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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna nodded again, this time to Egil as he answered. She didn't appear to be looking for gratitude, at least not at the moment. Just that the team honor their end of the bargain.

At the suggestion of levitating, her brow dropped, her expression turning dour. "Now wait a minute," she said. "Y'all's floating tricks are great, but I can't fly."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune looked around, "Three of us can fly, if we can rig a harness of sorts we can carry those who can not. That way we do not limit people's hands. Sienna is there more than one airlock? We can direct the shuttle to come where ever we wish."

He turned to the Mishhu, "Do you have restraint straps for violent patients? We could use them to make harnesses. Far more durable than cutting blankets or the like."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"I can carry you" Natsumi said to Sienna. The local had already done a lot to help them and she felt she needed to repay that a bit. "Flying will be much faster than taking the streets anyways"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

She looked a little relieved to know they didn't intend to abandon her, but the concept of being lifted hundreds of feet up into the air by nothing more than someone's arms was little comfort. "Not sure," Sienna replied to Sune's question. "I've only been up in the lofters once, and it wasn't for long. I seem to remember seeing a few doors that looked like airlocks. Maintenance hatches and what have ya, probably. They didn't look like they saw much use, though."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Krenshaw heard Sune's request and rushed to the operating room and returned with some leather belts. "Consider this a bonus! Thanks again for your patronage, now get lost before you get us shot. Who knows how long the guards are busy."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Okay, Conrad I will carry you. Natsumi you take Sienna. Egil you take Bors." Sune said handing Natsumi and Bors one of the straps. He took his strap and ran it over one shoulder and under the opposite arm.

"Conrad, put your arms through the strap so its across your chest. When I lift us, it will keep you suspended. You will still be able to use your hands to shot at anything below us." He said stepping out the door cautiously and waited for Conrad.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Right," Sienna replied, and reached inside of her backpack. She withdrew the two rebreathers she'd procured, obviously cobbled together from spare parts and far from looking anything like a refined product. They were similar in appearance, though there were a few noticable differences, but by all appearances they were of similar design. She also produced two sets of welding goggles, each with a foam seal around the eyes.

She tossed one to the seven-foot giant. "Conrad, huh?" she said as the mask left her hand and flew through the air. "Better than 'Krull,' I guess. Strap that over your nose and mouth and bite down on the respirator. Should start working in a few seconds. And you'll wanna put these over your eyes," she added, tossing him the goggles immediately after. "Big guy like you can't afford to look like you're crying when we get topside."

She proceeded to strap on her own mask and goggles, and put her amrs through the straps on her backpack, pulling them tightly against her. She then moved over to Natsumi, clearly wondering how the little girl-clone was going to carry her while she flew through the air. "Uh, how you wanna do this?" she asked tentatively, around a mouthful of the respirator.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi accepted the straps from Sune and followed suit, looping them around herself in the same fashion as he did.

"Just the same as them" Natsumi replied to Sienna, standing still so she could get situated. "Don't worry, I won't drop you" she added and flashed Sienna a reassuring smile. "Let's get out of here"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''You've got something against giants little rugrat?'' said Conrad as he hooked himself up with the new rebreather. It looked rough. Unpolished. Made form scratch. He loved it to bits already. An almost subtle reminder to his tinkering at home.

''Then again...crying...being carried high above the ground...Guess there's a time and place for everything.'' he said, with a sly grin but a slowly shaking head. The big guy prepared himself as Sune asked him to do. As he did, he turned his head to all the medical staff, but his eyes were set on the Mishhu.

''Thanks docs, all of ya. Wonderful thing you did for us.''

Ready to move, Conrad bit into the rebreather and slapped the goggles on. It looked kind of weird, as if he was going deep see diving or something, with a tight outfit and the goggles and everything. Keeping his NSP ready, Conrad was ready to up and leave.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna smirked wryly at Conrad and responded with a wink before she pulled her own goggles over her head. With obvious discomfort at having her personal space violated, she stood with her back to Natsumi as the Neko ran the leather strap around her torso in the same fashion as Sune, and ducked underneath it, letting the strap run across her ribs, tucked tightly under her breasts. This was going to be an uncomfortable ride.

She looked up at Krenshaw, and spit the mouthpiece out. "Guess this is so long for good, Doc, whether I make it outta here or wind up a stain on a sidewalk somewhere nearby," she said in a tone that was simultaneously wistful and sardonic. "Don't suppose that for all the business I've brought ya over the last couple years you could part with one more shotgun?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil felt a little déjà vu upon exiting the clinic through the front door this time. He spotted Bors crouched behind a line of cars, so if he got jumped this time he wouldn’t have to worry about getting help. In a way he was glad to be paired with Bors. He looked like he wanted to take the fight to Gravedigger and they would need that attitude if things went down in the air.

“Did you get all that? We’re flying and I’m your ride out of here. Strap in and let’s go.” He spoke up, all suited up in the makeshift leather belt harness. “Just put your arms through here and keep that gun ready.”
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Thank you for everything" Natsumi said to the doctors. She had not expected to find any form of kindness in this city after everything, but they had helped them immensely, even a Mishhu.

