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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 19: Ochiba

YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair stood at attention listening to the words Hoshi had to share. It seemed they would be stealing a ship to get this mission done. For a moment tihs made Alastair think back to the ship he use to pilot for the family. It was a run down ship they repo from a debtor to the family. He was not old enough to be in command of a new ship so was given this one to prove himself. It was a great learning experience and helped him get to were he was with the Star Army. A day could come when he may command his own star army ship, though he had much to learn from Hoshi and Eden before that day would come.

He took a moment to check on Dalida who was still hiding in plan sight. He thought over his studies he had been doing on the Daur culture and this seemed to be out of place. He knew they are sensitive to touch but though that was just the tail. Which was leading him to the most perplexing situation. He was concerned if she was alright, but was using her tail as a hiding place. As 3rd in command he felt it was his duty to ensure all crew felt valued and welcome. For the greater good he would have to take the risk.

Alastair leaned down closer to her. He made sure not to touch her tail since he knew better. The slap from Nora reminded him of this much. "Are you doing alright Dalida? Rest of the crew have a hard time seeing that bright face of yours with it covered by your tail." He spoke in a calm, soft voice trying to get her to come out of her shell.
YSS Kaiyo II

The bubbly pink-haired Medic that was Saya sat next to Wyatt, her plate impeccably clean even though she had food on it before, and after a moment more she put down her utensils. She sat beside Wyatt, though upright due to the superior officers and even Aiko being in the room. Her thoughts and ideas mirrored that of the Royal princess though she was loath to give the crew a reason to initiate combat as usual. A hand found the tip of her braid and played with the frayed bottom as she spoke up.

"Ketsurui-Hime's idea is actually what I was thinking of. A reason to lessen their defenses at the base, or even at the actual residential area. Why not use the long-range teleportation modules to appear inside or just outside of the armor area, start destroying things. It will drag everyone over, and a smaller strike team goes in to find our target. We accomplish two objectives at once while making the more difficult and delicate one easier if even a little. Anyone on the rescue team can carry an AMES suit in their buttpack, or have more than one carried."

Saya winced a little at the fact she had mentioned they start something dangerous, but realized it was the best course of action if the stealth option had the highest risk of a lack of surprise for them.
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden's hand had been over her face for a time before she spoke low, almost to only Hoshi.

"We don't want to burn bridges by commandeering vessels of those we don't know the allegiance of. The variables around getting a small ship, too- they're too great."

"Agreed," Hoshi said, then in a voice to everyone went on, "If we do not have an outright success and good luck when taking a small ship, then we could end up shooting ourselves in the foot. I am willing to take risks but where necessary. Bringing in a new vessel, it's not necessary. Ketsurui-chui and Fujiwara-hei, even Rostislavovna-hei... Rostislavovna-hei, are you crying? Don't let Belmont-chui work you up like that. Alastair... don't work her up like that. All of your plans, women, work in some capacity. We'll even peel from Alder-heisho's and try to get something off of one of those armors." Hoshi looked to Eden, who stepped forward.

"Ketsurui-chui will lead the infiltration team whose primary goal will be extracting our target. I believe you will have luck and success on your side. Two necessary components as Taiyou-chusa pointed out. The interiors of the compound are surprisingly big enough for your Kirie to manage. Pick a team of five alongside your samurai for your to lead. Belmont-chui and myself will be leading the assault team whose primary goal is distraction with a secondary goal of intelligence gathering. Alder-heisho, I want you on that team. I want our technicians and Harris-heisho to be on that team. SOSM will misdirect our exit. Chlorate-hei, I do think you should put your skills to use at weapons, I have a feeling we will need you there."

Breathing out, Hoshi looked around, ready to solidify the plan. "We will begin the strike after a good night's rest. Be ready after breakfast tomorrow at 0730 hours. If there are any other questions, ask them now. If not, sleep well."
YSS Kaiyō II

Mikael had to put great effort into not having his right eye twitch when Eden called him heisho. Then he heard the plan and had to maximize his willpower and processing power to not visibly react beyond just a stoic head nod. He hated it, making him wonder why even ask if only the princess word is what matters. He will just do his job away from the others as usual then, he must protect the ship even from its officers if he must.

"Just to make sure I heard this correctly, I am being attached to the assault team Chusa?" Mikael said, maintaining his SAINT patented stoic tone and facial expression. He was confused about the placement. Considering the princess gets to pick, that implies those with assignments are for the assault team.

