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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 12.4] Warm and Wet

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Even here there's heavy security, but it's understandable, thought Takeyu as he sent off a message to Layven's school for her to be released early for a 'special surprise'.

He knew that being that this was the palace and due to the war currently on, that it would be impossible for her to get close to it unlike them. So he sent off the same request to the Shosho so she could authorize it so that the palace guards wouldn't get suspicious of Layven's transport.
Sune and Blackberry arrived at the Ketsurui Zaibatsu facility in Kyoto without incident. They walked into the large lobby of the facility, and up to the desk in the center. Around the room there were small display cases featuring various products that KZ produced. After presenting their identification, they were handed visitor badges. Sasaki Hisashi led them to one of their modeling rooms.

Sune took a seat at the table, and waited for Hisashi and Blackberry to be seated as well.

“Sasaki-San, I asked to speak to you about a new unit for the autonomous medical treatment center product line. On that was inspired by events in the field, and a discussion with my commander.” Sune began.

Hisahi looked up from his datapad, “Really? A new unit… interesting…. the AMTC has been a very successful product.” He replied looking at Sune with his blue eyes.

“The idea for this new unit is to create one that can perform the functions of several modules. It would be useful in locations where space constraints are an issue. It would also be possible for a ship to have one in storage elsewhere on the ship in case something happens to the primary medbay.”

“I thought the Medbay on most ships was considered a fairly well protected place.” Hisashi stated.

“Believe me, Sasaki-San; it happens more often than you think. Especially on a ship such as the Eucharis and the missions we fly on. The Medbay seems to need repairing after almost every mission of late.” Blackberry replied.

Sune nodded his agreement with Blackberry before he proceeded. “Exactly, hence why having a unit that it stored elsewhere would be useful. I recommend we look at combining the ABMU, ASMU, AOMU, and AMU. For this type of device the triage and nurse units would not be needed. The programming could be problematic though. The sheer volume of information required for one is considerable.”

“I have a suggestion Jalen-Taii. Why not include an archive in the unit or for that matter upload them into the ship’s computer. That way when you are using the unit; you can download the necessary application. Hmmm… in our ship’s case perhaps having the program stored in a storage module in the unit would be best.” Blackberry said.

Hisashi tapped his datapad and scanned the information, “That should be doable; we can attach a data storage module to the internal networking array. That would make it available to the unit at all times for download.”

“That just leaves the matter of storing the tools and implements the unit will require. I was thinking we just expand the storage capacity and have the unit swap out what it needs from it. It would be better than having to retool the devices.” Sune suggested.

Hisashi considered, that, “I do not see a problem with that. I just need to run this proposal by my supervisor, but I believe we can get this implemented right away. If you like I can arrange for two of them to be sent to the Eucharis as a way of showing our appreciation.”

“That would be excellent. I am sure the Shôshô will appreciate it.” He replied.
After the dropoff at the shopping district, the bus drove to the Empress' Palace, where, after a number of security checkpoints, they arrived at a side entrance. Takeyu could see Layven waiting next to a couple of young samurai Nekovalkyrja.

Since Yui, Yuumi, and Tsuya were out of town, they were greeted by only a small delegation of samurai, leading Hanako to show the others around. "I spent several years living here before I was given command of the Nozomi," Hanako explained.

The palace was a grand and ornate white complex, wide but not tall, surrounded by scenic gardens and cobblestone pathways. The thick door opened by sliding to the side with a hiss; this entrance took them into a carpeted corridor and Hanako led the group to the red room where many meetings and briefings had been held.

The red room was named for its bright red walls, which were encrusted in gold molding and inlaid rubies. On the ceiling above a gigantic mural showed a battle between Nekos with tanks and insectoid aliens amidst a battered urban cityscape. The explosions in the painting glowed, doubling as overhead lights. The room had a depression in the center with carpeted circular steps around it.

Hanako walked to the center. "Welcome to the palace," she said. "I can show you around a little. This room is the red room, used for business and planning. The ceiling shows the Chaos Hive War of Ayenee Capital City. One of the Star Army's first great conflicts was in one the alternate universes we visited during the time Yamatai was experimenting with such technologies."
For a moment, as Helen accompanied the group into the Empress' Palace, she felt somewhat at ease. Perhaps, it was the matter of being in a building which was a key historic feature of the Empire, which made her feel like less of a relic in relation to the immensely young individuals which she served with most of the time. Though, not only were the individuals she dealt with young, but the majority of the Empire was so fresh, to the point where Helen did recognize a feeling of having to 'catch up'. When she stood in the ornate room, she felt as if she had something to anchor herself to... though, as she thought that, she realized that what she was anchoring herself to was certainly past, and it made her nostalgic, and a touch somber.

