Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 19: Ochiba

Living Quarters

Mikael wasn't concerned in the slightest with the sound of his forearm weapon going off. Speed and shock was their defensive tool now that they were spotted by someone, belligerent or some random civvie. Civilians have a tendency to scream and the Mindy isn't as fast as people think it is.

Perhaps that is the problem with having an infantry raider as an intelligence operative. Plus any decent guard should have been alerted by the shuttle engines anyways. Some deep part of Mikael's mind laughs at himself.

Taking point now, he bursts through and immediately turns to the right to move quickly along the side of the wall in a much-practiced fashion to help clear the room. He had to rely on the others had remembered the basics of room clearing they would have learned in basic training.

"Clear!" Mikael said over the squad's comms as he made his way to the next door and do it all over again once everyone was fairly stacked again. Though the corner room ended up with a different result as he sees the huddled mass that was trying to hide.

"Fujiwara-Hei, you are up!" Mikael said to the medic, pointing to the bed. He couldn't tell if it was the child with the shape of the infrared alone, but she would be better at getting the kid to hustle butt if it is. Mikael moved over towards Wulf and tapped his shoulder to let him know his position is the point again.
Kuvexian Planet
Living Quarters

Wulf was distracted from Kiyo's comment as he looked down at the downed civilian. Glad to see from what he could tell she was just unconscious. Letting go of a breath he didn't knew he held. Refocusing as he heard Aiko's command he followed with the squad. Taking up the rear guard post he covered the unit's rear. Taking it slowly he followed the squad as they cleared ahead.

Keeping focused on the mission was his goal and making sure there rear was secured. As he followed along he stopped at points while he waited on the rest of the unit clear. Pausing at the last door he waited patiently till he got the tap on his shoulder. Nodding to Mikael he followed his direction.
Kuvexian Planet
Living Quarters

Saya had to bite her tongue again to stop herself from spouting off with the comment she wanted to say, and instead simply nodded and moved forward. She had let the rest of the team clear the room before she moved in and as Mikael called her to action, she went to work. Where as the last time there had been hostages Saya had been a blur of activity, she was far more gentle this time. Again the illusion of her helmet peeling away came up to allow her kind face to show through as she moved toward the hostage.

"Oleera? Oleera Boyer? We are here to take you back to your family, but you need to come with us ok? We just want to help you." Already Saya's hands went to the pack at her back and began to rummage about for the AMES suit she had brought with her. It would be important in the extraction as the suit could block the radiation of her teleportation system, as well as keep the girl safe where there was no atmosphere.

"Oleera, I'm Fujiwara Saya, I just want to help, but our friends are fighting so we can get you away safely ok? So we do need to hurry a little. I promise we are here to help you, we just want to take you home ok?"
Research Facility

Alastair scanned the room for life, looking for where the scientist had ran off too. He looked to the solo armor that sat in the room. He had played enough video games in his life to know when he had enter a boss chamber. He pointed his arm out towards the armor. Reaching over he unwrapped the chain he always brought into battle. This was something he picked up from Miko who always brought a chain into combat with this loadout. Most of the time Alastair would pay no attention to what Miko ddid but in this case it made perfect sense. He played enough Aether & Neko's growing up to know having a chain was one of the most useful items.

He called one of his drones over and looped the chain around it. The other stood on standby. This armor was getting dragged out of here one way or another.
Research Facility

"Hildr, Dalida,"

The situation was getting fairly under control as Dalida tried her best to keep Kikios safe from her cover location. Yet she nods to Eden command and the markers on her hud was helping to get a clear shot at those that tried or even think they had a shot of getting closer to Kikios. Yet the little Daur had a feeling that the situation would only progress to get worse for them as the enemy will most likely get closer to their position...right?

"Prepare to move into that room and secure it, as well. Indira, we need you in with the enemy armors for firepower and intel gathering. We're trying to keep these armors viable but it's not easy. Kikios and Wyatt, I want you to stay here with me and find more info on the armors."

