Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 19: Ochiba


Hildr followed Eden's order, covering the others as they moved into the building. She ducked under the roll-down door at the last second, snapping off one last burst at the guards outside before the door closed them off. She glanced around at the others before nodding at the order to breach the door. She took up a position opposite Dalida, squaring up as she looked at the smaller Daur.

"Alright, ready here," Hildr said in a quiet growl. Her blood was up, her teeth grit beneath the helmet. She stood back a step from the door, readying herself to blast the hinges, bash it down, and charge in.
Shuttle YSS Ōkami

"Affirmative, Fujiwara-hei," Aiko confirmed in her formal way of speaking Yamataigo, her words delivered through delicately husky tones as she peered back over her shoulder at Saya. She had taken a wide stance in the center of the little Kuma-class shuttle's passenger deck rather than along its bulkheads, its seats having been folded up to allow space for seven power armored soldiers and the girl they'd been sent to retrieve. "We will rely on you to ensure our VIP is safe in her AMES before we teleport out."

So far, the Ketsurui chui had gone helmet-less and allowed her long drape of black hair to fall freely over her shoulders and back, adorning her Mindy 4 like a regal cape befitting her clan's station in the Star Empire if not her humble rank. But Gravity's announcement prompted her to action soon after. Aiko relaxed her hands up off of her blade, balanced before her between her armored gauntlets and the floor in its alabaster scabbard, and magnetically secured it across the small of her back. She'd gather up her hair with one hand while the other procured her helmet from its place on her hip and drop the bundle in before sliding it over her face in preparation for the coming combat.

"Theisilis-heisho, you'll be on point with Harris-kohosei just behind," Aiko instructed over squad comms once her armor was fully donned. "Madoka-heisho will watch our backs as rearguard. Soban-hei, Weeyico-hei, and myself will provide firepower when required. This team's goal lies not in the glory of battle today, but nevertheless ensure you are prepared to unleash Yamatai's fury upon our foes when we disembark."
Research Facility

The data being sent in to Eden was unexpected, but a boon. She said to their scientist, "Do what you can, Vaikar-hei." The data on her map showed a few personnel in the room they were breaching. To her team, she said, "Expect a half dozen individuals in plain sight. More to come!" Seeing that Kikios hadn't gathered much from the data on the door's panel, Eden prompted her, "Stay close and get ready to figure something from the armors. Same to you, Alder-heisho!"

Eden was again caught saying what she had just finished with when she yelled, "Alder-heisho!!" A flurry of plasma fire was making its way to her and Wyatt's position. Eden rolled out of the way and jumped from her new position on the ground to spring onto an unarmored Kuvexian, pushing their body from its running position into a mushy purple splattering on the slick ground of the research facility.

The individuals in the room were not all unarmored this time. Eden spotted a scientist in a flapping white coat like Indira loved so much as she ran towards a looming armor. She had run out of Eden's line of sight, so the Chusa marked the target for Hildr and Dalida, who were closer due to their entrance. The way she had stopped just short of getting back into Eden's sights let the first officer know the scientist was trying to get into a mech she could just barely make out. The mechs themselves were several feet taller than the Mindy, etched with purple rune-like Kuvexian words on its brassy frame, had large missile launchers on the right shoulders while their left arms had longer tubular extensions on them.

The armor that had shot towards Wyatt and Eden was targeting the same SAINT personnel, still, while backing towards their ally. The second armor they backed towards shot at Kikios with a passion from the plasma bolts on their left forearm cannons, aiming wildly and breaking lights and random fixtures every so often while trying to. Those seemed to be the only two active armors, but there was no telling which ones had scientists in them that were figuring out the finer points of start-up protocols and had not appeared online yet. A gushing of a dozen mini drones spouted from the armor targeting Wyatt that splayed towards Eden, Miko, and Wyatt, making Eden dodge and shoot a few down while thinking.

"Other than the drones, they're using the same plasma point defense weapons. Their kit looks like these aren't close quarters vehicles at all, I don't think!" If the enemy armors used their main weapon arrays, they would assuredly be completely decimating their own facility along with her team. It didn't look like they were at that point since they were only using tertiary plasma cannons. These weren't experienced pilots, though. They were researchers getting in the mecha without a game plan. There's where Eden and her crew had a leg up.