"Thank you for welcoming us into your home." Helen spoke, giving a bow to Hanako, out of respect for being permitted into the palace. "I would be appreciative of the opportunity to be given a tour. After all, for most of my life I've served the occupants of this palace, this place represents a history which I've grown with and served."
Takeyu stared out of the bus, watching Layven and seeing how nervous the child appeared. He knew that in her mind, she was probably confused as to why she had been released early from school.

When he got off the bus, he saw her expression brighten into a mixture of shock and delight. Layven was wearing a light blue rain coat that had a red shawl that draped over her shoulders. There was also a hood, but it was down. Beneath this, she was wearing a traditional school uniform - the light orange skirt could barely be seen just below the rain coat.

She was silent however as she followed Hanako and her older brother, she was stuck for words due to seeing the princess who had basically saved her life on Mitsuya. When they got to the red room, she looked around in shear amazement, her expression disappearing and replaced with awe.

Takeyu just cracked a smile and, like Helen, said. "Thank you ma'am for welcoming us into your home," and followed it up with a bow. Layven, curious watching her brother, quickly followed suit and bowed as well.

"For me, I've only ever seen the palace from a distance. So I look forward to this tour," he then glanced down at Layven and tapped her on the shoulder, the young girl quickly stood up. He decided to use this chance to introduce his younger sister.

"Ma'am, I'd like to introduce Layven Nayacesen, my younger sister, and the girl whose been requesting to meet you ever since we rescued her from Mitsuya," he placed a hand on Layven's shoulder, causing the girl to jump slightly.
Hanako curtsied to Layven. "Please to meet you, Layven!"

Hanako started the tour by bringing them through a large dining hall set with gold-encursted amber-colored walls and drapes, where an ancient and sturdy wooden table was set in the center with silk-upholstered chairs around it and antique glass candle holders along a red velvet runner that went down the middle. "This is the formal dining room, used by the Empress to eat." A large painting of Uesu and Ayame hung on one wall.

Next, Hanako showed them a huge indoor heated swimming pool lit with green lights.

Then, Hanako brought them to Yui's chambers.

Yui's chambers opened into a central foyer with an empty marble-topped (unoccupied) receptionist desk, with stairways going from either side up to a balcony area where there was a small table and chairs. The bedrooms were upstairs, and personal dining hall (followed by the kitchen) were on the bottom floor. The well-heated room's walls were painted a dark red. The furniture was a dark golden color, each a masterwork of inlaid wood, encrusted with sweeping curls of gold.

More than any place, this had become her the place she considered to be home. Up the stairs was her giant bedroom, which contained a giant sleeping nest filled with blankets, pillows, cushions and comforters, as well as a variety of couches and a sturdy-looking bed. A corner of the room was set up as a small officer with a desk, printer, and computer.

The room was decorated in various shades of red, white, and gold, with the giant, soft red pit of a nest rising, then dipping in the floor like a crater on some moon somewhere. The hardwood floor shone from beneath carpets and furniture with a rich luster.
"Sugoi!" Shiomi exclaimed when they entered Yui's chambers. Until then, she had remained silent. "I didn't know they made rooms so big!"

Curiously, Aoi didn't touch anything, and kept shooting glances at Layven. The truth was, she didn't know what to do at all other than look, and the little girl had her at a loss for words. What was she supposed to say to another crewmate's sibling? Should she act like she did with her sisters? Somehow, the girl seemed too fragile for a tackle, tickle, or hug. Much like the palace, Aoi was scared that if she touched her something would break.
Layven gave a smile when she heard Hanako and then gave a curteous bow before following her.

When they got to Yui's chamber, she had a look of awe on her face, again for the second time today.

Takeyu folded his arms over his chest and gave an impressed nod of the head, he was liking what he was seeing. When he glanced down at Layven, he saw the girl glancing about the area, taking in everything she was seeing.

This is a very nice room, he said with a glanced over at the nest.
Reika decided to accompany the group touring the Palace rather than getting off at the shopping district -- the chance to see the Palace was too good an opportunity to pass up.

The young Neko-- though silent-- was quite impressed by the intricate decorations and the gigantic mural depicting one of the Empires earliest battles. The operative found she had to force herself not to gape in awe embarrassingly whether Hanako lead them to a new ornate chamber.

When they reached Yui's own chambers, Reika smiled kindly at the look of awe that crossed Layven's features as she examined the Empress' room with a child's curiosity.
"One moment," Hanako said. She briefly went upstairs into Yui's bedroom and hugged Yui's pillow to her face and inhaled trying to catch some of the her old mistress's scent. She then put it back where it was stood several seconds just basking in the presence of the bedroom before heading back downstairs.

