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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 10.1] Finding Freedom

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Eucharis was finally repaired. Those who had volunteered were aboard, and those that had not were left on the station. Taisa Hanako sat in the captain's seat, a pensive look on her face as her golden eyes ran over the latest information from SAINT on the control panel in front of her. The images were redundant; she could see everything in her mind. Sometimes Hanako felt she the line between herself and the ship was becoming blurred.

With a brief mental command, Eucharis went to light speed, traveling via stealthier subspace methods rather than the faster but obvious hyperspace. The red-and-gray gunship was now in its own little reality bubble, moving towards its target: a seemingly ideal place to catch an NMX squadron.

Her hand went to her phone and she dialed the main intercom. "All hands, please ensure you and the ship are prepped for starship combat when the time comes. I encourage everyone to make backups as well."
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Sune was manning the Science/Sensors Station on the bridge. At present he was reviewing the data on HX-13, while the station performed a self-diagnostic test of the various sensor systems. Despite the fact that the system had been charted by Hanako back in YE 30, there was not a lot of information available.

He looked up briefly when the Taisa made her ship wide announcement. The only thing sketchier so far on this mission was the details provided by SAINT.

Other than the fact that the Freedom was lost we have no real information. We can presume that the ship went down on the habitable world only because its the only place for them to survive this long. But what of the NMX, if they have a presence in the system, then how do we locate and communicate with any survivors or prisoners. he thought.

Turning towards the center console, "Ketsurui-Taisa, Sensor and Countermeasure systems are operating within normal parameters." he said as he got up and walked over to Hanako.

Softly he said as he leaned close enough so that he could speak softly, "Is everything okay Taisa?"
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

After the brief recent interlude of calm, Konoka knew quite well it was time once again to prepare for the next inevitably following struggle. As such, she was in the MedBay, checking over her kit, when Hanako's announcement came over the intercom.

Sighing, a brief smile of serenity played across her lips. "In the end, it wouldn't feel right were I not always assisting or cajoling somebody into this kind of preparation. Backups, it is, then."

Bright green, vivacious eyes flickered towards the doors of her workspace. In a moment, she'd be assisting somebody....which was all she'd ever felt the need to do, really. Assisting was a part of her, always would be. However, "assisting" wasn't always the same-it wasa vague concept, after all. But then, so was Life. And as a medic, life was what fell into her small yet capable hands. She was glad she'd volunteered for this-asissting others would fix any lingering doubt she had in her optimism. Optimism, after all, was necessary these days.

She wasn't dead anymore, after all. To that end, she'd made the choice to handle her own first, this time. She'd argued about ythis with Sune, once, actually. At the time, she said crew were always offered assitance before meics themselves. It was importance of crew well-being, of course.

But since last mission, Konoka had had more oppotunity to be lost in thought than lately, and she'd realized something. if she didn't keep herself here, and present, and less of a spazz, who the fish would take her place in assisting crew well-being?

She sat up, determination in this filling her...with what, she wouldn't pay attention to now. It didn't matter...hope. maybe?? But soon her station would be full of needy crew.

"Hopefully." she sighed. "Hopefully, this daredevil crew will make sure they make time to assist themselves!!"

Unlike the people on the Yss Freedom, her crew wouldn't get lost. They would need the "freedom" to carry on, after all.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Takeyus hands moved across the console as he doubled checked the reactor; he didn't want to risk anything going wrong on this mission. Everything appeared fine to him, power flow seemed stable, and that the reactor was running smoothly.

Though he glanced up at the ceiling; having heard the Taisa's announcement, he had already gotten his backup earlier, more so out of concern about the family matter he had and the risk of possibly losing all that he had already discovered.

Looking back down at his console; he went back to monitoring the ships power systems.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Kumiko was still down in the Engineering bay, working at one of the consoles there, making sure all of the repairs and updates to systems hadn't produced any oddities in the systems. She planned to go and get her back-up done shortly before they would make the entry back into the system where the Freedom had gone down. With the reduced crew, everyone needed to be sure that their stations were running as they should, especially engineering.. "Bridge, this is Engineering. Everything looks fine from down here, we're good to go."
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Junko looked around the Mainspace and smiled widely. The sight of two fellow engineers at work with her and the knowledge of a third engineering officer being aboard just about made her dance an impromptu jig of excitement at having such a large complement. She supposed she ought to have noticed the situation before, but the stress and distractions of combat or damage control had always seemed to cause her to overlook that.