Natsumi checked the straps once Sienna was settled in, making sure they were secure and tight. Then she checked her NSP, wishing she had a second one to lend to Sienna to cover their back. She also checked her AMES suit and helmet once more, reassuring herself it was still intact and functioning properly.

"Okay, you ready?" Natsumi asked Sienna. "We're going to be moving really fast to get out of here as quick as possible. So hang on and if you see anyone following let me know."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"I never intended to put it down, well not on this rock anyway" Bors said strapping himself to Egil. After he made sure he was securely fastened he gave a little nod to Egil, "Ready when you are."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Are you going out the front door or back way?" Krenshaw asked. "He can only watch one, right?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune glanced up at the distance ceiling taking note of the pipes and catwalks. Once up there they would be hard to target.

"He was out back, it is unlikely that he would make it around to the front. If we ascend quick enough we will be out of his line of sight even if he is. Out and up, we will meet on top of the closest pipes up near the ceiling. From their with Sienna's help we will make for a maintenance hatch. Move out."

Sune lifted off the ground enough to get Conrad off his feet. He paused only long enough to make sure the strap was secure. Then he accelerated upwards towards the safety of the pipes. While he rose he looked around for any sign of Gravedigger and silently hoped there would be none.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Okay" Natsumi said as she prepared to follow Sune up into the air. "Let's do this" she took a deep breath and rest her hand on her NSP, ready to draw it quickly if she needed to.

Activating her gravity manipulation, lifting off just a bit, lifting off the ground by a couple feet and getting a feel for how flying was going to be with Sienna strapped to her back.

Before Sienna could say anything she kicked off, going to full power, accelerating after Sune for the pipes. She hoped beyond all hope that Gravedigger wouldn't be spraying them with fire as they made for the pipes and catwalks.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

“Alright here we go.” With Bors strapped into the harness Egil lifted off the ground, slowly at first to measure the strength of the harness, but increasing his speed when it seemed to hold together nicely. The internal control felt a little weird with the added weight, but after a slight adjustment they were soaring through the air in the trail of the others.

Maneuvering through the open space was easy enough and they had soon caught up with the rest of the group and followed suit. This would change within the pipelines and limit their movement, but hopefully they could get by on foot through horizontal piping. For now the altitude they were making would make it harder to take them down but it did leave them out right in the open.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

When the first tug lifted her feet an inch or two from the ground, Sienna felt her stomach tickle a little bit. She hung against the weight of the strap, gingerly adjusting herself as one end seemed to dig uncomfortably into her ribs. Just as she opened her mouth to ask Natsumi to take it easy, however, she felt as if a two hundred foot tall giant had just nabbed her by the shirt and tossed her straight up into the air as the Neko took off without warning.

She felt an involuntary shriek of surprise catch in her throat, and all that actually escaped was a cut-off squeak as she was wrenched into the air. Her head spun as the street below her feet spun suddenly away into the distance, the cityscape spiraling and shrinking as it fled from her as she kicked her legs wildly for the first fifty or so feet. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying.

After a few seconds she forced herself to collect her composure, and took a deep breath, looking up at the pipes. The normally far-off "sky" barreling down on her wasn't any less dizzying, however. She clung to the strap around her torso, the only thing keeping her from falling dozens of stories to her death. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed, trying to keep her wits about her, looking back down at the city below to do her part in scanning for any sign of trouble. There was still a lunatic somewhere below them with a gun, and even if he couldn't fly after them, she hoped that he wouldn't have the foresight to look up.

She shoved her makeshift respirator's mouthpiece back in between her teeth, unaware that she had accidentally spit it out upon takeoff, and clamped down hard.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune kept scanning visually for Gravedigger. He spotted him moving rapidly across the roof of building. He raised his weapon to fire and felt sharp pain as his humerus in the left arm was shattered. His NSP fell from his hand and his progressed faltered for a moment. His left arm hung limply as he fought the pain.

"Gravedigger on the roof with gray tiles... " He yelled to the others. "Conrad, shoot at this bottle when it gets near him. Hopefully it will distract him long enough to get out of sight." He tossed a glass bottle full of alcohol towards the shooter. If Conrad hit the bottle the bolt from the NSP would shatter it and ignite the alcohol creating a brief fireball that he would have to avoid.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi ignored Sienna's yelp of surprise and kept accelerating upwards towards the pipes and catwalks. She wanted to get there and to their relative cover as quick as she could.

Then Sune announced Gravedigger's location. She snapped her eyes down to the designated grey tiled roof. She did not see Sune's arm get hit as her attention focused on the bad guy below. She slowed her and Sienna's ascent a little as she drew her NSP.

Natsumi heard Sune's order to Conrad to shoot the bottle as a distraction. She on the other hand aimed for Gravedigger, hoping the distraction would also allow her to take him out entirely. He had wounded everyone on the away team and would continue trying to kill them until they were either safely off the planet, dead or killed him first.

Now was as good a time as any to remove him as an issue. Natsumi quickly took aim, holding her NSP in both hands, leading Gravedigger as he ran and squeezed her trigger, firing shot after shot at the killer, continuing either until he stopped moving, or she drained her NSP's power pack. Whichever one came first.
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