then the opposite and back again. It certainly didn't help that his Molly's navigational suite was throwing a severe conniption, sure as it was that he was falling to the ground in an uncontrolled descent at unsafe velocity.

The Motoyoshi couldn't have said for how long the hellish descent went on for. All he knew was that at some point his suit's sensors indicated that he was no-longer in an uncontrolled tumble, but instead on a direct descent towards the ground at an unsafe speed, although it appeared to be dropping. Daisuke could only assume that meant the pilots had regained some control. For a moment, he recalled an old movie he had once watched, where the hero was in a ship, plummeting towards the ground and trying to bring the nose up. The camera moved away, making the viewer doubt the hero had succeeded, when the ship shot up, over the camera. The hero wins, again. Cue the applause.

Not this time. A panicked "Brace yourselves for impact!" came over the shuttle's internal comm system and knowing that he would likely be fine, Daisuke immediately concerned himself with the members of the Iron Company. Not knowing how well they would handle the impact, the shoi immediately fired up his Molly's photonics array, projecting as many protective barriers as he could. While he didn't have the time to encase each individual, he could at least put enough fields around small groups, although if they became unsecured, they would still crash into one another.

He was still reinforcing the protective barriers when the shuttle smashed into the ground, his last thought before the world went mad, for some perverse reason - that this experience was not likely to inspire the Iron Company to take future flights with Air Mazu.
"Heika-Taishō, we found something," Tachiko sent wirelessly over the comms to Katsuko. "Multiple energy readings with signatures that suggest aether, visible light,. Not the signal we picked up." She included the data from the scan and imagery of the door and fallen beam. "It's where the captain's ready room usually is on one of our bridges, but with the instability from the damage we'll need construction assets." Just then, a loud bang and crash was audible over the comms as puddle met lightning and exploded just outside the ship. Tachiko's ears pinned back flatly at the sound, and she continued, "Looks like Mikratos and I can't- PEEPERS NO!"

The report devolved into Tachiko pleading-threatening the Pest Drone as it edged ever close to a caustic puddle formed where damage to the structure allowed it to enter and pool. "No, don't touch- don't track that stuff around! No! Get back! Peeeepers!"
Crashed Ship - Katsuko, Yingzi, and Mikael

"Taisho, I must remind you bashing down doors is best handled by your close protection specialist. I know it is satisfying, but losing you to a booby trap temporarily is way more inconvenient to your clan than I losing my life." Mikael calmly said to Katsuko when she bashed down the door to the potential Captain's Quarters, hands behind his back. Since he rarely spoke to Katsuko since taking this close protection specialist command post, he kept his advisor tone to a minimum and more of a "this is the regulation" tone.

Yingzi was more focused on her sensors to pay much attention to the potential internal conflict between the Taisho and Shosa. It was required to keep herself from freaking out that she was working around the top queen of the operation. She didn't want to screw up at all.

When she did look up, she noticed just in time to here Kat's command and looked up. "Wilco Taisho!" Yingzi said as she entered after Mikael had done so that he could get his nodal bits to start feeding him visual data of whatever was in the room.

Yingzi slapped her handheld sensor a few times when the effects of the radiation before she closed it and stored it onto her belt. She looked around at the mess and start and immediately made her way for the data chips to organize according to the frequency of color after opening a bag to collect them with. It also gave her the opportunity to look at the mess on the floor in more detail.

Meanwhile, Mikael was looking around the mattress cautiously before he went to move the mattress from the bed to move into the corridor and repeat the same with the bed frame. He would shake both to make sure there was nothing large hidden within.
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Crash Site - Unnamed Planet

