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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 12.1] Encounter At Shara

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Shara System

Eucharis arrived in the system as the her crew was waking up. The battered, oddly-painted gunship's engines glowed a dim teal as they moved the ship in a slow cruise. The rest of the squadron followed.

Hanako, still wearing a thin nightie, briefly went over some scans from her cabin before taking a brief shower and getting into her uniform. After that, she went to the wardroom to get a quick breakfast. She had ordered a vegetarian menu this morning to avoid accidentally smelling like bacon or sausage when meeting the aliens.
Re: [Mission 12.1] Encounter At Gartaga

Ramiro was awoken suddenly by the sounds of footsteps. He rolled to the side to see who it was but ended up falling to the ground. "Ow!" He was about to get up, but stopped as he realized he was lying on top of a logo of the Eucharis. He looked up to see who he had heard, and saw Blackberry walking in. Damn it, I must have fallen asleep in the bridge. He rolled over onto his back with the intent to lie there for a minute to wake himself up.

"Ramiro! What do you think you're doing? Get to bed."

Ramiro looked over at Blackberry with a frown, "Good morning to you too. Wait, is it even morning? Never mind, don't answer that." He wandered to the crew rooms before going to his old room, number 5, which had a vacancy now since the other person had left. He tiptoed in, trying not to wake his old roommate, and went promptly to sleep.

When he awoke, Ramiro went over to the showers, took off the uniform that he was still wearing, and washed himself. Afterwards he quickly ironed his uniform and put it back on before heading down to the bridge.

He looked up at the main screen in front of him, which was currently displaying Gartaga. "Morning Charisma, good talk last night, especially since it seems I didn't want to leave. Sorry about falling asleep though. Could you please display the current information regarding the Gartagens, as well as the current time of day and information from initial scans?"

Ramiro waited for the information to pop up before scanning through it. Increased gravity, it will be just like UX-13 all over again. It seems to be smaller than many planets that we are used to. A short year, but a longer day than on Yamatai. Based on the population and the size, as well as pollution rates, I'd guess the planet is way overcrowded. Ramiro stood up and went over to his station, hitting a button to bring up camera feed of the planet again. You can see ships in the background at the asteroid belt, must be used as a mining colony. And scans show that they have started to expand to their neighboring planet. There is no ice visible at the caps, which suggests a warm climate. This is going to be interesting.

Ramiro closed all of the volumetric windows the he had opened in order to display information and pulled back up the camera feed that was being shown before he changed it. "See you soon Charisma." Ramiro walked over to the wardroom to grab some food and saw Hanako. He bowed before heading over to the buffet. "Good morning Taisa, how are you this fine day?"
Re: [Mission 12.1] Encounter At Gartaga

Cabin Six

Tachihara Reika woke quite early and whilst sleepy-eyed she donned the white outer shirt that completed the exercise uniform that she had slept in. The beginning of the days work shift was still a few hours away, so she had plenty of time before she had to present herself for her duties.

The young enlisted Nekovalkyrja made her way to the ships recreation area and spent the better part of two hours working out using the various exercise machines present or practicing various martial arts forms, before taking a shower to wash away the sweat. She returned to her cabin shortly after to acquire a fresh working uniform and the rest of the gear she would need throughout the day.

Reika still had to report to medical for the routine physical exam that every new crew member had to undergo upon joining a Star Army vessel. Fully awake now, she idly stretched out her arms as she walked down the ships corridors, trying to work out any lingering kinks in her muscles.

Medical Center

Reika was smiling and contented as she gave the sterile chamber a cursory inspection, her cyan-haired head peaking inside. She wondered if one of the sprites would be on duty or if Jalen Sune, who Reika knew doubled as a Medic for the Eucharis, would be the one to perform the physical exams upon the new crew. It was also possible that Nathaniel Kygra would be around as well.

