Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 19: Ochiba


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyō II

The diminutive captain, Taiyou Hoshi, worked hard to clump together a piece of pork cutlet with two curly ropes of egg noodles and bamboo shoots, then brought it to her mouth carefully. Eden spoke next to her, having pushed her bowl of ramen away from herself minutes ago. Dinner was ending soon and the crew briefing was to begin within seconds.

"Are you almost done, then?" Eden asked after Hoshi had nodded at her last proposal. The XO looked around the room to see everyone just about done. Hoshi slurped forth her last mouthful and did the same as Eden before patting her chin and setting her bowl and Eden's in both hands to carry them away. Eden met her with a thankful smile and stood to begin.

"If we're all ready..." Eden began. "Yesterday a small team of our crew, along with myself, went to gather the material necessary for repairing our ship. Thanks to our small but capable engineering team, we were able to do so within a timely manner. The cost of the material is no small one, though." Eden looked towards a small volumetric projector in the center of the room near her that began showing an image of a young girl, as short as a humanoid toddler with four wide eyes on her still face. "This is Oleera Boyar. She is a child that has been taken by slaver's for her father's debts. We are to bring her back to her grandmother, safely."

Hoshi took over, "She has been taken to a Kuvexian's facility on a small planet inside Kuvexian territory. The planet is one hour from the border at our safest maximum speeds. It is one part research facility and one part home." As she said this, the image of the child to be saved was replaced by a square-shaped compound. The walls were about forty feet high and on one side of the square walls was a covered rectangular building. "We expect her to be in the home portion of the facility, but we are only guessing with that one. It has an open layout where almost every room in this one story home has gardens or open space just outside of it. We have little information besides what long-range sensors could gather. The research facility," Hoshi said, pointing to the rectangular building, "has a dozen built Kuvexian armors that sensors can read. We can only assume this is a place to build a new line of armors. I usually don't like to assume, but we're already assuming the worst. If we're wrong, it would likely be a very nice surprise."

"Because of that aspect," Eden said, "we can expect resistance if we are noticed. The Mindy 4 gives out heat signatures, even when cloaked- our disadvantage. This is not a Star Army given mission, though it is sanctioned by command. Because of this and because we received this information yesterday, Captain Taiyou and myself want to hear the crew's thoughts and what you think our mode of operation should be. I don't believe there are many questions you could ask that we would have the answers to on this one. We're hoping maybe you have the answers we want. With that said, by the end of this briefing we'll have a solid plan." Eden clapped her hands together gently, "So, thoughts?"

((OOC: Title means "falling leaves"))
YSS Kaiyō II

When Kitamu Margot had been informed by command that his first official placement would be as an enlisted officer of the YSS Kaiyō II, of all ships in the entirety of the Star Army of Yamatai, he’d initially believed that he’d been mistaken for another applicant. After all, being onboard a ship as grand as the Fuji-class expeditionary gunship once seemed like a far-fetched dream, something for veterans and long-serving transfers rather than recent graduates. But then he’d clambered onboard one of the final transport ships being sent out that far into Kuvexian space, dressed in his duty uniform with his duffel bag packed with what meager supplies and belongings he was carrying with him, and the instant he’d arrived, it suddenly became real. He’d achieved his dream of being medical personnel onboard an official military starship, and it would likely be his home for the remaining three years of his first assignment, unless he transferred to a separate ship.

He’d set his luggage down on his bed in his cabin, and the very same night, he’d headed out to his first official crew dinner. As he finished his pork baozi, the last of the steamed buns being placed into his mouth with his hashi, Captain Taiyou and First Officer Teien seemed to finish their meals, the former standing to bring their dishes away. He swallowed down his food, preparing to listen to his commanding officers give a mission briefing. As First Officer Teien began her overview of the mission, his stomach sank while she described the kidnapping of Oleera Boyar. The girl’s innocent face remained imprinted in his mind even as her image was replaced by the projector with a model of the facility they would likely be infiltrating. As she revealed the likely presence of prototype Kuvexian power armor within the facility, he wondered what sort of need the workers would have for a child slave. “So,” First Officer Teien finished, “thoughts?”