Right as she was about to take a step to start looking around the field laboratory she received a communication from Akina. "Hai Taisho, orders received, proceeding as directed." she keyed over communications to Akina. It did slightly perturb her that such direction was rare and late in coming, but she responded in the utmost professional manner. Afterall she was rather fond of the Taisho for whom she worked. In a strictly professional manner of course. With the swift turn of a heel she spun around and went right back out the airlock of the mobile unit, walking past Morris and the gang right after they had received a piece of her mind about slobbering over women. From the look of things it seems that none of them understood Nira'las. While she approached the shuttle she ran over the direction for simple ascent that Akina had provided. They seemed easy enough, pending any unexpected little occurrences. If history had taught her anything, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Shortly after Alina had begun the ascent in accordance with her training and the directions from Akina, something seemed off. Clouds began to gather disrupting vision, not the sweet fluffy kind either. Though at the moment things did not seem quite to the level necessary to reach out to the Taisho just yet, she kept it in the back of her mind just in case. That was right when the sensors started going batty from the exceptionally strong gusts of wind. There was no way to pilot this thing to the YSS Mazu through the sky alit with flames, at least not that she knew of. It was likely that the communications signals were also trash, but she had to do her due diligence in attempting to communicate with her boss. "Taisho, I cannot see anything and the sensors are going batty, looks like this will be anything but a simple ascent. Are you alright out there?" she sent in attempt to check on the Taisho. Right after she sent that was when she heard Kaoru over the communications channel. "YSS Mazu, this is Shanui-Hei. There is no visibility and the sensors are skewed from the ongoing storm. Ability to proceed is zero percent given current conditions. Communication with Taisho-Shimizu have been attempted, she is anticipated to be in her Mindy near this shuttle. I will let you know if I here anything. Any guidance would be appreciated. Alina out."

The only thing she could do was attempt to stabilize the shuttle and wait for further directions. There was no way she would be able to dock in this weather. She started to come up with contingency plans for if no one received or responded to her communications. So far it was just the sensors and visuals that were skewed. If Taisho-Shimizu did not get back to her soon she would land this shuttle as precariously as the situation would permit.

Field Laboratory - Ayano​

"Fuck me. This just got much more interesting." Ayano was glad they had the laboratory on the surface rather than aboard the Mazu, as the state of the body indicated to her that the unknown species might have been subjected to either a sickness or something else, but given their lack of knowledge on the species she had to make sure to not assume until she could thoroughly, piece by piece, examine it. After making notes of the exterior, she had the body turned over to examine the other side, thankful for her environment suit when her brain clocked the levels of gases in the chamber. "I know no one's gonna come in unsuited, but you really wouldn't want to smell this. I can't make a guess at natural decomp, not without more environmental readings. For all we know this world doesn't even have life that implants into fresh corpses, at least apart from more advanced methods." She discussed this while she and the techs in and outside of the unit were taking more baseline measurements for a new species.

"Oh, right on. Hey check this new file. It seems like a possible match. Named the Cemlae." She forwarded the important part of Eidan's message to them, as well as the white panels down below and up above, just to give them a preliminary.

"It's a mystery! Our scans don't tell use what the organs are or can do, the computer is still running possibilities-I'm going to sample this possible contagion along with other various fluids and gases then start cutting i-"
She froze and sent a blanket notice for anyone caught out to get inside the laboratory if they couldn't make it back to the interior of the ship. A pair of enlisted techs outside of the containment chamber went to the doors to grab anyone outside inside before they had to seal the whole thing up. "Train whatever you can on the atmosphere, even if we have to temporarily take them away from probing the wreck. I want answers fast. This is so exciting!"

Atmosphere En Route to the Mazu - Akina
"Brace!" Akina's voice broadcast through the shuttles during the initial alarm telling all of them that they were about to be slammed with a greeting from the planet. "If you have the speed to run it decrease altitude and-" Her comms broke out, and cut back in later, "-around the thing. If you can't make it to orbit put down immediately, preferably under sturdy cover." What she got through to everyone wasn't entirely clear to her, so she sent a burst communication to where the Mazu had been moments before, as she was not confident while she was calculating if she could fix the problem or counteract the harsh interference to her armor (something eerily familiar from her time as a pilot), she managed at least to get one of the shuttles raised to get most of Alina's message.

Mazu - Shimizu: Violent atmospheric reaction. Prepare full extract.

"Good-...-hear your voice. Make for the ground, try to put her down under something that won't corrode away, but even being locked to the surface is a better option at the moment. Raise the Mazu if possible. I want teams with teleportation pods ready for rapid evac according to triage. There's no telling ho-...-ong-...ast."

The taisho's armor did have a teleportation pod (she always equipped one, usually), but even if the diagnostic read green she wasn't about to blip into orbit without the shuttles. If any sensors could track her, they could tell she was following the most damaged shuttle, with a mix of visual and sensor tracking when they were at least giving her reinforced directions of where to find them going down. Just like training: as long as she didn't bite her tongue. The shuttle still in the air got a simple tactical instruction to follow if able. It was more important to her that they got to the ground at all without crashing into it, than staying on her wing. It was, at least, easy to see where Daisuke and the Iron Company had crashed.

