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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Yaichiro donned the AMES, noting how much protocol had changed in three years. It was hard to believe he'd been back on the Eucharis for a year already. He was glad he'd taken to backing up after every mission, given that they seemed to be getting more dangerous than he'd ever remembered those of the Sakura being...

"The Quantum Mirrors seem to be taking longer than expected to fabricate in spite of the elements used. We might just have to get through this one without them. We've still got the stock sensor systems though."

“If I am right, my presence will be the least of the Lorath’s problems. With the NMX already in motion to eliminate them, now is the perfect time to establish new bonds with them,” Hanako told Sune. “What better opportunity do I have?” After a moment, she added, “If things go badly, this ship can outrun any of theirs.”

Next, Hanako looked to see what Helen had to say.

"Taisa, as we are still without a medic I am going to head down to the Medbay to facilitate crew mental backups." Sune said as he rose from his station, with a slight inclination of his head. He crossed the bridge and exited.

The route from the bridge to the medbay was one that Sune could travel these days with his eyes closed. While he traveled he sent a request to Charisma, "Charisma, please initialize the automated medbay units.

Unable to comply with your request Chui, the current configuration of the medbay has no AMTC units. came her reply.

"Thanks anyway Charisma." He said aloud as he approached the medical bay. He looked around the room, the standard equipment was present and the PMS-1 charging unit. But sadly when he started checking the bay for supplies he found it in a terrible state. He sent a message to Hanako via Charisma.

He waited for the first crew members to arrive.

"Taisa, are you headed for the Lor system in proper, or one of their other colonies?" Helen asked, before explaining the reason of her explanation. "If you go to Lor in proper, I'm certain that there would be little chance of actually making any headway, since the system is mostly populated by Fyunnen at this time, I would instead recommend heading to the Nyli system, where I'm sure that we would receive more of a response than reflexive weapons fire." She spoke as she broke away to grab an AMES suit and put it on. "Are there any topics of Lorath society that you may have questions on, Taisa?" She asked, hoping that Hanako would go in with all of her tools at her disposal being in use.

Kiko bowed and saluted at Sune when she and Michael arrived. "Good morning, sir," she said in her usual calm tone. "We are here to make ST backups."
YSS Eucharis, Medbay

Michael gave Sune the traditional Elysian Salute at the same time as Kiko.

"It is exactly as Inoue-Hei says, sir. I have no intention of getting killed by the Lorath, but the good book says to never let our hubris get in the way of sound decision making."

"It is a sensible precaution. No one plans to be killed on a mission, but in our occupation things often do not go according to plan." Sune replied with a grin.

He crossed over to the mental backup unit. "Soldiers, while I appreciate the gesture of respect conveyed by a salute. In the Star Army of Yamatai, we do not salute we bow. And bowing is not required on ship unless reporting to an officer." He said with a pleasant smile.

He pointed to the bed. "Inoue-Hei, you may go first. The experience of mental backup can be uncomfortable for some. Therefore if you wish I can offer you sedation to make the experience easier if you wish."

He turned to Michael, "Papadopoulos-Hei, while Inoue-Hei's backup is being accomplished I would like to ask you to assist me in gathering some medical supplies from the shuttle bay. It will only take us a few minutes and by the time we return, I will be able to perform your backup."
"Thank you for the correction, sir," Kiko said with another bow, as aware that it wasn't necessary as she had been before. She strode over to the bed and lay down on it. "There is no need to waste the sedatives, sir."
YSS Eucharis, Medical Bay

"Just gotta cart some stuff up here? Alright, that shouldn't be a problem, sir." Michael said , bouncing from foot to foot, almost as if he was impatient, his wings fluttering.

Takeyu glanced about, typing in commands and keeping an eye on status screens. "I guess since we'll be headnig into Lorath space, might as well get a backup," he turned in his seat.

"Anyone wanna come with? Or, I can stay behind so that you may go ahead Chusa until you return," he said to Yaichiro.
Sune assisted Kiko with getting positioned on the bed, and started the processes by entering his access code. He also entered her decision to forgo sedation. He lowered the SIU so that it was over her face and watched the process begin.

He turned to Michael, "The Star Fortress repaired the medbay but did not stock it. I do not know if it was an oversight, or a shortage. But in a crisis we need supplies. The shuttles should have Type 31 Medical kits. I want to grab four of them from the Telemachus. I appreciate the assistance." he said as he crossed the medbay. He tapped his Uno sunglasses to link it to the computer so he could monitor Kiko's progress.

He exited the medbay and made his way to the shuttle bay.
YSS Eucharis, Following Jalen Sune

Michael followed behind Jalen, keeping barely a step behind him. Though technically ranking over him, Michael hadn't exactly interacted with the XO much, although from what he'd seen of his actions and heard of his words, Michael already liked him. Liked him enough to share concerns over the current mission with.