They were lacking a significant amount of information. Considering the facility appeared to be a weapons manufacturing place and they didn’t know how many hostiles were within, he felt uncomfortable with how much they didn’t know. It sounded like a recipe for disaster, and he didn’t want to put his medical skills to use any time soon, although he felt prepared to if he needed to. If the long-range sensors couldn’t gather data beyond the exterior of the facility and the possibility of powerful enemy technology, then Margot supposed they could get closer to collect it from a shorter distance. He raised his hand, swallowing down his nerves and speaking for the first time. “Is there any way for us to gather data from a closer range?” He asked, lowering his hands and placing his palms on his upper thighs. “We could start with sending a reconnaissance party down to the surface some distance away from it and without power armor, so that the people inside wouldn’t notice. If we could use shorter distance thermal scanners from directly outside the facility, perhaps we could find the location of inhabitants that fit the size of the child?”
YSS Kaiyō II

Kiyo had remained silent as the blue-skinned Neko ate her food, pork cutlet with steamed buns and water to wash it down in. Though occasionally, she'd lower her hand down under the table to pet Valkyr who rested there guarding her legs against some unknown threat. She pondered her previous mission and thought about how well she played her role. She loved her role, though she admits that there were some surprises there. But the mission was partly successful, they got what they needed, but they needed to do a mission for it.

Kiyo looked up as Eden, and Hoshi began speaking, her tongue moved out to snatch some of the food stuck there as well as the leftover juices from her food she had been eating. She turned her head as she heard another spoke, she didn’t recognize the voice or the owner of said voice, fortunately there weren’t many newcomers of the ship that she couldn’t find the man. She turned back around after a second.
YSS Kaiyō II

Wulf had finished his meal abit quickly before everyone. A habit ingrained into him from a early age in the military was to eat fast or maybe not eat at all. Pushing his bowl away he sipped his coffee and the caramel taste was a happy comfort after the hearty meal. As he looked around the table a innocent happy smile appeared on his lips. New crew and old he could see around the table, plus a favorite blue neko with her drake on her lap.
Petting the little drake he enjoyed the little chirp of the dragon before he got up to get another cup. As he poured a second cup he listened to Hoshi's words for the briefing.

Remembering the woman they met on the station and her plead for help Wulf knew he wanted to get this mission going. Maybe part of it was to make up for the boarding action but he tried to push that out of his mind. As he listened intensely to the briefing he was already running plans in his head. Though maybe not a combat veteran like some of the crew here he did have a lift time of drill and battle simulations.

As he was just about to raise his hand he looked to Kitamu as they spoke. The medic had a solid grasp of tactics but he was missing some info that the recent boarding party given the ship some issues. As he waited for the medic to finish he raised his hand to add to the discussion. Clearing his throat abit as he put his coffee down “Normally I'd agree with a scouting force but recent events and the tactical situation need to be addressed”.

The ranger hated he was going to have to pitch the idea but he knew he had to bring up a few key points “One is the enemy is very likely going to detect the ship just like before and we can't rely on full stealth”. As he folded his arms as he went on “Two we need to speedily conduct our self's since we are still behind enemy lines”. Letting out a slight sigh on the before going on “And lastly the girl isn't the only priority here, we do have that factory we should take out before we leave”.

Looking to the ceiling for a moment as he leaned on the nearby table to collect his thoughts. He hated his plan but he thought he might work. Knowing he was pausing abit long he returned to look at the rest of his crew mates. Clearing his throat “I have a idea but honestly I don't think most of you are going to like it”. As he looked around to the crew “So a question I have before I go forward”. Clearing his throat again as his thought betrayed some nervousness “How many here have piloted a mindy in atmosphere with out power?”
YSS Kaiyō II
- Indira Vaikar

Indira listened dutifully as the captain spoke. She wasn't sure how much she actually wanted to get involved - she had research to do, after all - but she would do her duty and contribute. It's why she got to keep using the lab. Besides, after the last incident she'd been involved in, the short Iroma was fairly certain she could do without more combat.