Crashed Alien Ship- Tachiko and Makoto​

"Multiple energy readings with signatures that suggest aether, visible light. Not the signal we picked up."

Through the slightly ajar bulkhead, Tachiko or Makoto could have caught a fleeting glimpse of something. The towering figure moved with a purpose, its metallic greyish-blue exoskeleton gleaming under the artificial lights inside the office where it was trapped. The creature's multifaceted eyes briefly reflected the ambient glow as it passed by, its four muscular arms swinging rhythmically with its strides. The intimidating silhouette, marked by angular contours and an aura of disciplined agility, disappeared as swiftly as it had come into view, leaving behind a lingering sense of awe and trepidation in the wake of its passage. The lights in the compartment went out and the energy source would vanish from their scanners as soon as Tachiko spoke.

The Taisho replied, 'We might need to consider waiting for a bit or inquire with the Iron Company to see if they already have something down here. It seems there are some issues outside that need addressing.'"

Crashed Alien Ship- Katsuko, Yingzi, and Mikael​

"Yeah, Harris-Shosa," Katsuko admitted with a wry smile behind her helmet. "I got a bit carried away. It's not often I get to be the one sifting through a scene like this. Command duties usually keep someone of my rank behind a desk or in a comfortable chair far too often."

Katsuko continued to sift through the scattered papers on the desk, her brow furrowing as she tried to decipher the notes and diagrams. Most of the documents appeared to be related to the ship's navigation and communication systems, but she couldn't find any immediate answers to their current situation. She made a mental note to have Yingzi analyze the data chips as soon as possible; they might hold valuable information. Yingzi wouldn't find anything else valuable on the floor it was just more of the same mess of scattered papers.

After a thorough search of the desk, Katsuko moved on to the damaged computer terminal. She carefully examined the screen, which flickered sporadically with distorted images and symbols. It was clear that the terminal had been subjected to significant damage, likely during the ship's crash.

As Mikael moved the mattress, he would have discovered more than he had anticipated. There, sprawled on the floor, lay the lifeless form of an Ialien, its once imposing greyish-blue exoskeleton now pale and devoid of the vibrant vigor it had once possessed. The creature's four arms were splayed out in a frozen tableau of struggle, an eerie testament to a battle that had ended in the haunting permanence of death. The multifaceted eyes that had once delved into the intricacies of war strategy and grandeur now stared vacantly, obscured by the cold shroud of mortality.

Upon closer examination, they noticed clear signs of a fierce struggle; the room bore the scars of desperation, and the markings on the floor surrounding the alien's body told a tale of resistanceβ€”a fight for survival that had met a grim fate beneath the seemingly ordinary guise of the bedframe and mattress. The scene before them unfolded like a cryptic narrative, a haunting dance between life and death that had ultimately succumbed to a chilling silence.

Atmosphere - Shuttle Two​

The shuttle, a once-sleek vessel, now battered and broken from its tumultuous descent, slammed into the unforgiving surface of the planet. The impact sent shockwaves through the craft, jolting everyone within. Metal screeched, and sparks flew as the shuttle skidded along the rocky desert terrain, leaving a trail of debris in its wake. Outside, the scene was surreal and treacherous. The hydrogen cyanide rain fell from the sky like a deadly downpour, its toxic droplets sizzling upon contact with the ground. Pools of the noxious liquid formed in the sandy, rocky desert, creating an eerie, bubbling landscape of death.

As the shuttle came to a violent halt, the passengers and crew were subjected to a turbulent cacophony of sounds and sensations. The abrupt stop sent them lurching forward, their safety harnesses straining to keep them in place. The vessel groaned and creaked, battered by the forces it had endured.

Inside, Daisuke's protective barriers had offered some degree of shielding, but they couldn't entirely mitigate the chaos. The members of the Iron Company would find themselves disoriented, bruised, and shaken from the crash. The smell of burnt metal and the acrid tang of hydrogen cyanide permeated the air. Through the viewports, they would see the grim reality of their situation. The burning hydrogen cyanide rain continued to fall, creating a hazardous environment outside the shuttle. The once-pristine landscape had turned into a nightmare of bubbling pools and scorched earth.

Atmosphere - Shuttle One and Akina​

As Alina struggled to control the shuttle amidst the downpour of burning hydrogen cyanide, she found herself facing an increasingly perilous situation. The toxic rain lashed against the shuttle's hull, causing it to hiss and sizzle as the corrosive liquid made contact. Visibility was virtually nonexistent, with the windshield rapidly fogging up from the intense heat and toxic fumes. The shuttle's sensors continued to malfunction, making it nearly impossible to maintain a steady course.