"Hello?" the girl called out into the main treatment room, "Anyone on duty yet?"
Re: [Mission 12.1] Encounter At Gartaga

Medical center:
Nathaniel appeared a bit later then Reika. Although he only slept for two hours, he didn't appear to be tired at all. "Moring Tachihara-hei."

Nathaniel had sneaked out of the cabin with the utmost care, making sure his cabin mate didn't wake up, nor did people that slept in the other rooms. He silently donned his exercise clothing, and silently complained about the lack of decency the Yamatai training clothes had, before heading out of the cabin. The only sound that could have given him away to his cabin mate was the sound of the door.

He made his way to the recreational room to train for a bit. He knew that as soon as he woke up he had to do something and get out of bed or he would fall asleep again and feel completely thrashed when he would wake up again. That, and he was used to waking up early, as he used to do this in the Elysian military as a way to train more often then the other people.

He spend a few hours training and practicing. He also took the time to get some additional information about the Gartagens. For all the information they had there wasn't anything that really shed a light into how the Gartagen religion worked.

When he headed back from the showers to his cabin he was sure he had noticed Tachihara Reika going the exact opposite direction.
in his cabin he grabbed a fresh working uniform and headed to the wardroom to get something to eat.

After eating he headed back to his cabin to order his stuff for the day and doing that he headed towards Medical
Re: [Mission 12.1] Encounter At Gartaga

Cabin 3, Crew Quarters

Takeyu hadn't been able to get much sleep during the night, his mind in constant motion over whether or not the day would go as hoped. As he got out of bed, he glanced up and noticed that his cabin mate was already gone, and figured that when he heard the door just a few moments ago, or was it a few hours ago? It had to have been his mate. "No idea why he'd want to leave silently," he rubbed the back of his neck tiredly before getting up out of day and changing.

He headed straight for the showers where he set aside his hand of clothing and stepped into the nice, warm water. Takeyu just stood there, allowing the water to casually flow down his body while looking straight up at the ceiling in deep thought. I wonder how Layven is doing... it's been awhile now since I've last talked to her, I hope she's doing alright, he thought worriedly to himself.

After he finished his shower he dried off then headed back to the cabin where he cleaned himself up a bit more and pulled out the dress uniform, he hadn't worn it in awhile and it still looked very new. First impression are important, his father had told him numerous times before whenever they were meeting a business contact.

He put the uniform on and checked himself over for a brief moment, making certain it was on properly, that there were no wrinkles, nothing that could denote a dirty or poorly maintained uniform. Once he was satisfied he affixed the label as per regulations, last he grabbed the hat that went with the uniform and stuffed it under his arm as he walked out of the cabin, took a glancing look up and down the corridor, then headed for the galley for some breakfast.

When he arrived, he noticed the Taisa and Ramiro, and gave a bow to the Taisa out of respect. "Good morning Taisa," he said respectfully.
Junko awoke, refreshed and ready to tackle the day’s work. Her brief conversation with Sune had allayed some of her fears; at the least, she was now prepared to cut herself some slack. Gathering up her toiletries, she dashed to the facilities and quickly showered before returning to her quarters, attempting to avoid being spotted all the while. She pulled out her best uniform and formal dress items but set them aside on her rack and pulled on an EPJ instead. There had been no announcement of when exactly they would be making orbit, or if they would even start contact the instant they did. Given time, she wanted to check on Engineering and she had precisely zero interest in dirtying her formal uniform with any debris from the mainspace.

Dressed, she made her way up the stairs to the wardroom, intending to get a quick bite before duty. She looked up as she reached the top of the stairs and was momentarily taken aback, but quickly bowed.

“Ma’am.” She straightened briefly and then bowed with slightly less depth to Takeyu. “Heisho.” She finally turned and simply nodded at Ramiro. “Heisho. Good morning.”
Crew Showers
Sune was drying off from his shower after his workout when Charisma informed him that there were two persons looking for him in Medical. What is with this, since I transferred out of medical I am spending almost as much time there as doing my assigned duties. he thought with a mental sigh.

