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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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"All these other nations getting involved makes things tedious," Hanako observed. "We should focus on studying them, though, rather than becoming distracted by Nepleslia and the Abwehrans."

Spotting another new crew member, Hanako said, "You must be Santô Hei Kygra. Please join us." Hanako passed a plate to him with some of the remaining rice, chicken, steak, and veggies on it.

Meanwhile, Lime went around the crowded room serving glasses of ice tea to anyone that hadn't got themselves a drink at the soda fountain.
"Its a pleasure to serve under you ma'am." Half of this was actually right. Nathaniel was still skeptical about serving under Yamatai but due to the fact that he had a larger chance of becoming more then a simple officer he accepted that not everything would be as he envisioned his military career.

He quietly sat down on one of the empty chairs after accepting the plate. He noticed that his nose was correct about smelling chicken. However, he had never expected the captain of a vessel, to be this skilled in cooking. He kept quiet during his eating, reflecting on what he had just heard. If they where going to fight with the NMX he wouldn’t have problems with his own capabilities, but it didn’t look like there where many people with a background in infantry, or even powered armor combat. Sure, they would have some basic schooling, and some combat experience. But he was sure that there where just a few dedicated infantrymen on the ship. He didn’t like the thought of going into combat, with an engineer trying to cover his behind. But this seemed to be reality for the coming engagements.

Even so he didn’t notice the other Elysian that the roster mentioned. He wondered what happened to him. But seeing that the crew didn’t appear to be a group to just accept a loss like it was nothing so he figured the crewman would still be in his quarters or in medical.

He calmly placed the empty plate back on the table and relaxed his wings a bit, causing them to slide a bit more open. For some reason, he was able to relax a bit more then on the Elysian ships. Was it because the people here were less interested in maintaining some form of Kleos? Or was it just that his upbringing was still causing him to think he had nothing to fear due to the others being an ‘inferior’ race? The questions raced through his head, and he didn’t have a single answer to them. The other races had always interested him, but never to such degree. His posting aboard the Eucharis could be one heck of an eye opener for him.
Junko had silently perused the communication the Taisa had mentioned several times while the rest of the crew opined on the diplomatic situation. She felt hopelessly out of her depth; political machinations were far beyond her purview and even the scant technical information the Chusa had mentioned was hardly enough grist for her to produce any useful insights. If these Gartagens had released trade publications or technical manuals, she might have had something to add. As it was, there was only one point where she felt, as a technician, she might be of use.

“Ma’am, would you like us to rig some of the compartments environmental systems to be more comfortable to these aliens’ sensibilities?” she asked quietly. “I mean, if you wished to invite some of their representatives to dine aboard ship or something.”
"Junko, maybe their climate and environment would be a good facet for you to study," Hanako suggested. "Everyone else needs to pick an area as well. Perhaps religion or technology or economics..."
Ramiro thought of his areas of expertise as he decided how best to apply them to the task at hand. "Taisa, since technology is a very broad category, I would be willing to split with one of the technicians. The tech could handle the construction, repair, and science behind the Gartagen technology while I could handle the operation of their technology and their military strategies and integrations of the technology. I feel the best concentration would be with their star ships, their communications equipment, and their computer systems.

At the same time, while the tech works on improving the design of the technology and integrating it into use for Yamataians, I could handle the programming aspect and try to improve the functionality of their technology and how to integrate the technology into current Yamataian computer systems."

He scanned around the room, trying to eye out the techs in the group. "Since Junko already seems to be interested in the environmental technology and integration, perhaps Nayacesen-Heisho would be interested in studying their technologies with me?" He looked over at Takeyu with a intrigued look on his face. "Or perhaps the Chusa, since you would have a much more extensive knowledge than anyone else on the ship?" Ramiro looked over at Yaichiro when he said this.

"hmm...." Takeyu rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He pondered what he should focus on, but knew that the field he was curious about might require an extra helping hand, not to mention it would also be of potential interest to the SAINT person who was present.

After a moment, he spoke up. "I'd love to help out Heisho, technology has always been an acute interest of mine and I wouldn't mind assisting you in that. Of course, that's if it's alright with the Chusa?"

Whilst Reika was also interested in their technology, she knew there were others present far better qualified to pursue such an investigation. As Nayacesen, Ramiro and Klein were discussed research into the Gartagen's tech, Reika decided upon a different avenue of study.

"Taisa, I would prefer to more thoroughly examine the Gartagen's governmental organization, major political groups and their separate agendas. Having a greater understanding of how their system of government works and what politics are in play between Gartagen factions- if any- may be of considerable use in the future. Hopefully it may even prove to be of use during future negotiations or even in predicting their behavior."
Nathaniel pondered a bit about the subject. Having people look for points in the way of life of the Gartagens sounded like a valid solution. But what could he do? There was hardly any way to get information that would help them in any way.

Nathaniel thought a bit about the fact, that if the Gartagens had a religious society, then doing anything without knowing the full extend of it, could cause something that none of the parties would love to see happen.

"Taisa, if you wouldn't mind, I will try to see if there are any indications that our actions could clash with the religious beliefs of the Gartagens. The last thing we would be looking for, is that we find ourselves making enemies due to our lack of information on their beliefs." Nathaniel`s said this on a extremely formal tone, and even his body language showed that he held the Taisa in higher esteem then a normal Elysian would do.
Ramiro contemplated what was being discussed currently before realizing his presence had little relevance anymore. "If you will allow it Taisa, I would like to get re-familiarized with my workstation. It will also give me the ability to catch up with Charisma and prep the ship for our arrival. Do you need anything to be done before we arrive ma'am?
Helen had been very silent, mostly due to devouring the food she was served to replenish the taxed stores of energy within her NH-27 body, though, she also was silent as she observed the way the crew meshed with the new members aboard. It was also noteworthy that a fellow SAINT operative was aboard. She figured that it would certainly please Yaichiro that another set of black panels had arrived on his doorstep. Observations of crew aside, Helen decided that it was time to become involved with the matter at hand.