Despite her best efforts, Alina's attempts to stabilize the shuttle would prove challenging, and she could feel the craft bucking and swaying unpredictably in the tumultuous atmosphere. The prospect of landing under such hazardous conditions was daunting, and she knew that any decision she made would carry significant risks.

In orbit aboard the YSS Mazu, Kaoru could only watch helplessly as the situation unfolded on the planet's surface. The violent atmospheric reaction had rendered any attempt at reaching orbit unfeasible, leaving her with no option but to remain in orbit and monitor the situation.

Her communication with the surface was sporadic at best, and Akina's message had conveyed the severity of the storm. Kaoru knew that attempting to retrieve the shuttles from the surface was out of the question given the chaotic conditions. She had to make a tough decision.

"Alina, this is Kaoru," she transmitted, her voice laced with concern. "It's impossible to get to orbit in this storm. Try to land the shuttle as safely as you can, even if it means locking it to the surface. We'll do our best to coordinate a rescue once the storm subsides. Stay safe."

As the storm on the planet intensified, Akina's power armor would become increasingly difficult to control. The powerful gusts of wind and the corrosive rain would have made it challenging for her to maintain her balance and maneuver through the turbulent atmosphere. Mindy's projected HUD flickered as the storm disrupted her sensor readings, leaving her with limited visibility. Her options were rapidly diminishing.

Field Laboratory - Ayano​

Their scans yielded limited information about the Cemlae's biology, leaving the team with more questions than answers and the body was decomposing at an alarming rate. Ayano's enthusiasm was infectious, and her determination to uncover the truth drove the team to work diligently, even as they faced the uncertainties of their environment.

Outside the containment chamber, the enlisted techs sprang into action, ensuring that everyone was safely inside the laboratory. The urgency of the situation hung in the air, but it only fueled their determination to uncover the secrets of this alien species. The field laboratory had become a hub of activity, a place where the pursuit of knowledge met the unknown, and the excitement of discovery thrived amidst the challenges.

YSS Mazu​

Kaoru stood at her command station on the Mazu's bridge, her eyes fixed on the display showing the turbulent planet below. The situation on the surface was dire, and her thoughts were consumed by the safety of her crew members. "Sorry Mazu-Hei, it looks like snack time is going to have to wait. Go to the starboard launch bay, try and set up a comfortable area where we can receive the wounded, and our medical staff can treat them," she ordered.

Minato approached her with a concerned expression. "Taisa," she began, "I've been thinking about our options to mitigate the effects of the hydrogen cyanide storm on the planet's surface." Kaoru turned to her, her expression a mix of hope and anticipation. "Minato, I'll take any suggestion you've got at this point. We need to find a way to help them down there." Minato nodded. "Well, we have the Matter collection system on board. I was thinking we could use it to project hydrogen peroxide, use energy-matter conversion from our reserves, and eject it into the atmosphere. Hydrogen peroxide and water can react with hydrogen cyanide to form less toxic compounds."

Kaoru's eyes lit up with intrigue. "That's an interesting idea, Minato. It might just work. Can you calculate the quantities needed and the best method for dispersal? We need to act quickly." Minato nodded again, her focus on the task at hand. "I'll get to work on the calculations right away. We won't be able to stop a storm that large but we might be able to create a window for them to get to cover ."

Kaoru placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Good job, Minato. Let's hope this plan helps our team down there. Keep me updated on your progress."

As Minato hurried to her station to begin the calculations, Kaoru turned her attention back to the display, a glimmer of optimism growing within her. With Minato's innovative solution, there was a chance they could weaken the deadly hydrogen cyanide storm and increase the chances of a successful rescue operation. "Kaoru to anyone that can hear me down there, we're working on a temporary solution to try and bring you at least a few moments of relief to get to safety." She announced over the still-open comm.
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Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet Crash Site
Makoto listened as Tachiko made her report, and as she did so, Makoto stepped forward, before she had to turn back when the naughty Peepers began causing problems again. Fuck sakes, why did she bring it with her? She thought to herself. When the loud bang and crash was heard, through the comms, it gave her pause in her movements. That’s when she saw something, that caused her to blink her eyes. β€œA Tsumi? no something different.” she said to herself, as the only race she was familiar with that had four arms were indeed the Tsumi Species. β€œMotoyoshi-Taisho, Motoyoshi-Taii, I have just witnessed a creature with four arms, and what appeared to be a metallic greyish-blue exoskeleton, and what I could see of the eyes, were multifaceted. β€œ Makoto reported.