One crew member, a medic by his uniform, suggested that they go in without armor. 'Bold one, but I suppose if noone gets hurt, he doesn't have much to do..' she thought.

Another kept the armor - despite the XO's warnings about heat signatures - but at least had the sense to keep them off for a while.

To be frank, she didn't like either idea. Not because they were bad - they each had plenty of merit - but because she just didn't have the stomach for them just yet. If anything, both seemed like a good call - a discrete scouting party to identify targets without being noticed and then the Mindy drop to overwhelm their enemy via force. If the idea had any merit, she was sure the Captain or XO would come to the same conclusion.

She wished she had a good, science-based solution. Indira was working on something like that after the last attack, but didn't think it was applicable (or ready) here.

"I haven't. I had some basic training around power armor usage, but I'm a far cry from an expert with them."

'There,' she thought, 'that should keep me out of that particular operation.'
YSS Kaiyō II
- Dalida La Rostislavovna

The idea to serve on a Fuji-class ship, a large gunship with speed, agility, and durability that every technician loved. The ship had two aether generators, a hyperspace unit and as backup some fusion reactors, wel that is not really special as it was common among Star Army ships. Thought non the less, it was a beauty of a ship that could do a punch on its enemy or drive through all obstacles if needed. Now officially done with the academy, her life was going to start on non-other than the Kaiyō II, Dalida was looking forward to work on the ship, yet was a bit on edge at the same time also. There were lots of new people she had to meet, to work with and the idea had her flushed already as she was now in the wardroom having dinner with the others. She had her tail on her lap as she looked at her plate that had some food. She felt overwhelmed by the presence of many people that took away her desire to eat, she took a few bites but just nodded to the person cleaning to just take her plate. When the Captain and the First Officer started to talk, Dalida looked at them while her hand slide over her fluffy tail, she felt insecure and a bit out of place by it all.

Hearing the details of the mission made Dalida shrug a bit in worry. A child was being sold off as a slave and the family would want the child back at any cost, which is understandable as Dalida knew her family would do the same. Yet the hows, was a bit sketchy as the Captain wanted the input of her crew to fill in the blanks. Hearing the Medical man started to talk about scouting in Kuvexian claimed space, without any armor, was quite risky yet made logic to the little Daur. The crew had a certain amount of advantages with scouting the area, they would know what they were facing and how to take care of the problem. Then another man started to talk, Dalida looked at him with the intention to listen to the observations that th man had spotted. The man looked to be a ranger, or at least dressed as one. Dalida pets her own tail a bit as she looked a bit down to her tail analyzing the information in her head. The Fuij-class ship had a stealth system that masks its location actively through multi-band jamming and while the Ranger was right, the stealth system could be modified its CFS to be more silent and passively to blind the enemy. There is in Dalida opinion a solution to every problem. The other points did add to the problem of scouting ahead, it was going to bring the ship in problems if it blows up a factory and it doesn't have a quick exit.

Then the question popped up from the Ranger that got her attention and she lifted her head to look at him again. Run a powered armor without power is solving the problem of heat, yet it also puts the person at a halt. Even if you would find a way to get to the location with a Mindy and no power until you reach the target, it would still be impossible to return without any power. She was interested and yet conflicted by the idea at the same time. Yet her thinking as another woman spoke that she didn't have the experience in such operations, Dalida had the idea that it was something to avoid being part of such operations. Maybe she was just being judgemental.

