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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Takeyu stepped aside. "Yes Ma'am," he said to Hanako's order and looked over at the Nito Hei and gestured to the door, his hand still close to his pistol but not as close as before.

He looked over at Kumiko. "Thanks" he said to her, he had felt her hand on his shoulder moments before but didn't react to it due to his focus on Micheal at the time.
Michael narrowed his eyes at Takeyu, before deciding to comply. Pulling his pistol from its holster, he dropped the weapon on the floor, before doing the same with the peltast on his other hip. With that done, he undid his utility belt, dropping it as well, along with everything still in it. The Elysian frowned, pushing past the two engineers as he headed towards his cabin without saying a word.

At Hanako's comment though, he turned, his eyes wide and pupils narrowed, glaring directly into the princess' eyes. Before he spoke back though, he turned back to his walking.

Telepathically though, he sent a message to Kumiko and Kiko as he left, his "voice" obviously somewhat... disappointed and sad?

"I'm sorry, Kumiko. Kiko. Looks like we won't be able to go on that date after all. Guess I acted with my heart and not my brain again, like an idiot."

Kikos ears were drooped, her head was bowed, and the corners of her mouth were facing downward. "My apologies, Michael-hei," she replied bu the same medium, editing out all emotion from her 'voice'. "I only wanted to be present to give Ketsuri-Taisa a better probability of survival. I don't have your courage."
Sune had to ask Charisma to translate Micheal's rant for him. After receiving it via telepathy he was stunned. He is lucky that Hanako did not put him in the one of the holding cells. As it was, disciplinary action was very likely. It was one thing to express ones opinion, but not to treat the Taisa or a Ketsurui Princess in such a disrespectful manner. he thought.

"Follow him and ensure that he does not stray." Sune said looking at the Engineers.

He wiped down the mental backup unit. "Ready for your backup when you are ma'am." he said.
"Yes sir," Takeyu said to Sune and then turned toward Micheal. "Let's go Nito Hei," he said and beckoned to the door. He still couldn't believe the soldier had yelled at his captain, worse yet, now he wondered what Hanako would do to the man.
Kumiko rested her hand on Kiko's shoulder for a moment as she turned to escort Michael back to his rooms. Even if she didn't know her new friend well, she knew that there was something between her and Michael, and she hoped this wouldn't mess things up between them. "Kiko-san, if you need to talk to someone, I'm always available." That done, she followed Takeyu after Michael, hoping for his sake that he was done with angry outbursts for the day. Maybe longer, depending on how mad Hanako was.
"Wait. There is something I have to do first." Michael said, his voice level and commanding. The Elysian turned to Hanako, and bowed slightly, keeping eye-contact with her the whole time. As he bowed, he fully extened his wings as best he could, his 15-foot red-tipped wingspan fully extended in a salute. While to a Yamataian, the gesture would not have meant much, to an Elysian like Michael it was a sign of deep respect for the captain.

Standing up straight, Michael walked out of the Med-Bay, aiming to return to his cabin without so much as a word.
Takeyu watched and followed, but before he left he glanced worriedly over his shoulder at Kiko. "If ya need anything, just call," he said and was somewhat surprised when he had seen Micheal bow, probably because the soldier had just made a fool out of himself in front of the captain.

He glanced partway up the wall, his mind at work. Still though, what will the Lorath do if we enter their territory? There is always that chance they'll open fire on us right away, or they may actually consider reason, only time will tell, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Mikael quickly put on his suit in his cabin before he decided to follow Michael and Kiko's idea of getting a mental back up. He walked through the corridors of the gunship "with a purpose" and just as he was nearing the door leading into the medical lab he quickly got out of the way of Michael, Takeyu, and Kumiko.

What seemed almost like a prisoner escort, he finally walked into medical with a confused look on his face, pointing in the direction the trio had gone towards.
Way too little to late. And people say Nepleslians are crass and crude. Sune thought when Michael had done the Elysian bow. He knew the significance because of the research he had done prior to their mission to Veritas.

