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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

'Chusa. Any chance there's a bleep from our friendly neighbourhood assassin on your scanner or did Egil nab him already?'

Conrad got up, and slowly made his way to the building. He stayed in cover, but he wished to actively verify if Egil was alright or if he needed some help. Bors was being covered and taken care of.

'Egil?....Egil?' Said Conrad softly as he sneaked through the halls. He found him shortly thereafter.

'Found our guy? We could use his gun...you alright?'
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The man went down after the first salvo hit him right in the chest. It felt a little too easy but he wasn’t going to complain about a smooth takedown. Carefully Egil moved into the room, checking out its insides and moving in on the body. It was a Nepleslian alright, just not as tall and menacing as the one he was expecting. Damnit.. Was he the shooter or did a civvie just become his first kill? He silently cursed his itchy trigger finger. Egil inspected the scene once again, noticed the empty shells on the floor and a jacket similar to the one Gravedigger used.

“I’m.. fine. Keep an eye out, our guy is still out there.” He replied once his larger friend entered the room. “Weren’t you shot?” If not he could’ve used the backup earlier.

Egil sent a status update to the team over the comms. “Target has fled the area, stay alert. I took out another individual who might’ve be the owner of the apartment. Is everyone else alright?.”
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''I wasn't, luckily. Shattered my helmet though. Grabbed and hauled the Chusa to safe cover but didn't have enough cover to do anything but stay put. It's why I messaged you, all the others were hit or down but I had no eyes on you.''

Conrad looked at the victim of Egil's keep aiming and silently nodded. There was nothing more that could be done, it was clear Gravedigger was gone way before.

''Well...bummer. Gravedigger's terrain knowledge is way ahead of us. I'm thinking a trap or something, but he must've think we think that. This is all going to hell if he sticks around.''

Conrad stood up with one last look outside. It was like nothing happened...except a part of a building fell apart and magical bullets had appeared to torment the squad.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"My science scanner located the scanner nanomachines i injected. But they are not moving. So he must have removed his armor." Sune replied, he checked the medical scanner to ascertain Bors condition. While waiting he handed Natsumi the liquid bandage. "Use this to seal the wound. Your physiology will heal it, but we do not need you to keep bleeding.

As soon as we can get Bors moving safely, we are heading for the exit. We are not equipped to deal with heavily armed assassins."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

A young, short-chestnut-haired woman poked her head out from around the doorframe she'd dove through when the shots rang out. Violence wasn't anything unusual in this place, and she'd seen more than her share of it. It always seemed to be over something completely petty and stupid to boot, but at least it kept most people minding their manners, since looking sideways at the wrong person could get you killed, or worse.

She'd hidden more out of reflex than fear, almost like she'd ducked inside to escape a sudden afternoon shower rather than a hailstorm of hot lead, but the streets seemed to have quieted down now after the brief bursts of gunfire, and the people were busily returning to their routines as if it was just another day. Which, of course, it was. She brushed off some plaster and sandstone dust that had sprayed onto the shoulders of her jacket, likely ejected by an errant ricochet, and after one more cautious survey of the street, stepped out of the doorjamb and down the curb.

She hadn't made it two steps when she stopped in her tracks, frowning in puzzlement and mild surprise. Crouching behind cover in various points ahead of her were a team of who certainly had to be one of the victims of the little shootout, and one didn't have to be particularly perceptive to notice that they stuck out like a flashing light in a dark room. Their brightly colored, figure hugging uniforms sharply contrasted with the dull, earth-tone rags most of the populace wore, and with the excessive flowing robes and cloaks of the so-called "nobility" in these parts. Even if it weren't for the uniforms, the way they carried their shoulders back and their chin up would have given them away, since everyone else around looked like their backs had been broken, their spirits sapped out of their shells of bodies.

Those were Star Army soldiers.

What they were doing out here on the far-flung dregs of the galaxy, she hadn't a clue. But the cat-eared female was cradling one of the bigger men, and judging from the panicked look on her face and the steadily growing puddle of blood he was lying in, things didn't look too good for them. She scanned the crowd of people filling the streets back in; every one of them was doing their best not to notice the dying soldier on the ground.

She scanned the area where the soldiers' odd-looking weapons were trained on. There was another soldier ahead of them, apparently having just taken his target down. There were a number of crannies and shallow alleyways up there one could hide themselves if they wanted; if they were looking to get the drop on them, they'd have either made their move by now or fled into the wastewater ducts. No threat up there.