She moved over to her station, pulling up repeaters of the displays her colleagues were monitoring. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, but any good engineer wanted a second pair of eyes watching her back. Nodding in agreement with Kumiko's transmission, she turned toward Takeyu. “Since we have a little time, why don't we run a power systems stress-test. I'm a little worried, given the speed of the repairs, and the capacitors seem to be a perennial failure point. With any luck we can have any problems nipped in the bud or at least off-line before entering combat.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Nika had stationed herself at the usual Starship Operations Station. Though Hanako had taken the helm to send the ship into hyperspace, the Jôtô Hei had been keeping herself busy checking the interfaces of Eucharis' offensive and defensive capabilities.

"Weapons and Shields operationally ready Taisa." Nika nodded as she opened up the power system status, "Power distribution stable as well." She mentally thanked Charisma for the details and turned to the Taisa, noting that Sune was there.

"Taisa, with your permission, I'll head to the med bay for a backup." Nika sent a mental request to Hanako, hoping that she had not intrupted anything.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Takeyu glanced over his shoulder upon hearing Junko's concern. "Roger that Heisho," he said and started bringing up status displays on the ships capacitors and also on the Aether Geneator. "Ready here Heisho," he said.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

“All right then,” replied Junko. “Bring the transfer rate up, but don't redline anything yet. Keep an eye on the primary capacitors and I'll watch secondary. If anything spikes, flag it and kill the test.” Waiting for Takeyu to start up the procedure, she reconfigured her screens to display a full schematic view of all secondary capacitor systems. She very much hoped that between her piecemeal work on the system over the past months and the recent yard work the last of the outdated capacitor and coupling blocks had been removed. The last thing she wanted was to have to go back up into Power Systems to perform damage control, cutting out another slagged unit.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

"Roger that, starting stress test," he said and made one final check on his monitors. "Increasing transfer rate," he typed in the required command and focused on the primary capacitor. Though he also briefly checked the generator before turning his attention back onto the main capacitors.

"Primary Capacitor appears fine, will increase transfer rate at your command," he said and kept his eyes on the capacitor.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

"Go ahead," Hanako told Nika. Turning to Sune, she quietly said, "I think so." Her voice was not entirely certain sounding.

The ship hurtled toward NMX space.

"I think we have found one of their spacelanes," Hanako said, looking closely at the sensor readings transmitted from a SAINT scoutship. "Our course should take us right into it," she said. "It is uncertain whether we will find cargo ships, warships, both, or nothing."
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Sune listened carefully to timbre of Hanako's voice. In the more than a year and a half he served under Hanako, he had heard enough to recognize that there was something off. However, this was not the time to push the matter.

"Okay, so we may have found one of their space lanes, or it may be nothing. Once we arrive at this possible waypoint, we will lie in wait and see what shows up.

If we encounter no enemy vessels, we will improvise. After all, the Eucharis and her commander have a reputation to maintain." he said with a smile.

He looked at the Mission Ops station, and briefly considered going there and man it. As he looked at the station his eyes looked at the secondary panels of it. Communications....

"Taisa, if this area of space is as space lane, then it would stand to reason that the NMX would have some sort of communications equipment along it for priority messages. We could attempt to locate one of them, and using your skills at computer and communications, perhaps you could gain access to their network. Even if it only something as mundane and ship movements, it could give us an idea of where to go, or perhaps to divert a ship or two to us." he offered.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Yaichiro was present as well, and had already gotten his backup, fully expecting a bloodbath and a trap. He'd even had a backup made immediately before leaving Second Docks just in case the one on the Eucharis was damaged...if he actually had evidence to back up his suspicions, he'd say something, but as it was he was just being paranoid. BAD Office was keeping its eyes and ears open, but had yet to find the leak if it was in their area of influence.

As it was, he had just handled the work of making sure that the various cables and conduit in the maintenance conduits were properly connected and working. He observed the capacitor stress test as well, silently noting individual capacitor banks to see anything that fluctuated out of or too close to the recommended tolerances.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

With the green light given, Nika headed quickly to the med bay. The ship was almost at the destination and she wanted to be present when the mission starts.

