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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The cut in Egil's neck was a couple centimeters deep and his throat was damaged enough that he was partially breathing through his neck, which was a problem with the rapid blood loss; it made him cough constantly. When Conrad dragged Egil back in, the giant Mishhuvurthyar took him straight to the operating room and began using his many tentacles to perform a lot of repairs at the same time. As Egil lay on the metal table he could see the creepy alien hovering over him while the other doctors administered medications and carefully inserted a breathing tube into his trachea. In minutes, he was in a fog of painkillers and he had hundreds of stitches...but he was alive.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna obeyed Natsumi's wordless direction to enter first, stepping swiftly back into the clinic, still holding her knife and hands elevated. She didn't say anything else, only nodded and appeared slightly relieved that Egil had vindicated her with his gurgled testimony, but still very much on edge knowing that the group's assassin was still nearby, and probably now had added her to his list of targets.

She hoped this ride would be worth potentially getting killed over.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Back inside the clinic Natsumi closed and locked the door behind her and followed Sienna back into the main room. she opened the backpack and quickly found the two rebreathers just as she had said there would be.

Nataumi gave Sienna back her backpack and went over to Sune. "Egil said he was attacked by a tall armored man" she reported. "Sounds like Gravedigger. I don't know where he went, looks like Sienna interrupted him when she came back." Natsumi glanced at Sienna. "She saved his life by jumping in and has a new mask for Hightower-san" she let out a long breath "We need to get out of here and we need to take her with us. If she stays now, after helping us so much she's as good as dead."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil made his way to the rear of the clinic arriving in time to see Hightower being assisted by the others.

The copious amounts of blood were troubling, but before he could get close enough the Mishhu medic grabbed Egil and started treating him. Rather than interrupt he positioned himself to watch. He only took his eyes off the surgery when Natsumi approached him.

He listened intently to her and started evaluating the situation. The conclusion was nothing he had not already decided.

"I concur with your analysis. Assisting us twice has placed Sienna in danger. But it must be her decision to leave. She may be stuck on board for a while until we can get to a civilized planet. But until we are safely on the Eucharis, keep a cautious eye on her." he replied.

He looked at Sienna, "Sienna, we are once more indebted to you, you are welcome to come with us. Of course getting out of here will still be risky, but if we make out, there is a seat in the shuttle."

He looked at the Mishhu, wondered for a moment exactly why he helped him. There was a lot about this place that did not make sense. He looked at his team, "We move out in five minutes check your gear, we will make our way to entrance remote land the shuttle as close as possible and leave this rock."

He walked over to the Mishhu, "Thank you for saving his life. I am afraid I can not offer any more KS, but here. Take this." He said placing his Medical kit with most of its supplies on a counter.

He sent an update to Hanako.
"Away Team to Eucharis,
The assassin jumped Egil , and attempted to garrote him. He was interrupted and ran off. Egil has received medical aid. We are making for the entrance and the shuttle. Have a guest coming with us. A local who helped us get to the clinic and saved Egil when he was jumped by the assassin."

"If you do not mind, what is your story? You are the first Mishhu I have met that has not been bent of killing me and my people." He inquired.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna's face was a cold, blank mask, but her eyes were hyperalert, her muscles coiled. She gave a single, curt nod to Sune's offering as she slipped her knife back into the sheath at her boot. "Thanks," she said, her calm tone of voice conflicting with those intensely alert eyes scanning the room, hovering repeatedly over the Mishhuvurthyar medic. "Sooner's gonna be better than later, if that guy has the gall to attack you here," she continued. "And I'd be sure to check your shuttle before you take off, in case he gets a mind to leave you any nasty surprises."

She watched as the tentacled medic treated Egil's slashed windpipe, her suppressed concern alternating between the visible effects of Gravedigger's attack and the nature of the doctor who was treating it. She never thought when she woke up this morning that the day she'd been dreaming of for so long would be today, and she especially wouldn't have imagined it going anything like this. Part of her wondered if she'd made the right decision.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Our shuttle is in orbit on auto pilot" Natsumi replied to Sienna's question. "It should be fine. I'm sure he is going to try and ambush us on the way out though" she frowned and glanced at the Mishhu working to save Egil's life.

Maybe she had been wrong in her opinion of the Mishhu doctor. Maybe not all of them were evil slimy monsters after all.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors was about to comment on the guns when Egil was dragged though the door. Listing in to the conversation that followed afterward he thought of an idea to potentially kill two birds with one stone.

"If I may sir, we can still get Gravedigger on our way back to the shuttle. Since he jumped Egil in the alley he will most likely be expecting us to go on the main road, so we can send a small team out back to get the jump on him when he springs his ambush which we can counter with one of our own. It's just a idea sir but it could get this pain out of our neck, plus I owe him a shot in the chest or two."