Dalida looked back at the Captain and shrugs a bit as she looked quickly back to her tail as her shyness took over and took a deep breath, "I...I ...I had the basic training, yet...mmm well...Daur fitted suits are not been...well you know made for me yet. Aside from that...Mindy in an atmosphere without any power would basically blind you and make you a falling rock in the skies. The Mindy is relying on the armor integrated electronic system to guide a PA to its destination, aside from that the suit also uses the propulsion systems such as the combined field system to move through space and the turbo aether plasma engines for its wings, if they are used, and the teleportation module and again if they are attached to it. So while the idea might have merit, the gravity and able to see in this idea to land are your biggest issues you require to solve to get safely onto the ground." She noticed that she been rambling and it got quiet as she looked quickly up from her tail and looked around getting some pinkish cheeks and looking back down "Sorry for my rambling...." she was already making a bad impression to be hanging out the smartass, yet if she didn't tell something she would also be considered an idiot. Great now she is in the spotlight, please someone say something.

Mikael ate his food rather quickly. Perhaps it was a trait of infantry training he never bothered to purge. Perhaps it was a personal trait, who knows. It did allow him the opportunity to watch over the others. How they ate their food and how they interacted were just as valid as data points for his profiles as looking at their service records. He focused on a number of them that had gone did somewhat acceptable jobs conducting SAINT activities.

Considering the location the ship was located now and lack of support, he was going to have to arrange for some extra training of publicly available techniques for them.

He shifted his look back over towards Hoshi when she brought the meeting to order. He was aware of their results, so he just decided to listen to the suggestions of the others before he would make his.

Mikael's eyes slowly slide over towards Kitamu. The new medic had largely escaped his notice before since medic. Now he was going to have to pay attention because of his suggestion. It wasn't wrong, but there was one key flaw: the Kuvexians seem to deal with CFS like child's play. Something he was still trying to figure how they caught them blindsided.

Mikael nodded at him.

He then looked at Wulf with a raised eyebrow, it was an unusual suggestion from a ranger. His idea had merit, but Mikael seriously doubts most of the crew had the body control to make sure they don't tumble and let the plasma of reentry destroy their thrusters. The trick is to look like meteors rentering and not to become one. He made a mental note of it though.

Then he just looked blankly at Dalida. His thoughts exactly. He just remained silent, looking at her before looking off to process their ideas and a plan.

They were going to need to keep the Kaiyo II away and only come charging in if they screwed up. The child was a priority due to it being the source of payment. You don't mess with that in the world of black markets, but the research facility was a far better target. Considering its location so close to the border, the Kuvexians were either sure of their superiority or the location was not up to snuff. Either he could use to his advantage to gain the real information they needed.

"Due to many unknown variables on the Kuvexians and their recent attack, the ship needs to hang back. Which means we are going to have to take a shuttle or come up with a means of acquiring a small ship that belongs in this region of space." Mikael said before pausing.

"Some of you show potential as rogues, with training you can be more. But this is something that is going to require more. I agree a recon team needs to be sent, but this will likely be a recon mission that will turn into a strike mission. Leaving and coming back is just too risky.

I can lead a team with Alder-Heisho and Soban-Hei. The skills of our new IT specialist would be beneficial. A PA quick reaction force could be formed since if the element of surprise is ruined, there is no point in trying to regain it. Though I worry saving our butts would endanger the ship in the end..."
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YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was still reflecting on the events that had recently happen. Under his watch the ship was attacked and almost taken over. A fate worse than death in his mind for this was their home away from home. None would take this ship without a fight.

His attention quickly shifted as words from one of the newest crew members reached him. Ah yes, Dalida who he had just recently met was giving her thoughts on the matter. It was usually for Daur to be on Yam ships yet now they had another on board. This was turning out to be a very good assignment he thought to himself. He would have to make a point to get to know Dalida at a later date.

"As much as I want to say we kick down the front door and purge everything inside. Stealth is going to be our best option." Alastair said aloud to the group. "I like the idea of Mikael to borrow a ship from this area to sneak into the area." Alastair looked around the room for a moment. "Always the option to disguise a few of us as Kuvvies and bring new slave girls. Might be an easy way to slip into the base." He had regrets for his last suggestion but knew this might prove a good way to just walk into the front door. He did have those collars so could make it look real.

