Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 16: Sosei Suru

YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Klaus watched as all his fellow soldiers jumped out of the ship into the unforgiving vacuum of space. This was it. This would be Klaus's first true test of his mettle. He will stare into the face of evil for the first time. He most certainly shall have to kill. But this was no time for doubts. No time for hesitation. Now was the time for action.

Klaus drew a deep breath. He exhaled. And calmly he said: "Kurogane-hei, going forward!"

And he leapt into the darkness, following his comrades through the asteroid field. He followed behind Herrick-hei, making sure to keep his eyes and sensors open to anything that might harm the mindys.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

After Eden gave the command, Kikios proceeded to the open doors. "Kiki, heading out," she reported, as she picked up speed, her winged Mindy running faster, until she was out. She was in space, among the asteroids and debris now. Her camouflage turned on, making the squidbirb appear to be but a distortion sailing past the large pieces of space debris. She kept her Kalamari system deactivated, rather than using it for navigation, even though the thought of grappling through the field of floating obstacles sounded fun. The space station became visible as she glided further along and approached it, or perhaps, it was approaching her, it was hard to get a sense of direction in space. Still camouflaged, she moved toward the hatch Eden pointed out.
Kiyo stood before the great doors, ready to move out, but slightly nervous about whether or not she had updated her memories for the soul transfer she was certain she had done so, but it didn’t stop her from worrying. Soon the doors opened and her comrades moved out of there, and she followed suit, grasping her hand held weapons firmly as she did so, her wing drones worked hard on keeping her mobile while out in space. She was used to that, she used them constantly before, during her fight against the poor asteroids she tested the weapons against.

The target of their attack was there ahead of them, they just needed to fly over there and infiltrate.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Let us hope it is a sign of things to come, just keep your wits about you," the freshly NCO pinged back at the ranger speaking her mind, caution was good but so much caution that you trip up on it is anything but - who knows, things might go smoothly for once and they can all be back on the ship and flying away from this place without ever having discharged one of their weapons.

Wyatt's gaze cast back to those still on the approach and he simply let out a little sound of amusement, you could tell a lot about somebody by the way they flew - it wouldn't have surprised the knife-eared minkan in the slightest if some of the fresher crew members tried to keep themselves orientated with the ship's deck for example and here he was, standing on the side of their target's hull with no false horizon trying to pull him in - he did take note though of their Daur mimicking his own celestial facade and made note to try and catch a word with Nora between missions.
YSS Kaiyo II - Bridge
Having just finished her setup on the Systems and Safety console, Nerai'tha looks over at Chlorate. The little robot's posture was as rigid and mechanic as usual, but the way she spoke was different. Sad? Dissapointed? A bit of both? Whatever it was, Nerai figured Chlorate wanted to show off her skill to hoshi again, but can't right now... Such a pure little thing~. "Nownow Chlo-chan, you're really good at your job, but right now it's better if it doesn't come to that. This operation is delicate~."

Indeed this operation was delicate. With recent events in mind, anyhting could be beyond those doors. She hoped it wasn't what she and Abart were afraid of....


Space - YSS Kaiyo Exterior
Silence. Aside from comms and soft humming of the Mindy's systems, Abart heard nothing. One of the few things he liked about space, the quietness. Though righ now he wasn't much in a mood to appreciate it. While he was always a tad nervous at the start of a mission, this time was much different. It was a different kind of unease....

With the extra equipment for prisoner handling equipped, Abart was one of the few to lead the group towards the hatch in the Station's hull. Armed with his trusty LASR+SLAG, as well as an Armor Service Pistol, the snake was packing a noticable punch. Alongside the shoulder missiles, the usual 50mm gauss was replaced wit a barrier shield projector for extra protection. His huge serpentine body was a large target, but useful for covering others when needed. Something that might come in handy on this mission.

Although, said tail did pose another issue..... what to do with it when disguised. Thinking on this, the snake could get his mind off his unease for this station.....
Station Hull

Having taken a vector that allotted her the ability to make sure everyone was out, with the exception of the Second Officer, Eden was now touching down to the station. She looked to the hatch and nearby the team and nodded, then pushed forward towards it. She gave a tug on the handle of the hatch and it flung open, revealing an orange, hazy glow of a force field between the space outside of the station and the drop location.

"Oops," Eden had murmured as she looked at the maintenance hatch's handle, still in her Mindy-clad hand, then to the force field. "Looks like we have a way to test the force field, at least," Eden murmured as she peered at the force field and what was beyond, then backed away slightly. She threw the handle at the force field from a short range. It glided lazily in space, then the crew could see that it fell, as if under normal Yamatai-like gravity laws, once inside of the station.

"Looks like we have about a fifty meter drop down. We'll be mostly shrouded by Location 1 from anyone that could see us drop in, but I want us to begin moving towards Location 1 immediately. We should maintain the facade of whoever we see around us for as long as possible. If you see walking eggs, be a walking egg, that sort of thing. Nora-hei, would you take the lead with me?" Eden asked before she dropped down.


