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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 13.1] Ghost Towns

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Kyoto, Yamatai

Five days had passed since Eucharis had landed. The ship was now mostly repaired and everyone was getting ready to leave their hotel when disturbing news came over the networks: Several huge NMX parasites had been smuggled into Yamatai and were now terrorizing Kyoto and other major cities, forcing citizens to seek shelter. Hanako sent out a call for all the crew to return to the ship immediately, and sent their (also repaired) "Troll" tank around to pick them up.

After rolling through vacant streets, they made it back onto the base and through the crowded checkpoints where power armored troops were moving in and out as part of the rescue mission.

As they rolled up the ship's rear door ramp, Hanako climbed out of the commander's position and hopped off the side to speak with Victory. "A great vacation with a poor ending," she said, gesturing out at the now war-scarred capital city as the door closed behind the tank.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

He had spent the past three days with Sakura, the girl having recently been revived thanks to the help of Yuki Toshiro. He didn't want to leave her though, given that the ten year old was still having problems taking in everything, but Layven had told him not to worry, that she was perfectly fine and would be alright with her and the samurai.

Relunctantly he had left the Mansion and returned to the hotel accompanied by a close friend of the family, a person he had hired on to help repair the Kozan and was now planetside taking care of business. When all hell broke lose, he was quick to board the troll tank, and a volumetric display showed Layven, who told him that they were being evacuated to a shelter and not to worry about her or Sakura.

It pained him, really, he hated not being there to help out - or to protect his younger siblings. "Damned NMX have quite the gull," he spoke with a venom like tone.

At the Eucharis, he got out and took a look out at the city. "I never once thought that the homeworld would get attacked like this," he spoke calmly and then shook his head. "What would have me to do Shosho?"

As he did this, he checked the Eucharis's systems and smiled.

Edit: Talk about contridictions, fixed my post!
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Sune was still trying to process the recent turn of events. Damn NMX, how did they manage to smuggle parasites to the surface? Did they have collaborators, no make that traitors helping the enemy try to establish a foothold on the Capital." were his thoughts.

Upon arriving at the Eucharis Sune looked at Hanako, "I will be right back Shôshô." He turned to the others, "Take whatever you have with you to your cabins, drop it off and return here ASAP." He called out and then quickly made his way to his cabin.

He stepped in and tossed his possessions on the bed for the time being. He would sort them out and put them away later. On the way back to Hanako he sent to the MEGAMI, "Charisma what is the ship's status?"

"Primary system repair is complete, repairs are ongoing on several secondary systems, and resupply is only at 50%" the AI replied.

He walked back up to Hanako, "What are you orders Shôshô? Are we going to be called to assist in evacuation or quelling taken?" Sune was unsure how the crew would react if they were told to go in and kill the citizens that had been infected. There were the people that the soldiers were supposed to protect... correct that. They had been, once taken over they were the enemy. While it sounded straight forward, he could easily imagine the problem of a soldier having to fire at a possessed child.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Kyoto Suburbs, Yamatai - 0600 Hours


That was the sound which Helen woke to, as she looked to the side of her bed, finding that her favorite pupil had risen before her. She did have work to do, she was in the paperwork phase of her SAINT training, having already mastered the arts of assassination, combat, and concealment. There was a small frown across the purple-lipstick-smeared lips of Helen as she rose from bed, sweeping her hair back out of her gaze as she shut off the alarm clock. Slipping her feet into her fuzzy slippers, she strode through the suburban home she kept for herself, as she went about her morning routine in preparation to give her farewells to the Eucharis crew.

Showered, teeth brushed, hair fixed, make-up applied, Helen was nearly ready for her day as she sat in her modest dining-room which adjoined her kitchen. A bowl of milk-soaked 'Antimatter-O's' was before her, with an assortment of metallic pellets poured into the bowl as well. She dined comfortably, finishing the bowl of cereal, before moving onto a data pad which she kept on the table as well. She began to thumb through the news... that was, until there was a distinctive 'Tap Tap Tap' at her window. She had not decided on attire yet, so she tightened her plush black robe around her body before she stood and stepped to the window which was placed above the kitchen sink. She looked to see what was causing the tapping, before her window burst and a parasite lept at her face. Her reactions were purely muscle memory at that point, as she pivoted half through those well trained muscles, and half with gravity manipulation as she dodged the parasite, before instinctively reaching to the knife-block which was upon her counter. A tenth of a second later, there was a meat cleaver embedded in the fine marble counter-top, along with a parasite which had been brutally eviscerated by the kitchen implement.