Once dried he put on a type 30 Uniform and attached the standard accoutrements.

He sent a message via Charisma,
Seems my services are required in Medical again. Hopefully I will be able to get some breakfast before we begin our diplomatic duties.

Medical Bay
Sune then made his way to the Medical bay, as he entered the bay he said, "Hello, how may I be of service?"
It was at about this point that Solar Navy sent a radio only communiqué to the Eucharis. A calm, pleasant voice would begin speaking, using computer assistance to help translate the message “Greetings YSS Eucharis. This is Operative Tarsk, a representative of the Gartagen Union. You are about to enter the Shara Star System. The Solar Navy is providing you with an escort that will act specifically in your defense. I am providing you with the coordinates for your ship to enter orbit, and if necessary land. Coordinates are XX-YY-ZZ.” The communiqué would then end, but the frequency was still open allowing for a coordinated response.

As the Eucharis moved through space it scanners would detect Shara’s defense fleet in the system. Most of the battle groups were patrolling at various points through out the system. A Small group of ships however was moving along the Eucharis’ projected path. It was made up of two Prosecutor battle ships, four Guardian Cruisers and eight Destroyers. The weapons and defenses were inactive, showing that the Gartagens were indeed not being hostile, and were simply interested in protecting their new guests.

More detailed scans of the system would show that Galva, the systems outermost planet was a massive Gas giant that had eight moons. The moons were littered with facilities, fortifications, and space going traffic. The Asteroid belt that lay in between Gartaga and Galva was no different. It too was littered with mining colonies, and defensive fortifications.

Scans of Gartga would find a warm rocky world struggling to come back to life. It was surrounded by Five ship yards, and a defensive net work of dormant combat drones. In orbit of one of these ship yards was a fleet of 48 ships, a mixture of cruisers, destroyers and battle ships. Most notably were two Nepleslian star ship in formation, the NSS Hornet, and the NSS Hive.

On the surface of the planet was Commodore Toshiro’s ship: the YSS Yggsdrasill.

Hoo, we're there already ?'

A deep, decidedly masculine voice drifted from the kitchen area as one of the doors leading to the kitchen area swung open. A large Nepleslian male stepped out into the dining area, pushing a cart covered with sliced vegetables and other food items. The male was very tall, forcing him to duck slightly as he entered the room. He was dressed in a brand new short sleeve working uniform with bright yellow patches of a cook. While the uniform was brand new, it seemed a tiny bit small for the male's large frame, stretching especially at the biceps where they had been rolled back a bit.

The cook bowed deeply, his long black hair, tied back by piece of cord, falling over his shoulder " Santo Hei Armundo Soichiro reporting as instructed, Ketsurui Taisa." he said. He turned to Takeyu and Ramiro , bowing " Mornin' Heisho." he said before finally turning to Takedo Junko " Mornin' Heisho ." he said before pushing his cart towards the Heibachi grill. Yamataian was clearly not his native language, his Nepleisian accent working its way into the words slightly. His face was unshaven, given him the semblance of a five a'clock shadow that, instead of giving him a unkempt appearance, added to his rugged charm.

" If ya'll permit me, I'd like ta prepare your mornin' repast on the open grill. I assumed my first appearance before the Taisa and such distinguished guest deserved a bit a' ceremony. " he said, switching on the grill and fan, filling the room with a low hum " I promise it won't take long. I'll never be accused've keepin' officers from their duties 'cause I was draggin' around ." he said.

He reached for a clear bottle and doused the grill, sending a cloud of steam into the vent " I understand the Taisa requested a vegetarian breakfast." he said, opening his shiny case and pulling out a duranium spatula and a beautiful Zesuainum chef's knife. " If you'll permit, I thought I might prepare something savory. Shouldn't take a minute." he said.