Seeing another crew member he looked at Mikael, "Harris-Hei, the Taisa is next I will take care of your backup as soon I her's is complete." he said.
Medical Lab

Hanako took her backup like a champ and then got back up. "I could ask Yui to do the Lorath contact instead. We can go after the jamming station in another system. Still, I was really hoping to somewhat...clear my name by beign the one to tip them off to the station in their system," Hanako explained to the crew there.

Sune stored Hanako's backup. "You might be able to accomplish that Taisa, by successfully disabling one of these jamming satellites. Then request that the Lorath send a team to confirm for themselves. Letting them see the proof with their own sensors and personnel. Its one thing to tell them there are these invisible jamming stations, its another to show them one.

It would also reduce the chance of the Lorath attacking since our forces would already be in the system. There would be little chance of them sneaking up on us. Unless they are in league with the NMX, and I think that unlikely."
Kumiko let the bow pass, not sure why he would try that at this point, but shrugging it off as water under the bridge. As they escorted Michael back to his room, she thought about the situation. While she hadn't been there for Hanako picking a fight with the Lorath originally, she'd been around long enough to know that it wasn't likely to be patched up as easily as she seemed to believe. Especially after picking up that Helen woman, since it seemed like the Lorath had wanted her for one reason or another. As they approached Michael's cabin, she contacted Charisma. "Charisma, as I'm sure you heard, Papadopoulos-hei is to be considered under restraint for the time being. Please lock his room once we've put him in, and inform the Taisa and Sune-san if he attempts to leave."

Due to his rank, Yaichiro was informed by Charisma when Micheal was placed under confinement in his cabin. When he inquired as to the circumstances, he was notably surprised. Half at Hanako's...extremely simplistic plans regarding the Lorath, and Micheal's response. He pondered the situation. Most run-of-the-mill personnel who didn't know what they were getting into coming aboard might react that way mentally, but it was a failure of training and respect to speak like that outright. The Chusa hadn't heard Sune's reply, but he decided to weigh in and send Hanako a text.

Found out about your request for opinions late.  If we visit the Lorath, advise against bringing them aboard.  Shosa is a criminal to them and in SAINT panels.  I am a ranked Officer who left the UOC.  You are one who their pride would outweigh their own well-being in dealing with.  They likely hate all of us above Sune personally and our ship gathers specific and directed hatred.  Best situation would be if another SAoY vessel handled the matter.  Otherwise, please consider actively hiding Klein-Shosa during direct contact or visual communications.

"...At least things are a small bit better down here than upstairs for the moment." Yaichiro said, with a sigh. Four years ago, that Elysian might have gotten shoved out the airlock for such disrespect. Of course, that just went to show how much things had improved.
Junko looked up, startled. “Sir?” she asked hesitantly. “Is something the matter?”

For a moment, she let her imagination run as wild as it was capable of. That was far from productive, though, so she clamped down on that instinct once her fantasies reached particularly ridiculous extremes. Beyond that, she considered the implication behind the Chusa's words. It was true that she didn't know exactly what this mission would bring, but she hoped that it wouldn't see any crises in Engineering... and she fervently hoped whatever was going on above wouldn't be the cause of it.
Michael held himself upright, standing proudly as he was led to his cabin, walking inside it without so much as a word. As the door closed and locked behind him, he allowed himself to relax, flopping down on the lower bunk and closing his eyes. If he was going to get killed because of things beyond his control, and not even get a chance to die fighting, he was going to at least get 40 winks beforehand.

While Sune let Hanako think about his suggestion he turned towards Mikael and said, "Harris-Hei, you are next in line for your mental back. Hop up on the bed and I will get the process started." He cycled the system to get it ready to receive a new patient.
Kiko stood at attention, hoping that Hanako would see reason and modify the plan - preferably in a way that eliminated its dependency on the Lorath ability to see reason regarding Hanako instead of merely reducing it.
Medical Lab

"Hanako to the bridge. Set course for the Jiyuu system. Maximum stealth."

She looked to Sune and Kiko. "Maybe if we open up communications there, the Lorath will give us some positive attention."
Crew Corridor

Takeyu gave a shake of his head as he stepped away. "I guess it's best we return to engineering," he said to Kumiko and turned and started heading back.

He took a glance back over his shoulder. "Don't know what he said, but there are other ways to voice your disagreements to a superior officer," he looked back forward and said.
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