He paused and walked over to Dalida who seemed to be hiding in her tail after her thoughts were shared. He gave her a pat on the head. "Thank you for your thoughts on the matter." He again gave a pat then put his hands behind himself and stood at attention.
YSS Kaiyō II
- Indira Vaikar

Indira tapped her chin thoughtfully. She liked where the plan was headed, mostly.

"I agree with the plan to capture a vessel, as well. The base will either require frequent supplies or goods to sell off; either gives us a good opening." She gave Mikael a respectful nod. That one was worth paying attention to. "I do fear that their scanners might detect our soldiers and their equipment. We'll need to devise a countermeasure for that if we intend to bring in our own weaponry or power armors. Ideally one that can be deployed quickly - any significant delay in the vessel's arrival may arouse suspicion."

That such a vessel as they were discussing would not have the protections against scans seemed a given.

"Assuming that you do take armor with you," she continued, "you could use their teleportation systems as your exit plan. Their range would get them safely into the upper atmosphere for retrieval. I'm unsure if the Kuvexians have a way to intercept or block teleportation."

Indira paused, looked up the specs on the Mindy's teleportation system, and frowned at the lack of information. 'More security barriers? Tsk.'

"The intranet is unclear on their carrying capacity. If you wished to declassify that information for me..." she trailed off, hopefully looking at the captain and XO. After a sufficient pause, she continued, "... though I suppose you could bring an extra suit for our friend."
YSS Kaiyō II

Kikios remembered the mission where they gathered the information, she had been there. Ah yes, that was when she danced around in public in nothing but a bikini, cape, and boots like it was nothing. She was hoping to be on the away team, she had promised Relaa they would get her granddaughter back and felt personally responsible for doing so. "I concur with Belmont-Chui, I'm thinking stealth is the best option here. We need to get Oleera out of there safely, first and foremost. It would also be useful if we could get a look at those armors, if the Kuvexians are creating a new model it could be something big," the yellow-haired woman spoke up. She gave her fluffy white-feathered wings a flap, the hyper cockatoo was getting antsy to rescue her.

The robot girl beeped and looked down at her body. Yes, it was metal and plastic, and produced next to no body heat. Not to mention, she had the strength of a neko and a sturdy android chassis. Surely, she would be at a significant advantage here. There could be no doubt, obviously! She raised her black metal hand and said "Chusa Eden, my body does not give off a significant heat signature, this could potentially be beneficial for a stealth mission." The aimbot, of course, did not realize how obnoxiously loud her feet were when walking and failed to take into account the fact that this would present quite an issue with trying to sneak around. In a way, she was able to quietly get around when the Kaiyo was attacked by turning invisible and floating, but that wasn't really a stealth mission.
YSS Kaiyō II

Itto Hei Yoshinaga Narumi, the new clerk for the ship, was the opposite of Acting Ensign Harris, she took her sweet time with her food. Perhaps it was the mint-colored panel that she was wearing, which meant that she most likely was accustomed to life not in the field. Though the triple sakura blossoms under her rank patch might make some aware of its meaning to scratch their heads. She listened to everyone's suggestion of a plan, though she did not make much of an effort to be noticed to give her input.

If she had any input to give at the moment anyway.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Eden tapped her chin while Hoshi had sat down to hear the ideas.

The XO spoke first, "Regulation prohibits us from loaning out a power armor to a non-SAoY personnel. That means we'll have to either take a ship in and out with her on board on the return journey or put the child in an AMES and carry her out. I think having both as options would be optimal."

