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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 16.1] Hanako's World

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The Next Day

Team Two was back on the ship and the NMX Escort was in Star Army hands, while the strange new NMX Neko had been transferred to the Eucharis medical lab.

The YSS Eucharis traveled through space towards the Ketsurui Military Sector with its dark sword-like shape silhouetted against the vast, bright teal Hanako nebula. Aboard the gunship, it was a little before breakfast. In the cabins, roommates stirred in their bunks; in the wardroom, the sounds of clanging metal pans and sizzling food filtered out from the galley and into the crew lounge below. The ship was well-used and battle scarred and it rattled a little from time to time when it was in warp, and this morning it seemed a little worse than usual.

Shosho Hanako stopped to yawn before she walked onto the bridge in her Type 31 Working Uniform. After checking on Blackberry and on the ship status via the control panels, she got on the intercom. “Good morning, this is your captain,” Hanako said. “You may be happy to know we are on our way to get some much-needed shore leave. The ship will also be getting some repairs at Gemini Star Fortress, where she was built. I also want to discuss the last mission, promotions, and future missions so please come to the wardroom. Our condition level is 3. That is all.”

Akemi promptly donned her bodysuit uniform and made her way to the wardroom with equal haste. She wasn't very eager to find out what would happen, she simply liked to be punctual. Her feelings were mixed. She was disappointed none of the soldiers originally under her command had survived, but she felt she had acted accordingly. If she hadn't gone with them to support Helen and Reika in the cloning room they might not have made it out of there. At the same time she was pleased that she had managed to lead all the Gartagens to safety and proved herself useful when it came to operating the ship. Overall she felt pretty good. Once Akemi entered the room she took a seat at the end of the main table and waited to see how things would proceed.

Sune walked into the wardroom, wearing a working uniform that he put on after taking a morning shower. It was the second one since he arrived on the ship, and on some level he still did not feel clean.

Before coming into the wardroom he stopped briefly to check the ship's status and their location. Seeing Hanako on the bridge, he paused. "Good morning Ketsurui-Sama, Blueberry-San. I hoped you two found some time to rest." he said as he crossed over to his station.

It only took him a moment to pull up the gunship's system status, and position. Sune was pleased to hear that the Eucharis was going to actually get some repair work done at a major shipyard. Gemini was idea to address some of the ship's more serious concerns.

Once he completed his data checks, he queued up a transmission to be relayed back to Yamatai. Letters to the families of fallen members of Team 1 who were not able to be restored.

"See you in the Wardroom ladies." He said as he stood and walked out.
Cabin 4

Mitsuko had resisted the urge to sleep in, even though her body and spirit were both complaining about yesterday's mission. It wouldn't be good to begin slacking off so early in her assignment here. So, she managed to pull herself out of her bunk, being as careful as she could to not wake Misato. It was bad enough she had to suddenly take half the room away from the Neko that had once had all this space for herself. There was no reason to be rude about it.

She did her best to get dressed without disturbing the other occupant, intending to wear her Duty Uniform to this early morning meeting. Murakami had taken time before bed to prepare her notes while refining the hasty maps she'd made, readying for future debriefing. Hopefully she wasn't going to get in trouble for any of the many mistakes she was sure she had made.
Portside maintenance corridor

"Aughs," grumbled Takeyu as he looked at the damage, and shook his head. "Poor girl..." she patted the side of the wall, he took down notes, and was continuing his damage assessment when he noticed the time.

He hadn't realized how long he had been working on patching up what he could with the damaged systems and hull. His mind wandered over to Akemi, who had offered to assist, and knew that after the upcoming meeting he could use the time afterwards to teach her a bit more on maintaining a ship and fixing the damage.

Laying on his back, Takeyu let out a sigh, before getting up and promptly smacking the top of his head on the conduit. He let out a curse, and snapped his head around toward the ceiling and was tempted to smack it but thought better.