"Alder-heisho, virtual conference in one hour. We need to discuss intel priorities beyond the armor computer suites. We are blind out here" Mikael said in an encrypted text to Wyatt.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Eden's eyes squinted, "No, I misspoke. Alder-heisho has some inclination to get the intel from the armors and some of the expertise to do so. I want him on the assault team, for sure."
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was excited to be on the same team as Eden. He was ready to get to work and get down to being the best distraction he could be. It was in his blood to carry out the wishes of his captain after all. Though he was confused why he was singled out for getting the crew worked up. His job was after all to keep the morale high on the ship. Even if that meant having to push crew out of their comfort zone.

"Aye, I shall round up the equipment we will need for this mission." Alastair then looked to Eden. "So are we going with my idea of bringing new captives? I still have those collars in the cargo bay." He was grinning ear to ear. He then bit his lip for just a moment as he pictured Eden being submissive. He quickly shrugged that thought off and put his attention back on the mission.
YSS Kaiyō II

Chlorate robotically jerked her head to look at Wulf. "Affirmative, such a calculation would be easy for me to perform," she responded. She was ready to ask him for more details, but then Eden spoke up. "I see... Then... you do not want me to infiltrate the facility or process the sensor data?" The noisy-footed girl was disappointed that neither plan acknowledged her idea to sneak inside since her lack of body heat reduced her thermal signature.

"Then I will be on the assault team, Chusa?" Kikios asked for clarification. She'd been hoping to be part of the team that would rescue Oleera, but that caught her by surprise. The blonde with wings wasn't expecting she'd be part of the main assault.
9日 18月 YE 41
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Eden had asked Ketsurui-chui to come to the power armor bay earlier than the rest of the crew to review her decision on the team that Aiko would be taking. When crew started to filter in, Eden gave a curt nod to the other onyx-haired woman and spoke softly.

"I ask that you promptly inform your team of their placement. Gravity-heisho will be your shuttle pilot, I'll have her notified to come down here to suit up presently." The Chusa bowed deeply but curtly to the princess before turning to nod to some of those that had entered. She made quick work of detaching the water ship anchor from the Mindy armor Alastair would be donning and moved it to the cargo bay. She went on to inspect her own armor while intermittently speaking to those entering, guiding them to don armor or simply greeting them.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Alastair made his way into the armor. He believed someone had been messing with his armor but the collars he had stashed were still there. He was unsure if they would be required but since no one said his idea was not a good one, figured what harm would it bring. For this mission Alastair had selected his "Burst" Mindy loadout. It would give him all the tools required to win the day.

Prior to getting his suit on, Alastair went around to help out those that would be joining the mission. As was becoming the norm, a few of the neko crew always seemed to have issues suiting up. Granted he knew this was just the crew playing games but figured it did no harm to play along. It was fun till Alastair got a face full of booty. Either this Neko was very cleaver or just bad luck to almost fall out of her armor. After dislodging her from his face, he fixed his outfit and went about his business.

Once the crew was in a state he was happy, he decided it was time for him to suit up. He wasted little time and before he knew it, his HUD was lit up and displaying key information.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Kiyo whistled a song as she went over the check for her personal Mindy before she turned to the left where her sword was. She smiled as she lifted it ”oh, I can use this for the first time, Silverlight’s first mission!” she said to herself and then attached that to her Mindy, before she looked at her Mindy, and saw that the checks were all green which made her smile. “Awesome” she said and so with a gentle pet to Valkyr’s head she moved forward to her Mindy.

The Azure Infantry girl expertly climbed into her Mindy with acrobatic ease as she positioned herself correctly. She watched the helmet close over her head, and then the HUD activated and she saw her view which was her Drake. “Alright, everything is online, ready to roll. Oh Valkyr, come on up!” she said allowing her Havoc Drake to climb up and sit on her shoulder.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Harris-kohosei made his way to the power armor bay early since he really did not have anything else better to do after breakfast. So he would read over the material of officer training mentally as he worked on setting up his mindy suit. Being a new suit, it lacked the twin shoulder-mounted scalar weaponry from before. Not like he was going to need it as he wanted to reduce the visual profile of the mindy. Was really the only enhancement he could do to the suit since it wasn't designed for stealth despite the aether core being shielded.