Dalida was awfull quiet, was it the focus? Was it the shock of being thrown into battle? No no she was just trying her best not to fail her fellow teammates that needed her the most right now. She took another drone down and took a breather as she saw Hildr breaking her cover and knew this was going to ask an action from her part also. No time to rest for the wicked.

"Get AWAY from her!" Hildr cried out as she ignited and swung the aether sword in a wild arc at the armor.

Looking a bit up as she let out a sigh and she pushed herself up to give cover fire for Hildr that went swinging her sword at the enemy armor "Get some cover, the best thing you can do is hit and run..." Dalida dared to suggest, but in a way, she was right as these Kuvexians combat patron was slightly off as if they were not trained for this.

"Kikios, hold this room with them from would-be-intruders,"

Hearing the order she nods and getting into a new position to cover the incoming door where the Kuvexians were trying to get in. Looking at her side to the others then back at the door, Dalida noticed a lock mechanism and shrugs knowing that her actual job was technician work and if it would delay the enemy and help Kikios then its worth it, right? She pushed herself to the door that was cracking and Dalida stops with a slide at the door panel starting to open it up and reconfigure it "I will try to delay them...locking the door. Give me a few..." She said with a shrug trying to figure the Kuvexian engineering.
Kuvexian Planet

Research Facility
It seemed Kiki's objective had changed. Dalida was handling the lock, so the white-winged bird wouldn't have to worry about that. ...But, it might certainly be nice if she could jam the door's mechanisms for movement to ensure they couldn't open the metal door in the traditional way, even if they did manage to regain control of the locking mechanisms. She didn't have a welding tool on her that would be powerful enough, though, so she was going to have to improvise. She set her beam saber to sword mode and hovered up to the door's mechanisms. This certainly was a gamble, it might not even work. She didn't want to disintegrate the door's attachment points, she just wanted to fuse them together, so she kept her saber a small distance away from it in hopes of heating them up enough to melt and become immobilized. It wouldn't stop them from physically making a hole in the door itself, but it could hopefully delay them since they wouldn't be able to force the door to open normally.

YSS Kaiyō II

Chlorate robotically blushed and looked down at her metal feet, twisting them so the toes (that she didn't have) pointed towards each other. Her hair changed color and seemed to smoothly alternate between pink and orange. It was certainly an interesting proposition. And surely, Hoshi would think she was so cool if she saw the robot riding into battle possessing a tank... "W-well... affirmative..." Chlorate beeped. Oddly enough, it even it looked kind of like she was daydreaming. The gynoid wanted to say yes to that idea right now, but she knew she would probably need time to process it.
Research Facility

As the enemy armor fell from her and Eden's combined attacks, Hildr felt the fury that welled up in her from her crewmate's danger starting to dissipate, the red mist clearing from her vision. She nodded at the order to back up Alastair.

"Hai," Hildr said curtly, and moved to join Alastair, sword and SMG held at the ready as she entered the room with the lone armor, skirting slightly away from him along the wall. Snarling beneath her helmet, she swept her aim across the half-finished armors littering the room, wary and ready to deliver aetheric fury upon anything that moved beyond herself and Alastair.
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi nodded, "I think that will be nice for you. We'll schedule that training and send the request in to command as soon as possible. For now, prep yourself for mentally for looking really cool while riding into battle in a tank, Chloey-chan." Hoshi turned her head to look at a readout, then spoke more seriously. "Thesilis-juni, you have the bridge. I am going to go welcome back our scientist and her captured armor in the power armor bay." She nodded as she stood and bowed at the threshold of the bridge's doors, facing towards the bridge crew.

Power Armor Bay

Hoshi had been as fast as she can, but there was still some time between her arrival and Indira's. When she came in through the power armor bay, she spoke tersely.