"Miyazawa-hei, a backup would you please." Nika asked as she entered the medic's workplace.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Junko watched with satisfaction as the test went well. There were no major malfunctions or fluctuations in the system, only a slight temperature spike in a back-up coolant circulator. She simply lowered the priority of that section of the secondary capacitor banks on the stand-by availability queue. “Well, primary and secondary both check, so let's call it good for now. No sense pushing things too far before we even get into combat. Just keep an eye on temperature readings; we can run a more specific test if a component appears faulty, but let's stop the system-wide test.”

She glanced around the Mainspace, happy to hear all systems humming along normally. It seemed to be the perfect time to slip out for a back-up, so, setting her display to the default general schematic, she made for the main hatch. “I'm heading to medical for a bit. Endoh-Hei, you have engineering.” With that, she slipped out of the hatch and then, a moment later, slipped into the med-bay. “Ah, Himeya-Hei. Here for a back-up too? Add me to the list, Miyazawa-Hei.”
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

"Ah, you as well, then, Junko-Heisho?!" remarked Konoka witha small start. Any more spazziness on her part, and there'd be chaos around here.

That wouldn't do. Konoka hated chaos. Back to work then, Miyazawa! she admonished herself within her thoughts. As always.
Of course, assistance was laways a good thing, as Konoka did enjoy keeping the crew in one piece. Sighing, she mused aloud, "Let's assure you two wind up in better shape then last time, then!" Typical Konoka-Lecturing on the importance of vigilance while hoping in an overtly idealistic fashion that she had no need for such keen vigilance.

Likelihood wasn't her friend this time, though. But those before were, as she considered. "Alright then! I'll expedite this. Heisho, why don't you come right this way, first, so you can keep the ship in one piece OK,as well? Yay! Sounds good, alright then. Will you require sedation? Oh,and, uh, sorry for any wait, Nika-Hei. Assistance is a friend to us all-so, heh, I'll get on this!"

Directing Junko to the machine, she began prepping it for the backup. "As you may know, Takeda-Heisho, some discomfort is expected. But then, you are a Heisho. You know much, so let's back up all that knowing." she sighed with a wry smile.

It didn't matter, she reminded herself. As long assistance is done.

"Shall we then? I wouldn't want to keep from, heh, adding your own assistance to this...."volunteer mission." Personally though...."

She looked back at her equipment, shaking off any absent-mindedness. A queue was forming, after all. "I thought it admirable you're still coming along. Don't break the ship, or you, eh Takeda-heisho?"

Witha glance, Konoka looked for confirmation to go along with the procedure.

Proceeding was good, after all, always.

Yay. Konoka smiled inwardly. It was all very good to say, she thought, but at least she was thinking.

it was her job, after all, whether or not to keep it all up that way.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

"Ahh Takeda-Hei, you are here as well." Nika greeted Junko, "Noticing your satisfaction on your face, I assume Engineering is in the green zone." She nodded, confirming the system status received from Charisma.

Konoka was quick in urshering them to their seats and Nika got hers, shaking her head politely to the former regarding sedation. Now the 'discomfort' was distant, compared to the injuries received in her earlier mission as the backup started and ended rather quickly.

"Thanks Takeda-Hei." Nika got up from the backup unit, "Lets finish this mission without losing anyone this time." She psyched up, stretching herself.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Takeyu nodded and stopped the stress test; then refocused his attention on his displays and started checking on other systems. He alos began to wonder if he should perform his maintenance routines, as he didn't like sitting down so much.

Though; at the same time, he knew that if combat did suddenly start it would be best to stay here in Engineering so he could help with any repairs here. Getting through this mission, get's me one step closer to finding my siblings... he smiled.
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

“Lead on, Miyazawa-Hei,” said Junko, following the bubbly medic's instructions. “And yes, Engineering is completely squared away. Having a full crew complement isn't too bad either,” she said, looking over her shoulder at Irenika. Waving off Miyazawa's offer of sedation, she waited until directed into the back-up unit, replying to the medic, “You don't need to worry about me breaking the ship. In fact, with some luck we can hopefully avoid serious damage to ship during this mission entirely.”
Re: [Mission 10] Finding Freedom

Sune made his way to his station, he pulled up the ship schematics to examine the weapon power pathways, communications, and the electronic counter measure systems.

If this is going to work, we are going to need precise targeting of vital sections of the enemy ships, and keeping them from sending a distress call, or running away.

He picked up the intercom and dialed the Engineering Mainspace. "Jalen-Heisho to Engineering, when we encounter an NMX vessel we are going to need to keep them from running and signaling, ensure that the Electronic Warfare Suite is operating at specifications or better if you can manage it."
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