"They hit the Med-Bay's stocks too, Doc? Jeez, it seems like the only fully stocked thing on this entire ship is the Taisa's custom Mindy. We were just in the armor bay, and we didn't even have accessories or ammunition for the armors, much less new weaponry. Hell, all we've got are six teleportation packs, and the weapons that people were holding when the armor-bay got slagged."
YSS Eucharis, Medbay

A short childhood played back in Kiko's mind. She showed no sign of the pain that the backup was putting her through except at one point, about two-thirds of the way through, where her teeth clenched and she made fists with her hands.
Shuttle bay.

"They did not hit the medical bay, the NMX destroyed it. The KFY just did not equip it for us." Sune replied as he entered the shuttle bay. "I'm glad I was still wearing my power armor when the armor bay was destroyed.

Sorry that I did not get to meet you on the last mission. I prefer to meet all new crew members, but as you saw things moved pretty quickly from we are looking for survivors, to trying to survive ourselves." Sune opened the hatch on the T7 and stepped in, he pulled down four of the large Type 31C medical kits and lowered them to the floor.

Sune opened one of the kits and did a quick inventory and noticed the addition of the PMS-1 Medical Scanner in it. Zipping the bag closed, he lifted up two of them.

"So did you volunteer for duty aboard the Eucharis, or were you just assigned Papadopoulos-Hei?" he asked as he stepped out and waited for Michael to grab the other two bags.
YSS Hanako-Sama's Party Boat, Shuttle Bay

"I volunteered, actually. I had a choice between the Eucharis and the Aeon, and I chose this tough girl." Michael responded as he grabbed the other two bags, slinging them over his wings. "I guess you could say that I wanted to prove my brother wrong. He assumed that I wouldn't be able to take being on a ship directly commanded by a Ketsurui, but I'm doing fine so far." Smiling, the Elysian followed Jalen out of the shuttle bay.

"Things have taken some getting used to. The most shocking things have come from differing societal aspects, but I haven't had too much problem. Lime and Kiko have been pretty helpful to me so far. And even if I did get demoted down to Santo-Hei, I'm rising up the ranks pretty fast here, and the core unit and basics for my new assigned MCAS are in the armor bay. And, to make things better, I've given Kiko incentive to look out for her on life next time we see combat: I told her that if she doesn't die, I'll take her and a friend out to the most expensive place to eat at the next port we dock in, and she agreed and invited Kumiko Endoh!" Michael stretched, shifting the bags around on his wings, before he blushed lightly as he realized that he had been rambling.

"A-Apologies, sir. It generally wasn't a problem in the ECN, but I do tend to ramble on sometimes when I'm talking with friends. I understand that showing too much emotion is... frowned upon in Yamataian culture, and I'll try to avoid it in the future!"
Sune smiled, and as he entered the corridor replied. "No need to apologize, I am glad to hear that you are making friends on board. I wondered how well you would integrate into the social group of the Eucharis. And while most Yamatains seem to prefer to maintain a more discrete posture regarding emotions. That does not seem to be the case on this ship. You will find those who are very open and friendly and other who prefer to be more circumspect.

These are the people we live, bleed and even die with. So it makes sense for us to get to know each other. The Taisa encourages the crew to be sociable."

He monitored the backup for Kiko, and adjusted his pace so they would arrive before the Neko would be done. He placed the two bags by the closest cabinet and walked over to supervise the completion.

When the backup was completed he lifted the SIU up and away from Kiko's face. "Take a couple of deep breaths before you sit up. It usually helps." he said using his bedside manner voice.
Kiko's expression went from a pained scowl to her usual blank mask in a second after the SIU was removed. She took some breaths as advised until it stopped hurting, and then sat up. "Am I the original?" she asked quietly, forcing the worry out of her tone.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

"Yes, Kiko, you are the original one. You haven't lost that dinner yet." Michael said with a grin, setting down the bags. Pulling off his uniform top, the Elysian, now shirtless, laid down on the machine, eyes closed and his arms crossed over his body

"Anyway, Doc, we should get started. I'm pretty old compared to most of the Neko on this ship, and I have some pretty unsavory memories, so lets just get this over with. God knows that I do not want to relive being a refugee or an orphan again."

"As you will find out quite easily you are the original. It is only about ten minutes later. If you were being brought back from your copy you find a longer time lapse between your memories and the current time." Sune said with a smile. "Besides, I have never lost a patient while doing a back up."

After Michael got on the backup Sune prepared the system. "It is not always the duration of life that makes the backups unpleasant. It can be the strength of the memories." he said as he lowered the SIU into position.

He entered the start sequence and one it was started walked over to the medical kits and started unpacking them and putting the contents into the cabinets.
Kiko checked her internal clock and said, "of course, sir. My apologies for implying otherwise." She got off the table, raised an eyebrow at Michael's chest, and helped Sune put the supplies away.
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