"Perhaps I will have to award promotions after this mission after all. Good work out there, I have never had an Iromakuanhe on my crew but I hope your tenacity and smarts speaks for the whole of them, no? Regardless, let us move this armor through the power armor bay to the cargo bay aft of us." Hoshi looked it up and down, sizing it up. "My own personal size is built more for melee combat. I wish I had Eden's newfound height when it comes to carrying such cumbersome and bulky items... Can you pilot this still to move it to the armor bay? Without any strain on yourself nor the armor itself, of course. We need you both in your respective, but whole, pieces."

Kuvexian Planet
Research Facility

When Alastair got his chain ready, the armor in the center pivoted to face his drone, then him. Eden and Hildr had spread out and the armor held its forearms out to both Eden and Alastair while eying Hildr. Otherwise the armor was not making the first move, yet.

Living Quarters

When Saya's said the name "Oleera", the huddled mass shifted, likely readying themselves to move free from the bed. Anyone with their ultra wide band sensors scanning the rest of the living quarters would see that a trio of armors had rocketed down from the sky to the middle courtyard the team had passed through. They split off, two made their way to the door that had previously been stomped down and the other went to the door west of this room from the courtyard. It was likely that the armor going to the door West of them would be able to arrive faster than the others due to layout of the building.

Meanwhile, the mass of body was wrangling something under the bed, it was hard to tell on infrared sensors, but Muyomi spoke up.

"She's caught on something," the infantry Neko said softly. "Under the bed, she's stuck."
Living Quarters

Mikael moved to go help with the bed but noticed the armor entering the building. "I am going to intercept that solo armor." Mikael said as he raised up his sub-machine gun to the high ready and went off to intercept it. If Aiko wanted him to do something else, he would change his plan.

If their sensors were just as adept as theirs, they likely knew he was coming for them.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Oh that does sound lovely, Chlo-chan!" Nerai'tha mused, hearing Hoshi's proposition. She had to suppress a giddy squeal seeing Chlorade blushing so akwardly. This little clanker was just too adorable. "Hai! Taking the bridge Chusa." She replied while raising up from her S&S seat, slithering over to Hoshi's captain seat once she'd gotten up. It was still comfortably warm from the neko's high body heat. Yay. If only the metallic floors were as welcoming most of the time.


Living Quarters - Living Quarters (ft. Living quarters and Living quarters), brought to you by Living Quarters

Abart continued to be on pointthroughout their little breach operation, and one of the first few to enter the room with the little one in it. Upon mention of the little one being stuck, the snake tilted his head slightly. "I see." The the big, girthy snaketail slid forwards, leaning under the edge of the bed to hoist one side up, off the floor. "There we go."

Indeed, the entry of the three new armors did not go unnoticed by the separa, seeing the three split up between the two entrances. "Affirmative. We better hurry before the other two get here as well. The less risk for the kid, the better."
Power Armor Bay

Indira listened to the captain as she tried to collect her thoughts. Her head was a jumble after the teleport; the chemical mix that she'd fed to herself was starting to normalize. The tendrils of strong emotion that had begun to creep into her psyche were... well, they needed to be a problem for later. The Iroma ordered her various symbionts to produce the right mix of chemicals to keep her problems at bay.

They still weren't quite enough to handle a compliment of that magnitude. She looked startled. It took her a moment to respond. "Thank you, Captain. I.. I will do my best to meet your expectations."

The scientist looked at the armor. There was no way for her to pilot it manually, and yet...

"I..think I can get it to where you want it."

She gave the captain a forced but confident smile and waited for her to move on before she began her business. The bit of hardware she'd left attached in the armor could, in theory, be used to issue it commands remotely. It took her some time to work out the details as she stood there, staring into the distance. Her mind was elsewhere; she worked as best as she could with the advanced resources that Yamatai had to offer. The result was slipshod, but it was as good as she could do. For all her efforts at grasping Yamatai's technology, she still had much to learn.

