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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Eucharis Bridge

"Aye Taisa." Helen replied, sitting comfortably in Hanako's chair as she looked upon the half-and-half patchwork of the repaired bridge while funneling commands into the ship. "Stealth systems online, proceeding at CDD speeds for optimal stealth approach, destination, Jiyuu system."

"Thank you for listening to them, Taisa," Kiko said pleasantly. She bowed and left for her quarters, where she got into her field uniform. After that, she went to the power armor bay and climbed into a Mindy.
Kumiko shrugged, then paused as something in his phrasing caught her attention. "You know, you can just ask Charisma if you want to know what he said, right? Regardless of his reasons though, it wasn't a very smart thing to do." She followed, glancing back as they left to make sure the door was closed. "But yes, let's get back so the others can get a back-up if they need to."
Takeyu cracked a smile. "I know, I just wasn't sure if I 'wanted' to know what he had actually said, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt," he said and sent in the request and got the translation back and gave a noticable shake of the head.

When he got close to engineering he stopped briefly to look around the corridor, before entering the room. "We are back," he said to Yaichiro and Junko.

Sune picked up the intercom handset while he waited for Mikael to get on the table. He dialed the ship wide channel. "Final call for mental backups. Any personnel who wants to update their back should report to the medbay immediately. Jalen-Chui out."

He hung up the handset and continued to sort the instruments from the medkits and put them in the proper drawers.
"Welcome back...I got my ST Backup at port, so I guess it's Takeda-Heisho's turn." Yaichiro said, noting the course change. It seemed they were headed for Jiyuu. That was progress hopefully...though it'd be odd to visit there again.

"We've changed course for Jiyuu, so that will cut the time we have in transit by a bit more. Be ready to man your stations and for trouble that much sooner if it happens...Assuming the NMX haven't taken over there, I just hope we don't run into the Tange clan's bad side. Some of them can be very paranoid, if I remember correctly."
Junko's head whipped around with a start, first at Takeyu's greeting and then at the shipwide announcement. She turned back to her consoles, setting them to idle while she was gone before rising.

“Then if you'll excuse me, sir,” she said, bowing slightly. She slipped out of the main hatch, favoring her returned colleagues with a small smile before working her way up to Medical. Entering, she bowed her head to the collected rank present, still a bit curious as to what had happened. Still, there was business to attend to and so she made her way directly over to Sune. “Sir, I'm here for a back-up, when the unit's free of course.”
Once Mikael had gotten onto the backup table, Sune initiated the mental backup. He looked at Junko, "It will just be a few minutes. Only doing an update and since we do them fairly frequently they do not take long. How does it feel to be back onboard?"

He closed one of the drawers and opened another into which he placed all the sterile gloves for safe keeping. He then put the medical scrubs into a larger compartment. Lastly he put all the IV supplies on a shelf in the designated cabinet. "Hardly a well stocked Medbay, but at least there are enough for treating emergencies." he said aloud.

When the mental backup signaled its completion he crossed over. Verified the backup and stored it. After assisting Mikael off the table he turned back to Junko.

"Its your turn now Takeda-Heisho."
Junko loitered out of the way while Sune tidied up. “I’m glad to be back,” she replied, quietly. “It was useful to get some experience on another ship, but I think I’ll always be partial to the Eucharis.” She smiled, watching the officer work - and catching his comment. “My first ship and all, sir. Though it is a little painful to see her like this, all disorganized.”

At Sune’s beckon, she crossed over to the unit and took Mikael’s place on the table. “I’d prefer sedation during the back-up, if that’s not a problem, sir.”
"I agree, we launched before the Chiharu could even restock the medical supplies. These are what I've cannibalized from four of our Type 31C Medical kits. And it will be no problem with sedation." Sune answered.

He picked up the hypospray and loaded it with the necessary medication. He dialed the appropriate dosage for Junko. He pulled up her mental backup and noticed that their copy was rather out of date since it was not updated since her last time on board. He queued up the backup.

He reached up and brought the SIU down near Junko's face. "Just relax Takeda-San." he said as he pressed the hypospray injector to her neck. A brief hiss came from the unit, and the medication started making its way through her body. Turning back to the controls he waited a for the medication to start to have the desired result and activated the backup.

He stood back, leaned against the wall and monitored the progress of her backup. He took a moment to check the ship status by means on his Uno Sunglasses. He was pleased to see that they were not on a course for the Lorath systems. He sent a request to Charisma to have all data on Jiyuu downloaded to his ICP for review.

He pulled up the data and started looking it over while Junko's backup continued. When the unit started chiming he turned back to the controls he watched the backup complete, entered his authorization code to log the backup in.

