Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.1] Whom fortune favors - Recon

La'tâ took note of how Murr was fighting the defilers starting to ponder some upgrades that might be useful to the stako, she was having idle thoughts, and this surprised her. Normally she could stay focused easily, but the relax in tension from what they just experienced was leaving her room to think. She shook her head a moment and sharpened her focus as much as she could once more. Hearing that Keyul went down to friendly fire was a bit of a shock as well. "Everyone try to keep your shots downward to avoid friendly fire when possible." She moved over to Keyul's stako and briefly examined it, to make sure it wasn't anything bad, and once she was it was just his leg she continued to support the others with fire.
Finally the shooting came to a halt and the smoke from the onslaught slowly dissipated as the slight air movement in the passage carried it away. The passage walls were perforated with myriads of holes from the assorted weapons unleashed. The dead and dying Defilers were strewn across the area left to die however they landed. Sejgui the Tin-To'a stepped forward and spoke through his external speakers, as well as the comms. "Everyone perform damage assessment of your Stako and start making repairs to return home. Those of you whose Stako are fully operational, start stacking the dead defilers in the passageway that the Sâvyjo came through. We will fire charges to turn their foul flesh to smoke and ash once we leave. After we are out of the area I will contact the Yome Ismâopate and order them to bomb this installation."

"Pardon Tin-To'a, there are other beings in this structure. Sâvyjo Whisk sensed Nekovalkyrja living on the other side of the installation. They seemed to avoid the Defilers. I suggest that they may have been slaves and rebelled. We should arrange for them to be evacuated before we bomb this installation. They can be taken into medical quarantine for screening. Once cleared we should return them to our Yamatai." Keyul interjected.

"Okay Detis Goa'a, I shall relay that to the ship and they can contact the Sky Harbor to send the necessary personnel." He replied and looked around. "So what are you waiting for. You have your orders." he said curtly.

Keyul moved his Stako into a seated position. He then activated the utility module on his arm and began removing the armor plating on his damaged leg. Once it was clear he started removing the damaged bundles of Jâony Norjopa. Once finished he opened up the left leg and stared removing several of the bundles and started putting them into the other leg.

Meanwhile the rest of the Tin-Toa's group set about to following his orders. Several of them climbed out of their Stako to do a physical inspection while the others stared dragging the carcasses down the passageway as ordered.
If a Stako could slump, Murr's would have. Seeing the last of the Defilers fall, she powered down her Stako to normal operation. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally from the experience. She opened the vents on her Stako to let air circulate through the insides of her Stako to help with the cooling of the interior and to relieve some of the stench of physical activity.

She listened to the conversations over the comm's and vocally. She turned and watched Keyul began his repairs on his Mech/Armor. She realized there was one more thing to do. She grabbed the wire that was now fused to the hull and broke the connection. Unelectrifing it. She found the circuit that the wire was on, and rerouted power to render the wire harmless as she rolled it up and secured it out of the way.

She moved to help the other team to move the dead Defilers to the designated area. Coming across the incapacitated but barely alive Defilers, she would kill quickly without remorse. She kept an eye on her teammates and pack leader Keyul as she worked along with the others.

Murr let her mind wonder as she worked, letting her subconscious be alert for dangers that may still lurk about. She wrote up a quick message.

:: Pack Leader Keyul, Huntress La'ta, Hunter Memi; My Brothers and Sisters. I'm proud, thankful, honored to have served at your side. Grateful for the help that was rendered in time of need. The courage to step forward in time of great adversary. Willing to try new methods of gathering information and tactics. Huntress Murr ::

She sent the message to on a private team channel to the three she was teamed up with for this incursion away from the ship. She was looking forward to a serious shower and/or bath. Oh she was going to pamper herself bigtime when she got back to the ship....
La'tâ did a quick check of her armor from the inside using the systems. Since she had kept herself out of close combat she didn't have much damage to her stako at all and was able to get by without repair. Then she began moving the defilers with the rest of the group, however she paid attention to their condition, making sure to but the one with the least damage she could find aside to take back to the ship. She hoped the Tin-To'a wouldn't make her chop it up into pieces and she could just take it whole, it might be dead, but at least figuring out what organs it has might come in handy for developing counter measures.

