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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Kumiko nodded back to Takeyu, leaving her console running it's tests. "I'll go with you now. I think everything we can be doing right now is done, so we might as well go before things go all to hell."

Takyeu nodded. "In that case, let's get ours done quickly so that our fellow companions can get here's done as well," he said and turned back to his station real quick and typed in a command that would dump the diagnostics information for him to review after he got back. He then got up from his chair and walked over to the door.

"Shall we?" he looked over at Kumiko.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

As the machine got on with its work, Michael stayed completely still on top of hit, his breathing slowed. As the memories of his past flashed by, he focused on the present, if only to not react to the painful memories which assaulted him.
Kumiko nodded, bowing quickly to Toshiro and Takeda before following Takeyu over to the door. "It's probably a good idea to get one, anyway. I haven't had one in a while."
Takeyu nodded and headed down to the infirmary, he glanced upward at the ceiling for a moment, he didn't like the way things looked and didn't like how they were headed to Lorath territory. Esh, wonder if the Lorath will even consider talking to us, he tapped his chin thoughtfully.

Arriving at the infirmary a few moments later, he stepped to one side to allow Kumiko in first. "Ladies first," he said politely.

Sune monitored Micheal's progress. The Elysian seemed content to go through the process with a stoic determination. So Sune indulged him, once the process was complete he logged the backup into the soul pod and moved the SIU out of Michael's way.

"There you go, all stored and protected. I will see you around Hei."

Sune looked towards the two new guests of the medbay. "Okay, who is next?" he called out.
Kumiko made her way into the medbay, bowing slightly to Sune. Her eyes drifted only momentarily to Michael's bare chest before flicking back to Sune. "I believe I'll go first, Jalen-chui, if you're willing." She walked over tot he back-up machine, trading off with Michael. She smiled quickly at Kiko, then motioned for Sune to go ahead and start the process whenever he was ready.

"Hello Endoh-Heisho, give me a moment and we will be ready to commence." Sune pulled up Kumiko's backup for updating, selected sequential to make the process as brief as possible. Once the unit was ready he lowered the SIU so it could calibrate itself to her brain. A moment later the light came on and the backup process began.

As it continued, he crossed over and resumed sorting and stocking the medical bay. "Hello Nayacesen-Heisho, I enjoyed our dinner. I presume you have secured transportation for your sister." Sune said as he continued his task.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

As Michael pulled his shirt back on, he couldn't help but listen in on the conversation between Doc and Takeyu.

"I had heard through scuttlebutt that you had found something important on Mitsuya, Takeyu-Hei, but you found your sister? That's really great, man, I'm happy for you."

Takeyu waited then entered the medbay behind Kumiko, as he stood there waiting for his turn, he listened to the question that Sune had asked him. "I did to sir, and thank you for the invitation," he said with a curt bow then added. "My sister should be at Yamatai within the next few hours, give or take, though her recovery will take some time sadly," he then turned toward Micheal.

"Thank you Papadopoulos-Hei," the name flowing easily off his tongue, "though it's 'Heisho', not 'Hei'," he winked at Micheal. He wasn't one to snap at people for getting rank wrong, then again, if Sune decided to get into it then he had no place to argue. "But yes, I was surprised to find her on Mitsuya, a blessing, considering the odds, but I am glad she's finally safe and sound," a satisfied smile present on his face.

"Nayacesen-San, I have a number of contacts in the medical field back on Yamatai. So if she runs into problems with her therapy, please feel free to contact me and I will check with my contacts to see about finding her another place. Although one of the best things for her is going to be staying in touch with you." Sune said to Takeyu as he stacked a bunch of vials on a shelf.

When the Mental Backup Unit signaled that it was completing Kumiko's backup Sune crossed over to the unit. He logged the update into the system, and then lifted the SIU away from her face.

"There you go, all safely backed up Endoh-Heisho. By the way, have you heard anything from our friend Valencia-San? I have not heard anything from him since his departure to Fort Ready." He inquired.

"Nayacesen-San, you are next come on over and we will get your backup accomplished."

Junko had acknowledged Endoh's bow with one of her own and now sat silently in Engineering. She had pulled up repeaters of the displays her colleagues had left and casually monitored them, with only an occasional glance at the Chusa. The officer was doing his own thing, and Junko didn't care to interrupt him.

The time passed calmly, with only one moment of panic as a temperature sensor in one of the secondary capacitor banks started reporting rapidly increasing temperatures. Dreading having to replace another slagged unit, Junko pulled up the sensor details and was rewarded with finding an improperly initialized code block, likely having begun a false execution with the replacement of the component while still in the yard.

Having re-initialized the reporting code, Junko sat back with a smile. The trivial work had brightened her mood considerably and she was even, bizarrely, looking forward to her own ST back-up.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

Michael patted Takayu on his back, giving him a push towards the machine. "If things don't work out for her on Yamatai, I'm sure that my parents wouldn't mind taking her in for the time being." He grinned, giving him another friendly push towards the ST machine.

A smiled cracked on his face. "Thank you Papadopoulos-Hei," he then turned his attention to Sune and walked over to the bed. "My worry is just making sure she's safe and sound, though I do look forward to seeing what mail she sends me," with that he laid down and gave Sunes a thumbs up to begin. Though some of these memories are events that I'd much rather forget, then again, every memory we make changes us, with that he closed his eyes.

"I guess they practically had to throw the girl back together...I've shifted the Quantum Mirrors to low priority in queue, so if you find something that needs replaced with some urgency by chance, we'll see if the Fabrication Area can handle it before we arrive." Yaichiro said, after significant silence. He tended to get backups before the missions started, since there was a rush of people getting backups en-route to their destination. That hadn't changed since the Sakura days, and he was glad he'd gotten it done while at port.
Kiko listened to Michael and Takeyu quietly, not seeing a reason to add anything to the conversation. She was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get to see Layven again, but she wouldn't dream of keeping her from the help she needed for her own selfish affections.
Kumiko frowned and shook her head slightly before the process started. As the process finished and Sune asked her a question, she frowned again. "No, I haven't heard anything from him in a while. If I remember right from my time there, his latest class should finish up soon though." A crooked smile crossed her face as she stood up. "What made you think about Ramiro-san?" She missed him, and wished he'd stayed in contact.
Michael thought for a second, and then smiled as he listened intently to Kumiko and Jalen.

"Ooh? Who's this Ramiro? An ex-boyfriend of Kumiko-Heisho's, perhaps?" The Elysian asked, sitting down in a chair. "Or was he just a really good friend?" Blinking, Michael stood back up, taking Kumiko's hand.

"Ah, where are my manners, Kumiko-Heisho? We've seen each other before on-board, but we haven't actually gotten a chance to talk. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Michael Papadopoulos, and I'm honored to meet you."
Kumiko's mouth quirked, but she accepted his hand. "Nice to officially meet you, Michael-san. And no, he's not exactly an ex-boyfriend, just a good friend, pretty much my first on the ship."
Michael smiled. "He may have been your first friend on this ship, Kumiko, but I'm your new friend. And, since Kiko is my friend, she's your friend too. Glad to have people like you two watching my back." His smile widened into a grin, letting go of Kumiko's hand.

"Oh, that's right. Did you get the invitation from Kiko?"
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