Then he came out of the conduit and returned to his cabin where he pulled out a clean uniform, went to take a shower, then put the uniform on so he would be presentable and not smell like sweat. Then, he went to the wardroom.
Cabin number 4

Misato rolled over and smiled at the door, Mitsuko just walked out. She was fighting giggling, her new room mate tried so hard not to wake her. little did Mitsuko know that she was already wake and staring at the wall running over the last mission in her head. She was so excited that she was able to actually be of use this time. the only gray cloud was the neko under her command that died. That poor neko was less then a year younger then herself, but she was her responsibility. but at least the rest of her escorts survived.

Rolling out of bed she grabbed a clean uniform and headed off to the showers, the Sho'Sho' wanted everyone in the wardroom so she went as quickly as she could with out rushing. As soon as she got dressed she grabbed one of the magazines she got from the Sho'Sho' and went up to the wardroom. taking a seat to wait she started reading an story on a rifle of some sort

Bors was somewhat surprised when he returned to his cabin from the last mission,after a pit-stop in the medbay to get the minor wounds he had taken care of, that he had a new roommate and a female one to boot. To make thinks simple for himself and also less awkward he hit the rack early, planning on starting his daily routines earlier than normal so as not to complicate things in the morning.

Sticking to his plan Bors finished his morning routine about an hour before he normally woke up and had decided to head to the armory to get started on the long process of cleaning and maintaining the weapons used on the last mission.

Bors sat at a work bench in the armory in his sleeveless under shit with his duty uniform shit over the back of his chair, working on the Particle Rifle he had used only a few hours ago while puffing on his E-Cig. Bors set down the part he was currently working on and leaned back in his chair, finishing off his cup of coffee he grabbed earlier "Time for another refill I guess.." He said holding the mug in the air trying to shake the last drop of coffee out, "Think a bigger mug is in order too, this has to be at least 4 had now."

As pushed away from the work bench he heard the captains announcement and threw on his duty shirt and headed off to the wardroom, making sure to fill up his coffee cup on his way there.
Cabin 2

Natsumi had crashed as soon as she had finished decontamination and dropping off her power armor and weaponry in the armory. As soon as she had crawled into her new bunk she was out. She had yet to meet her new roommate outside of the mission they had just completed. When Bors had awaken, she was little more than a mound of blankets and a tuft of snowy white hair.

Now though, the alarm roused her and she stirred, rolling out of her bunk, grabbing her things and shuffling into the shower to clean up and get ready for the day.

Once showered, Natsumi donned her Type 30B uniform and departed from the cabin bound for the wardroom. She could smell breakfast and coffee emanating from the compartment as she drew near.

"MmmmmMmmmfood..." she mumbled, still in a groggy state as she entered the wardroom. She quickly acquired a mug of coffee added five sugars and a lot of creamer before taking a very long pull from the mug.
Eucharis Recreation Area

Whilst her injuries from the away mission aboard the NMX station had been for the most part healed, Reika felt the need to exercise and get rid of the remaining stiffness she felt in her previously injured arm. Whilst finishing off a set of one arm curls with the equipment there, Hanako's message echoed from the intercom. With a soft sigh, the neko returned the weight to its proper position on the rack and proceeded to her cabin to take a quick shower and change out of her exercise uniform and into garb more appropriate for a meeting in the wardroom.

Eucharis Wardroom

Reika stepped inside the room, noting those who had already arrived, before selecting an empty chair and taking her own place at the table. The neko was curious about what exactly Hanako intended to discuss in the mission debriefing, as well as where the Shôshô intended for the crew to take their upcoming shore-leave.
Cabin 3: 2100

Ramiro didn't sleep a wink that night. It turns out that when you're respawned in the late afternoon it really screws with your sleep schedule. Once the crew returned to the Eucharis he had attempted to sleep, but after an hour or so of just lying there and starring at the ceiling he decided to do something productive. Getting up, he put on his Duty Uniform, figuring that he wasn't going to want to return here to don it later. Looking around, her grabbed his comm and made his way over to the crew lounge.

Crew Lounge: 2330

Ramiro sat on his comm, reviewing the information from the missions that he had missed while he was instructing at Fort Ready. He began to wish that he had been there, but his time planet-side had proven to be useful in helping him master that basics of being a sailor. After he had read through each of the mission logs three or four times, he laid down on the couch and attempted to get some sleep, without success.