System YC-06C, Yss Mazu Bridge
Mazumi nodded it would seem snack time was over, for the Mazu and the away team. She’ll make something better to make up for it as she begins backing up. β€œHai!, on it, I’ll also get some of my caretaker androids to help.” She told Kaoru before she became distracted by Minato’s words, and she smiled at her brilliant sister. β€œOnesama is correct” she added, β€œI’ve used it myself when I cleaned the engineering section of the deck. I’ll have another android to help with this, once calculations are completed.” with that she turned and scurried out of the bridge, as she sent her communications to her underlings the caretaker androids.

New orders were received, and the androids got to work, some joining Mazumi in the starboard launch bay where already they were setting up a comfortable area to receive the wounded and their medical staff could treat them. Other androids proceeded to the matter collection systems and waited for their orders to proceed.
'Last time I get on one of these ancestors' damned things.' Ears ringing, Morris grunted in irritation as he ripped the safety harness of his own passenger seat clean off-between those barriers the kid had thrown up and his hardsuit was likely the only reason he was still alive. "SOUND OFF!" He roared, his voice sounding faint in his ears as he got up on shakey legs, looking around and trying to locate everyone through the haze of smoke and post-crash disorientation.




Well, the guys were alive, so that was that. The smiths freed themselves from their harnesses, with Morris ripping Evans harness off to get him out-attempting to shake off the worst of the injuries. Looking out of what was left of on of the viewports he couldn't help but think of Sandraker on a good day. "Everyone alright?" He inquired, looking each man over to make certain they were able to still move. "We're alright-little rattled." One replied, as he leaned against a seat for support. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked around. "Go check on the pilots-I'll get the kikyo." The man nodded, and Morris turned to the remaining two, "See if you can't find something to repair this coffin."

Looking around, and approaching the last place he'd seen Daisuke, he called out: "You alive kid, or am I gonna have to carry you back to your mother on my shield?" As the two techs began searching for...something that'd give them access to whatever passed for engineering on the vessel.


They'd just finished moving the supplies to the interior when the power had been cut. The short man growled in irritation as they brought in one of the guns. ("Lights up, now!") Helmet and shoulder-mounted lamps sputtered to life and bathed the cargo hold in a soft yellow light. ("Ancestor's damned power failure,") He muttered, as if he'd seen this coming, then again they'd found Mishu corpses, which was already cause for concern. Turning to his fellows, he could see most of them were likely thinking the same thing. ("Alright, it may be that some of the chemical storm got through,") The short man's voice was grave, and few wanted to argue with a guy that had put someone more than twice his size in the dirt, ("I want some of our smiths combing the wreckage and find a way to restore power-" he thought for a moment before continuing "-move in groups of four-some gribblies may have yet survived." As they moved, with the men grabbing their rifles he toggled his comm and hailed their employer.

"Lady Motoyoshi, this is Master Smith Alexei Durnov." He introduced himself, even as a knot churned in his stomach, "We seem to have had a power outage and our smiths are currently working to try and restore power-will report when we have further news, over."

He looked back through the breach as he finished, watching the sizzling hellscape beyond-it reminded him of home, honestly-aside from the caustic rain that is...
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At a mental command, the retention mechanism on Tachiko's holster unlocked and she placed her hand on the butt of her sidearm, ready to draw. Nodding to Makoto, Tachiko made a small noise of agreement. "Un. I saw it too." She turned her head and tilted it an an angle to better see through the opening but there wasn't anything any longer to be seen.

"Survivor contact, survivor contact," Tachiko sent over the comms, along with the replay from her digital mind, relaying what her eyes saw. "I've never seen anything like it. But I don't think anyone's getting into or out of that part of the ship without heavy equipment," Tachiko looked up through a crack, while pushing Peepers back with one foot to avoid getting the caustic mud slung up by those tracks where the cyanide rain mixed with debris on her environmental suit. "And I don't think we're getting any to the surface in this."
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Atmosphere - Shuttle One and Akina​

After Alina raised the Mazu the struggles with stabilizing the shuttle increased to concerning levels. The ability to remain standing was made difficult by the constantly unpredictable movements. There was no other option but to land, that made even more certain by the deteriorating integrity of the vessel. As she took actions to initiate emergency landing protocol Akina came over the comms. All that the Norian could make out was that she was to make for the ground and a bit about teleoperation pods for evac. "Hai Taisho." she responded briefly to Akina given the emergent situation at hand.