Looking to Indira, Hoshi said, "The typical power armor can teleport with a load of double the weight of a manned Mindy armor. The P4003 teleportation pack can hold much more. Sending that info to you, now. It is all common knowledge amongst personnel as carrying excess weight is a primary function. I want yourself and Kikios to work on finding a way to mask our signals. Something flexible that you can fine tune once we get ourselves a ship." She stood and pulled her jacket's white panels stiffly to adjust them as she addressed everyone. "I am keeping all other suggestions in mind, for now."

The captain went on. "It looks like a consensus that we will need a ship by which to slip in with. I concur. We want one that looks as if it belongs in this area. Even with her strange new paneling and disguised signatures, our Kaiyō doesn't look like something that would be running supplies to this this place." Her eyes narrowed, "How do some of you suppose we should get a ship? What it sounds like we are about to do is a bit of high space piracy."
YSS Kaiyō II

A huge grin comes across Mikael's face and a look in his eyes at the mention of high space piracy. Perhaps it was manufactured, perhaps not. But most who have been around him will note that he never grins like this. Most would recall he barely smiles.

"It is only piracy if it is not condoned by a proper authority." Mikael says as if he had done something like this prior. If he had, he wasn't telling. Black panels...

"Depending on how time-sensitive this mission package needs to be, we could hold station outside of their border and monitor their comm traffic and ship movements. We need to determine where the main trade routes and shipping traffic are located in this region.

With luck, we find and hit a smuggler or something else not important avoiding them. And it gives me time to try to figure out their communication protocols." Mikael continues, thinking about a child's pirate movie he once saw with an eccentric captain named after a bird.
YSS Kaiyō II

Wulf listened to the rest of the crew add in. Though he hadn't finished the assault plan, he was listening to the new variables being added to the mission. Sipping his coffee he mentally was already reworking his idea and adding in this new information. As he thought further he wanted to make sure the the crew still kept another goal in mind.

As he waited for a lull in the conversation to give him a chance to add further. Raising his coffee cup “Once we are there we still need enough ordnance to level the facility and maybe even grab data on this new armor”. Taking a quick sip of the coffee to give him a chance to make sure his thoughts were collected. Raising his hand to show two fingers “We make two teams, the infiltration team and a assault team”.

Putting his coffee cup down as he looked to everyone keeping a smile. As he cleared his voice “The Infiltration team takes the captured ship down to the planet and try to quickly assert the VIP's location”. Routing back to his first idea “The assault team will take the Kaiyo's shuttles and jump to the edge of the system”. Knowing who ever did this would hate the next part “The shuttle then turns off all power and the Mindy suits are kept at the bare minimal”. Catching his breath “All the while drifting to the planet and hopefully looking at most like space debris”.

Wulf looked around to make sure everyone was still following along. Seeing that they where he went on “Now this is where it get's further tricky when the shuttle's hit atmosphere that's when they turn on all power systems minus the Mindys”. Folding his arms as he kept going “The shuttles will then deploy the mindy in a free fall while making there way to what would be a normal landing zone for troops”. Keeping his smile “If the shuttles then deploy SOSM Missiles to show a large force of Mindy's had deployed with the shuttles that should keep everyone spooked and give the infiltration team a distraction to secure the vip if they haven't yet”.

Clearing his throat one more time to give the last piece of information for the mission op. He knew all this required a lot of timing and dangerous but he thought it might work “Now our free falling assault team will have to get sensor data from either the captured freighter or the shuttles so that they have a chance to restart there systems”. Looking to Chlorate “So we need some one to process this quickly and the timing correctly which I think you can assist or boss”.
Giving one final look to the assembled crew “ So with the assault team helping the infiltration team we should be able to secure the facility enough to evac”. Hoping the risky plan was sounding good to everyone he went on “If we then call the Kaiyo we can evac via shuttles or the freighter then our wonderful ship can bomb the facility from orbit and deny it to the enemy”. As he let out a final breath and feeling tired from talking so much he hoped this would work, taking both the infiltration idea but also enough of a contingency if things go south. As he grabbed his coffee again he waited to see what they said.
YSS Kaiyō II

As Kiyo sat there listening to the strategies, the ideas that the others had. She found herself disappointed somewhat that she couldn’t come up with something, she preferred to go head-on and attack, but she knew that that wouldn’t work every time. The Chusa reminded them about regulations that did not allow them to let others use the Mindy. There was the added issue that they might not fit since the Mindy was tailored to the individual and not everyone would have the same body type.