Shaking his head, he returned to his comm and decided to read through each crew member's service file. He didn't find very much that he didn't already know, since for most of the crew members the Eucharis was their first assignment. The file that fascinated him the most was Hanako's. He couldn't find very much information, figuring that he didn't have the proper security clearance to access more than basic information. However, this made him realize that he didn't know very much about his Shosho's past. Getting curious, he began searching for old news articles regarding the work she had done on some of her past ships, although he mostly just found articles from when the ships were destroyed.

Wandering the Eucharis: 0230

Ramiro spent most of what remained of his night wandering the Eucharis. He wound up spending most of that time in the Engineering Bay, since he rarely got to go down there. He just wandered around, examining whatever he happened to pass, making sure not to screw with anything. However, he did take it upon himself to do some very minor repairs; a split wire here, a loose panel there, replacing a few missing screws. After a few hours, he decided that he had spent enough time down in Engineering and continued to wander the ship.

Wardroom: 0600

Ramiro only spent another half hour wandering the ship, since the ship wasn't very big. Eventually he found himself in the wardroom. He figured that he would wind up here eventually for breakfast, so he decided to stay. Putting on a pot of coffee, he waited for it to finish before filling a mug and taking it to one of the booths. He sipped on his coffer for a little while before he noticed the sounds of the chefs cooking in the galley. Gulping down what remained of his coffee, he discarded the mug in its proper location before heading into the galley to assist Lime with cooking breakfast.
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When Hanako went to the wardroom, she spotted some people in duty uniforms so she politely told them to change into the working uniform. After that, she glanced in the kitchen and looked at the central table but did not sit at it, fearing that would be taken as a signal of the start of a meeting. She wanted to give the crew more chances to mingle.

Keeping off to the side, Hanako approached Sune. “I intend to promote all of the enlisted that went on the mission,” Hanako told Sune, speaking softly, “As you probably expect, I would like your recommendations for any double promotions or medals. I also plan to get feedback from the crew about who performed well and who needs help. Also, I want you opinion regarding Helen. From my review of the sensor logs she killed at least two teammates during the mission.”

Natsumi refilled her coffee, added the appropriate amounts of sugar and cream, downed its entirety, then returned to her cabin, quickly changing out of her duty uniform and into her work uniform. She was back in the wardroom within a few minutes and filled a 3rd mug of coffee before settling back into a chair at the table.

Sune had seen Hanako enter the room, and chose to remain where he was seated with his ICP until her arrival. He stood when she approached out of simple manners rather than military decorum.

"I will get to work on the crew evaluations. I know several of the members of my team performed admirably. I will access all the mission logs from the AIES. After that I will give you my recommendations." he said while considering how to reply to her last statement. He recalled the disturbing trend that he saw in the mission in which he was killed and the rest of his team severely injured. "As for our guest, I will have a report for you at the same time as my recommendations."
Noticing Akemi had already gotten up and headed to the Wardroom, Konoka got ready in a working uniform and did the same. When she thought about yesterday's mission, she was slightly disappointed in herself- she'd foolishly followed the rash reactions of a green recruit and had made herself a target. She'd gotten hurt and become basically a liabilty to her team. But in the end, she'd been able to heal a BUNCH of wounded - and that made her feel better about it.

She got herself a coffee with about a dozen packets of sugar and waited to hear how the others would evaluate the mission.

She was excited about the thought of a break. She hadn't been to Hanako's World in such a long time....That had been the last time she could remember being without worries. She wanted that carefreeness again.
As the crew gathered in the wardroom, breakfast time grew closer and the cooks began to set out the food: scrambled eggs, biscuits, salty ham, and baked cinnamon apples. Due to the food shortages, there was nothing to drink this morning aside from water and the last of the ship's coffee.

Hanako nodded to Sune. "We will get some input after breakfast, too," she told him, looking over the crew. Nobody seemed to be talking to one another, which made her worry.

Once the food was ready, Lime rang a bell to signal the line was open. Hanako went first and brought her tray to the head of the table, with the ship's singular window behind her.
Konoka got herself some biscuits, ham, and apples and then began to look around for someone to eat with. It was TOO QUIET -and Konoka wasn't going to let that go!

