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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 16] The Nest

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Team 1

With the firefight over for now, Natsumi checked the ammo in her rifle, then issued orders to her remaining infantry escort. "Help protect the Engineer" she said, directing them to Takeyu as he worked to open the final blast door.

Natsumi then went to her fallen escort. Her power armor helmet had come off when she has been struck down and now she stared lifelessly from where she fell.

"I'm so sorry" Natsumi whispered, closing the Neko's eyes. She took a brief moment, then was back on her feet, rejoining her escort by Takeyu.
Team 1

Satisfied that she'd been able to help make the area safe, Konoka set up her triage as Sune directed. There were fresh wounded to treat from the last barrage of fire. Taking a deep breath and putting on her best "poker face", Konoka began treating the myriad of wounds on those around her. She smiled...It seemed she was being a lot more helpful than she had on Sbhufaba.
Her eyes flicked to Natsumi in sympathy, but she quickly went back to her work. She could do nothing for Natsumi's escort, unfortunately. "Things aren't always so lethal," she said to Natsumi softly as she finished up. "I promise. And don't forget, there's always backups." She felt so bad for the white-haired girl...nobody's first mission should be so difficult!
Team 1, Corridor

"I think I've almost got it," muttered Takeyu as he continued to rewrite the door, using his sense of touch and his knowledge of how he did it with the previous door as his guide.

As he heard Natsumi's comment, he couldn't help but respond. "Honour thier sacrifices, for each one of us that they kill, we kill several more of them," the officer smiled though it was a smile that couldn't be seen due to his helmet.

Then he turned his attention to the door and the thought that since the NMX knew they were there, that they could also possibly be setting up an ambush on the otherside. "If I'm able to get this door open, be mindful of what might be on the otherside," he warned as he moved his hand over to another wire and began to manipulate it.
YSS Vesper

Tomomi was a bit miffed with her response. She was not around when the mission planning was done. But she simply shrugged since it was a easy fix. Once her final diagnostic was complete, she proceeded to find a communications console on the ship.

Once she found one, she established a secure connection to the Eucharis' databanks looking for who is leading what. Naturally the information was vague, so she decided to send a system wide text message to the officers she figured would most likely be leading.

Yonto Hei Kurita here. I have completed my assigned task on the YSS Vesper. I have been order to assist which ever team requires my assistance. Will be suited up ASAP.
Team 2
Supply Room

Mitsuko hit nothing but blast shutter with her attack. She should have expected that.

Continuing across the room as she dodged fire, Murakami tried not to get too depressed over her utter failure. The Ripper was in the tunnel now, likely not far from Akemi, doing its best to push the crate that supported the full weight of that blast door back into the supply room. Which was suddenly rather crowded with enemies.

Seeing as how the corridor between the supply room and the cloning room only had one enemy inside, compared to the many now pouring into the supply room, her next action wasn't too hard to decide. Mitsuko changed course, heading straight for the opening. She hoped her camo would keep the Ripper from firing on her. If it raised a weapon in her direction, she would raise a shield with one arm and continue advancing.

Murakami sent a politely written request to her five escorts to follow her as soon as was convenient, to reinforce the position she was attempting to take. If she could get in range, she was planning to unload the aether forearm weapon on its SMG setting while protecting herself with the shield function of the other forearm emitter. She checked everything off a hasty list she'd composed while thinking up this plan during those few seconds dashing across the room.
Team 2 – Clone Room

Before the Mishhuvurthyar Akemi had captured could respond, it was shot to death by other NMX forces that were surging into the room. By now control of the situation in the room was all but lost, with something like 40 Rippers and NMX nekos around the room rapidly cutting down Star Army soldiers that formed a dwindling line of raised shields defending Helen and her team. The clone room was a total wreck and its walls looked like coral they were so shot up. Among the shattered glass and dead bodies there was now a shallow lake of blood and nutrient fluids. Everything in the room was destroyed by the increasing volume of fire from the NMX defenders. Akemi was hit several times, hard impacts clanging and gouging chunks out of her armor as grazing blows glanced off it, and it was hard to see through the constant flash and shockwaves of missile explosions. Things were really bad and it would be lucky if they would last another fifteen seconds. Akemi’s shot took down a Ripper, causing it to fall back and melt into a crowd of dozens taking its place.

Helen’s captured Nightmare flopped to the groud limply, its remaining brains dripping out with a “shlop” noise barely audible over the constant gunfire and explosions. Her aether blasts took down two Rippers, but there were too many. She couldn’t hear a response to her orders. All of her Nekovalkyrja escorts were dead except for one cowering behind a blown-up supply locker. She also noticed Reika had been knocked unconscious. In front of her it was chaos. The endless legions of NMX defenders were closing in. On the floor lay a pile of dead infantry, and among it was a neko with her helmet knocked off, obliviously searching the pile for her missing legs. An explosion went off close by, and everything went silent and in slow motion for a moment.
Team 2, Storage room.