Living Quarters

A wholly different atmosphere approached Aiko and those within the Ōkami as they stepped out than that which Eden and her crew faced. The gurgling of a nearby tiered fountain was the most present sound through the muffled sound of what could have been a distant falling crate or even a shot of plasma against a corrugated metal wall. Either way, the living quarters of the compound were none the wiser and didn't seem to expect the same trouble as they were dealing with in the research area. A duo of guards, instead of patrolling, had been running westward across the pathway that lined the expansive courtyard that Gravity had landed in. Their jog was cut short by the shuttle's arrival and the onboard tactical tracking sensors would have long ago told Gravity of their presence and kept them primed for her to take out with the weapon pods the shuttle sported.

Otherwise, most of the guards had been relocated from the living quarters to the western part of the compound due to the distraction team's assault.

"Looks like it worked! I've got your backs!" Muyomi piped up, nodding her Mindy visor to the one story house nearby, to the north of the shuttle. It had several arches supported by columns that sheltered a long walkway, allowing visibility through to an inner, more intimate courtyard. That was where the large tiered fountain could be seen slightly, banked on all sides beyond a short lawn, table and chairs, and impoverished garden were three walls with their own arcades that covered the walkways. Under the arcades, there were three doors with ornamental ironwork on rounded inlets in their upper center. Each door was on one of the walls, be it the eastern wall, northern wall, or western wall.
"Affirmative, Ketsurui Chui." The Separa'shan responded. "Soft spoken with the big ol' stick."
Prepping his arsenal for the drop, Abart'huse checked his LASR-SLAG once more, making sure it was in tiptop condition. He'd been using this one particular rifle for so long, he could practically read and write with the thing. As per usual, his left forearm was adorned with the Ellipsoid shield, which was aleway useful for that extra bit of defense. Mini missile pods and barrier shield projector adorned his shoulder hardpoints, to increase his versatility. Being up front meant he'd be the first to shoot and the first to get shot at, so he made sure he came prepared.


Once they had landed, Abart exited the shuttle to scan the area with his rifle at the ready. Not seeing any hostiles worthy of note. "Indeed." With Muyomi's direction, he too laid eyes on the particular building in the middle of these other residential areas. "That's the one we're looking for? Not a bad place.....Let's get moving." With that, he shithered over to the building at quick but steady pace, trying to steer close to cover to be able to jump behind it at moment's notice. "looks like there's multiple ways in... and multiple ways out. We'll have to cover them all in case someone tries to run for it." The snake pondered, putting out the possibility for the rest of the team.
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Shuttle YSS Ōkami

Wulf listened to the orders given. Nodding and then giving his acknowledgment “Copy that Ketsurui Chui”. As if on cue he started to do one last check on all his equipment. As he listened to the hum of the shuttle and the last bit of quiet to kick in he waited by the door with his shield at the ready. Having spent a life time practicing combat drops and despite not working with most of the crew in a real life drop before he knew what and where he had to go.

Living Quarters

As the shuttle landed and the ramp dropped Wulf quickly followed behind Abart'huse and then moved to check his corner. As he took up a covering position he kneel down and dug his shield into the ground. As he gave as little of him self away as he could he pointed his weapon into the area east. Cross checking visuals alongside sensors he couldn't see anything in his zone. Speaking quietly into the comms “Sector clear”.

Peaking over to what the Separa was talking about he took a glance at the target area. Taking a glance around he pondered while still watching his area. Replying back on the comms “If the Chui wills it I can take up a over watch position on top of the tallest building.”. As he looked he found the tallest one “That way I can scan over each one and allows more of us to focus on clearing”. He wondered what the Chui was going to say and he also knew it might leave him abit exposed to any incoming reinforcements.
Research Facility

The nerdy cockatoo yelped and got out of the way from where the armor was shooting its plasma bolts, attempting to find a blindspot where the cannons wouldn't be able to aim at her. She realized she needed to take those weapons out fast--or maybe just the pilot. Or perhaps... make it shoot something else. She activated her Kalamari manipulator arm system, extending the noodle-like arms towards the bigger Kuvexian armor that was trying to shoot her. Latching on to the arm that was shooting plasma bolts, she tried to force it to aim at the other active armor. She wasn't sure if the pilot would keep shooting, and she didn't know the schematics so she couldn't try to force its forearm cannons to shoot. Perhaps, though, she might get lucky, since the scientists were inexperienced and might not be able to turn it off in time. Either way, it wasn't going to be shooting at her.