Experimentally, she lifted one hand. The commands to her Mindy were copied, translated, and sent to the device that she'd ... acquired. The Kuvexian suit responded sluggishly. Indira dismissed the dozens of error messages that were coming back across the feed. It only needed to move.

All told, it took quite a while for her to get the armor to where it needed to be. The last set of error messages, increasingly dire as she approached the armor bay, were of the user's impending demise. The prajna gel could only do so much for so long.

Indira sat and leaned against a nearby wall. "Well, at least I didn't fall asleep this time."
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Living Quarters

As the bed was lifted and the obstacle moved out of the way, Saya held her arms out for the girl to come to her. Already the suit was out of her pack, a silent thank you to Abart.

"Oleera, we need to hurry. They are coming to stop us and if we don't move, it's going to be tough ok? I need you to get into this suit and I can get us out of here." Already as she spoke, she had her suit begin to put in coordinates for a jump, ready to move as soon as Oleera was secured and safe. She had a message sent to Gravity with the coordinates, out and away from the compound, and sent the coordinates to the rest of the team with her. It was at about half the maximum range for her teleport mod, to make sure she gained some distance but not so much that it was far out of Gravity's range and give the enemy a chance to pursue.
Living Quarters

"Kaiyō," Aiko prompted to the ship's bridge staff, speaking wordlessly to them on a comms channel separate from the armor team's local connection. "Our likely target is being secured presently. Hostiles are closing in on our position." The Chui took a moment to send coordinates up to the Kaiyō II. They were vectored in directly upon the small antechamber between where she and the extraction team now stood and the kitchen before it.

"I need a fire mission on this precise location momentarily. Turbo Aether, tight spread, three bursts rapidly on my mark," she described, anticipating when the slower enemy contacts would move in through their previous entrance.

"Rearguard, stand clear the threshold and hold fast to protect Ms. Boyar!" Aiko ordered in her gruff way across the armor team's channel. "The rest of you move to repel that contact closing from the West!" The Ketsurui girl took up a position herself directly between Oleera and the coming destruction, only waiting a split second before shooting a message up to the Kaiyō II again.

OOC - Vulnerable Surface "The Skies will open, the thunder of angry gods will be heard. In a flash and a moment the heavens will rain down fiery death below. That's how the infantry will know the Navy has arrived" Wulf's Infantry instructor describing orbital support.


Kuvexian Planet
Living Quarters

Wulf heard the orders and reacted as instructed. "Holding Fast" he replied quickly to the officer. Kneeling down into a crouch with his shield planted firmly into the floor of the building. Having put him self between the the rest of the team and the door frame he was hoping to protect and shield them from any fire. Leveling his weapon at the door he left it in sub-machine mode to hopefully spray the entrance when the hostiles attempted to cross the door way.
Living Quarters

Kiyo stood there as their target was getting secured, but it seemed that there was a complication her fellow infantry Muyomi mentioned she was caught on something and it occurred to her that their target might be chained to the bed she was laying on. “Check under, she might be chained to the bed, you’ll need to use your ABSR to cut her loose from there. “ She said, hoping it helped before she heard Aiko’s orders “Hai!” she said in acknowledgment and Mikael decided to go face the solo power armor.
She hoped he’d make it back.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Affirmative!" Chlorate said to Hoshi, with her hair stabilizing at an orange color. But the moment wasn't going to last long. She electronically beeped when she heard Aiko's order. The animatronic girl turned her head back to the console and her hair turned white as she traversed the guns like a computer.

Kuvexian Planet
Living Quarters

The instant Aiko said Mark, Aether came flying fast towards exactly where she indicated, exactly how she described it. It came in three tight bursts. There was no error, aside from the narrow spread Chlorate had generated, which was not an error anyway. There wasn't even any delay between the order and the gunfire from the turrets, the only gap between her order and the hits came from the actual travel time of the Aether shots.
Research Facility

Alastair knew now was the time to strike. His drone circled around the armor as he moved in close. His Aether Beam Saber-Rifle arc against the floor as he stepped forward. His shield deployed from his vambrace. The 3 foot shield circling out as he placed it in front of himself. Like a hero out of an action movie this was about to get real.

