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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Helen gave a nod, it was going to be hell getting to the platform, with the flurry of Peacekeeper and Lorath activity in the area... though, what was life without the flavor of challenge? She invested some thought in the matter of who to take, and the proper group just fell into place in her thoughts as she opened an intercom channel.

"Michael Papadopoulos, Mikael Harris, Nayacesen Takeyu, Kage Yaichiro. You have been selected to accompany me on an away mission. Gear up and prepare for deployment. Close quarters combat ordinance, engineering kit, and demolitions ordinance are required." Helen ordered as she once again looked to the Taisa as she closed the intercom line. "Since we will be unable to communicate until the station is disabled, what are your orders in regard to the situation of running into personnel aboard the station, or if we encounter technology or equipment which could be of interest? Furthermore, Taisa, are there any further orders regarding the deployment?"
Yaichiro rose, glancing to Takeyu before looking at Kumiko and Junko.

"Endoh-Heisho, Takeda-Heisho, please mind the store. One of you at least must be here in Engineering at all times in compliance with the Readiness Condition. The other will have to handle any repairs that come up that can't be fixed here."

With that, Yaichiro left Engineering, and proceeded toward the Power Armor Bay. With how little the bay was stocked, his options were likely limited in just how to comply with the Shosa's loadout requirements. While he still had the Aether Beam Saber-Rifle equipped with his Mindy 3A, something which survived the destruction of the Armory and was likely simply overlooked, he debated if the LASR would be more adequate for the job Helen had in mind...though in reality, he wondered how Helen had any clue at all what they'd run into. Perhaps he should add a LASR-SLAG for good measure. If nothing else, it could double as an explosive if they used up all their Type 31 Plastic Explosives...though he was still wondering exactly what they were planning to do with this hardware. Planet-side recon didn't seem to match this configuration.
Sune listened to Helen's recommendations to Hanako. He waited until she finished to interject his question.

"Shosa, why do you say that the Away team will not be able to communicate with us. So far these jamming units only seem to be affecting FTL communications, not normal communications."
"Quite simple, if non-FTL communications were entirely possible, then the Peacekeepers would have been able to fend off those unknown ships out there without having issues regarding coordination. Furthermore, the Lorath ships out there would have already rallied the Peacekeepers as well. Even if we are able to communicate with light-speed based methods, there would be a considerable lag-time between messages, line-of-sight issues, Lorath sensors tracking our communications if they are not laser-based, and the matter of the Eucharis being forced to move to a position to permit timely reception and transmission, which would place it close enough to the star of Jiyuu to produce a sizable deflection of electromagnetic radiation in a manner which would tip off Lorath or Peacekeeper sensors. Simply put, communications would be too difficult to maintain for the simple purpose of asking a question." Helen explained as she looked to Sune with an expression that said simply and silently; 'Why are you wasting my time?'

"Thank you for providing your insights, it is also possible that the reason the Peacekeeper vessels have not rallied is that they are possessed. It is a standard tactic the NMX have deployed successfully in their assaults. As for the communications issues, I will now devote my time to working on a way to resolve those concerns." Sune said as he turned back towards his station and started feeding a series of commands into the console.
"I don't know... the NMX being involved in this situation is questionable. If they were, I am certain that those Lorath out there would have noticed, they have sensor equipment for infantry personnel which can detect parasite infections. I am fairly sure that if the Lorath detected a parasite infection on Jiyuu, it would be slagged." Helen speculated as she checked the time, giving her away team just a minute or so more to prepare before heading down to give them a kick in the ass.

Takeyu shook his head at the Eucharis inventory report, it wasn't what he wanted to see but something he had to contend with he guessed. Short supplied, even on the modules, he commented as he left engineering shortly after Yaichiro did.

PA Bay

He was silent along the way, but once he got to the PA Bay he casually got into a nearby Mindy 2H and started her up. Running a system's diagnostic as he shouldered the Lasr-Slag and then walked into the armory.

Looking over his shoulder for a moment, he turned his attention to the explosive requirement of the mission and choose eight blocks of T31PE along with four demote detonaters and four delayed detonators and some det cord. Overkill, but there's no such thing, he thought and placed the stuff in his backpack.

He then loaded his backpack with the required engineering equipment, making certain that he had what he needed closing it up and heading back in to the PA Bay.
Yaichiro selected an identical armament for his Power Armor, though it was a Mindy 3A, and donned it. He was glad the 3A had Nodal Support Bits, as those would be useful in an anti-personnel role if they encountered the Mishhu, though its stealth capabilities were extremely low compared to the 2A. He pondered if a Teleportation Module was wise to load, since that restricted technology should only be used when absolutely necessary.

"Except that not all NMX require parasites. Our own missions have clearly shown that the NMX can and is producing Nekovalkyjra, if they created Yamataian formed ones, they would not be detectable from Jiyuuian. But in the absense of more data, this is all speculation. Good Hunting ma'am." Sune responded while multitasking his ideas.
YSS Eucharis, Armor Bay

"Well, this feels like a damn suicide mission to me." Michael said as he walked into the armor bay.

"Just five of us against a station full of those squids, while we're under-equipped." The Elysian strode through the bay, suiting up into his MCAS. As the suit's plasma reactor came online, a wicked smiled spread his face before the faceplate of the helmet slid forward to cover it up, the AIES booting up. Reaching up, he grabbed onto the massive two handed sword he had purchased, slinging it across the armor's back between his wings.