As he waited for Sune's response Bors looked to the doctor, "You have anymore shotguns in storage or something?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna arched a critical eyebrow at Bors. "No offense," she said dryly, "but this guy got the drop on one of you alone, and apparently no one noticed until I made a racket outside. And let's not forget he disappeared quick enough to make y'all think I had something to gain by trying to kill one of you. You really want to split up?"

She leaned against the wall, taking some of the weight off of her aching knees and ankles from her jump, and rested her hands on her thighs.

[Edit - retcon per Gunsight1]
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Conrad let out a small grunt in acknowledgment of Bors' idea. Although the specifics were something to debate about, he wouldn't mind ending the entity that calls himself Gravedigger. That mercenary would be their biggest threat, even if he still operated alone.

''I say Bors is right. We turn the tables. Either we get guns, or we come back with them. If nothing else, it's a shameful reputation to be bested by one mercenary.''

Conrad hadn't forgotten about Sienna. Egil had called her off of any suspicion. Then again, everyone on this planet seemed hellbent on getting better. By killing was just one of the options. Were any other civilians to jump them for the money, he wouldn't be surprised.

Conrad turned his head to look straight at her. It was only fitting to apologise now. He'd probably do so again, with food, on the Eucharis. After this deathtrap.

''Guess you get to keep your legs. Sorry 'bout that. Kinda thinkin' this place has gone to hell with everyone in it. Glad to see I was wrong.''

That was about the best he could do for now. She'd understand. Probably. Furthermore, they needed to move, this place was compromised and not getting any safer soon.

''Anybody got any bright ideas?''
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Listening to the others Sune turned from the Medic for a moment and looked at the team.

"Splitting up is bad idea, a very bad idea.

Gravedigger has shown he has superior knowledge of the area with how quickly he was able to hit Egil and vanish. He also has a sniper weapon which gives him greater range and accuracy.

We will make our way back in two teams leap frogging.

First group, Bors, Egil and Conrad, you will move twenty meters down the main road and take up defensive positions. Scanning visually forward, behind and above.

The second group, Natsumi, Sienna and myself, will move up, and past you and take position twenty meters beyond and do the same.

We repeat until we get to the airlocks. Leap frogging will ensure that we have eyes watching anytime we have people moving."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Beggin' yer pardon but wouldn't it make more sense to use a vehicle?" Krenshaw butted in. "I mean, it is safer than walking. I'd offer a ride in Ruce's ambulance if I didn't think it would be shot up on the way. Besides your man with the injured neck probably isn't too good at walkin' right now."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Now that he lay on the operating table the intense pain in his neck was brought back to the foreground of his mind, clearly showing the discomfort on his face as the local anesthetics where injected into several key spots along the wound. By the time the tracheal tube was inserted into his throat he no longer had any kind of feeling below the chin and above the shoulders. The multi-tentacle creature quickly got to work on sewing him back up as Egil could only lie there and stare at the events unfolding above his body.

First off he was saved by a local and now a Mishhu was saving his life. He could’ve predicted the first, but the second made him think twice about what he was taught at the academy. He’d be thanking him were he not so doped up and held down. After a few minutes the procedure finished, the tube was removed and he was pleased he could fill his lungs to full capacity on his own again.

A nurse carefully helped him sit up straight and started putting a bandage around his numb neck. Egil tried to catch as much of the remaining conversation as possible, but it proved to be a little hard to concentrate. He heard his name in group one, along with Conrad and was sure his roommate would drag him along. For now he focused on getting his mind back on the job before they moved out again, the wound would have plenty more attention on the ship.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna replied to Conrad's apology with a small shrug, standing carefully back upright. "It looked bad from where you were standing," she offered. "Y'all don't know me. Can't say my first impression woulda been much different." She eyed Natsumi with a sideways glance. "Though if I find myself on the business end of that one's pistol one more time I might second-guess helping y'all out, ride off this hellhole or no." Her tone was serious and dry, but when they looked at her face, the sardonic smirk she wore gave away the jest.

Both eyebrows shot up in surprise when Sune mentioned her name and what sounded suspiciously like "military fire team" in the same sentence. She didn't protest, but it certainly wasn't what she had in mind. She was used to looking out for herself, not watching other people's backs. Still, she'd already thrown all of her chips in with these people now; it was too late to back out.

She looked even more displeased with the idea of sitting in a vehicle. She knew Krenshaw meant well, but she felt like she had to speak up. "Everyone packed in one place?" she asked rhetorically. "This guy--'Gravedigger,' did you call him?" she continued, unable to hide the demeaning grin as she shook her head at the silly name. "He's obviously watching us. Not too sure he wouldn't just target the vehicle and take everyone out at once. I personally can think of at least four ways to make a throwable bomb out of crap I find in the garbage. I'd wager your Gravedigger knows a lot more. And y'all saw how crowded those streets are. Unless you know somebody powerful, I don't think you'll be getting the right-of-way."

