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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.1] The Torchbearers

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Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

"The sensor probes are a good idea. We will take some along with us," Hanako agreed, transmitting the orders to the station's staff so they could get them. "We may also be able to get existing ones back on our side. As the computer expert that will be up to me, and Yaichiro's knowledge can allow us to tap into the networks that are not ours."

Hanako looked up at Helen and raised an eyebrow.

"In addition to the new overcoats and hats," the Taisa continued, "I have also ordered us us a field uniform and I also ordered some DAISY armor. I imagine we will go in a combination of light infantry and armored troops. We will change it up as needed."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Taking a seat at the table, Helen arranged some notes in her mind as she listened to Hanako's explanation, and matched it up with what she had been watching over the MEGAMI prior to entering. Feeling a bit cautious, but knowing full well that there was a need to chime in, she spoke up.

"Mmm, I do have some insights on the matter of infantry, Taisa." Helen started before she went into the onset of an explanation. "Ma'am, during my time of observing the United Outer Colonies from the vantage point that I had within Lorath society, I can conclusively state that a confrontation on the ground will be one of the last things we'll want to contend with if we do encounter resistance from the Matriarchy in relation to our presence. As of the last manifest that I received while impersonating one of their officers, the Matriarchy has distributed a sizable quantity of 'Hunter' and 'AMX' series power armor throughout the colonies, and, judging by Lorath behavior, they would undoubtedly attempt to control and police any colonial settlement they have a garrison on. As for the Peacekeepers..." Helen frowned lightly. "I am not entirely sure we can rely on their full cooperation, and it would make an infantry operation difficult to prepare for, ma'am." She stated simply, it was a matter she was uncertain about, mainly because there were no hard numbers to back up her words.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Sune carefully considered what Helen had said, and added it to the information given by Yaichiro and Hanako's decision. There are too many unknown quotients in this mission. Status of the UOC is unknown, worst case scenario completely overrun by NMX. Best case scenario locked in a fevered battle. Status of the Lorath is also unknown, likelihood is its not a matter of if we encounter them, but when. And then there is Helen Klein, SAINT. I know nothing about her, and a request to Star Army Headquarters would only result in a heavily redacted file. What is her angle in this? SAINT has a tendency to operate on their own agenda, how far can we trust her. Sune thought.

"Given past experiences with NMX infiltration, zombies, etc. Any contact with the people in that area will be problematic. We can do science and medical scans to detect infected personnel. But as the NMX prisoners we have acquired show, the NMX can manufacture NH-29's and therefore probably NH-22C's. And there is nothing in their medical make up to alert us." he added to the conversation.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Takeyu tapped his chin in deep thought, he was paying attention, but he was looking into something else. In his mind, he had brought up the UOC Constitution and the Peacekeeper Charter of YE 30.

He ran through it, seeing if there was anything they could potentially use against the UOC in the event they had become hostile. They broke off from the Star Empire in YE 30 to become a truly peaceful nation, with no prospects for war... he thought and looked upon it.

There's really nothing here to use, nothing to help us, he rubbed his forehead before going back to looking at the records. At least, nothing *I* can find anyway....
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

"If there is nothing else," the Taisa stood, "I intend to get moving. We will briefly stop by Bizankro to pick up a probe the YSS Miharu left there in YE 29. It may be able to give us some information on NMX activity in the area. Then we will proceed as planned to HX-5."

As the crew began to flow out of the wardroom Hanako looked at the SAINT agent. "Helen, I want to speak with you in private."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Helen was somewhat surprised at the way which Hanako concluded the meeting, but at the same time, she had a suspicion that there was nothing the crew could say that would make any heavy impact upon the plans of the Empire. When addressed, Helen gave a soft nod and spoke, "Yes, Taisa?" She spoke simply, awaiting Hanako's words as she remained in her seat and waited for the last of the crew to walk out so her and Hanako could speak on their own. Inwardly though, Helen wondered just how much like Yui the Princess had become, and if she'd be losing her head to a private conversation.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Yaichiro was curious as to what was happening, but it was not his place to pry. If the Taisa wanted him to stay and listen, she would say so. He departed to Engineering, for the purposes of trying to reconfigure the CFS to utilize a range which the PANTHEON's Eye Sensor probes would be blind to -- or at least find difficult to detect at range.

He'd also have to configure MEGAMI to be able to talk to SHRINE-OS and MIKO. He worried whether or not the changes made to the software in nearly three years would impact the ability to communicate or hack the PANTHEON's Eye Probes, and hoped that the blackout might work in their favor.

The Lorath element worried him. Of the of the officers aboard everyone aside from Sune had some possible issue with the Lorath; Hanako was despised, they had reason to kill Klein-Shosa, and he had no idea how they viewed him after he declined to join the UOC when it ceded from the Empire. They could like him, hate him, or be indifferent. Yaichiro was a wild card as far as that was concerned. On top of that, it was quite possibly more of SAINT's dirty work, especially if a black-paneled officer like Helen was actually present.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Sune stood up and left with a slight nod to Hanako. He made his way to the bridge. He took a seat in the center chair and picked up the intercom. He dialed the inter-squadron channel.

"Attention all ships of the 2nd Squadron, this is Jalen Sune-Shoi of the Eucharis. Make preparations to get under way." he transmitted.

He switched to the ship wide channel.