YSS Kaiyō II

"I see..." Chlorate responded to Hoshi, knowing she would miss being with her on the bridge too. She looked down at her clanky feet, which were not in any shoes and were sitting there bare, made of metal and plastic. They essentially were already designed to be (very loud) shoes on their own, in place of ordinary toed feet. As they were already designed to be like robotic shoes, they also consequently couldn't fit well in any type of footwear. "...however, I do not have boots, so I cannot have my boots on the ground." The Chlobot meant that literally, even though it might be possible to interpret as a joke.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay to the mission

Kiyo looked at her man that she loved, and watched as he went through his own Mindy check as she had, and silently she waited for him to get in. The blue-skinned Neko watched her smile widened as he had gotten into his Mindy, and then her smile only widened as her eyes caught glimpse of the non-standard design.

If the Neko hadn’t known it before, this would be proof of his love and devotion to her, and 99 percent wanted him to keep it, and say screw regs but she knew that would be wrong. She saw Eden’s approach and certain that she had seen the display too, she waited to hear what she had to say and smiled indeed, Wulf was artistic. She smiled as she got a last transmission from Wulf “Hai, we’d better, also, also I saw that.” she said sending him her smiling face to show she had loved what she had seen before she turned as Aiko began speaking.

She nodded her head in the affirmative “acknowledged, Ma’am” she said, then she allowed some breaths as her heart soon calmed down. Then she was moving in with the others and immediately taking note of the surroundings, as the words of area secured was heard through the comms, she kept her eyes peeled for signs of trouble, then glanced over to Wulf when he’d had an idea before she looked up to where he had been intending to go. She thought it was a good idea, to keep an eye out, but she felt concerned for his exposure.
“would give a good vantage point,” she commented
Research Facility

The breach of the door happened as Dalida took a deep breath putting a tied grip around her rifle and slide her left foot forward as the door created the opening, she could see clearly the Kuvexians in the room, mostly civilians and yet cocky to think they can go up against the firepower of the Kaiyö. She pushed into the room as she pushed off with her right foot and rolled into cover. Hearing a few bleeps seeing that her commander had marked a few of the enemy she aimed without a doubt and took a deep breath as she opened fire upon them.

Looking around Dalida was trying to take it all in, even though she was not ordered to sniff out the tech of the enemy at this current moment, there were lots of curious things that caught her attention. Aside from the big and scary mech that the Kuvexians were trying to get to. A futile effort as they just get shot down. Dalida sees drones popping up and started to give cover fire.
Shuttle YSS Ōkami

"Aye aye! I always look forward to depopulating the universe of Kuvexians that threaten us." Mikael replied back to Aiko's orders. Mikael looked down at the scalar sub-machine gun that he can came to love and began his last set of equipment checks.

Living Quarters

Feeling the thud of the landing, Mikael popped up from his seat and quickly exited with his weapon at high ready. He deployed his nodal bits to serve as both point defense and to extend his vision. He would have them move out of his CFS bubble for 5 seconds to get new perspectives to make some attempt to map the area.

"Three doors it would appear." Mikael simply said, maintaining the high ready, pointing to the left door. If he was in charge, he would have Wulf do what he had suggested to give eyes on the outside, while he and the heisho would start their sweep from the side. But obviously he was not and simply sent a simple text message to Aiko with that suggestion in mind.
Research Facility

Hildr rolled into the room next to Dalida, taking up a cover fire position nearby. She made a spray of fire over the scientists' heads in an attempt to force them all down, taking care to watch out for the target that Eden had marked on their HUDs, taking shots more directly at them and the drones that entered the area. After a moment, she moved in a crouch and made her way toward the armor through whatever cover she could take in the room, aiming her SMG to keep it pilotless.
Living Quarters

Saya filed out with the others from the shuttle as they landed, her suit's systems on just the bare minimum to help her move, though any floating she did was under the use of her own gravity manipulation abilities rather than the suit. Her eyes scanned the area, hands on her gun still though she prayed she would not need to use it in this case. She had plenty of her crew here ready to defend and fight, and while her mission was to secure the hostage, she knew that her fellow crew was just as important. It was for that reason she kept a keen eye out for any hostile movement. She spotted the Nodal bits begin to move about through the skin vision of her Mindy and keyed up the communications channel to her squad.