He dumped a bowl of rice onto the grill, his spatula and knife flashing as he stirred the precooked white rice across the grill. The quick,precise movements of his fingers reducing the utensils to nothing more then glimmering blurs. The cook set his his knife to the side, grabbing a squeeze bottle and spinning it on the back of his hands before squirting a measure into the rice itself, followed by a small squirt of oil, follwed by a sizeable block of tofu which was diced to small peices by a few rapid strokes of the chef. Salt, pepper and some finely chopped onions were added to the mix, which was stirred, and left to fry for a few minutes. After five minutes, the large cook turned, producing a plate for the Taisa, ladeling a measure of the rice onto it before holding it out to the Taisa " a modest offering for you, ma,am ?' he said, allowing her to take the plate if she desired.

He turned his attention to his higher ranking comrades " Sirs ? Ma,am ?' he asked, stirring the rice again to make sure that it did not overcook. The fragrant, yet simple dish had already added a hearty aroma to the wardroom. He glanced back to Ketsurui Taiso ever few moments, trying to gauge her expression.. this first taste may very well seal his fate on way or another.
Yaichiro entered the wardroom at about this point, carrying a datapad and covered in a broken hemisphere of volumetric windows. He was already in full uniform and wide awake, observing data...the oddball looking ship was at least confirmed functional. It was bad enough that the Eucharis made Yamatai LOOK worse off than the Nepleslians in the war to the new race. He wouldn't stand for it to run worse as well if he could help it.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu, mina-san...that smells nice. Perhaps it would be prudent to make extra and give the new race's representatives an example of our traditional meal? Assuming it is edible to them."
"Thank you Operative Tarsk. We will land," Hanako sent back to the Gartagens.

“Welcome aboard, Soichiro-Hei,” Taisa Hanako told the new cook. “I can see you still have a lot to learn. I can tell by the way you just mangled our grill surface that you obtained a Zesuaium knife…somehow. Was it a graduation present form a friend? In any case, the reason no one uses Zesuaium chef knives is evident in those gouges…and, frankly, I am not a big fan of tofu.” She then went and got an orange juice from the dispenser. “Yaichiro, please have a replacement grill surface made in the fabrication bay and have one of the technicians install it.”

The gunship slowly moved towards Gartaga, pausing a moment to let the ship get secured before beginning a slow descent towards the surface. In the kitchen, pans magnetically locked to their burners with lids secured on. In circumstances like this, the Eucharis was similar to a plane, using its wings and fins to glide through the atmosphere. Outside the ship’s only window, those in the wardroom could see the glow from the planet. As the ship went into the atmosphere, it vibrated and rattled a little.

“ETA eight minutes,” Blackberry announced over the intercom. “Want to land her, Valencia-Heisho?”

"I see the Nepleslians have already started waving their dicks in the Gartagens' faces," Cherry commented from a nearby table.
Yaichiro acknowledged, before sending Charisma orders to create the new grill surface to specifications for later installation. This wouldn't take too long at least, and it was an easy to replace component. Yaichiro then regarded Cherry's comment and found it distasteful, but couldn't help but return the sentiment. Sadly, his training required him to contradict his feelings in this instance.

"...Taisa, there's a Vampire-class ship parked down there, but it appears to be heavily modified. I'm detecting an Aether energy source and a Yamataium hull, among other changes to the design. Given the size class, I'd say it's roughly military grade for the mid to late YE 20s. Records indicate that it belongs to our contact, and that it has five proprietary salvage power armor, a modified Demon, and a single Kylie registered to it. It seems to be running an EIES with...you named by the EIES as the installer, Taisa. Listed as installed in YE 29.

Not exactly a threat at this point, but we should consider it equivalent to a military-grade escort or scout for all intents and purposes -- to be on the safe side.

As for the Nepleslians being here, we should remember to be civil for appearances. We don't want the Gartagens to think that the Empire is petty about such things. Let's wait until we get a better idea of the situation we're walking into. The Gartagens may have initiated contact with them, for all we know at this stage."
Takeyu scrutinized the newbie, looking him over for a moment before answering the soldeirs question. "Not being picky here -hei, I'll have whatever you cook up," he smiled at the soldier and sat down at the table.