Mikael’s words caught her attention, had he don’t Piracy before? He seemed like he knew what to do, but he did some good ideas, as had Wulf. She smiled at the man with encouragement and of course the love she had for him. As she listened, Valkyr poked her head out from under the table and looked up at her mother and father. “You have some awesome ideas, all of you,” she said to them all as she gently pats Valkyr “Wulf’s idea does feel like it might be a viable plan for us to do, The thoughts on the ship is true, How though, would we procure a ship that would work, even if it’s a shuttle?” she asked everyone in the room.
YSS Kaiyo II

The newest of the ship's SAINT personnel briefly scratched at the coppery stubble that lightly dusted his cheeks and chin, Wyatt's spruce mustache looking a little overgrown due to him having spent the majority of last night pouring over schematics and bits of intel the SAOY had managed to acquire thus far on previous and current generation Kuvexian armours - familiarizing himself with everything he could while still putting aside time to get enough sleep, he just hadn't had time to trim himself up in the meantime.

Of course, those half-elven ears had been listening to everything, everyone offering their plans and Wyatt nodded when his superior black-panel suggested their little infiltration element of the grand plan, the Minkan cleared his throat briefly and moved to speak, "As far as gathering intelligence on the new armour is concerned I feel we should have a backup plan in place for if the systems being used to produce them are too well encrypted to deal with within our time frame, I suggest trying to remove the main computer or primary storage drive from one of the suits to bring it back for analysis on an airgapped system - it will take some time to make it compatible but at least we can use it to get an idea of what the suits are capable of and what systems they contain, we'd be able to cross reference it with any data pulled from the facility to narrow this information down further if we do manage to break their encryption," he finished bluntly, the half-elven Minkan showing off the more technologically inclined part of his training that he rarely got to make use of before running a hand back through his hair to tidy it up slightly, waiting to see if anybody had input on his suggestion.

"It will be easier to stow something like that in a hurry if we need to make our own way back, Harris-Shoi, I am simply accounting for that potentiality," Wyatt sent across as a little mental poke to his superior Operative, giving no visible indicator his attention was on anything other than the room as a whole as those burnt amber eyes slowly looked between the crew, warming slightly as they passed over Saya.
YSS Kaiyō II

Margot liked to think of himself as a decidedly law-abiding citizen, and beyond that, a decent person. He decided to become a medic in order to help save people, spoke only the truth, admitted when he was wrong, and didn’t let his own bias and opinions affect how he treated others. But despite his tendency towards being a do-gooder, the only plans he could think of were morally ambiguous at best, and undeniably evil at worst. Anything involving false pretenses made him feel guilty, but they were in the middle of a war against an enemy that could be considered tyrannical, who were potentially stockpiling prototype weapons.

“While I’m not technologically savvy enough to analyze your plan, Alder-heisho,” he quipped, “I still support the retrieval of Kuvexian technology as a mission secondary to the rescue of Oleera Boyar.” If indeed the Kuvexians were starting to construct and stockpile power armor technology that could be used against Yamatai, it would be paramount that they nip any potential projects in the bud. Whether or not any other ships would both be in the region and have the opportunity to infiltrate the facility, they couldn’t know. It was best to take advantage of the chance that they had. “As for your question, Kiyomori-hei,” he continued, “I’m not proud of my plan, seeing as it involves requesting for assistance under false pretenses, but if we do as Harris-kohosei suggested and gather information on which channels they utilize for communication, we could potentially send a signal to someone and bring them to us, whether Kuvexian military personal or otherwise, claiming to either be a ship in distress, or be wielding some relic valuable to smugglers.” Swallowing nervously, he paused, slightly embarrassed by the conclusion to his shuttle-stealing plot. “When they arrive, we can commandeer their vessel, although the plan relies on someone with the right type of ship or transport arriving before any others. In addition, we should only target one channel at a time, so as not to summon multiple hostiles.” He wasn’t sure whether to address Soban-hei’s plan to annihilate the facility from the air, but in the end, he decided to. “We also shouldn’t try to eliminate the compound entirely, unless it was in a controlled manner that avoided residential areas. There seems to be the potential for civilians to be present on-site, and I don’t believe any of us wants our crew to be the cause of the deaths of innocents and children.”