Next, Hanako took them through the palace gardens in the central courtyard, which were filled with bellflowers and roses and lilies along with peach trees and other delights. They next arrived at a shrine where there names of fallen samurai were displayed.
With there work done at KZ, Sune hailed a cab and provided it with the address of the warehouse he was renting.

"My next stop is where I am gathering materials for a project I have in mind."

"Exactly what kind of project is this?" Blackberry inquired.

"I am interested in seeing how we can adapt the Elysian organic technology for the large ships for something smaller. Perhaps a small one or two man craft. Something that could be used for intelligence gathering, or delivering personnel discretely to a hostile territory.

It will really depend on my acquiring the necessary components and running some tests. Then growing a fuselage for something around the size of shuttle."
Layven followed close, keeping a good distance behind Hanako but also watching her with curious interest. Her brother was keeping his eye on her though, making certain nothing happened to her or that she didn't have an episode.

When they got the gardens, Layven looked at the arragement with much interest, she wanted to approuch a few, feel them, see how they felt, but thought better of it and instead just took in the aroma's and sense.

In the shrine, this is where Layven curousity noticably piqued. Takeyu glanced about the room, half feeling like he was in the wrong place and half curious. Layven look at all of the plaques, she was memorizing every name she saw.

"I wonder if I'll ever become one..." she spoke softly enough as to not be to loud, but enough to be heard. Layven had both of her arms clasped behind her back.

Takeyu glanced down at her, pondering her question. A Samurai... but Samurai have to be born into the profession, Layven would have to really impress someone, or perhaps even get a spokesperson to even have the slight chance.
Helen carried herself with a somber air as she looked upon the sights of the palace. It was pleasant to look about, to know just what those who lead were surrounded by, what separated them from the universe, and what shaped their every day. Luxury, comforting luxury, the very model of what Yamatai was supposed to bring to the universe. It was a nice thought, for sure, but she could also see just how such luxury would insulate instead of inspire. It was somewhat distressing, but she could see how someone burdened with command of an entire Empire would need some refuge for the mind.

As Helen strolled through the gardens, she looked upon the various plants, curious as to how many of them were naturally grown, while how many others were synthetically stimulated into growth, or even were synthetic all together, just like her own body. It brought an amused smile to the corners of her purple-painted lips as she teased her finger over a rose, savoring the touch before she strolled into the samurai shrine.

There was a grim perk to being a SAINT, she knew every name posted upon the walls, it was a matter of intelligence to be aware of every samurai, active service, MIA, or KIA, they were important names to know. Though, she was also curious of a matter, as she looked over the names and wondered about a samurai which had served under her, last she heard, she had defected to the United Outer Colonies. It was a matter beside the point though, as Helen took in the sights and feel of the moment.
"Why would you want to be a samurai?" Hanako asked Layven, as they continued onward.

After a little more touring, they would finally start their way back towards the bus to meet the others in the shopping district.
Layven nervously fidgetted with her hands, wondering how to answer the quesiton without sounding silly. "Well, ever since I first read about the Ketsurui Samurai a few years back, I was always facinated by them. There were books written of them that my parents often bought for me, and each time I read them, it always made me excited."

"I like how it feels to hold a Katana, the way it moves, it just leaves me in a sense of comfort." She stopped for a moment, realizing just how silly that actually sounded. "Plus, I want to protect the Empire, I know there are other ways to do it, but being a Samurai is what interests me the most. Plus I also want to protect.. er... protect.." the words wouldn't come out, and she looked away in shame for being unable to say it.

What she really wanted to say was that she wanted to protect Hanako, to be by her side. But the words, they became stuck in Layven's throat and would not come out. She just didn't have the courage yet to say it. I want to, but it would just sound silly for a child to want to protect a princess.
Shiomi remained silent, taking in the sights with an almost reverent awe. She bowed a little at the list of fallen samurai, happy not to be one of them. She had heard it was a hard life, with very little in the ways of comfort.

She smiled at Layven's ambition. Why didn't she have one like it?

When they finally left, Shiomi parted the palace with even more curiosity than she had entered it with. She wanted to see how the people inside lived, what they talked about, what they dreamed of... But she'd have other chances. If a young girl could have ambitions about being a Samurai, why couldn't Shiomi have them about visiting the palace? She would make it so.
As they all walked along, Reika couldn't help but overhear Hanako's questioning of Lavyen about her desire to become a Ketsurui Samurai, as well as the child's nervous reply where she explained her motivations. Reika's mouth quirked slightly in amusement seeing how the girl regarded Hanako, but the amusement was dulled by the sight of the Samurai shrine, with its wall listing many deceased warriors.

Reika found she could not stop her gaze from being drawn to the wall and the names of the fallen. As the war continued that list would continue to grow as young neko like herself would give their lives to protect the Star Empire and the Ketsurui dynasty.
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