The sensors on her shuttle had become even more useless than they were before. This made worse by the now spotty comms only centered her focus more on bringing the shuttle down as close to one piece as possible given the lethality of the conditions. "Hai Taisa, Shimizu Taisho responded, the comms were fairly spotty. She mentioned teleportation pods and rapid evac. All I could make out.." the comms cut out as the equipment failed following in the sensors suit. With a deep breath she focused on the frenzy of landing hoping that with absolutely no visibility that she would somehow survive this mess. Alina prepared for the shuttle to lock to the surface just in case and whispered a few notions to herself hoping to land soon, preferably in one piece.
Crashed Alien Ship- Katsuko, Yingzi, and Mikael

As Mikael moved the mattress, his instincts immediately wanted to enter fight mode as he stopped himself mid-way of raising his forearm weapon towards the lifeless alien. But the lack of biological emissions and sickly look of the corpse made him quickly realize it was dead or doing its best mimickry of one.

"Found someone Taisho." Mikael reported as he started to ensure that the alien was truly dead.

Aiming his forearm dead to center mass with his left arm, he pointed his right arm towards Yingzi to snap his fingers and the speakers of his Mindy whistled to gain her attention. Once that was achieved (using the visual feed of his nodal bits so he doesn't stop looking at the corpse), his right hands formed into a knife blade and he pointed straight at her before pointing at the corpse.

"Do your science officer thing, Radcliffe-shoi." Mikael said bluntly.

"Roger Shosa." Yingzi said, hiding the momentarily anger at having someone snap their fingers towards her. The Red in her didn't care how much more in rank someone might be when they do that. She walked over towards the corpse and took a good look at the alien as she pulled out the much more sophisticated Science Pad. After the jingle of the pad's operating system booting and adjusting a few of the settings on the pad, she aimed the scanner portion towards the alien and activated the lifeform scanner.

"Not picking up any neural activity or anything that looks like it would indicate this individual is still alive." Yingzi said, making a lot of words to say "It's Dead, Shosa".

"Looking at the strength of its exterior, I am guessing an exoskeleton. Hard on the outside, gooey on the inside..." she continued before she start picking out some sample vials to scrape biomaterial from its exterior and any soft spots she could identify.

"Would be curious to see how it walks with such small feet. Their balance and agility must exceed Nekos."

Mikael lowered his arm and started examining the room for what might have killed it.
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Kosuke Sector
System YC-06C, 2nd Planet Crash Site

Field Laboratory - Ayano​

"In-in-in! Ingress!" There was a lot of shouting and spotty messages going out to the people caught out in the hell. They were going to seal the laboratory up when everyone was inside, and as Ayano and her team inside the chamber noticed the rate of decomposition she began to assign tasks to each person inside that she would normally have taken a long time to perform, and with their focus and determination, their hands and the probes each one controlled began to cut, scan, and move pieces to smaller sealed containers in the hopes of preserving them, perhaps by vacuum or other method. It looked as if even the hands of the science and medical staff were themselves robotic probes, no sooner than one organ was marked and moved out another instrument or pair of hands precisely moved in just under, next to, or in other very close proximity with one another.

"Keep...the-...speed on. We don't have the level we need to fuck with the atmo here." Without contacting the Mazu it seemed she shared a similar idea with Minato as to the outside conditions: was it a natural phenomenon or were they under some kind of weaponized atmospheric warfare? It was not as if Yamatai didn't study it, but using basic (or advanced) chemistry to essentially weaponize the air, while efficient, wasn't fun when used against you.

"The Cemlae do not do well long outside their host medium, that or their own experimentation inside the ship accelerated what we are seeing."
Ayano added to the notes, managing not to let more salty language out as her eyes moved with mechanical precision.

Field Laboratory - Akina and Alina (Shuttle One)​

"-actual! Land." Akina broke through the chatter again, but it was hard to pick up which direction she had gone, she did get in front of the shuttle, and the harder and faster the winds blew the more she had to try her best to tack against the air current, or 'crab' as some pilots called it. The level they were encountering was something they were supposed to be prepared for as a possibility but the situation was a new one for her.