She remembered that a newbie had joined the crew last mission but had been on the other team, so Konoka hadn't welcomed her yet. Konoka believed the newbie's name was Mitsuko.
It was Welcome Time!
Konoka sat down next to Mitsuko and grinned. "Hi! I'm Konoka Miyazawa. Miyazawa Konoka. Something like that. I'm the medic here, if you didn't know," she said. "You're the new quartermaster, right? I don't think I know your name yet...How did you like your first mission with the Eucharis? Have you made any friends yet? This is your first assignment, right? It's so nice to meet you!"
She then paused to breathe and then, to down her coffee. Her eyes flitted around the room excitedly to her other friends as she felt the energy of a new day surge through her.

Mitsuko had slipped into the wardroom along with the others, standing slightly off to the side as people continued to filter in. Her eyes went wide behind her glasses, bright eyes muted by the colored lenses, as she overheard their captain telling another soldier to change. She did her best to escape notice, barely managing to squirm away and quietly flee the room before Hanako could speak to her directly. The day had barely begun, and Murakami had already made another mistake!

Rushing back to her cabin, she hurried to change into her Working Uniform, carefully stowing the Duty Uniform away in its place. She noticed her roommate wasn't present, and figured she must have passed by the other Neko when entering or exiting the wardroom. Soon enough Mitsuko was zipping back through the ship to rejoin the others, just in time to get in line for breakfast. The neatly arranged pile of food she left the line with seemed appropriate enough, considering her figure.

She sighed to herself as she sat down with her meal, surprised she had been able to leave and return without incident. Mitsuko was just lifting the first bite toward her mouth when Konoka surprised her by suddenly plopping down right next to her. Her fork clattered to the plate along with some of her eggs, as she let out a startled squeak. Murakami blushed as the other Neko continued speaking without batting an eye at either noise, mouth hanging open for a moment.

"...um...hello..." She managed to squeak out that much, once Konoka stopped to pour coffee down her throat. Mitsuko wasn't sure how to begin answering that stream of questions.

"...um...it's nice to meet you, too." If anything, that sentence had been quieter, as she leaned back just slightly, away from the other Neko.

Any thoughts Natsumi was having were immediately overridden as the food was brought out. The aroma of yummy things to eat filled her nostrils and she was quickly on her feet, trey in hand, falling into line to get some.

She acquired a nice mound of fluffy scrambled eggs, adding to them a pinch of pepper and salt, several slabs of ham which looked like they would melt in her mouth. Then a couple of warm, buttery biscuits which one she could not help starting on as she returned to her seat. Everything tasted so good, especially after what had happened the day before. She would be totally content with her life right now if she could just sit here and devour breakfast forever

When Takeyu arrived, he found himself smelling something wonderful. He had been working up an appetite given he'd been working on repairs for the past while, he looked over and saw what had been prepared for todays breakfast.

Grabbing a tray, he joined the line and got himself several biscuits that looked good to him along with some eggs and ham, but the thing he looked ofrward to the most was the cinnamon apples.

Looks good, he muttered as he looked at the apples and picked two scoops out and placed them on his tray, before getting himself a cup of coffee and walking over to the table to sit down and eat.

Sune crossed over to the serving area and got himself some eggs, ham a biscuit and some apples. He was fine with grabbing a glass of water to wash it down.

Once he had everything on his tray, he walked over to the table and took a seat next to Hanako.

"Konoka-Hei, I see you are feeling much better than when I left you in the Medical Center. When you have a chance after the meal, please send me your medical report on the Away Team injureis." He said seeing his friend busily trying to make new friends.

He took a sip of water, then as he proceeded to cut his ham looked at Takeyu.

Nayacesen-Shoi I am sure are pleased that the Eucharis is going to get some much needed repairs at Gemini. Make sure to give the KFY personnel your latest status report on the ship.

This will be the second time I have visited Hanako's World. The first was just after I joined the ship. It was right before the new years, so we went on a shopping excursion as a group. And then later went down to the surface for festivities."
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