Helen had been very silent, mostly due to devouring the food she was served to replenish the taxed stores of energy within her NH-27 body, though, she also was silent as she observed the way the crew meshed with the new members aboard. It was also noteworthy that a fellow SAINT operative was aboard. She figured that it would certainly please Yaichiro that another set of black panels had arrived on his doorstep. Observations of crew aside, Helen decided that it was time to become involved with the matter at hand.
"If the Taisa would desire my involvement in this mission, I would like to volunteer to study the cultural mindset of the Gartagen, to deduce what their likely actions would be in the future, as well as their cultural biases. Alternatively, if the Taisa would desire such, I could investigate the situation surrounding the Gartagens, such as their possible contributions to interstellar politics and the balance of power, as well as analyze the possible interactions between the Nepleslians, Abwehrans, and other species which may possibly assert themselves in this situation." Helen offered, though, it was still up to the Taisa if she would even be permitted to take part in the mission. Especially since there was a new SAINT aboard... of course, there was no reason to be too worried, it was good to have someone else from the intelligence branch aboard, competence was a luxury.