The innkeper thought back, "I don't really think so. I mean there was one thing you could consider close, about two weeks before the rats some guys came in, real important lookin, they were Weiss, you know, wizard country as most call it that've been der. And normally mages don't put the scare to me, but these were those types, the extremists, y'know? Let's just say none of us slept easy that night they passed through. Y'see, they think they're bett'r than ev'ryone, think they should take out the crown and rule Drakeshire, the way I heards it. You can never be too careful 'round them folks." The innkeeper thought a little bit and then continued. "Actually, the cleric over at the hosp'tal was thinkin that the disease is magically enchanced or some hocus-pocus like that, just cus it aint like any other rat plague he's heard of. I don't quite worry about it, i's gots ways to barricade my inn, plus a couple tricks or two up my sleeve." The innkeeper grinned a little at his last statement.