A disgusted sigh left Helen's lips, as she grasped a pair of tongs, and used them to deliver the remains of the parasite into the Emfratec™ cooker which was on her counter-top. She turned it to the self-clean setting after latching it shut. With the device activated, and the parasite in the process of being vaporized, Helen strode back to her bedroom after latching her outdoor shutters to seal off her broken window. She remotely handled the other shutters, before she went about packing grabbing her S.H.T.F bag, putting it over her shoulders before grasping the saddle-bag she used for the Lo-Moto motorcycle she kept in her garage. Loading it with all the essentials of her trade, she finished off her preparation for the drive to Kyoto Starport with a sawed-off Type 28 SMG placed in her hip holster.

As she finished packing, she looked to her data pad, seeing the news report which she had just finished experiencing first hand. “At least we still have communications...” she mumbled before she placed a transmission through PANTHEON, checking in with Kyoto Starport, before she locked up her house and bid it farewell once again, of course after making sure her 'roast' was done. It was a somber moment for her, never did she have the simple luxury of a nice time off... she concluded, there was only one thing to do, her job and she was going to go where the action inevitably was; with that Princess.

Clad in the classic SAINT attire of choice, a form-hugging black bodysuit with SAINT unit patches exposed (for once), Helen placed her saddle-bags on her motorcycle, donned her helmet, and placed a semi-automatic shotgun in the side-holster of her bike before climbing on and driving out of her garage through the remote-controlled sheet-durandium door which lifted and shut for just long enough for her to drive out.

As she drove, she kept a sharp eye upon the road, and she watched for any hostiles as she placed a call ahead.

A distinctive and sickening 'CRUNCH' sounded as Helen clothes-lined a Yamataian child which was running at her motorcycle with an ax in hand. Her flesh of hemosynth and steel was unsympathetic to the situation which had befallen the wretched civilian, as she tore head from shoulders and continued to ride on.

As she rode, she thought to her friends on the planet, and she felt a momentary sickening feeling of worry, something she rarely had but for that moment she gave in to that dread of loss. It motivated her though, it motivated her to do her job, to make sure that if they were safe, they'd remain that way. She felt some comfort with her resolve, as she navigated the roads to the Starport.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Armundo rolled his shoulder as he set his new gear down in his quarters. He had done a fair bit of shopping in the past few days, spending the bit of money that he had saved up. It was amazing how much good a bit of rest and medication had done with this shoulders, which were still a bit stiff, but not nearly as they had been a few days ago. He was not wearing his slings anymore, even though he probably should be..but frankly he was tired of being constrained, he had work to do and apparently there was a rather serious situation developing in town that required his..rather..the crew's attention.

He slid his hand under his bunk and pulled out both of his secret weapons. His knife was strapped across his chest, over his uniform, the handle pointed down, opposite of his primary hand. His baton was then fastened opposite of his firearm where it could be drawn quickly. After he was armed, he slid his new instrument and amplifier out of the way, tucking it neatly int the corner. He also took a moment to set his new suit, hidden inside a zipper bag, inside the closet. He double checked his gear before heading back out towards the Troll. He hoped that he could avoid the plasma blast this time, the side of his face was still healing from the burn.

He stood at the entrance to his shared quarters, thinking a moment as to what he should do next. He considered heading down to man the kitchen..but given the circumstances, perhaps it would be a better idea to make himself more available for slightly more pressing matters. He had the feeling that they were heading into battle soon. The best thing that he could do was wait for orders from the head hanchos.