Yamatai military out here on her back step, and in need of help... this was her lucky day indeed.

She approached the group from the rear, idly having shoved her hands in her pockets before she yanked them back out again, realizing that surprising a group of trigger-happy soldiers probably wasn't in her best interest. Her face remained casual, however, despite the situation.

"Hey," she called, but she worried her voice might have been lost in the din of the crowd. She glanced up where their weapons were trained a second time, reassuring herself there was no danger, but stayed off to the side just to be safe. "Hey!" she repeated, more loudly, slowing her pace so as not to approach too close just yet. "Ain't any of my business, but I'd say y'all need help finding a clinic before your buddy there bleeds out."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Bors's attention quickly shifted from the building to the newcomer approaching them, along with the aim of his NSP. As soon as he saw where the voice was coming from however he lowered his weapon, there was something about the girl in front of him that reminded him of his old doctor friend back on Neplesia, but he new that she was older than this girl and also didn't have any kids as far as he knew anyway.

Staring down the local he wanted to say something along the lines of 'no, you think so?' but was quickly reminded about the last time he mouthed off to a local by the painful burning sensation coming from his chest so he'd better leave this to something much better at PR than him.

"Hey boss, seems like we got another friendly local." He choked out to Sune, "Wonder if word spread that we might be worth a bit of money to someone, and there trying to collect."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

A corner of the young lady's mouth twitched slightly upwards in a subtle, almost casual smirk. She scanned the area ahead once more, taking care to keep the crowd between her and any further possible gunfire, and maintained her distance, open hands held palm out at her waist so as not to spook the trigger happy soldiers and to make sure that anyone still looking to bag a Yamataian grunt wouldn't mistake her for one of them.

She turned her nonchalant, unassuming brownish-green eyes back on Bors's intense stare, unfazed. "Cute," she replied calmly, still with the faint hint of a smirk. "Trust me, y'all ain't from around here. If you're getting shot at, you don't wanna stay out here in the open. And from the looks of you, it doesn't seem like you've got the luxury of many options here. You don't want my help, it won't hurt my feelings."

She moved to the side steadily, keeping her hands visible, glancing ahead once more, wary enough to get back to cover if she had to.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Thanks" Natsumi said as Sune gave her the bandage. She had not paid much attention to her wound and now as she applied the bandage she saw how much she was blooding. The sight of her own blood made ner woozy.

"Yeah, lets get out of here." She replied. "What are we going to do about hightower-san's helmet? He wont be able to breath outside"

Just then the newcomer arrived. Natsumi leveled her NSP at her. She didn't trust anyone on this slimeball planet anymore. She did not shoot though as the newcomer seemed unarmed and not hostile. For the moment at least.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Her palms went up a little higher, defensive, and her eyebrows raised as she stared down the barrel of another of their weird-looking pistols. "Easy," she said evenly. "Just take it easy. I ain't your enemy."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi eyed the newcomer suspiciously. "That's what the last person we encountered said, then he went and shot us up" she said. Natsumi glanced back to Bors for a moment, she was terribly worried for him right now and didn't want anyone else to hurt him.

Her big red eyes focused back on the newcomer. "What's your name?" she asked
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Yeah, well," she responded, tilting her open hands out as she raised her elbows away from her waist, letting her arms pull the open flaps of her jacket apart, revealing a snug shirt tucked beneath a black belt to show she was unarmed. She glanced down at her midsection as if to illustrate her point before looking back up at them. "Unless y'all're vulnerable to harsh language, that isn't bound to happen."

Her forehead wrinkled a little when Natsumi asked for her name. "Sienna," she said, then pointedly thrust her chin in the big Nepleslian's crumpled form as she scanned the streets again. "If you think we've got time for introductions," she added without eye contact.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune looked at the newcomer with a hint of skepticism. "We are not going anywhere until I stabilize this crewman, and our other members regroup here. Going to a clinic sounds like a perfect way to get ourselves shot again. If Gravedigger is still alive, he is bound to expect us to make for a nearby medical facility." he said to the others.

Activating his communicator, "Mashiro, Hightower. Report status of the shooter. If down return to the away team immediately."