He would nod curtly to anyone that happens to acknowledge his presence. Despite technically being a commissioned officer, he wasn't really an officer yet and didn't expect anyone to really treat him as such. But standards must be kept even when it is not sent back to him.

With his suit ready, he immediately jumped in feet first after stripping to his underwear. He didn't pay much heed to the antics of others as the suit closed up around. Once the helmet was worn, he just stood there silently.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Wulf was staring at his personal mindy. Though inert when he looked at the visor it spoke to him of it martial pride, its fighting spirit wanting to take on the whole galaxy. He slowly went through double checking all the equipment,something that Kiyo his love showed him how to do on a mindy. A faint smile was on his face as he remembered when they danced in the stars, the first time they confessed to each other. Holding it's face visor he closed his eyes and whispered to it "I'm sorry for what comes next but lets make it back here".

Opening his eyes the smile left his face as he went through the task of checking everything. First was his rifle, the Light Armor Tactical Rifle a personal favorite for the marksmen. Making sure the dry fire was good he loaded a fresh mag into it. As he checked over all the display's to him everything looked solid on the rifle. Glad he was going to have something abit stronger to fight the enemies then his last encounter.

Shaking his head and not wanting to think about the boarding operation that happened, instead he tried to focus on the job ahead. Looking over his mindy the first was to inspect the the teleporation unit. As he checked the mountings he was happy to have been assigned one of these. For a sniper it's ability to recharge quickly would allow him to shift positions rapidly. Though he wondered if extended use would damage the unit. Chuckling abit he knew if it did explode it probably wouldn't of mattered at that point.

Next up on the list was the shoulder hard points. Seeing all 40 missiles was loaded and ready among-est the two hard points he nodded as he looked further down. The waist was simple with two Xiphos ready for use, the Aether blades were great for his style especially since he wasn't good at melee. The Leg attachments was a personal favorite for a ranger in need, 5 ARMA, 5 MFMA, 10 SOSM mini missiles all for his use. The last part of his equipment was the Forearm Shield with 2 missiles at the ready for a extra surprise.

Nodding off his check list it was time to get into the armor. Having already slipped into his undergarments he slowly slipped into his armor. The fear he had from training was still there. That fear of drowning in a suit and unable to breath still haunted him every time he entered the suit. As he rested and the armor started to clamp around him he saw his courage in front of him. Seeing Kiyo don her armor gave courage to his fleeting heart. He also remembered all the training she gave him to get him to this point and he felt his fear subside.

As he felt the face plate lock in he took a deep breath. For a moment there was just darkness in the suit as it waited for him to say the word. Alone there he thought of his uneasiness of the upcoming mission and all the uncertainty he had. Not only of all the unknown variables, not only of the fear of losing his crew mates and his beloved Kiyo, but lastly of him self. In the last battle he betrayed his ideals, and almost died against a enemy that was winning the war. He wondered if he would be the broken chain in this mission and hold them back.

As he looked out from his helmet he stared out in the armor bay. He saw Kiyo had already expertly gotten fully ready and was standing proud. In front of her was the baby drake Valkyr. Seeing both of them happy and proud his heart felt abit lifted as he knew what he had to do. As the armor started to roar to life he knew he too had to stand proud like his loves. As he took a step forward he heard cable snap free as intended, not broken but free from the armor.

As if on queue all lights on the armor light up in unison and a dormant program that was intertwined begin to activate. Made by his friend Sakura the mindy's volumetrics began to change some of the facing of the armor. The armor's hue went from the white to a darker hue, while the blue would go red to show his devotion. On the shield a familiar but also new shapes began to form almost like bleeding through the darkness. At the bottom of the shield was a wolf head eating a half crest moon, a family symbol and his heritage. Then in the middle coming in a contrasting bright blue light. A Drake with angel wings, this item was to show both his devotion and love for Kiyo.