Armundo decided that he should head back and stick close to the Tai..Shosho and wait for a order or something that he could overhear and perceive as a want and take steps to fulfill before the perceived want became a order. He found himself tailing the Shosho whenever she was around him, though he did not follow her persay. Something about her outburst a few days back had made him want to stick close to her in a almost..protective gesture. She did not need his protection, not in the slightest..but he felt compelled to make himself available, somewhat reminiscent of a very large, but good natured hound, following it's master about, waiting to be needed for something.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

As the crew dismounted the tank, Hanako told them: "The local Star Army forces are handling the parasite attack and I have been asked to leave for safety reasons. In any case, our mission is to join the First Expeditionary Fleet at Jiyuu and assist in the evacuation there. Ironically, a similar attack is taking place in Tokyo. Questions?"
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Takeyu watched and listened, a shake of his head as he listened to Hanako. As he was about to ask a question when he received an update from his sister and a relieved expression passed his face for that brief moment, then he got serious.

Ships getting close enough to drop parasites? Something's not right... how was this allowed to happen - and to one of the most important planets in the empire? Takeyu thought and glanced off to his side suspicously.

"Just wondering how ships with parasites were able to get so close...."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

After hearing Hanako state their mission Sune thought for a moment. Leave Yamatai while its people are being attacked, to go help rescue people who broke their allegiance to the Empire. It seems to me that we should take care of our own first. But orders are orders.

Sune looked at Takeyu, "Nayacesen-Juni, Charisma reports that repairs are ongoing with some of our secondary system. We will need to finish repairs enroute, get a list of what is needed to be repaired from the KFY personnel. We will assign repair details to personnel who do not need to be at an action station."

"Ketsurui-Shôshô, what is our role to be upon arrival? Are we to provide protection to the refugee ships? Will be assisting with security on planet overseeing the evacuation? Or will the Eucharis be taking refugees onboard?" He inquired
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Ramiro was sitting and relaxing in his hotel room when the news report flashed across the television screen. "What the... How in the hell did they manage that?" Jumping to his feet he grabbed what little gear he had in the room with him, attached his utility belt, and pulled out his NSP. Cautiously making his way to the main level he joined the crew in the Troll.

Upon arrival to the ship he hopped out, weapon still drawn, and made his way to the bridge. Once he had reached the bridge he plopped down in his normal seat and began flipping on his systems. Once everything was up and running he began pulling up information on the parasite outbreak and scanning through it, just for curiosity's sake.

When his curiosity had been satisfied Ramiro realized that he should probably get back to work. He pulled up the star map and quickly plotted a course to the Jiyuu system.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Takeyu gave a nod. "I'm on it Jalen-Taii, I'll have a list of systems that need to be repaired and I'll make sure they are done before we arrive," he then turned to his side while he sent a message to all KFY personnel currently onboard

This Nayacesen Takeyu, Chief Engineer to all KFY Personnel onboard the YSS Eucharis. I need a status report on all secondary systems that are currently being repaired.

As he started to receive the reports, he began to compile them.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Cargo Hold

"Okay, you heard the Captain. Get to your action stations. All sections report to the bridge when they are manned and ready." Sune called out.

He turned to Hanako, "I see you on the bridge ma'am." He said with a slight nod of his head. He then crossed the cargo area and launched himself into the zero-g corridor.

Sune moved through the passages with practiced ease. He soon found himself on the bridge.

He walked into the bridge and walked over to the seat at the Mission Ops station. He looked over at Ramiro, "Good to have you back at the helm my friend. You might want to pull up the mission data logs from our last visit to Jiyuu. It might prove useful for this mission."

He took his seat and brought up the station. He slaved the sensors to one of the screens on the station, and started reviewing the status board. He picked up the intercom handset and dialed ship wide.

Across the ship's speakers the following was heard. "Attention any Ketsurui Fleet Yard personnel still aboard at this time must leave immediately. The Eucharis is preparing for departure. Please conclude your activities, and depart. Thank you."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Cargo Bay

"Parasites are small. I suspect they smuggled them in on cargo ships or personal craft. Alternatively they might have local spies making them with a hemosynth tube," Hanako speculated. "We will probably be involved with helping get refugees and possibly transporting them, as well as ship battles with NMX forces. Basically we need to be prepared for anything, and we need to have away teams ready."