"If the Taisa would desire my involvement in this mission, I would like to volunteer to study the cultural mindset of the Gartagen, to deduce what their likely actions would be in the future, as well as their cultural biases. Alternatively, if the Taisa would desire such, I could investigate the situation surrounding the Gartagens, such as their possible contributions to interstellar politics and the balance of power, as well as analyze the possible interactions between the Nepleslians, Abwehrans, and other species which may possibly assert themselves in this situation." Helen offered, though, it was still up to the Taisa if she would even be permitted to take part in the mission. Especially since there was a new SAINT aboard... of course, there was no reason to be too worried, it was good to have someone else from the intelligence branch aboard, competence was a luxury.
"I have no quarrel with that, Nayacesen-Heisho. I will merely have to find another area a bit outside my expertise." Yaichiro started pondering what areas were left to analyze as he continued to sample his food.
Takeyu stared at the Chusa for a moment, then glanced up at the ceiling before saying. "Why not have a second tech though? Since it is technology we are going to be working on," he couldn't stand leaving the Chusa out of this, even though it really wasn't his decision. "What do you think Valencia-Heisho?"

It was then that he realized that they were still missing crew. Where are those two? he thought to himself. "Charisma? Can you please locate Papadopoulos-Hei and Inoue-Hei and inform them that there is dinner on in the Wardroom, I have a feeling they didn't get the message..."
"I have nothing against it." Ramiro responded. "The only reason I proposed splitting the topic was because I was interested in working on the programming and operations aspect of the technology, and I wouldn't be much use when it comes to the engineering side of things. I mean, as long as it's okay with the Taisa, you can handle your topic in whatever fashion pleases you since it won't really affect me or my duties that much." Ramiro gave a quick smile to show that he meant that in a positive way, since he realized after saying it that it could have come off very negatively.
"I believe I can handle their history." Yaichiro decided after a few moments of thinking, and taking the last bite of food. The Chusa didn't eat portions as big as some others due to the lack of taste, but he enjoyed the onions and the texture of the rest.
Reika listened intently as others spoke, filing away what they said so that she could examine it in length later to give her more clues to their personalities and work methodologies. Having already said her own piece, she took a sip from her ice tea and then began to dig in the the steak and veggies now in front of her.

Whilst she ate, she maintained her awareness of the continuing conversation and began to mentally organized her thoughts, prepare a list of questions needing answers upon arrival in the Gartagen's system, methods of inquiry, and generally plan for her part in the mission now ahead of them.
"That all sounds fine," Hanako replied to the various suggestions the crew had put forth. "We will arrive tomorrow morning so get some rest if you can. Anyone without an area to study should try to submit one tonight. Hopefully we will be able to meet many Gartagens, enough for all of us. Try to brainstorm a list of questions to ask. I plan on asking about their legal systems and various general topics."

Hanako had the ship create a volumetric screen and then started adding questions to it:

- What is the structure of the Gartagen government?
- What checks and balances does it have to prevent abuse of power?
- Who creates Gartagen laws?
- Who is responsible for Gartagen treaties?
- How would you describe the current political climate on Gartaga?
- What are your society's biggest taboos?
- Is racism prevalent?
- Is corruption prevalent?
- Is the government well respected?
- Are there special titles for certain persons?
- What services does the Gartagen government provide its people?
- Are there taxes? Who manages them?
- What is the size and mission of the Gartagen military?
- Is Gartagen military service volunteer only or compulsory?
- Who has the power to declare war?
- Who is considered a citizen?
- What are the rights of citizens?
- Are there spying and intelligence organizations that work for the Gartagen government?
- Is there a formal education system for young Gartagens?
Sune took a few more bites out of his meal, but his appetite was pretty much gone. He set about making a list of questions that he would present to the whatever Gartagen he was going to speak with. This presents an interesting challenge, especially given the unknowns. There may be a translation program in place, but I doubt it will handle the nuances of language and culture easily. One more thing to worry about.

He sent a query to Charisma for a series of data files to be compiled for him to download to his ICP when he returned to his room.
Takeyu pushed back in his chair and thought about a series of questions to ask, those related to life support, power systems which would includ reactor and transfer technology. He had others, defense and weapons, if that was even possible, FTL and STL drives.

A whole series of questions flooded his mind and so he began to catagorize them in terms of importance, with life support being his more important question for obvious reasons, and weapons and defense being least important due to the possibility of those questions coming off as being suspicious in nature.

Start it off slow, work your way.. he told himself with an approved nod of the head.
Ramiro thought about what questions to ask, but kept hitting mental obstacles as he wondered what types of things would be available to him. "Well Taisa, as far as equipment operations goes, my questions will all depend on what type of technology will be available to me. My main focus will be whatever military equipment that I will have access too, and at that point questions will present themselves as I am given more information. Outside of military technology it will be interesting to learn about their computer softwares at the civilian level, as well as emergency response systems and personal electronics." Ramiro jotted down notes on his comm as he said this, figuring that he would forget something as simple as the topics by the next day.
Nathaniel took note of the questions on the display that might have something to do with the religion of the Gartagens. He also pondered a bit about the questions that could give them a good idea of their religious structure without offending them.

The usual questions when dealing with a religion would be adequate for the first few minutes of a conversation, but after that it would greatly depend on the answers that he received.

He decided that it would be a good idea to ask the computer about the information that was already at hand and work from there.

"Taisa, any indications that we should bring some precautionary measures with us? Also, I haven't yet been assigned quarters aboard this vessel."
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