Wulf smiled at the brief moment he could express him self. Though in the star army they frowned upon markings like this with it not being permanent he hoped the program could remain. Not wishing though to push his luck he shut down the program and the mindy went back to his standard factory colors. As he looked once more to Kiyo he hoped she saw it and his devotion to her. Smiling he then set off to the briefing to see his final assignment. Sending a last transmission to Kiyo "Lets both make it back home safe to Valkyr".
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YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Walking into the power armor bay with her suit on to get into her custom made Mindy. there was not much adjustment to it, just some space for her tail that comes to equal of Yamatai tail, just more space. She puts her goggles on the table and looked at the gear that was in front of her, she noticed at her side that the others were already suiting up, but this was the first...no second maybe third time that she stepped into such suit. She took the panel to her side and started to run a diagnostic on the Mindy as every technician should be doing, but she loved to look at the data and softly smiled at it as everything checked out in the green. She had placed earlier a Ke-M2-W2704 Nodal Support Bit Launcher onto her Mindy if the case would run into the situation that they would run out of countermeasure for the missiles.

With everything now checked, Dalida stepped into her Mindy and the system started to get adjust to her as she puts a special helmet to interface better with the system. Dalida suit closed up and she took a deep breath seeing all the systems working in proper order. She started the systems and the Mindy came alive as this sensation was something she still needed to get used to. She took a deep breath once again and made her way slowly and eventually on pace to join the others and standing ready or the upcoming mission.
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YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Aiko bowed back to Eden, returning the Chusa's formal gesture with her own even though a quick salute probably would have been more proper for the situation. The princess didn't mind, of course, and quite enjoyed the respect conveyed by Yamatai's traditional salutation. With the plan in place, there wasn't much left for Aiko to do but slide into her Mindy — she'd chosen to leave her glorious Kirie behind for this stealthy sortie — and embark the shuttle for insertion, but not before she'd follow the XO's command and inform the team that'd be responsible for extracting their prize of their assignments.

"Theisilis-heisho, you're with me," she said aloud to the power armor bay, having also opened a telepathic comms channel to make sure those still trickling in got their orders, too. The Kaiyo's resident Separa'shan warrior has been a quick pick; he was fast, strong, and capable in combat — exactly what the extraction team needed.

"Madoka-heisho and Weeyico-hei will be on the infiltration team as well," she continued, rounding out the infantry contingent the wise-cracking chief and the blue Neko with a steely demeanor. Both were brave, Aiko had gathered from her time on the Kaiyo, and the latter seemed very perceptive, which she hoped would be a boon for the mission.

"Harris-kohosei," she said next. "Soban-hei."

Although Aiko's own SAINT training during the Kaiyo's trans-dimensional adventures was more than sufficient to lead an infiltration, she still wanted at least one operative and the ship's Ranger with her team. Both had extra skills that would make their mission simpler. These two would make good point soldiers and keep the team together, ensuring they got in, grabbed their target, and got out smoothly.

"And Fujiwara-hei," Aiko finished. They'd need a medic, of course, especially with an unarmored civilian MVP tagging along as they made their exit. Saya had proven herself many times, too, so the princess felt beyond comfortable having her along.

"Gravity-heisho will be transporting us to the insertion site via shuttle," she added, now striding across the power armor bay's deck toward the place where her oft-unused Mindy 4 was stored. "Remember that our part of the mission is best accomplished by subterfuge when choosing your loadouts, but be prepared for combat. Eden-chusa will finish briefing us soon, so be prepared to launch imminently."
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Mikael remained stoic when the princess revealed her choices for the rescue team. Considering Hoshi wanted Wyatt on the assault team, he wasn't too surprised. He did not particularly care about objective though, but orders are orders. At least he could closely evaluate Soban-hei now and observe the Kuvexian responses to their raid.

"Hopefully, the automation subroutines for the sensors will be able to capture something interesting on both sensors and communications." He thought to himself omitting a deeper thought within him.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Eden's body had slipped into her Mindy expertly while the crew gathered and got ready. The XO held her helmet at her hip while she watched the crew's mingling, then approached Wulf and smiled brightly.

"That was quite a display," her amber eyes settled from the now standard colored Mindy 4 to Wulf's eyes. "Just make sure the Hinomaru stays and it's fine by me." She turned away before turning back, a larger and cheekier grin on her face as she went on, "Just don't get any ideas with painting it. I think Hoshi-sama has some paper in her ready room you can use that might be a better fit for long-term artistic endeavors." More seriously, she added, "You should see about that after the mission, Wulf-chan."

The XO moved on to look at Alastair's continued friendliness and approached the new cadet.