Hanako then went with Sune to the bridge.

Soon, the ship was on its way towards the war-torn former UOC territory.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns


Takeyu gave a nod of the head before heading quickly to engineering to take his station, along the way he compiled the reports on secondary systems and other problems that needed to be addressed.


When he arrived in engineering he sat at his station and brought it online, several volumetric displays appeared each showing a different system onboard the ship and it's current functional status.

Glancing at the reports he gave a nod of the head. "Let's see, power lose in the armory - probably a connection failure somewhere in the area. They also report of an unexamined electrical hazard in the maintenance conduit below the shuttle bay." He continued down the list.

"Looks like they were also attempting to figure out a sensor failure in the galley as well. Parts should've already been fabricated but they weren't able to fix that," he glanced off to the other display as he read the power reading before turning his attention back to his job.

"Mmmmm... very well then, time to hand out assignments," he said and checked the list of available personnel and thought for a moment before turning toward Cherry. "Heisho? We have a minor power failure in the armory, probably just a connection somewhere that is acting up, probably wasn't set right or became loose, can you please check it out and fix it for us?"

With that he checked the logs and sent a message to Pineapple.
Pineapple-Heisho? Can you please inspect the eletrical systems in the maintenenace conduits that run under the shuttle bay? KFY Personnel reported an unexplained hazard and I'd like us to see if perhaps its just a false alarm or maybe someone screwed up on a connection somewhere.

Then he sent a message to the cook and their spare medic.

Armundo-hei? You have a sensor failure in your galley, can you please address it? I have no spare techs right now so you're all I got. Fabricated parts should already be there, looks like the techs that were there were halfway through the repair work. It should be straight forward, but if you need someone to walk you through the process don't hesitate to contact me

Then for the medic.

Shiomi-hei? I need you to fix a sensor failure in the medical bay. Parts are in the fabrication bay so you'll need to get them first before starting on repairs. I can walk you through the process of repairing the system if you don't know how.

As he waited for a response, hoping that both weren't already indisposed with something, he decided to make his own fixes to some of the systems he saw that needed it. Life support was operating perfectly, though he did not a minor power flunction which he felt was probably because of the ships sudden departure, he quickly fixed that.

His next thing was to check on the backup anti-matter containment field that he repaired awhile back. Looking through the repair logs, he saw that it had been addressed almost right after they had arrived. A smile cracked his face, as it would expect from the techs on base.

With a turn of the head, he began to monitor the other ships systems and make certain nothing jumped out at him that needed to be repaired.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Cargo Bay

With no duties specific for herself, Reika took a couple minutes to stow her gear in her cabin whilst the crew began leaving for their respective duty stations. Without specific instructions, she assumed she was on damage control / repair duty once again and so made for Engineering where Takeyu could be found handing out repair assignments.


When she arrived, Reika ducked her head into the workspace in order to confirm that Takeyu was indeed present, along with Cherry. Once assured he was there, she fully made the transition into the chamber and addressed the ships chief engineer.

"Reporting for instructions, Nayacesen-Juni -- anywhere I can lend a hand?"
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Sune monitored the Eucharis' progress, he picked up the handset and dialed the intercom channel for ship wide.

"Attention all crew members. When we cross into UOC space we will be going to Condition 2 until we arrive at Jiyuu and ascertain the status of the system. Until that time, all returning personnel are advised to report to medical to update any existing mental backups. New personnel are advised to create a mental backup." He said then returned the handset to its holder.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Takeyu watched as Cherry had left, glancing up at the ceiling as he heard Sune's message and realizing that he couldn't leave just yet. "Reika-hei, can you standby for me please? I may have a job for you in a few," he commented as he monitored ship status. Given that I haven't yet gotten a response from Shiomi or Armundo yet.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

"It's great to be back my friend," Ramiro responded when the Taii walked into the bridge. With a nod he began pulling up the mission logs from the Eucharis' previous missions. "I had forgotten that you guys went to Jiyuu without me. You don't realize how much time passes when you're doing a planet-side job. It definitely has its advantages, because it was a useful experience and you learn a lot more about basics when you're teaching it. However, I definitely missed out on a lot of rank opportunities, not to mention that life on the ship is a lot more exciting and adventurous."