As just a low-ranking medic, he expected that his plan wouldn’t be as sophisticated as the others’, but he still looked forwards to the praise, criticisms, and corrections they would offer. Surrounded by such competent people, he was sure that they would eventually come up with a plan to accomplish their mission.
YSS Kaiyō II

"The moment our assault on this facility begins is the moment that camouflaging measures cease to matter," Ketsurui Aiko said from the pace where she sat with her samurai yojimbo, Rei, at a darkened booth across from where the captain and XO were giving their briefing. Neither Aiko nor her guardian had eaten, both preferring to take their meals away from the gaze of onlookers, and had sat silently waiting and listening until now.

"The Kaiyō should strike overtly in the vicinity of this Kuvexian installation while a team inserts to extract Ms. Boyar via one of our shuttles," Aiko said on the basis of her analysis concerning the forthcoming situation. "If the Interstellar Kingdom is a competent military force, they know our ship is operating in this sector so our attack would not appear as anything but another Star Army raid upon one of their facilities. First responders will come from the compound where Ms. Boyar is being held, so the measures guarding her will be weakened and thus permit the extraction team an easier mission. Doubly, if our mission is successful and our team appropriately clandestine, the Kuvexians will assume that their hostage was simply lost in the chaos of the moment. If possible, they should exfiltrate the compound with a craft procured on-site."
YSS Kaiyō II

Mikael did not flinch when he received the text message from Wyatt. He didn't know why he said Shoi, he didn't seem the type for empty flattery. But that would have to be dealt with in a bit as he listened to Margot's rather detailed explanation for a Santo Hei. He then looked sideways towards the princess with as much professionalism as he could muster. It didn't help that she was not directly in his view. There was merit, but he mostly dismissed it as it would complicate things on the hope the Kuvexians are full of themselves and won't investigate/pursue.

If he had to default to every Ketsurui that wasn't Yui or Hanako, he was going to have a very short career as an officer. So to distract his mind, he opts to send a reply back to Wyatt. "It's a good idea because there are way too many unknowns for a proper information gathering package. This will likely become a smash and dash. What is your assessment on the suggestions thus far?" he says on the dedicated and encrypted communication channel for SAINT.

"Oh, kohosei is sufficient Alder-Heisho. Call me that when I actually earn the rank."
YSS Kaiyō II

After hearing most suggestions, Dalida suddenly felt a pat on her head and blinked as she looked in horror towards the man that just touched her head. She tried to hide her emotions but felt the tears slowly coming out as she hides in her tail. She heard the man thanking her for the suggestions that she earlier did and shrugs a bit. The Yamatai people don't know that it is sensitive to touch a Daur head, ears or tail. It happened already a few times in her military training and she now tries not to make an easy out of it, she might be marked as a cry baby if she did. Thus she just hides in her tail and listens towards the conversation that was going on, the plans sounded good, it had some worry technical difficulty, but not impossible.

She hears about SOSM, space, and orbital sensor misdirection missiles. The general idea sounds good, it does have a flaw in this general setting "The SOSM creates decoys, mini-missiles that emit a sensor signature on par with a Mindy armor. Yet they are not effective at short range as the enemy missiles will visual confirmation of false pods" She hides back in her tail holding it closed as she felt tears rolling over her cheek.