As he sat there, he propped his elbows up on the table and went into deep thought. I'm not really worried about the Garts, its the NMX that has me concerned. He rested his collasped hands against his chin and continued to think, glancing off a bit at Cherry for the moment. This is going to be a very interesting day...
Armundo looked at his knife a second before wiping it off and returning it to it's case. He'd bow deeply at the waist " My deepest apologies, Taisa ." he said before wiping the small amount of leftover rice into the garbage, unsure as to whether it was safe to eat or had metal shavings in it. In whatever case, this surface was no longer safe to cook on. His pupils seemed to spasm in his head, dilating to a inhuman degree

He pulled a skillet from his cart and slid it on the ruined grill, he could still use it as a makeshift burner while the others were in lockdown. Besides that, he wanted to spent as much time getting to know his comrades. The Taiso was correct, he had so much to learn here, but he was looking forward to it, bumps and lumps included. He'd already been to the very bottom of life and clawed his way back up. He'd come to Yamatai for a better life, but it wasn't coming to him on a silver platter. Armundo set the skillet to heat as he mixed up some batter in a bowl, taking care not to spill. His eyes glanced about the Wardroom, listening to everything that was spoken aloud. He was not telepathic, the only thing augmented was his eyes.

" Sure thing, Heisho." he said, finishing up his batter before pouring some into the heated non stick pan. He began to slice up fruits, using one of his other knives. His hands moved quickly, doing several things at once, all the time taking care not to mess up again. Within a short span, he slid a plate of three pancakes, garnished with fruit and a small pad of butter atop. A smaller dish of sliced apples, pears and peaches was set closer at hand along with syrup . he set about making some more, his eyes roving the room and his ears open.
Medical bay:

Nathaniel immediately stood at attention as soon as he noticed Sune stepping in. He kept quiet, until he was spoken to.

"Hello, how may I be of service?"

He had to keep himself from saluting. Something told him, he wasn't going to get used to how the Yamatai people did their things. At least, not for now.
"Sir, Santo-hei Nathaniel Kygra reporting for routing medical checkup. I believe Tachihara-hei is here for the same reason." He cursed himself for the fact that he once again managed to let his Elysian training to take the better of him.
"Good morning, Sune-chui." Reika said smiling to the first officer as he appeared through the medical bays doorway. "As Kygra-hei said, I'm also here for a routine physical exam, sir." Reika looked curiously towards the plethora of medical equipment that littered the room as she said this.

From past examinations Reika knew that the attending physician would probably go through the records of her medical history, examine her for any symptoms or signs of defect, make a record of her basic physical parameters, check her vital signs, etc. Being a NH-29 only a year old had given Reika almost no chance of catching a disease that her innate immune defenses and metabolism couldn't easily fight off though.

Her only medical treatment so far had been for training or sparring injuries- usually just some nasty scrapes and broken bones acquired in basic and SAINT indoctrination. Stuff that would have healed fairly fast with an NH-29's hemosynthesis even without the intervention from medical personnel.
Ramiro looked up at the speakers once he heard Blackberry's voice. He scrambled for a bowl and plate, filling it with whatever he could find before grabbing utensils and sprinting towards the door. "I'll see you when we land Taisa! And Cherry, I resent that remark."

He jogged over to the bridge, shoveling food as he went, and slid through the door. "I be haphy to eand da shif," Ramiro said. He quickly swallowed his food before continuing. "My apologies, I'd be happy to land the ship." He quickly finished the rest of his food and sat down at his duty station. Taking the controls, he began the process of picking out the intended landing location and began preping the ship for landing. "Eucharis, ol' girl, I've missed you!"

Sune listened to the new crew members state why they were here. He took a moment to compose what he was going to say to correct them.

