Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 16: Sosei Suru

Location 1

Wyatt flicked his LATR into sub machine-gun and took the brief window of everyone setting up to check for alternate points of entry for himself, no disrespect intended to the Chusa but he did have considerably more experience in this regard, so the Minkan's amber orbs dragged around the room beneath his volumetrically hidden armour - blood pressure increasing a bit as they passed over Saya but there was a job to do, so with a small nod he turned back to the door in question, this was no time to have blood rushing to his cheeks.

There was a lot of new blood in the crew it seemed, he just hoped none of them wanted to go playing hero, that was possibly the worst thing to happen on what was starting out as a covert operation.
Location 1

When the door opened, visuals and NSB showed they had opened the door to a cramped landing with wooden floors that led to wooden stairs. Each stair tread was well worn in its center and slightly concave on its upper portion due to wear. The stairway ascended several dozen meters before ending. The NSBs were moving up it, scouting and finding no threats.

Eden spoke into comms to the trio by the door as she adjusted herself to enter.

"Drop in."
Location 1

As her eyes saw the doors opening via her view screen, she didn’t hesitate in hurrying into the area. She proceeded immediately to the stairs, her weapons at ready as she began moving up them, in hopes to see what’s up there and to secure the area at the top. She kept her eyes and her sensors open so that the Kuvexians didn’t catch her unaware.
Location 1

When given the order to 'drop in', Elenor nodded, and pushed forward further into the space, heading up the stairs, one careful step at a time. She was effectively moving up them sideways so that she could keep her aim as stable as possible, while also reducing how much of a target she herself was.
Location 1

Alastair had setup post and was watching all visual and NSB feeds to get a good understand of the layout of this place. He flicked on more advanced sensors such as his thermal readers. He wanted to see if there was any faint thermal readings that would indicate if this stairwell had been used recently. He also started to map the area around them and the people moving about. If they needed to act fast he wanted to know the best route to take.
Location 1

Wyatt watched the group's collective rear as they began to push in, making sure none of the groups of xenos from earlier would sneak up on the pa-clad team who was probably going where they didn't belong, that could spell disaster when they were still so early into the operation - so he watched and waited silently, the left ear of his disguise flicking a little as an insect flew past it, it was the small details that made his choice of volumetric projection feel so real.
Location 1

Hearing the command Klaus moved inside the building following behind Herrick-hei. As the second in point, his job was to assist the pointman (or in this case, woman) to make sure that they won't be overwhelmed by enemy fire.

As they moved further inwards, Klaus could feel the pressure of the unknown, the tension, the doubt growing inside him. But he was a soldier of Yamatai, a sword of justice in a unjust galaxy. And above all else, he was a Kurogane.

'Just watch me Father. I'll make you and the old man proud.'
Location 1

The group moved with precision. The NSBs ahead of the group fed data to the crew as they made their way up. At the top, the wooden stairway became a catwalk, held by beams from the ceiling, that the group followed along before the base below their walkway was no longer and they were along a bridge that spanned a few meters above the place of worship. There was slight movement in some areas, but not one clear view of the aliens that inhabited or used this location registered for the Chusa of the group. Eden used her sensors to identify a central, elevated, large, tank, filled with a bubbling and strangely greenish teal liquid that reminded her of the hemosynth vats she relied on in her own life. The time in which she could see the tank was fleeting, but the image of it was saved in a portion of her HUD for her to study. A part of her was thankful there was not a body inside the tank, but another, larger part of her was reminded that there were four other locations like this.

"I want eyes on that tank," Eden said to Alastair as she put the image of it into Belmont-chui's HUD, as well. She watched the NSB's path a few more moments as they moved above an unoccupied room of the location. There were chairs and desks below them and a few long tables, but not much more and nothing stood out to Eden.

"Keep moving to greet the NSBs- they found it," Eden said as she received the visual and sensor data from the bits. They had found what looked enough like a control panel for Eden to feel some relief. By the time that the first of breaching group got to the panel, Eden had already begun looking over the data. None of the buttons were marked with a dialect that Eden was familiar with, but most of the buttons had some soft wear on them, save for one.

"Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?" Eden asked as she marked the button on HUD of those already at the panel. She was further away and the group of Mindy would have had to part for her to make it to the panel. "That should be the button to turn off the whole operation at this location. Whoever can, press it."
Location 1

"That seems like a brash observation, Chusa," came Wyatt's voice from the back of the group as he pushed up a little closer to the control panel, his head still on a pivot as the Minkan spoke, "If I could have a minute to look over this console then we can know if it and the others are rigged up to an alarm or not, having one button that can stop all this seems... too easy," the tech-savvy operative offered, the barrels of his LATR pointed downwards, it was true, a big button that could turn all this off just felt.. wrong.
Location 1

"Right then, I'll be quick about it," Wyatt confirmed as his armoured bulk carefully moved past on the catwalk and the rifle was rested against the rail, making short work of trying to undo the thumbscrews that held the casing in-place for ease of access if the console ever did need to have maintenance work done on it - the Minkan was careful to slowly open it up, just in case any of the cables ran through small management divots in the underside of the face plate, though this whole place was a conundrum so for all the Operative knew it could be a mess of tangled wiring soldered into a breadboard.
Location 1

"Getting anything?" Eden asked as she looked through Wyatt's visuals to see that underneath the panel were hundreds of raindrop-sized beads of what looked like of cooled wax of a deep mauve color. There were no other connections, symbols, or shapes beyond the plum-colored morsels.
Location 1

Alastair got the message to keep a watch on the tank. His HUD lit up as the image of it downloaded and displayed for his review. In a few short moments they would flush whatever was in this tank down the drain and put an end to things at location 1. Alastair made a note in his log there were just about to clear location one and would then look to move to location 2.

Just to be sure Alastair focused his sensors to be sure nothing was in the greenish teal liquid. While Eden indicated there was nothing in this tank he wanted to be double sure. He would feel bad if they happen to kill one of the people they are here to protect.
Location 1

"Nothing I could say I'm too familiar with, apologies, perhaps they are connection points or something similar to that? but otherwise I cannot specify, Chusa," Wyatt explained with a small huff of defeat as he considered trying to bridge two or more of these beads with his metallic gauntlet but figured it would most likely do more harm than good.

"I still dislike this situation, but there is nothing I can think to do," the operative finished as he carefully replaced the panel and stepped back, eyes drifting over to observe Alastair's own observations of the tank.
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Location 1

The Mindy clad Neko had spotted the button when the others had, and indeed she was closest, but her instincts told her not to push it, and it appeared she had been right not to do so when Wyatt spoke up, urging caution. The man had good instincts, she could see so she stepped back to let him do his thing, watching silently as she did so. She turned her head towards the tank now, watching things there too.
Location 1

Klaus was never much of a technology person. He knew how to operate it, sure. But he'd rather spend the day fighting, eating or reading. So as the team discussed the "button", Klaus could not help but make a helpful comment.

"If that button unleashes a evil boss-level enemy, I wouldn't be surprised." he said, making a very un-helpful comment. "Then again, maybe it is the off button? That'd be a twist."

Truly, t'was most vexing when reality didn't bother following the careful rules of storytelling.
Location 1

"If that's all," Eden said, tilting her helmeted head towards Wyatt to indicate she was speaking to him. The Chusa had her hand over the button by now and pressed it lightly, letting her hand bounce up as she looked around. "I am noting no change." There was no shift present that she could note through her or the other team Mindy's sensors. She looked to the crew near her. "I believe we have damaged the panel in disassembling it." She bent over the panel and scanned it as her hands spread out over it, gliding over the buttons momentarily. "My sensors are showing no energy readings. It's not going to help us." She moved towards Belmont's position and looked down to the central tank of bubbling teal liquid.

"We'll have to manually dismantle their tank from its power supply. Same breaching team as those at the door, Leka-hei, and Belmont-chui, I want you down there on Belmont's lead, the rest of us will provide support from this position and backup, if called for."
YSS Kaiyo II

Chlorate blushed with her black blush, sinking into her seat. She realized she had gotten Nerai and Hoshi confused somehow, but now wasn't the time to attempt to clarify the confusion, especially since she had to be ready for any enemies that could suddenly appear.

Location 1

"Copy that, Chusa," Kiki responded, moving behind Alastair. She eyed the tank of green liquid, its size was intimidating at first glance, but she knew with some cleverness things like this weren't as hard to bring down as they appeared.
Location 1

Alastair had hoped to bring up the rear this entire mission but as expected he had been tasked to lead the team. It was a simple request, break the tank holding the goo that is used to make stuff and things. He had to admit being the guy in the back was a bit boring so this would be a nice change of pace for this mission.

"Aye, breach team on me. Go two by two, Kurogane and Shi'non'ha eyes behind us. Don't want any surprises." The command went out over comms to those tasked with securing the tank. His sensors had done a good job giving the details he would need to locate the main power feed. Taking his time he led the team around and towards the tank making sure the coast was clear. He had an idea to pull the plug to the tank and rig a metal strip just inside the outlet. When they go to plug it back in this would lead to an open circuit and one nasty arc.