He looked at the data from the medical scanner. Sune did not like what the sensor showed, the cybernetics he was not concerned about. Damage to a kidney and an artery was bleeding. We wait he'll likely bleed out. he thought.

"Bors hold still, I need to patch you up. Natsumi, after to spray your injury, I need you to hold Bors shoulders down." Sune said,

He took off his AMES gloves and pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. He gave Bors a local pain killer in the area around the worst injury. He daubed iodine around the wound and pulled out the tools he would need.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Conrad had moved back outside to check up on Bors, one hand still rubbing his chest slightly. He figured Egil would do the same. It was then that they met this stranger, but had listened to her talk.

''Not down Chusa. He's still here....somewhere''

Conrad thought it was a bit too convenient, but it was the only option they had. He moved to Bors and looked at the bullet-ridden teammate.

''Bors. I say we give it a try. Unarmed, offers help, knows a clinic. Unarmed, again. You keep your NSP in your hand while I get you over to her place, and we can fix you up. That is, after stabilizing.''

Conrad looked at Bors for confirmation to lift him, or support him. This was the best option they had. this Sienna looked like she was from here, and she would probably have a gun here or there, but this was the best shot they had so far.

''Now all I can hope is that she has a helmet of some kind...'' muttered the giant, culling his breath, and keeping his focus on Bors. they needed to move soon, but for now, he'd stand watch while the captain would do his magic to help Bors.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil lingered a while longer after Conrad moved outside, eyeing the room, the body and the unobstructed view the vantage point gave him. For the inhabitants everything returned to normal only minutes after the shooting stopped, the only difference being they now kept their distance from the away team even more. All except for one.

When the Chusa’s message reached him he was about to move back to the group. Apparently his first status report wasn’t clear enough. “No sign of the shooter. Several scraps lying around point in his direction but he was gone when I got here. Do you want me to sweep the building or are we moving out?“

He moved down the hall nonetheless, he could always turn back should his orders require it. Several of his team were still wounded and although Egil hadn’t seen the severity just yet, they might need his aid. He hoped they were just about to leave this place for good, but figured they still needed to reach the squid in some way or another if they were going to please the captain.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna's expression didn't change when Sune protested. She stayed put right where she was, holding her nonthreatening posture. "I'm sure you're a fine doc," she said, "but I'm tellin' you, you wanna get off the streets. Sooner than later." She indicated one of the parallel streets behind them that serpentined its way off of the main strip with her thumb. "Clinic's usually got armed guards; they run into this kinda thing a lot and they usually don't like to play favorites. I can get you there faster than you'd find help yourself. Whoever's out there gunnin' for you is probably smart enough not to--"

She stopped in mid-sentence as she caught sight of the seven foot monster lumbering toward them, her words segueing seamlessly into a low whistle of tempered amazement. That was a huge man. A short moment later she noticed the shattered rim where his helmet's faceplate used to be. Her calm expression, for a fleeting second, changed to one of concern; she suspected he hadn't brought a backup, and surely they knew the air topside wasn't particularly prime for breathing. "Y'all are in more trouble than I thought," she muttered quietly, just loud enough for them to be able to hear over the crowd.

A hunchbacked old husk of a man bumped into her as he shoved past, breaking her out of her stupor. She blinked hard and looked around their environs once more before looking back at the group, holding each of their gazes in turn. "Look, I can help you," she said levelly, her voice turning more serious. "I can get your friend there the attention he needs, and I bet I can get my hands on a rebreather for your walking tree trunk there. You linger out here too much longer and I guarantee you'll be dead. You don't trust me, just say so."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''...Walking tree trunk?'' Conrad stopped for a moment and inspected Sienna. With his regularly stern face, he checked to see if she had any tricks up her sleeve. As far as he could see, she was not enhanced. No cybernetics. No weapons. Nothing noted she was after their lives.

Conrad huffed and smiled. He'd burst out in a short laugh were the situation not as severe. There was something about this particular individual that his gut told him to trust. Well, not completely trust, but just enough to listen to her for now. She didn't say all too illogical things.

''I'm kinda guessin' we're gonna play your game soon enough lady. After we have a more stable comrade. Moving him now would do more harm then good. But I do wanna get off the street...One thing though. Why are you helping us? I can only guess you hate squids or something of that caliber. How does this help you, exactly?''

