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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 16] The Nest

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NMX Ship Bridge

Even before she could reach a working weapons station they had jumped. Smiling "I Guess we made it." but as soon as she said it the was a huge detonation within the ship. "What the hell?" She turned to Akemi to find out what just happened.
Team Two - NMX Escort - Bridge

"Urgh, collisions at fractions of the speed of light are nothing fun at all." Helen grumbled as she stepped away from the turret control after confirming that there were no more hostiles. "I want a damage report, and I want damaged sections secured and isolated. When we reach our destination, we'll try to get this heap back on its feet in proper and get a crew that does not want to eat our guts to help us." Helen spoke, as she stood in the middle of the bridge, then looked to everyone. "This all went far better than expected, I am pleased with the performance of everyone on this team." After speaking her praise, she looked to Ramiro; "Ramiro, the rest of this portion of our mission relies upon you, get us to the destination safely, and ensure that we arrive close to the Eucharis."
Team Two - NMX Escort - Bridge

"We'll know in a moment," was all Akemi had to say to Misato as she hastily typed away at her console, looking both quite focused and composed. "I'm on it ma'am."
Team 1 - Eucharis
Sune supervised everyone getting into the decontamination. Once their armors were clean he stepped out and removed his. He then helped Konoka get out of hers and then get her to the Medical Center.

"Are you sure you can take care of yourself Konoka-Chan? I should report to the bridge and see what is going on. But if you require my assistance I will stay here and assist you." he said.
Team 1- Eucharis, MedBay
No, you go ahead, Sune-Shosa, Konoka said softly. Thanks for being concerned about me, but I won't keep you. I'll be fine- I'm a neko, remember? I heal fast. You need to go to your post and take stock of how useful we were this mission....well, mostly you. All I did for the latter half of things was bleed and babble. But I've got things under control now - this is MY MedBay again. I'm done playing patient, 'kay?

With that, she headed off to get the last little bit of her healing done, and make herself look presentable.
As she'd thought, it didn't take that long.
So she returned to the MedBay and once everyone was properly deconned, she called in an authorative voice, "OK! Wounded this way. I will treat you now. Critically wounded first, then senior crew. Let's get ourselves put back together, shall we?"
The doctor was officially in- with a smile.
NMX Escort: Bridge

"Aye ma'am," Ramiro responded. He quickly compiled the data related to their fold and sent it to the Eucharis, that way Blueberry could make sure that she adjusted their information and folded in the same general area as the NMX Escort. He then began compiling all of the data reports as they came his way.

"Ma'am, sending damage report information to the main screen." As he said this, a diagram of the ship appeared with a flashing dot corresponding sections of damage. Each dot would have a text box next to it containing rough information regarding the damage. Also, Helen would be able to select a section of damage and the diagram would zoom into detailed blueprints of that section of the ship as well as list detailed information regarding the damage.
Team 1

After the decon, and setting the soldier down on the medical bed, Takeyu thought for a moment, before sending a mesage to Sune.

Sune-Shosa? Is it possible team 2 needs a technician? I'm still suited up and can teleport over to their ship and provide engineering expertise and address any damages to the ship, although it's NMX make, I should be able to perform some duties there.
Team 1

Sune had stepped out of his suit and was making his way to the bridge. He wanted to get a status on Team 2 and the mission overall.

"I am sure they probably could. But until we drop back into normal space there no way for you to transfer. Once we drop out of FTL and they arrive as well. You may transfer to the captured ship if Klein-Shosa wants you." Sune repleid.
Team Two - NMX Escort - Bridge

Reika nodded softly to Helen's 'request' and when Tomomi offered her assistance, the Neko operative replied with a slight smile. "Any help you could provide would be appreciated, Kurita-Hei -- trying to figure out how to fully interface this ships operating system with a Star Army IES is probably a task to which you're better suited than myself."

In pursuit of her task, Tachihara connected her suits AIES to the ship through one of the available dataports on a nearby bridge console. The neko began to examine the ships operating system to determine exactly what changes would need to be made.
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