"You could take a page out of his book, if you want to be a leader. Taiyou-chusa, Belmont-chui, me... Even your team leader. None of us got where we are without caring for our compatriots. I don't care how you do it. Belmont-chui's antics aren't for everyone and you seem more like Ketsurui-chui's own demeanor suits you. But your current demeanor will not suit you at the rank you're looking to earn." She leaned closer to Mikael's Mindy-clad face and added an emphasis on the next word to come, "Care about those you serve with and protect. Compassion is a stronger tool than you may know."

She looked to move on, seeing others that could use advice. She decided against speaking to any more individuals and spoke to the whole.

"Mission ready? Good, the ship is in position." Eden said in a loud tone with her helmet still at her hip. "Gravity-sama will pilot the shuttle that is taking the extraction team to the compound's private quarters to extract our target. The assault team will teleport to the compound's research facility immediately and will make our way to where the prototype armors are being stored with the intent of distraction and secondary objective of finding anything we can on the armors. If you are not a technician, engineer, information specialist, scientist, or otherwise affiliated with figuring anything out about the new Kuvexian armors, then make your job to protect those mentioned above. Our distraction will look more real to the enemy if we treat the task of figuring out their armors seriously. It could also have serious benefits to our fight out there if we do so."

Eden closed her lips, breathing in slightly to go over anything missing in her head, before speaking once more. "Ketsrui-chui's team will let us know when we've got the target and if we don't have our information on armors then, we'll accept that and teleport out. If the extraction team encounters any problems after, and only after, they have secured the target, we'll send a contingent to assist them. Wait for your commanding officer to inform you of a split to assist them.

"This is a pretty standard smash and grab. The time for questions has passed. Charge teleportation modules. Coordinates to a discreet area behind the research facility have been input into your Mindy. We'll spread out in two formations to come round the sides of the buildings and enter the main cargo entrance, the only one we have available to us. Pick a side to spread to, either one works." The Chusa nodded, "Enter when ready."
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Mikael was about to mention something to Wulf about the non-standard color scheme. But Eden beat him to it, so resumed his quiet waiting for the action to begin. But then Eden came to him and he just stood there like a frozen kebab as he listened to her. Knowing defending himself was a terrible idea, he simply bowed his head respectfully. He was going to need time to process what was really going on and the shuttle ride would give him plenty of time.

He thought very briefly while Eden was getting set up for her briefing to ponder his suspicion that it was the standard misunderstanding of responses because he always forgets how sensitive things get when a Ketsurui is near him. He got away with it since he used to be so insignificant when under the command of Hanako. Not that he was more significant now, just higher ranking. Thus a new personality profile needed to be crafted.

He ceased his thoughts once Eden began to speak and took the time to formulate think about what intelligence objectives could be achieved while rescuing the child. Which then briefly went into counterintelligence questions regarding the alien contact this was for before he stopped himself. When Eden was finished, his slapped Wulf on the back with a Nepleslian grunt (visor hiding his grin) and boarded the shuttle.

YSS Kaiyō II
Sakura Sjet

Sakura was sitting in the MEGAMI room watching the monitors. Thankful not to be on the mission and able to continue her work she still watched as the crew prepared for there dangerous mission. Sakura had asked the captain if she could stay behind and to monitor the ships Megami system to make sure they didn't get counter hacked though in reality she asked to avoid the combat mission. Despite her age and 2 careers in service to the star army she hated combat and unless in self defense she tried to never hold a weapon of any sort. She hated the concept of war and the act of killing but she also understood its necessity in the galaxy.

As her thoughts kept wandering she sipped a expertly brewed coffee. As enjoyed the freshly brewed coffee she let out a happy "Nya!" her tail wagging happily in her excitement. Coughing a few times as she composed her self, despite being alone she still had to be senior neko and sometimes had to contain her excitement. Still these little moments were nice and as looked to the screen she saw the crew slipping into there mindies or otherwise getting ready.

Looking over the crew she was happy for such a view. One of the perks both of being in the Star Army but also being on active ship was she got to enjoy moments like this. As her tail continued to wag back in forth a tale tell sigh of her barely contained happiness she watched and listed off a few things to no one in particular. "Ah Kiyo she is such a looker that Wulf is a lucky man!" nodding to her self "Or Wyatt though Saya had tied that off a while ago". She was enjoying it until she saw Alastair "Oh no not you, you paper work pushing, weird head patting, white haired meany!" she stuck out her tongue at the screen "Hope you get collared your self!".