Sune then turned towards Junko, lifted the SIU up and out of the way. He then pressed the hypospray to her and injected her with the drug to counter the sedation.

Giving her a slight shake, "Takeda-San, your backup is complete. Time to return to duty. Take a moment to allow the stimulant to work fully before trying to stand."
Jiyuu System

Eucharis arrived quietly in the far outskirts of the Jiyuu system. Passive scans indicated the presence of UOCPF and a few Lorath ships, some of which were in bad shape from skirmishes. The planet seemed to be intact, but there was no telling what was going on down there without visiting it.

Back on the bridge now, Hanako slowly and stealthily aimed the ship at the planet and glided towards it. She got on the intercom. "I would like an away team to be ready," she said.
Armor Bay

"Inoue-Nitô Hei to bridge: I am in armor and ready to serve on the away team," Kiko replied by encrypted telepathy. She didn't expect anyone to intercept it, but rules were rules.
Helen mulled over the situation, she could go down to the planet where there was undoubtedly intelligence to be gathered, or, she could stay aboard the ship and monitor the Lorath Self Defense Force's activities, cross referencing their movements with what she knew of Lorath methods, it left her to look to Hanako as she stood near the Taisa.

"Taisa, where do you feel I would be the most use to the mission?" Helen asked, leaving it up to her superior. It was up to her judgment in the end after all.
Junko had waited as instructed, but when the Taisa’s announcement came over the intercom she decided the sedative antagonist had had long enough to work and lurched to her feet. She felt a little shaky, but chalked it up to nerves.

“Thank you, sir,” she said to Sune with a weak smile. “I think I had better return to my post.”

She worked her way back to Engineering, quietly slipping back into her station and keying her displays back to life before turning slightly and offering an, “I’m back, sir,” in the Chusa’s direction. She glanced up at the overhead a deck above for a moment, wondering who was on the away team, where they’d be going, really anything about the mission. Her brief time in Medical hadn’t provided an obvious signs of any problems, and certainly none mission related. Deciding she’d find out what she needed to know in due time regardless of curiosity, she started back into her work.
Yaichiro nodded, and seemed a bit tense...after all, he helped design the capital city of and protect this world. He wondered if he'd be called upon for the away team. Three year old knowledge was better than no knowledge, possibly...though Helen's knowledge might be far more recent. He had no real wish to face the suspicious Tange, or answer for leaving to the people who might have expected him to stay...his old crew of the Asuka possibly among them.

"Ah, good...I wonder who all will be going..."
Michael opened a single eye at Hanako's message, frowning as he shook himself to a full state of alertness. Sitting up, he yawned and stretched, standing up off the bunk before walking towards the locked door.

"Taisa, I take it that this away team includes all of the ship's dedicated infantry? If so, then it would greatly expedite my ability to be ready for deployment if this door was unlocked, ma'am."
Medical Lab

Mikael quickly bowed to Sune before he walked out of the medical lab somewhat slowly.Man those suck.. he thought to himself. He entered the power armor bay to prep and don his armor. But then he remembered the lack equipment and frowned. He gave Kiko a thumbs up as he walked past her.
Sune looked around the empty medbay, satisfied that he had done what he could to prepare it for use if the case arose. He exited the room and made his way out and headed toward the bridge.

Once he entered the bridge, he moved across the bridge to his station. He stopped briefly and faced Hanako "Mental backups completed, and Medbay is provisioned with what had available Taisa."

He then took his station, and activated his station. Pulling up the sensor data for the system.

Takeyu kept his eyes on the readouts and status information that scrolled in relation to the systms onboard the ship.

"Nayacesen-Heisho here, if my services as an Engineer are needed Taisa, then I would like to volunteer my services," though Takeyu actually wanted to lead, for some reason that part his desire was coming back and he didn't know why but he wasn't going to mention it - they had several officers onboard ship right now and he knew that leading an away team as his rank wasn't going to be possible unless the Taisa had other plans. Then again, back at Sbuhfaba, Jalen-Chui was a Heisho so... mmm... anything is possible but we didn't have as many officers if I recall back then, he rubbed the back of his head physically for a moment and kept his eyes on the displays.

"Helen, Charisma has found the most likely placement of the stealth jamming station is here in this area," Hanako said, pointing to an overlay on the main viewscreen. "We will locate the station and then send an away team aboard to analyze and disable it. Failing that, we will attack it with the ship. I want you to put together the away team."

Sensors showed the UOCPF ships were in a defensive posture, looking for ships. They'd have to be careful.
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