Conrad checked the serpentine alleyway, peeking into it lightly. Yup. He didn't like it. Not a big surprise there. Having an unarmed guard escort the group sounded like a guardian angel descended to help them escape this sandtrap of a planet.

''...Any price on that rebreather? I'll pay ya for it, and extra if it has mounted machine guns or something....Speaking of guns, any chance you have a spare minigun lying around?''

He heard the jokish manner in his own voice, but yes, he would still like to get his hands on one of those miniguns that the squad saw in the beginning. He didn't really know who they had in front of them, so it was best to get a view on all the options. He was sure she'd also want to know theirs, or she truly was one of those rare individuals on this planet who'd act selflessly in aiding others. His money wasn't on that option though, even if she had a relatively nice demeanor.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Does it much matter why I'm helping you?" Sienna asked the giant hulk of a man. Were it not for the almost bored-looking expression she wore, something in her voice almost sounded like a distantly impatient tone. Which, given that one of their squad mates was dying, would be perfectly understandable, as most people probably wouldn't be wasting time asking questions when seconds counted. "You need help. I can help. If you think it's money I'm after," she continued with an indifferent shrug, "we can talk about price later. Maybe after y'all are someplace safer, and not making a pond underfoot."

When Conrad asked about the minigun, one of her eyebrows raised cynically, and she shot him a half of a little grin. "If I knew where to find somethin' like that, I probably wouldn't be bothering with this mess you're in, now would I?"

She scanned the area again, starting to look a little uneasy now about being out in the open with this group for too long, even if she was keeping her distance.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"If she wanted to kill us she would have, least I would have if i was in her place." As he spoke Bors tried to sit up so he could better address Sienna but was constrained by Natsumi holding him down and the wounds in his chest. "And as much as I enjoy marinating in a pool of my own life fluids, a clinic sounds pretty good right about now. Besides I don't think that bastard has enough funds to buy off an entire medical center protectorate."

With his free hand Bors checked to see how bad of a puddle he was making, and when he saw how much blood was on his hand he started to get a bit more worried. "Or we could just let me bleed out here, that would give Conrad a mask to wear and paying the rouge wont be an issue."

Bors smirked a bit at his dark humor, the girl reminded him of himself when he was her age, roaming the slums of Neplesia trying to get money from helpless people. Granted he had a few powerful connections and was apart of a criminal organization at that time so he wasn't as desperate as this girl seemed to be.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune ignored Bors attempts at 'gallows' humor. He was focused on the immediate goal ensuring that his crew member survived. Using a regular scalpel he made an incision to give him room to work.

Reaching in he located the damaged blood vessel. He attached a clamp an inch from the damage positioning it so that it constricted the flow only.

He then pinched the side of the vessel with a pair of hemostats to stanch the blood flow. He reached into the medical kit and pulled out the laser scalpel, he set it for its lowest setting and widened the beam. He brought it to the site and used it to cauterize the injury. Once that was done he took used the sutures and applied a few stitches to give the repair strength. He removed the hemostats and watched for bleeding, seeing none he removed the clamp and checked again.

He applied a liberal amount of hemosynthetic fluid to both the blood vessel and the kidney. He proceeded to stitch up the incision he had made and covered it and the other wounds with hemosynth and liquid bandage.

"Okay Bors, its battle field medicine. But provided you do not try long distance running the repairs should hold." He turned to Sienna, kindly lead us to this clinic. I am curious to see how it operates, and the rest of the team needs time to recover."

He turned back to Bors and deposited the two slugs into the soldiers hand. "Mementos of HX-24."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna craned her neck to see what Sune was doing from her distance, watching with mild, disconnected interest as he worked, occasionally wrinkling her nose a bit at the particularly gory parts, and repeatedly looking around for any sign of trouble.

When he was finished, and after the doctor addressed her, she indicated the wounded Bors with her chin once more, though she spoke to Sune. "Better get your pet giant to help him walk," she stated nonchalantly. "And this is just me talkin'," she continued. "I don't have any of your military training and such, but if I were you I'd have a couple of your guys hang back and a ways, cover us from a distance. Make sure whoever wants your heads doesn't try to finish what he started before we make it there."

She made a long show of gently lowering her hands, watching the group's weapons, nonverbally communicating that she was satisfied she'd proven she wasn't a threat to them. Glancing back over her shoulder to the street she'd indicated earlier, she called back to the group, "If you're coming, it's now or never."
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