When she had landed, Eden was disguised as the area around her and kept this disguise up as she began to bound away, through the air, from the back of Location 1. Her team could see her location on their HUD and vice versa.

Location 1 was a large structure in the middle of a tended park-like area that had a central bulbous top with two other tapered globes of the same shape jutting up from the middle, and largest, radish-shaped top. The entire building was about thirty meters long and wide. From their vantage point behind it, they could make out no civilians, yet.
Space, then Station Hull and then station

As she flew ahead, she immediately spotted Eden, close by, and it reminded her she was on a mission not raining, especially with their enemy’s station ahead of them, so she adjusted herself and moved to follow her towards the station, making sure to slow down when she had done so. She was silent as she saw her remove the hatch, and acknowledged her words with a nod of her head.

After Eden, she too followed her into the station and landed behind her before her tail wrapped around her, with an audible grunt of pain at the forced movement before she activated her disguise. She remained low as she moved and tried to do so carefully as she waited for Eden, and Nora to lead them.

As they dropped into the station, Elenor took a knee as she got her bearings. Once she was sure they weren't about to be ambushed upon entering the station, she made sure to activate her chosen disguise. So far, so good. As they moved out of the maintenance space into the space of Location 1 proper, she couldn't help but shake her head. Definitely didn't look like anything she could think of off the top of her head in terms of religious connotations. In addition, no signs of civilians around, heck, she couldn't identify any indication of an alarm going off either. Alas, it didn't make her nervousness less, it only made it worse.

Wyatt likewise entered, his swirling patterns of space shifting to match the interior of the station as he crossed into the threshold of the airlock and began descending - landing with the quietest of sounds as the ginger Minkan took a knee and then took it all in, in his opinion it had been a rather abrupt entrance but hadn't come back around to bite them in the ass yet so that was always good.

As the operative donned his own previously-chosen disguise of the tough-as-nails-Elefirn he was in a similar state of mind as the ship's ranger, things were looking good - too good, and that's what worried him but for now Wyatt remained quiet and made sure his rifle didn't poke through the volumetric projection.

Alastair drifted towards the station behind the rest of the crew. He had everyone's vitals listed just to the side of the center HUD of the Mindy armor. He was playing a full support role this mission. He wanted to know as soon as anything happen to know who, where and be able to react quickly. It was worth noting that the font size of Eden and Nora was slightly bigger than the rest of the crew. He was not sure why he felt like doing this as he had never done this before. Alastair felt paying more attention to these two warranted this change.

He landed softly against the side of the station and took note of the open hatch. As the crew started to drop inside he made sure to be last into the station. He setup post for a moment on the outside of the station and reviewed the battle plan. There were going into location 1 and thought this might be the toughest since it would be first contact. He adjusted the cloaking of the suit to match the area around him.

He dropped into the station and activated his Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support Pack. The sensors boosted to maximum performance and started to scan the area around them. Alastair was glad to have the more comprehensive sensor from the kit as he expected it would provide more data about this section of the station. He looked over the sensor data to formulate a battle plan to compliment the one given by Eden.

Following his squadmembers, Klaus entered the station. As he crossed the threshold, training took over and he found himself taking a knee covering the landing zone. The descent had been smooth and quiet, not as quiet as Wyatt or Elenor, a part of Klaus's mind reminded him. He felt like chastising himself for not being as good, but he suppressed that urge. Both because Wyatt and Elenor were trained rangers, masters of stealth and Klaus simple infantry, and because there were more important things to be done.

Quickly Klaus donned his disguise of a Elefirn and began to adopt a different posture. He'd learned how to do so with his mother, a troupe actress in Ralt. Though nowhere as good as his mother, Klaus's skill level would prove sufficient for the time being. Or so he hoped.
Station Hull

Nora's own path of trajectory was designed to keep her in pace with the globular, strung out group of the Kaiyo crew pilots. As she neared the station, she would begin to slow her speed with the built-in gravitational abilities capable by all mindy suits. The station almost seemed to expand before her view eyes as she flew closer to it, it’s features towering both above and below her. The daur let her eyes drift up along the stations exterior before they recentered themselves on the hatch Eden had now ripped open, the apparently fragile handle now detached from the door and in the nekos grip. She stifled a small chuckle at the absurdity of it, keeping the mood light before she suddenly heard her name called by none other than Teien Eden. She audibly gulped. While it had been a question the neko posed, Nora knew it was more of an order than anything else.

“Y-Yes, Chusa!” She stuttered back in return before quickly maneuvering her way around the other crew and darting through the hatch. When she hit the force field, the sudden weight of gravity would pull down on her suit and she dropped through the air like a stone.