Her tail puffed out in frustration as she tried to calm her self. Talking to her self "No Sakura it's not worth complaining about him, not worth your anger although!" the Neko pondered. A new planned formed "Maybe I can edit that sound file that plays randomly by his room to just be a low whispered Baka". Nodding to her self at her victory her eyes caught something on screen. She saw Wulf going though his prep on his mindy and the look on his face made the happy neko heart sank.

She had been talking to Wulf of late and she was worried for her friend. It seemed the more upbeat solider of the empire was hurting from the boarding action that had caught up with the ship. He had felt guilt and like he let down not only him self but those around him. Despite her best efforts at the time she couldn't get him to cheer up nor convince him that he did nothing wrong. Despite telling him that the cloned plant's destiny was her mission, or that she would of volunteered didn't shape his conviction.

So she tried another way and she wondered if it was going to pay off. She has spent a few nights writing a program for Wulf's mindy that would affect it's volumetrics. The hope was that he might get more comfortable in something her had a fear off, and also so he would look cool in front of the crew. As she waited for him to climb into his suit Sakura sat calmly wondering if he would activate it. Her heart skipped a few beats as she waited for him.

The moment of truth came when she saw the color change and his personal emblem was shown. Sakura couldn't help but smile as it appeared he was standing abit taller. Touching the screen and though he couldn't hear her she whispered to the image "Stand tall solider of the empire, be brave, fight honorably, and lastly come home to your friends and Kiyo". Sakura then waited humming to her self hoping that all crew members would come home safety even the Belmont.

YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Wulf Soban

Wulf heard over the comms of his assignment to the infiltration team. Though not a surprise he was happy to hear Kiyo was also assigned with the unit. Though he was worried of the risk to Kiyo he knew that they could both look out for each other. Making sure to confirm he heard the princess's order he replied back quickly "I acknowledge and I'm ready for the mission Chui". He wasn't sure if he addressed correctly the Princess of the empire but he thought it was also better to say her rank then risk a open communications that would identify her as a member of the imperial clan.

As he was about to move closer to the briefing he saw Eden had approached him. Before he could salute she already spoke to him about his display on his mindy. His heart was beating fast till she nodded her approval and her worries but he quickly added "No worries ma'am the Hinomaru is always on I would never dishonor it or the mindy". Then hearing her joke he couldn't help but chuckle to her joke "No worries there I think i'll just stick to that program i'm not fit to be a artist". Feeling abit better and more relaxed he then listened to the briefing.

He liked the plan and knew it could succeed. Though he still knew the risk he was feeling more like him self and the ranger was back into work mode. Stretching abit he started to head off to the shuttle before he felt a slap on his back. Seeing it was Mikael the newly commissioned but experienced saint operative he nodded back to them. Following after him he boarded the shuttle and waited for the rest of the team to form up.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Saya's ears twitched as she looked to the side and heard Aiko choose her. Her cheeks turned a soft red color at being picked for the rescue operation. She had figured that was where she would wind up at the medic on board with the most experienced, but it still felt nice to be chosen for her skill. Clad in her Mindy 4, helmet still in her hands, she had taken a teleportation module strapped to her hardpoint, a standard Aether rifle with a few extra battery packs if the others needed it, and her normal Type-29 Butt Pack she usually carried. She made sure it had been restocked from their last mission, it had her scanner along with the attachments she usually brought along, and that the environmental suit was inside. It would be the most important part as it would help with the extraction.

After she made sure that everything was secured and ready she placed her helmet over her head to finalize the suit's start up and made her way closer to Aiko. She spared a glance over to Wyatt and sent him her customary message as she joined the group.

To: Wyatt Alder
From: Fujiwara Saya

Be careful, come home safe ok?

At the bottom of the message was a small heart before she turned back to her group and stepped up to the transport and entered when she could. "Ready to depart when you are Ma'am."
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Alastair moved in position, a smile across his face. It had been awhile since the last time Eden had used him as an example so this was a treat indeed. He was just doing his job but there was truth in her words. He did care of his crew as he needed each of them in order to have success for any mission. It was just as important that they bonded well for this would cause them to fight even harder.

"Alright crew, you heard the lady. Lets smash and grab so you can all come home to grab and smash." He grinned as he thought how cleaver he was to come up with this.