"I ain't a military mind, so I'll do whatever the soldiers say," she concluded, folding her arms across her breast. "But I like your cap's idea better. I don't *like* it, but it's better than sitting in a cage. To me, at least."

She finished with another concessive shrug, looking around the room for a decision, then at Egil's condition, hoping he'd be ready to move soon. "Clock's ticking, though. We don't move, we're dead."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''She's right.'' said Conrad, agreeing the ambulance might not be a very good idea. ''I know it's gonna be hard, but hey...nothing new there. Suppose the Eucharis can't help us out in any way? Maybe contact the Mishhu bigshot and state his unwelcome attitude might provoke something in return? I mean I'm convinced this planet ain't good or peaceful....that's what we were here for. To check if this was a peaceful settlement.''

Conrad looked at the Doc and how he had patched up Egil. For as far as he could see, it was a job well done. Following, Conrad looked back at Bors. He too seemed to manage for now. Then agin, this 3-man cell was damaged enough as it was...which reminded him of something.

''Doc Krenshaw. Again, any chance you got some guns to sell? A good luck charm on our way out? A very overwhelming one?''

Conrad looked back at Bors. The firepower they faced was rather overwhelming. Eyes watching each other was one thing, but they needed to pack more of a punch. Bors wanted a gun, he should have one.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi nodded in agreement that they needed to get off this slime ball of a planet. "Lets get out of here" she said and checked her pistol.

She glanced at Sienna when she heard her name. "Don't worry. I'm saving my ammunition for Gravedigger" she said.

Natsumi looked at the others. "I don't think spending time trying to buy guns us going to do us any good and will just give Gravedigger more time to set his traps for us. We need to go"

Turning her attention to Sune, her eyes pleading with him to him to get them out of there. She had never wanted anything as much as she wanted to get back to the Eucharis where it was safe and spend the nect month in a shower, then her bed.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Given that the only weapons that had surfaced in the clinic were shotguns, Sune was pretty sure there was not going to be any heavy weapons forthcoming.

"It is unlikely that for a clinic where a shotgun would be handy to deal with a patron who wanted to take stuff is going to have bigger guns. Besides if they did it is safe to say that they would have offered them earlier.

Time to move out, besides if we encounter resistance from we can always liberate weapons from those who try to stop us." Sune said moving towards the front entrance. Once there he took a look out to see what level of activity was present.

"Natsumi and I will take positions on either side of the door, while you three move to the first point. Sienna, will remain inside the clinic until we start moving up." he said pointing to the other members of the team.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

With a cursory glance at Egil's repaired trachea, Sienna pursed her lips a little. "You gonna be okay?" she asked him.

Upon hearing Sune's instructions, she nodded obediently, and inched toward the door, staying next to the wall. Idly she slipped her hand into her jacket pocket, fingering the brass knuckles within, and drew a deep breath. "Ready when y'all are," she said.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The teal-skinned Mishhuvurthyar emerged from the operating room and looked at the soldiers getting ready to move. It grabbed its marker and notepad and scribbled something down. It pushed the notepad against Conrad. On it, it read. "FAIL ENEMY'S EXPECTATIONS. IF HE WATCHES STREET, GO BY AIR? IF WATCHING LANDING PAD, LAND ELSEWHERE." The Mishhu then hovered to the grimy window and pointed up at the piping and duct systems off in the "sky" of the underground city. Although Conrad couldn't fly, several of the team members could; more importantly, Gravedigger couldn't.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors glanced over at the Mishhuvurthyar's notepad, and followed his fingers to the piping up in the 'sky'.

"A hand full of people floating up into the sky might not go unnoticed, but it is worth a try better than running through the streets waiting to get ambushed anyway." Bors said leaning up against the door frame,"But i'm all game for a little shoot out if we decide to hoof it, your call sir I'll be outside either way."

Checking the charge on his NSP and thumbing it to Heavy mode, he slipped out of the door and took up a position behind a set of parked cars, watching for any sign of Gravedigger or a pending ambush.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The wound would probably heal in a day or two but for now it was best to not strain the neck so much, so he used his upper body to look around. His voice sounded a little hoarse from the tube and softer than usual, but at least the coughing had stopped and the pain was being kept away.

“I’ll be fine thank you. Just don’t expect any lightning fast maneuvers.” He cracked a short gentle smile. Properly thanking her for saving his life, deliberate or not, would have to wait until they were on the ship now that it was decided she would come. It seemed it was time to move so Egil got to his feet and moved over to Conrad. Floating out of here actually didn’t sound like a bad idea at all, although it would probably be a smart move to get the shuttle ready near a pipe exit.
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