"Form a working perimeter as best as possible. Prepare to repel possible hostiles." Was passed out wide, in the hope that someone in the AO could hear it and get it through the chain.

While she wasn't sure what was going on, unless the lovely surrounding flora could regrow very, very, very rapidly, Akina assumed they might be the target of a shaping op right ahead of a proper attack. If they weren't? At least everyone she could get to would be on their toes.

The Taisho's armor became increasingly battered, but when she was able to go with the tumult in the atmosphere it became easier for her to drop altitude rapidly. To aid slightly in bleeding airspeed she powered in bursts against the storm until the ground was in sight. The ground split, pools of the leathal mixture splashed around her as a gouged mark of rocks lead to where she came to a stop with a terrific crash. The bare rocks she chose were on a rise that she had nearly missed, in the seconds after she landed she was slammed into a rock wall atop the hill, or what she assumed was that or a mountain. The flash of pain bit into her, but since she was still awake she decided to let her suit deal with it until she could breathe. The armor rolled and then propped up underneath a small outcropping. If it gave way, she didn't want to be buried under something bigger than it.


The Taisho used both the onboard elements still working in her suit and her own calculations to try and make a rough heading and distance to the landing site. She had to trust in them while they were cut off, and find shuttle one and two.

Crashed Alien Ship- Tachiko and Makoto​

In the dim light of a damaged compartment just off the starship's bridge, the Illionite found temporary refuge amidst the chaos that reigned outside. His exoskeleton bore the scars of recent injury, a stark contrast to his usual immaculate appearance. His multifaceted eyes scanned the area, catching glimpses of Tachiko and Makoto through a cracked view panel. He cautiously approached the small opening in the bulkhead, his lower set of arms extended slightly, and his three-fingered 'hands' curled around the edge of the opening and he peered out at them uncertain of what to do. He needed a way out of there, just he knew he risked potential capture by whoever they were.

"Hello," he said in trade language, curious as to whether the two would help him or merely kill him. Strategist Lyran Veil needed to get free of the situation as quickly as possible.

"Survivor contact, survivor contact,"

A series of discordant whistles emerged from the alien's carapace, he seemed alert as he heard Tachiko's communication. The sound almost resembled a squeal, he backed away from the door in a frantic manner, and there were sounds of clatter and crashing as he knocked things over in the room. A second later, the aether power source re-engaged, and the lights flickered in the room again. Through the opening, it was likely Tachiko and Matoko would be able to see as Lyran dug through one of the console frames in search of something he could use to communicate with his own people. If they were going to get to him they would need to be creative and search for an alternate way.

"Any chance it is a rather large-looking thing with four arms, a shiny exoskeleton?" The Taisho came back over the comm, her question obviously coming from the dead example of the species in front of her and the group with her.

Crashed Alien Ship- Katsuko, Yingzi, and Mikael​

Katsuko looked at the alien that Mikael had just uncovered, it was then she made her brief answer to Tachiko. Being in her Mindy, she was a little more protected than those just in AMES, but she was still cautious. She hummed curiously as her own scanners worked as Radcliffe-Shoi did her thing. She listened carefully to the Science Officer's analysis, what little there was, and then said, "The feet are definitely small in proportion to their body, they must have some interesting adaptations to be able to stay upright, possibly use that lower larger set of arms to help balance themselves?" she asked curiously, in speculation about the alien in front of them.

As Mikael searched around the room, he looked for the implement or cause of death a slow, rhythmic drip of Illionite blood fell from a broken section of hull frame, each droplet resonating through the haunting stillness as it landed on the metallic floor with a soft patter. The dark indigo hue of the blood created a stark contrast against the cold gray of the twisted metal, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life amidst the unforgiving vastness of space. The viscous fluid trickled down the rugged surface of the broken frame, following the cruel contours of the metal that had claimed the life of the Illionite.

From the current vantage, the exact nature of the wound inflicted upon the Illionite was obscured, the lifeless body lay atop the point of impact, hiding the grievous injury from view. The serene expression on the Illionite's face belied the violent encounter that had transpired. The room seemed to hold its breath, the unseen wound beneath the fallen hero a silent testimony to the perilous voyage that had met a tragic end. Each droplet of blood that fell seemed to carry with it a story of valor, the unwavering dedication to a cause greater than oneself, now silenced amidst the cold, unyielding embrace of the cosmos.