"Please remember to keep CFS to a minimum when we approach the VIP, until I get her into the AMES suit at least." She offered up to the crew in a strained cheerful voice. She had to at least try to act normal for the time being while on the mission and she could decompress later after they were done. She had been request to come along and that alone made her feel good, but these missions still bothered her regardless, always fearful of the threat of combat.
Research Facility

It seemed that Hoshi and Eden had left Alastair to his own. This made him very proud that they trusted his judgement and to do what needed to be done. He left two drones to continue terrorizing the locals while the other two took up defense around Alastair. He would do his part to protect the way back out should they need to make a run for it.
Living Quarters

Aiko's forward pace didn't slow when the extraction team collectively settled at the residence's interior courtyard. Just as Gravity had seen on the shuttle's sensors, the Chui's AIES had picked up on the duo of guards moving westward toward the more heavy fighting, so the choice ahead seemed clear to her. The west- and north-facing doors leading into the habitation structure would just as likely lead to their prize as any of the three, but were more likely be easily intercepted by reinforcements from the research facility if they were to come. So, as the requests for direction came in over her comms, Aiko marched up to the final option without pause — the eastern wall — and dropped her aether/scalar submachine gun from its place braced against her shoulder to her chest before kicking in the thick iron-and-wood door with her Mindy's sabaton.

"Our advantage is rooted in surprise," she said, assuming point by proceeding through the threshold and into the eastern arcade with her gun raised and at the ready once more. "These plaster walls won't stop our sensors from picking up anybody coming back this way, if they do at all," Aiko added to address the concerns that had broken the team's tempo. "Now form up into your positions. Let us not waste any more time in our search."
YSS Okami

"Ouch. Splash two." Gravity mumbled almost boredly. Using a shuttle's weapon pods against a couple of patrolling foot soldiers wasn't really a grand feat.

"Gravity to extraction team. I'm buzzing off until you call me in for exfil. Good luck, and try not to take too long." Gravity announced to her recently-departed passengers before taking the shuttle back into the air.

"Chusa," the pilot then asked Hoshi. "Permission to engage some anti-air positions? Might as well make it easier for us to get out of here."
Living Quarters

At hearing the Chui's orders he nodded as he gave his response "Roger that". Seeing that the Chui wanted to go for speed over anything he followed the princesses orders. Raising his shield and rifle he proceed to follow after her with weapons raised. Switching his rifle to submachine gun mode for any close quarters he was ready for what might happen.
living quarters

Kiyo nodded her head as well in a sign that she had heard the orders. Her gauntlet clad hand grasped her Katana Silver light and the Aether blaster saber tightly, she could almost hear them roar with life when it came time to use them, her armors guns activated and readied themselves as she followed her lover and the princess. Come Kuvexians, come slavers come and face us I dare you she thought, still in Kiyo mode since there was no battle.
"Hai!" As soon as the large ironclad door was forced open, the tactical assault snake slithered in to scan the area thoroughly, rifle at the ready. This forced entry went a lot faster than the ones they'd done before, and it took him a moment to adjust, but now the snake was slithering ahead, kigked into full gear.


YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Nerai'tha sat at her Systems and Safety console, eyeing up the ship's system readings whilst keeping an eye on the mission progress on the bridge's main monitor. Idly twirling a lock of hair, both her elbows rested on her desk, and all that was needed to finish the casual look would be her blowing some gum. At times she did find it a shame foods and snacks werent allowed in duty hours, especially on the bridge...

She could hear the slightly heartfelt tone between them, mostly Hoshi's, but Chlorate's "joke" did make her chuckle somewhat. This was one part of her soon-to-be adoptive daughter that she couldn't get enough of. "Hehehe, indeed Chlo-chan... but if you had to choose, what other job would you like to do on the Kaiyo?" She asked, tail idly twirling away beside her.
Living Quarters

Saya nodded, silent still as the others led the way. She stayed back a bit to keep herself out of any fire lines, to make sure she was out of the way. She worried still over the liberal use of Aetheric weaponry and potential to hurt the VIP, but also knew that hopefully they would stop or cut the power off when they were close to the target. She let out a small sigh and otherwise remained silent, far to nervous to be playful at all over the comms just then.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi was ready to respond to Chlorate to let her know the meaning, but instead let Nerai's question be the last words said while looking to Chlorate, ready to hear her answer.