"The way I'm looking at it though, my new armor is going to get a blood red paint scheme today. 'Cause either i'm going to die, or those squids are going to meet whatever eldritch demon they call a god."
PA Bay

As Takeyu waited for the go signal, he brought up the diagnostics on his suit. He was glad everything appeared to be in working order, and even though they lacked the modules for close quarters combat, the Mindy 2h did have the forearm weapon which was able to generate an atheric blade, so he knew that was covered.

Hefting his Lasr, he leaned up against the wall and looked his companions over and grunted slightly at how slow things were.

Helen noted the time, and decided it was the right moment for her to make her departure. As she left the bridge, she looked to the Taisa and gave a nod. "Good luck, Taisa." Helen said simply before departing the bridge.

Armor Bay

As Helen arrived in the armor bay, she was already out of her AMES suit as she made her way to her personal Kylie, which she slipped into and sealed around her body as she put the helmet into place and locked it. "Wait for launch order, commence final system checks and weapon checks. Helen to Taisa, waiting for launch order." She spoke as she checked over the load-out which she had already placed on her Kylie the moment it was delivered, finding it suitable for the mission at hand as she let her nerves relax as much as possible before what mystery was to come.
Michael stretched out, making sure that his new armor was fully up to snuff, the four sensor "eyes" of its helmet acting as if they were his own eyes. Striding over to the weapon's rack, Michael hefted the transphasic rifle from his old Hikael. Although the rifle was long and bulky, and might get in the way during close combat, its ability to ignore obstacles in the firing path would prove useful.

"Instruments are going wild. We're very close," Hanako softly commented as the ship slowly closed in on the hidden station. Suddenly, the Eucharis lurched as it collided with the station's field system. "Synchronizing fields..."

A hole appeared in the edge of Eucharis' field bubble where the two bubbles were touching. Through it, they could see a dark purple space station that resembled a mechanical flower.

"I thought this would be a Mishhuvurthyar station," the captain commented before getting on the intercom. "Last chance to join the away team! Anyone that wishes to do so, join Shosa Klein in the armor bay immediately."
Armor Bay

Kiko made her Mindy bow to everyone coming into the armor bay to suit up. As she hadn't received Helen's instructions for what weapons to equip, she was still using the default loadout.
PA Bay

Mikael grumbled a bit as he listened to Michael's pessimism while strapping into his Daisy. He performed the required diagnostics one much perform on new pieces of equipment. Plus the normal checks when donning the armor.

Confident that all was running to specifications, he walked over to grab a weapon and attached it to his hip.
Sune looked at the station, training the passive sensors at the visible object to gather as much data as possible without causing additional risk to the ship.

Well, at tihs range many of the Shosa's arguments fail. If we can see it this well, we are close enough that time delay is not a factor. Let me see what this data provides, perhaps there is yet away to offer a limited form of communications. Sune thought.

He turned to look at Hanako, "Ma'am, I prefer to remain onboard the Eucharis, Klein-Shosa has Kage-Chusa on her team, and his technical knowledge as to this station and its systems is far superior. My talents are best used here at the moment." he said, then returned his attention to the screens and the various data streams.
Up to this point, Yaichiro simply thought they were going down to the planet to investigate Jiyuu and possibly go to Tokyo, and fight NMX encountered...though the order to bring explosives and engineering kits struck him as odd...but when his monitoring via Charisma indicated that they were attacking the Link Siphon, his eyes widened and he contacted the Taisa, with the Shosa able to hear. Given that time was of the essence, he used telepathy instead of text. He knew Hanako did not prefer it, but he had to do this quickly.

"Taisa! What are you doing? Why would the UOC and Lorath even have surviving ships here if the NMX have a foot hold in this station? They could have repeated Taiie or used this as a staging area LONG ago. Have we confirmed that this station is in the hands of the enemy?"

It was within the realm of possibility that the mass mesher at least was a UOC addition which the NMX captured...it actually made sense if he looked at it that way.

Hanako called Engineering to respond. "We have to find out some way," she angrily told him before hanging up.

Next Hanako called the armor bay. "If everyone is ready, then get going."
Helen did a final remote check of the power armor suits of those under her command. Everything checked out... except for the griping Yaichiro. At this moment, she wished her job was to shoot him instead of investigate him... but that was beside the point, as she responded over Yaichiro's telepathy line; "You're not here to speculate, you're here to be an engineer. Yes, there is the possibility of the station being UOC controlled, yes, there is the possibility of there being UOC personnel aboard, or they could be NMX, and this could be an NMX controlled station. That is all beside the point. If this station is going to cause us to lose a possible ally in the war, then it is a material asset which must be analyzed, subverted, or neutralized. Your job here is not to worry about who is on that station, or who built it, your job is to tinker and make it explode if we have to make it explode. If you're a good engineer, then you won't have to blow it up and kill everyone inside, instead we could just harmlessly shut it off, understood?"

With scolding aside, Helen moved to the edge of the armor bay, looking out into space as she raised her arm, and brought it forward. "Deploy." She said simply before falling from deck, to vacuum as she transitioned out of the ship, then let her armor's systems handle moving from there as she assumed a loitering position until everyone was out of the ship. At that point, she spoke over the communication line. "Taisa, does the ship's sensors detect any hatch-way or structural flaw which we can exploit to enter the station, or should we just brute-force our way in?" She asked as she looked upon the flower-like station... wondering what was there inside of it, and how to make it stop working.
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