The daur would again utilize her mindy’s gravitational abilities, however, this time she disrupted the gravity around her, slowing her fall and giving for a soft landing. Before her feet had even touched down in the middle of a tended, grassy area surrounded by various trees, her suit would have done a quick scan of the area and adopted a similar look. She was only on the ground a second before she leaped back up into the air, racing after Eden as they careened and weaved about trees, hurtling towards their destination: a large building with a strange bulbous top in the center of an apparently deserted park. Even though no sighting of a civilian had been made out yet, Nora allowed her suit to continuously update her camouflage to the environment she was racing through.
Kiki trailed behind Eden and Nora, waiting for them to go through the hatch. She used her disguise to blend in with the area around her, floating through the hatch and then quickly dropping due to the gravity. Before hitting the ground, she used her CFS to slow her descent. With her fall slowed down, her landing was as light as an ordinary step, and the invisible power-armor-clad birb made her way through the park to Location 1.

YSS Kaiyo II

The Chlobot wasn't sure what Nerai was talking about, as she hadn't been disappointed by not being able to use the weapons right now. Rather, it was something else on her digital mind. "Come to... that? I do not understand." Chlorate responded.

As Sacre followed, she kept tabs on everyone. "Send out NSBs to scout so we see them before they see us." She advised deploying her own Nodal Support Bits in case they somehow managed to sneak up on them. She set one to use the other Mindy's as recharging stations and shot it foward to scout the front as well.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi looked between Nerai and Chlorate wordlessly, wondering to herself what the Separa'Shan meant, before her eyes settled back on a cluster of screens that showed the ground team's operation.

Location 1

As the NSBs scouted ahead, they gave a clear picture that the station was more inhabited on the designated walkways and in front of the various buildings that were there than the Kaiyō crew's landing zone behind the first one. There were some ruddy-colored Elefirn that looked like Wyatt a short distance away, as well as a few other alien species unknown to the Kaiyō crew that were nearby them. The closest group of aliens were those making their way to the bulbous-topped structure of Location 1. They were far enough away that the team could slip in before them, if they didn't dawdle. With a quick turn as she rounded the corner of the building, Eden pushed forward towards the building's wide-set doors, centrally located, before giving pause. She held a hand up and turned to her right after slowing her pace, seeing a smaller door on the building's exterior. It was flanked by bushes, but Eden pushed the shrubbery aside on the right side of the door with her shins in order to place herself next to the wooden door. There was a worn doorknob that shone in its oft-touched edges and center, like brass would, to the right side of the single arched door.

"Exploring an alternate point of entry than the main doors." Eden said, sidling up to the wall while verifying her location was marked on her crew's HUD.

She ordered tersely, "Shi'non'ha-hei, try the door. Herrick-hei, Kurogane-hei, back her up."
Location 1

Kiyomori noted that she wasn’t ordered to try the door or to back the other up, but instead she chose t hold her position, and watch Eden’s back so that no hostiles could get near her as she waited for the door to be opened so that they could proceed. She had noted the approach of the aliens so she hoped that they could get the door quick.

Saya looked back and forth somewhat awkwardly between Eden and Sacre, not sure exactly what to do, but ultimately decided to leave it to the battlefield to decide. In the end she was more a medic, less a combatant and would probably take the lead on such so Ragnar and Sacre, the two more practiced fighters of the "Bandage Brigade" could cover them and be close if need be, but after she had affixed her disguise module and made sure to check over her gear for the fifth time to make sure she had enough, she joined the others as they waited to go back out into the black. She sent a small wink of acknowledgment to Sacre's HUD, a trick of her own she had learned from a frisky redhead during her time on the Asamoya and as the call came to be deployed, she followed the others into space with a little less nervousness than the last mission.


Silent and with as little power as she could yet still with the team, Saya followed the others camouflaged like the expanse of space to the first location. She kept her eyes peeled and sensors at least half powered so as to leave as little footprint as she could, yet not be caught unawares. At a time like this, she was little more than a lookout, but in her hands, the standard Mindy rifle didn't shake as she focused instead on the vital readouts from the crew members. She knew she had to keep her mind busy or else she would feel the creeping nervousness flood back through her body again.
Location 1

Given the order to prepare to open the door and enter, Elenor nodded, readying her weapon and moving to stand to one side of the door, ready to swoop through to whatever might be there. They didn't appear to have been seen yet, but time was of the essence, so being smooth and fast was key. She'd set herself up to stand behind Nora so that when the door was opened, she was in. Lifting a hand up, she placed it on the shoulder of the Daur, before giving it a clap once she'd gotten the breach readiness signal from Klaus, which was what she was giving Nora.

As the door opened, Elenor surged forward as her training taught her to, stepping into the room and immediately turning left and scanning over the interior space as she did so while taking a step forward, giving Klaus space to enter and secure the center lane of the breaching movement.
Location 1

"Hai hai." responded Klaus. Knowing that he would be covered, the soldier stacked to the right of the door, hugging the wall. Using his HUD he checked his equipment. All weapons showed green. He steadied his submachine gun and gave Nora a quick thumbs up signaling he was ready.

'This is CQC, my expertise. Time to show the Kuvies who's boss.'