"All hands this is the XO, make preparation for launch. Engineering, bring up main power and take us off station power. Have the engines ready to respond to orders.

Infantry team and Cargo Specialists report to the cargo hold for cargo detail. That is all."

He hung up the intercom handset and entered his authorization into the console and started the prelaunch diagnostics for the ship sensors and EWS systems.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom

Hanako brought Helen into the small book room off the side of the wardroom and closed the door. She looked Helen in the eyes.

"The rules of the ship include a standing order to report any unusual activity. Moments ago, the ship reported something she considered usual. Would you like to explain what you were doing in the passageway?"
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Takeyu quickly got up from his seat and left the Wardroom, he had been concentrating so much he nearly didn't hear the Taisa tell them they were done.

As he walked through the passageway, he took the pad out from his pocket and brought up the schematics for the item he was working on. He tapped the display a few times, then thought more on it. "A battery pack just won't work, to much power is being used by the armor, will deplete it in only...." he tapped the display to run the calculations and got them. "Thirty minutes......" he sighed and wondered how this could be fixed. "There has to be something," he rubbed the back of his head.

Hmmm, wait.... the Chusa built those probes, I wonder if he'd know of a solution to my problem? Takeyu thought while rubbing his chin. Maybe I should ask him...
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom (Book Closet)

"I apologize Taisa for failing to inform you prior to the action. To be entirely honest, ma'am, I was planting independent listening devices as per common procedure when conducting long-term investigations on a ship with a possibly compromised MEGAMI or other IES system." Helen explained simply, if not vaguely, as she looked into Hanako's eyes with her own. "Since the majority of the crew was preoccupied with the meeting, I took it as an opportunity to carry out a portion of my on-going assignment."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom (Book Closet)

"Our MEGAMI system is not compromised," the Taisa scowled. "What exactly is your assignment and who assigned it?"
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom (Book Closet)

"Ma'am, are you asking as a Taisa, or as a Princess?" Helen asked, entirely unstirred by the scowl of the woman. "I ask this, since a Taisa would not be privy to the matter, but, a Princess of the ruling family would have some accommodations granted to her."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom (Book Closet)

Helen had not given the Taisa an answer. "If you do not tell me now I will have you escorted to the airlock," Hanako warned.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

YSS Eucharis - Wardroom

"As a Princess, no doubt." Helen spoke, raising her brow lightly before she went on; "I have been assigned by the Director of SAINT, Chujo Tamahagane Mai, to conduct an investigation into the loyalties and motivations of Chusa Kage Yaichiro, especially in relation to your own safety, ma'am, and the safety of the Empire." After spilling the information to the Princess, Helen gave a soft smile, "I suppose I should be wearing blue-panels for such a matter, but SAINT's hand is behind this, so I am here on their behalf and with their authority... and panels for that matter."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom (Book Closet)

The Taisa paused for a moment to think about it. That made sense; she knew Yaichiro had suspected loyalty issues ever since the UOC revolt. "Alright. You can continue your mission but I do not want any more bugs placed without my express permission. Remember this is my ship, not your decrepit cruiser."

With that, Hanako left the bookroom and went to the bridge.

- - -

Eucharis Bridge

"Sune," Hanako simply said, her tone showing mild annoyance that he was in her captain's chair.

She picked up the phone there and dialed the intercom. "Secure all exterior airlocks and hatches," the Taisa ordered. "Prepare to set Condition 3 and for hyperspace fold."

"We have a distinct lack of starship operators this mission," Hanako noted as she looked over the bridge.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Wardroom

"Yes Taisa, I will keep you informed of such actions on my part, and will keep you informed of any other actions which may impact your ship." Helen spoke, as she stood up and gave a bow to the Taisa as an acknowledgment. When Hanako left, Helen followed... after all, she had not been assigned a post as of yet.

Eucharis Bridge

As she stood by, hands clasped behind her back, with her gaze moving over the bridge, Helen noted much the same issue as Hanako. It left her wondering just how the Empire would allow a ship to leave dock without a designated operator when going into a possible hot-zone. She filed the matter away as a small mission-unrelated report that would end up on a desk of some pencil-pusher at the nearest SAINT branch office. After all, Helen was not fond of the idea of losing a body to the vacuum of space because the ship she was on lacked a proper operator.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers


Main power was online, and the connection to station power was successfully cut. The various systems indicated ready to go, and Yaichiro had an ST backup applied...which he wondered about the safety of, given that SAINT was poking around. Was this about him, or had SAINT annexed the ship somehow? He shook the thought from his mind and resumed working, signaling readiness to the bridge.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers


Sune was in fact already leaving Hanako's station as she entered the bridge.

"Station is yours ma'am." He said as he moved forward on the bridge.

He paused to consider the situation, as he saw it there were three possibilites.

"Taisa, I see three choices; first you could fly the Eucharis from your station, while I take care of sensors and systems. Which though would not leave you free to deal with other command issues.

Second, I can fly the Eucharis, and monitor sensors and systems, leaving you free to deal with command.

Or third, we could always have Klien-Chusa take the starship operators station. She did demonstrate proficiency when she took over during the last engagement.

What are your orders ma'am?" He asked waiting between the two forward stations.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Eucharis Bridge

"I can fly," Hanako said. She often did these days. "Which one of us is going to leaded the away team?" she asked him. For whatever reason, Hanako really wanted to get inside that new tank she'd ordered. "Retracting the gangway..."
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