Without speaking, she sent a verbal okay to Gravity along with the updated information found on team sensors and that Indira had been able to tap into. It wasn't a lot of help now while the airspace was quiet, but battle had a way of creating more noise than was present before.

Kuvexian Planet
Research Facility

The plasma fire from the armor hit Wyatt one time, then twice, then the third and possibly final shot it could get in was aimed too high to hit him, pulled off its mark by the sudden shifting of the armor to defend itself against its ally armor that Kikios had turned on it. The scientists were not pilots and weren't trained like the Kaiyo crew. They didn't know how to think quickly and towards a common goal. Because of this, the scientist that had been shooting at Wyatt was now being shot at by the armor Kikios was manipulating with the aptly named manipulator arms. The firing subsided after a long volley of the same plasma shots that had landed on the companion's armor. From the tall armor Kikios was aiming her own armor at, a scientist pushed themselves out of the back of it and made a run for it towards the northern portion of the room. Meanwhile, the armor they had been in buckled to the ground.

"Wyatt!" Eden shouted with a heavy groan as she pushed off of the splattering of Kuvexian where she had pounced on the scientists to jump to the SAINT operative. His armor's shields had depleted fully by the two hits. Eden's brows pushed far down above her golden eyes as she kept one part of her mind focused on the readout of his Mindy. His chest panel and left leg had enough time between Eden pulling him behind her and the oinslaught of drone fire to blip over to orange on her condition report. She held him behind her to take some of the drone fire while finding cover behind an upturned metal table.

"I know you want that new armor but this isn't the way to get it, Heisho," Eden joked, rattled slightly but thankful to see Hildr and Dalida's aimed shots had taken down one drone after another until the threat was nearly removed and only three drones were active, though they had retreated to find cover behind lab equipment in two different corners of the room. Eden could see another armor was powering up and energy signatures were coming online.

"Hildr, Dalida," Eden said into comms while marking the armor that was swiveling to face Kikios, plasma arms primed at her. While this was happening, the armor that Kikios held with octo-arms was thrusting away from her and towards the ceiling of the room. The issues were manageable to Eden, so while she let Wyatt regain his freedom and let go of his Mindy, shielding it less, she tapped Alastair on the shoulder and jogged to the Northern doorway the scientist that had sloughed off the downed armor was heading to.

"Cut them off, Chui," Eden relayed to the team. "Prepare to move into that room and secure it, as well. Indira, we need you in with the enemy armors for firepower and intel gathering. We're trying to keep these armors viable but it's not easy. Kikios and Wyatt, I want you to stay here with me and find more info on the armors." She planned on having Dalida and Hildr back up Alastair, but for now she had asked them to deal with a full armor that has almost been able to kill the sole operative on her team. She wasn't willing to pressure them with further orders. Eden made her stance clear as she began workin on seeking out the drones and picking them off one by one. Besides, Alastair would be fine on his own.

Living Quarters

The eastern door, when slammed opened, had behind it a narrow hall with orange tiled floors, a few pieces of cabinetry, and mirrors on the walls. On the other side of the foyer than the side the team had entered was an archway of eggshell-colored plaster and behind it, a kitchen type of room that the team could not see much of.

Directly in the line of sight of the team within that kitchen was a Kuvexian woman wearing unassuming attire. She had a worn peach dress on with rolled up sleeves and a clear apron that was shiny like plastic over her front to shield her garment from the soapy water which she was elbow deep in. The stomping of the door and the entering of the point team was so quick that in the time it took them to enter, she had only managed to raise her hands from the water and hold them horizontal to the sink below. The sudsy liquid dappled her lavender arms, bubbling with vivid opalescent bubbles over her faded mauve age spots that dotted her forearms. The dull spots on her arm contrasted with the bright teal glow of the markings on her nose line and cheeks that shown with a luminescence as she stared with inky black eyes. Almost immediately upon drawing a breath, she looked from the team to turn her head and look behind her. Arms still raised above the sink at an unassertive angle, she looked quickly back to the group in wide eyed wonder with her mouth still agape to draw in breath.
Living Quarters

Wulf followed with the team and saw civilian looking in surprise at the teams entry. Surprised she didn't hear the shuttles cannon fire he instead focused on the rear. Letting the point team take care of the civilian he instead focused on the rear. "Taking up rearguard" taking up the rearguard position. As he leveled his rifle he was visually sweeping the rear they left while watching the sensors. Not finding anything yet he still kept at the ready.