"While I laud your wanting to ensure your physical conditation is optimum. The Medical Officer schedules these examinations on a regular basis. It is not necessary nor proper to come in an request one unless you are feeling unwell. However, since you are here and I am now. I will take care of your checks." He said as he walked over and picked up the PMS-1 Scanner and the other tools he used for physical exams.

Tachihara-Santô Hei get on table one." He said pointing to the first med table.

"Kygra-Santô Hei get on table two. Kindly loosen your uniform top."
With the start of the fresh day, Helen awoke to dress herself in her uniform and prepare for the coming work that was to be done. Once her hair was placed once again into its tight bun, make-up applied, and her message in-box arranged accordingly, she stepped out to begin her shift. Foremost, she had to stop by the medbay. She had meant to before, and by now her hemosynth systems were beginning to crop up with minor errors brought on by high intensity x-ray exposure during her combat aboard the jamming station in the Jiyuu system. She needed some fresh material, so she could safely dump the damaged matter.

Helen's needs brought her to the medbay, where she found a number of personnel already present. She stood by quietly as she watched Sune carry out his work. As she silently stood by, waiting her turn, Helen went about bringing up a few volumetric windows for the purpose of consulting mission related data. If she had the time to stand around, she had the time to do some work. However, as she worked, she peered at her fellow SAINT operative through her skin-vision, studying the new addition to the ship out of curiosity.
Medical bay

"My apologies for the rookie mistake, sir." Reika said with her smile now gone and her cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment over her error. She quickly schooled her features to normalcy, but inwardly resolved to get the examination over with so she would waste no more of the Chui's time. She also had to finish her own preparations for the contact mission.

Reika moved towards the first of the three available tables to lay down. During the movement she became aware that Shosa Helen Klein was now present in the room as her field of vision passed back towards the corridor entrance. Klein was seemingly preoccupied and showed no outwardly visible signs that she was scrutinizing her young SAINT junior with her 'skin vision' capability. Not allowing herself to react to the officers unexpected presence and further embarrass herself, Reika immediately laid down as per Sune's instructions.

Internally Reika was less composed and serene than she appeared- she was quite intrigued to the shosa's purpose in coming to the medical center, and about the SAINT officer in general. Whilst she laid back on the table and waited for Sune to begin the examinations, she surreptitiously began her own examination and studied Helen Klein's form and stance as she had been trained to do during investigations- whilst seemingly keeping her attention fixed upon the first officer. Though Reika was somewhat intimidated by the Shosa's reputation, her innate curiousness and SAINT training overpowered the uncomfortable pressure that Klein's presence overlaid upon her thoughts.

Helen Klein was tall for one of the Nekovalkyrja and slightly more so than Reika- something that was quite a rarity. Her figure like Reika's was very atypical for neko-kind, but where Reika had an athletic build, Klein's pale hourglass figure was distinctly curvaceous and womanly. The officer's dark hair was tied back into a bun style, and whilst her dark eyes were not discernibly hostile or noticeably focused upon Reika, the young girl's glimpse of them nonetheless manifested a crawling sensation upon her skin.

When she had been assigned to the Eucharis, Reika had researched and acquired records of the ships crew. As a fellow member of SAINT, Helen Klein had been of particular interest, though the information available was limited due to classification beyond a recently promoted Santô Hei's level of clearance. Reika was aware that Klein specialized in interrogation and information analysis... and that in her work she had acquired the Yamataian nickname Chisei Nikuya, which translated meant "Intelligence Butcher". Reika herself had some training in interrogation tactics- whilst it was not her specialty, during her indoctrination she had learned enough to imagine some distinctly unpleasant possibilities as to how the Shosa had managed to acquire her professional alias.

Though Reika would doubtlessly in the future be required to perform bloody tasks such as murder or torture- if such tasks were needed by the Star Army or SAINT- she doubted that she would ever become so adept or practiced in such skills that she would also acquire a similarly ghoulish appellation amongst her peers.
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