When Ramiro decided that everything was ready he began pulling up the logs of KFY personnel on the ship so that he would have an approximation of when to begin liftoff. When Hanako arrived Ramiro stood and bowed. "Shosho, she's prepped and ready for launch on your mark."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Jiyuu System

When the ship arrived, the Eucharis found herself in the midst of a frenzy. Hundreds of transport and cargo ships were folding in and out in a constant stream of evacuation missions, while warships at the edge of the system were fighting off the NMX's occasional probing strikes and intercepting shuttles trying to get into the system to land more parasites. The planet below was a war zone.

Ahead lay Leo Star Fortress, where the remnants of the UOC were rallying under Mitsuya Ember.

"Incoming transmission," MEGAMI announced.

"On screen," Hanako said.

Mitsuya Ember appeared on the main viewer in her UOCPF uniform. "Welcome to Jiyuu. I need help evacuating civilians. Your ship is capable of landing. Please proceed to the surface. One of my staff is transmitting coordinates now...." The coordinates put them in the middle of the capital city, in Tokyo Residential District 78. "Your objectives are to rescue as many citizens as possible and to find and recover Wasuremono Koharu if possible."

"Acknowledged, Acting Taisho Mitsuya," Hanako replied.

"Good luck," Ember added. The transmission ended.

"Since Helen is somehow still with us," Hanako told Sune, "I want her on the away team with you."
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Sometime before arrival at Jiyuu

During the time it took for the Eucharis to get from Yamatai to Jiyuu, Takeyu had been dealing the damaged subsystems, Cherry had gone to the armory and inspected the power connection there.

It took her only a little bit of time, but she managed to find the cause and fix it, replacing a length of wiring that hadn't been replaced in the initial repairs of the ship, probably overlooked due to the damage to the ship. When she was done, Takeyu had sent off her to fix the sensors in the medical bay, due to a no response from Shiomi.

Meanwhile, Pineapple had gone to the shuttlebay and opened up one of the maintenance hatches. Inside she crawled about the conduit, looking for whatever it was that was reported but after a few minutes had found nothing. "False Alarm," she had reported cheerfully before coming out of the conduit and then was assigned the repair duty in the galley.

Takeyu was thankful though, by the time the ship had arrived the repairs to the secondary systems were all completed. Cherry had returned and taken up her station while Pineapple was back to doing her assigned duties. "At least we got those done," he commented with a smile as he checked all system connection and nodded in approval. "That's perfect," he then turned to Reika. "My apologies Reika-hei, I had promised the Taisa that I would have those systems repaired by the time we arrived, there just wasn't time for me to assign anyone else. However, the next time the chance comes up, I'll assign you a task," he smiled weakly at this before bringing up a volumetric display of the ships power grid.


"Good, good, everything seems to be running good. Even better with the secondary systems now reparied fully," he glanced at another display as he felt the ship's arrival in Jiyuu. "Just in time to. Now, I wonder what is going to happen next," he pondered curiously to himself.
Re: [Mission 13] Ghost Towns

Sune's head popped up from looking at his sensor data. Klein-Shosa is on board? I thought she was transferred off. What the hell???

He pondered Mitsuya's request and Hanako's order. I have heard the expression needle in a haystack and understood the implication. But this mission will truly be searching for a needle in a haystack, only with multiple haystacks. Perhaps having Klein-San and her SAINT talents will prove useful.

He picked up the handset on his station, and dialed ship wide.

"Attention all personnel, upon landing the following personnel need to report to the power armor bay for away team duty.

Valencia-Heisho, Nayacesen-Juni, Tachihara and Soichiro-Hei.

Hakujou-Juni and Shiomi-Hei report with medical kits. Jalen-Taii out."

He consulted Charimsa to ascertain Helen's location. He dialed the intercom to speak to her privately.

"Bridge to Klein-Shosa, ma'am we have been given a search and rescue task to find and evacuate one Wasuremono Koharu. I believe your talents would help ensure the success of our mission. Ketsurui-Shôshô would appreciate your assistance in this matter as well."
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