When she received Murr's message she smiled in her cockpit and responded on the team's frequency. "You're not done serving with us yet. I get the feeling we're going to be together a lot as the new recruits."
In his Stako, Memi just closed the comm channel, he was going to avoid everyone. Slowly his Stako started piling the Defiler's bodies into a pile. Each body caused him to cringe, not from the disgusting bodies, but from the fact each of them reminded him of his loss over the primitive side.

He understood he was from a warrior race, and that they whole hearted in believing the ancient blood in them was pure and a grand thing, but Memi was a chronicler, one that believed that the mental side of a being was where the future was.

It really bothered him, and the dark mental drag of the thought process, caused him to not notice that the bulk of the bodies had been moved.
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Once the Tin-To'a was satisfied with the moving of the dead he noted La'tâ and her dead Defiler. "When you get to the Yome Sar Qoji; you put that carcass into a Wunyasa Tinsae for storage. "

Sejgui made took a position close to the nearest exist. "Okay everyone head down this passageway. The fire bombs will go off in ten minutes. Head back to the Yome Ismâopate. Travel in groups do not leave those with damaged Stako behind." he said and started walking down the passage that lead out.

Keyul had re-secured the armor sections on his Stako's legs. He did a few experimental moves of the legs and then got to his feet. With the repairs he made the Stako was operational, but its speed was reduced by about half.

He opened the private channel to his team mates. "Murr, Memi, La'tâ. I just want to say you all did well given this was not expected. We get back to the ship the first cup of Kadamui, or Damuisa is on me. We get some down time on a station and I will buy a round of drinks for the group." He turned and started walking down following the others of their group.
Still upset with his actions, Memi sent a message received response back to Keyul. He wasn't going to celebrate his failure. Most likely once they get back aboard he was going to lock himself in his cabin, and work on the documentation of the combat. He really wished he could leave his part out of the histories, but that would have betrayed his duty even more.

With a deep sigh Memi turned his Stako and joined the others down the path towards possibly more combat. More chance that he would bare his teeth and loose himself to the primitive bloods.
"Yes sir" La'ta replied to the Tin-To'a. She had expected something like that, at this point she wouldn't even be surprised if they gave her restricted times to do her research. Either way she began her walk back, taking the defiler with her and sticking with her team.

She chuckled a little at hearing Keyul's message and replied. "If you are going to buy a drink it should at least be a kyaoila after all that." Her voice was actually a bit light hearted, which was rare for her. But after her first experience in the field going so out of control, she needed to be able to just let go.
Murr brought up the rear of the group of her team, as she refocused once more on the job at hand. Through text messages and guestures to the others outside of the team, while moving the dead Defilers, Murr managed to replenish her munitions for her rifle. And some extras for her teammates.

She passed the munitions out to those that were willing to take reloads for their rifles. Even with a larger group, there was still the risk of having missed a few Defilers and this was still hostile territory, even though it had been pacified by the Recon Element teams.

Murr had remembered the war stories of her father during his time of Service and from her brother's stories when they got together and played one upmanship while she was a little girl overhearing them talk as she did her chores. Even they held grains of hard won knowledge to be remembered and passed down to the next generation that followed in their footsteps to keep the Soveriegnity of Poku Saeruo Degonjo safe and secured.

Now she had her war stories to add to the family's collection. But hers will be written and not forgotten, nor changed in the retelling of the tales. Hers were written in stone for future generations to review and glean the knowledge she had hard earned and experienced.

She sent a quick prayer of thanks to the Dieties for allowing her to survive and learned that she had the steel to face adversary without fleeing in cowardice to bring shame upon herself and family. It helped to have good teammates who depended on her as she had depended on them.
The Recon team made its way through the installation. There was no indication of any more Defilers. The scanners were not detecting them, but then if they were deep enough below the materials of the structure could obscure them. Keyul stopped briefly as they emerged from the installation and took a moment to look around. He motioned to the others and set off in the direction of the Yome. Of course his damaged Stako would not be able to keep up with most of the others.

As the group crested the hills he saw a group of Nekovalkjra they were carrying what looked like animals that they had hunted. He wondered what would happen to them, but that was up to the Tin-Ta'a. He made his recommendation to the Tin-To'a, time would tell.

Turning back in the direction the others were heading he made his way towards the ship.

Continued in
[Mission 1.2] Whom fortune favors - Aftermath