"We'll have to relocate it to a safer location where we can transport it to Shimizu-Motoyoshi-Shosa at the Field Laboratory, but that will have to wait until after this hydrogen cyanide storm subsides," the Taisho remarked, fully aware of the ongoing hazardous storm outside. The Field Laboratory was relatively close to the crashed ship, but venturing out in the current conditions would be unwise and could potentially damage the corpse.

Shuttle Two Crash Site - Daisuke, Morris and Knuckleheads​

The T10 'Fukuro' Shuttle proved remarkably resilient following its crash. As per its design, the shuttle's NLCS (Nodal Liquid Conduit System) continued to transport hemosynth through the channels beneath and around its Yamataium plating to facilitate the healing of areas damaged during the landing. Meanwhile, the faint scent of bitter almonds permeated through breaches in the hull, while the toxic rain persisted outside. In the sky, fiery clouds billowed as yet another ionized burst streaked through them, igniting the rain with a thunderous explosion that could be felt as a vibration within the crashed shuttle. The only significant damage was to the shuttle's propulsion systems, which unfortunately had been completely destroyed in the crash.

They had gone down approximately ten kilometers from the crashed alien ship.

Leaving the description to this as a little vague due to the fact @iaincarter will need to catch up since his last post in his next post.

Shuttle One/Akina's Mindy- Alina and Akina​

Fortunately, Alina managed to land her T10 'Fukuro' Shuttle successfully, and both she and Akina were not too far apart, roughly a kilometer apart, with minor variations in their landing positions, north and south, respectively. Meanwhile, outside, the storm raged relentlessly and posed a significant danger. Fortunately, the shuttle remained largely intact, even though the storm had disrupted several of its systems.

The communication from the YSS Mazu, however, was plagued by interference. Kaoru's voice was distorted and choppy, with many words scrambled due to the disrupted transmission. The issue stemmed from the receiver assembly integrated into the shuttle's hull. "Mazu...to....we....relief coming soon.....watch the..." Despite the communication glitches, it was clear that Kaoru was urging them to keep an eye on the sky for the YSS Mazu's solution.

Field Laboratory - Ayano​

As Ayano continued with the autopsy of the Cemlae female, the storm raged on. Thankfully the crew she had with her was able to seal the field laboratory rather quickly, thankfully it having been designed to be able to move through space to a planet's surface made it a little more solid than similar structures that would have been built only for planetary conditions. They would all be able to hear the violent storm outside though, the expressive winds of fire and explosions as the toxic and flammable hydrogen cyanide poured around them. The planet was a nightmare, and the storm being as large as it was showed no signs of dissipation.

As the procedure on the Cemlae would continue, it would reveal more and more of the species' physiology, however, the smell of its increasing decomposition was like that of rotting fish, intense and with hints of ammonia.

YSS Mazu​

Minato had put in significant effort to devise a temporary relief solution for the surface teams. Her task involved modifying their energy-matter technology and matter collection systems to expel a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water through the ship's hull vents. This combination was crucial because while the hydrogen peroxide could neutralize the hydrogen cyanide, it would only create byproducts that needed further treatment. Water played a role in neutralizing these byproducts. Though the resulting rain wouldn't be drinkable, it would fall harmlessly to the ground, providing some relief to the teams battling the storm.

The Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser wasn't originally designed for atmospheric operations, but Minato was confident it could survive and exit the planet's upper atmosphere for this mission. "Okay, I'm ready here," Minato reported.

Kaoru, the captain, issued a warning over the ship's internal communications as she settled into her Captain's chair, her SPINE engaging. "All hands, brace for a bumpy ride."

The nearly three-kilometer-long warship descended into the planet's upper atmosphere, surrounded by turbulent tempestuous conditions. As Minato implemented her solution, the ship's external vents opened, releasing thousands of liters of hydrogen peroxide and water into the storm. This slurry started to neutralize the hydrogen cyanide in the clouds and gradually spread to the cyanide that had been falling to the ground. The ship shook and vibrated as it navigated through the upper atmosphere, a task it wasn't originally designed for.

Kaoru reestablished communication with the surface, saying, "YSS Mazu to Away Teams. The solution is on its way. Seek shelter for some relief." A moment later, Minato added, "You should have a couple of hours at most. The Mazu can sustain this chemical generation rate for at least that long. Try to find safety." They were uncertain how much of their message would reach those on the surface, but gradually, the sky cleared, and the flammable rain ceased, falling harmlessly to the ground
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