As the Ripper slid out of sight Misato moved her attention to the fray that was building in the clone room. She sent a quick order to her escorts, "Move in and support the folks in the other room, I'll hold this side of the door well." She moved over to the door to the cloning room directing her escorts in. She spun and raised her arm shield placing her smg on the top she started firing on the heaviest setting she had. Assigning her suit's AI to tart firing her Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon at the enemy units, left her free to keep on firing her smg.
Team 2 – Supply Room

Ramiro’s rifle fired with loud CRACK noises and hit the Ripper target, but it didn’t kill it. The fact of the matter was that the Ripper was just plain tougher than the DAISY or MINDY due to its heavy armor and tiny pilot space, and times like this really showed that. As the thing returned fire, its aether blast hit Ramiro in the shoulder and the side of the helmet, leaving it scorched and red-hot. It was far from fatal but began to burn his ear and shoulder. As they helped provide cover fire with pilfered Impaler Rifles, the Gartagens, seeing the situation growing worse, also politely asked where the exit was.

Misato's shot finished off the Ripper Ramiro had shot, but there were a lot more coming in. They wouldn't be about to hold the area for long.

Team 2 – Ship Loading Bay

Ahead, Mitsuko could see a docking area where ships were closing up their hatches and departing. There were some battle pods and a lot of ground vehicles and spider tanks in the area, although most of the vehicles sat empty. One of the Flayer spider tanks was guarding the corridor but it didn’t see her because of her optic camouflage. It was clear from the rushing NMX nekos and Mishhuvurthyar that in a few minutes all the ships that could fly would be gone. Her escorts signaled by lasers that they were behind her and ready to attack if needed.
Team 1 – Maintenance Corridor

The last door Takeyu he had stopped from closing, but this one he had to open so it was more challenging, but somehow he did it! Akemi’s escort arrived at the door just as Takeyu managed to hotwire the door. On the other side the defenders had gathered, stacking Rippers up so there was a basically a solid wall of firearm cannons and the team had the displeasure of watching Akemi’s escort nekos get caught in the initial flurry of fire, their slender bodies showered by deadly golden energy that slammed into their armor and sometimes penetrated through, leaving them screaming in pain, then silence as they were cut down the hail of fire. Once they were dead, the NMX started scooting closer to try to hit Takeyu and Sune from around the door frame.

Also, back by the sewage tank, sparks shot out from the elevator door as someone tried to cut through it.
Team 1 – Maintenance Corridor

Sune surveyed the situation quickly. Behind them reinforcements for the enemy were soon to be coming. In front of them were hostiles. Their situation was desperate, so the matter called for desperate measures.

"Fire in waves, each squad target your leaders Ripper. Leaders target the center Rippers.

Riko-Hei, this is a good time for your explosives. We need to clear a path so we can push through." Sune called out as he targeted a Ripper and unleashed a deadly stream of aether at it from his Ke-M2-W2913; while unleashing a three round burst from the Gauss cannon on his shoulder.
Team 2 - Supply Room

Akemi silently endured as her armor was torn apart and her body was battered. She ordered whatever was left of her squad to retreat from the room and fired off the remaining missiles from her shoulder launcher as she did the same. As soon as she exited the room, she moved out of sight of the enemies pouring into it and began shooting at the ones coming from the other side, this time firing her 50mm Gauss cannon and missiles from her offensive augmentation pods as well as her rifle.
Ramiro screamed as he took the shot to the shoulder. "Son of a..." He trailed off. He looked up and took a glance at his team, to make sure that they were okay. Looking back at the Rippers, he flipped his weapon to sword mode and sprinted towards them.

"DIE," Ramiro swung, "YOU," he swung again, "MOTHER," and again, "FUCKERS!!!!!" He stabbed.
Team 2 - Supply Room

Ramiro's suicide charge ended brutally. As he ran towards the Rippers, it left him exposed and they focused their fire on him so that he arrived after taking several severe hits. The Rippers ignited their own aether sabers and overwhelmed him, stabbing and slashing. Although Ramiro was able to take two down with him, he was surrounded and cut into several pieces. One of the Rippers took his head and as trophy and tossed it back into the growing ranks of enemy forces moving into the supply room.

Horrified, Ramiro's remaining escorts went to join Mitsuko, with the Gartagens in tow.

Akemi, battered and smoking, went into the supply room and was able to see it was being overrun.
Team 1

"Squad Two, same tactic as before!" ordered Takeyu, referring to the active camo and holographic. He readied his SMG and sout cover before opening fire on the closest Ripper to him, after a short burst of fire he readied a grenade from his SLAG. "Fire in the hole!" he shouted and fired a shot toward the center of the group.

Meanwhile, Takeyu sent his drones out to investigate the core area.
Cloning Room

There was a sigh from Helen, there was no concern to her tone, no worries, no pain, no regret, no anger. Just a sigh, a sigh of resignation to the fact that for some reason, something, somewhere, wanted to crap all over her day. She was not going to walk out with one of the new clones, there seemed to be no way it was going to happen, especially with the damage to the facilities, so, she was going to take what she could get.

Klein said:
Retreat, Retreat, Retreat. Activate teleport modules, coordinates XXX' XX' , XXX' XX'.

Helen's simple retreat command, had coordinates set for the space beyond the blast shutter which stood between them and the ship loading docks. There was a reason she favored the teleport modules, because they gave so many options. As Helen gave her retreat order, she carried out a rapid series of actions, as she used her AIES and her rank as a Shosa to remotely command the PA of her fallen comrades, giving them orders to teleport.


First, came the ejection of her ammunition container from her 50mm cannon, followed by the disengagement a set of her missile packs from her legs, along with the ejection of a single remote drone unit. With that, she grasped onto another mystery-construct from a nearby tank, and engaged her teleport module. With the decreased mass due to the ejection of ordinance, there was no concern for Helen about module limitations as she simply left the room to re-appear elsewhere.

Once Helen would appear from her teleport, she would wait a matter of no more than five seconds for her fellow team members, before she would take off at a run toward where she suspected the ship docks would be located, with her new NMX cargo in tow upon her shoulder. There was no more time for playing around, and she was not going to leave things to chance from that point on.

As she made her dash, the drone she left behind in the clone room activated with a scalar pulse, which worked upon the antimatter warheads in her ammo container and her missile racks... she was packing serious fireworks, with the full intent of killing anything that would stand in her way.
Team 2 – Ship Loading Bay

As Helen appeared in a flash of light (along with the unconscious Reika), she was quickly targeted by Rippers and tanks. Nearby, she could see the last few ships were rushing to close their hatches and leave.

Back in the clone room, the anti-matter exploded, destroying it and killing the two remaining Star Army infatry nekos Helen left there.
Loading Bay

"Shit." Helen cursed, there was no five seconds to wait, as she picked up Reika on top of the new NMX model, and broke into her run. "REIKA WAKE UP!" she exclaimed telepathically and verbally, as she routed power from her weapons to her CFS system. She did not care at that point about atmospheric shearing, or collateral damage. She was on their home turf, and she was not going to show any quarter to the enemy as she weighed the matter... it was a short distance, incredibly short, and her Kylie was a classic model, made of the finest stuff the Empire could muster... she was resolved, there was no question, as she engaged the CFS functionality meant for space propulsion. She was thankful to be a Neko, it gave her the capability to rapidly calculate distance and trajectory, in relation to fractions of the speed of light, and more so, the ability to give her AIES the proper instructions to execute a jump to close the distance between where she was, and the ship loading area.

.0001C = 29,979.2458 Meters Per Second
.0001C CFS Burst, Duration .0032 Seconds
Distance Traveled; 95.9335866 Meters

As she left the loading door she darted in the direction of one of the ships which was preparing to depart. She did not care about specific class, she just needed one with a heavy hitting gun and a small active crew... even if there was a large crew, she had methods around that, but really she hoped it did not come to that. What she spotted, in a fraction of a second in which she slowed down to a speed of mere feet per second, was the open docking hatch of a NMX Escort. It'll have to do! She thought as she rushed for the hatch after dropping to more manageable speeds again just outside of it, using her free arm to grab her Zen Arms SMG in preparation for corridor clearing.
Team 2
Loading Bay?

Somehow, in all the confusion, Mitsuko had gotten turned around. Maybe it was all the weapons fire and explosions, but she'd found herself in the tunnel connecting the supply room to the nearby bay where ships would load their cargo. As her escorts, other Neko and the Gartagens followed up, she tried not to let her confusion show. She was trying to think of the best move to make when Helen's new orders came in.

Seconds later, Helen herself appeared nearby. Murakami was very thankful that the situation had become clear. She kept her shield up and copied Helen's movements, rocketing off with more escorts than she had started with in tow. If she was able to safely land behind Helen, she'd do her best to provide covering fire for the poor Gartagens, ordering the escort Neko to follow and do the same. It looked like an uncomfortable trip on another crowded little ship was in her future.
Team 2 Loading Bay

Akemi ordered the remaining soldiers to follow her through the same passageway Murakami had taken to meet up with Helen. Since the Gartagens simply couldn't keep up with them she took it upon herself to protect them. She commanded those with her to pick them up and bring them to the ship Helen had chosen to try to commandeer, taking one herself. As she made her way towards her team leader, she continued to keep her shield up, deployed her drones and fired everything she had at the nearby enemies while telling her fellow soldiers to do the same.
Team One

Bors was quite happy that he, and the remainder of his team, had taken up defensive positions as the Rippers started blasting away at Team one. Taking out one of the T31PEs and a delayed charge, he rigged them like a gernade and tossed it in the middle of the ripper formation and shot a few rounds from his Particle Beam Rifle for good measure. Ducking back down into cover Bors readied another T31PE and remote detonator,

"Got another charge ready boss, just say the word."
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