"You wouldn't want to surrender would you?" He called out to the armor. Before an answer could be given the drone attached to the chain circled around the armor. The free drone looped under his shield and looped the other end of the chain. This cross action was designed to wrap up the legs of the armor. As the drone passed Alastair was in a full sprint towards the armor. Looking to shield bash it to the floor or against a wall.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Hoshi followed the armor once it was moving, happy to be mobile once more herself after waiting for Indira's vacant stare to amount to something. Though it didn't move very fast, truth be told. She was relieved to see it placed, but not as much so as the Iromakuanhe with her body slumped now that the work was over.

"That's good work, Indira-hei." Hoshi looked over the scientist's Mindy readouts coming back to her from the armor. "You could probably use a rest, now. I'll have Boss alert you if we need your assistance further... But for now, please hit the hay. You could use the rest more than anyone with the work you've put in. Thank you."

The Neko watched the armor momentarily, then looked back to Indira. "Do make sure the armor is powered off, though, and drop that remote controller off in the armory on your way out, to be safe."

Kuvexian Planet
Dying Quarters

When Abart lifted the bed, a small form was momentarily lifted with it until a sharp tearing noise could be heard and the dangling form fell to the ground. Phased less by the fall than the crowd of armors and Saya's faces around her, the child looked wondrously about. Oleera looked like her portrait shown at the briefing and in the team's notes. Her extra two eyes set into her grey round face were nervous and wide and after a moment of indecision, her face crumpled in on itself. Her four eyes closed and double the tears fell while her mouth opened wide to begin a gurgled sobbing.

Coming down onto the planet, the tactical strike acted as a blessing to the team rescuing Oleera and a curse to the two armors that were wholly eradicated by now. The ceiling of the building had burst apart and disintegrated under the aetheric energy's triad of pulses. The plaster's dust plumed in the room and in the near-quiet of the aftermath of the decimation of the room between the crew and the kitchen they had come from, a banging and clattering of pots and pans could be heard. A few moments later, the Kuvexian civilian had roused enough to stumble forward, pulling herself towards the supposed safety of the courtyard beyond the door Aiko had kicked down earlier.

Those inside the room with the young child had felt some plaster fall or fling itself onto themselves if nearer the doorway, but everyone was unharmed. When the dust had not yet settled, it could also be heard that Oleera was no longer sobbing. The tears left trails on her skin that were darker than the dust-touched rest of it but they flowed no more and her hands were full of the AMES Saya had offered her, trying to figure the getting in and going ons of it. It was clear the suit was more than triple her size in height and that she wouldn't be able to put it on effortlessly or in a timely manner.

"Let me help... There," Muyomi said, pointing delicately to the opening in which she should put herself through. "My friend can help you more if you let her raise you up and I'll put the suit on under you?"

After a short moment of reflection, the young Graal looked from Muyomi after handing her the suit to Saya. She then raised her arms so that Saya could grip her better to pick her up. Her top row and bottom row of eyes looked two different directions, around at her circumstances, vacantly.

The lone armor Mikael was facing knew the threat of the building they were in after seeing their companion's drop off on their HUD. With the machine guns blasting from Mikael onto them, the armor walked forcefully to the SAINT operative turned officer cadet. Their steps were intentional and sound, pushing past furniture that splintered and broke apart. The objects on a table five feet from the armor shattered, but not because of weapon's fire. A bubble of faint orange, interlocking hexagons appeared around the two of them.

Research Facility

A moment after Alastair asked about surrender, the armor moved to raise both arms, which meant that when the chain had wound its way around them, their forearms weapons were pointed upwards, then simply above their head as they fell to the ground. A millisecond later, the armor's propulsion made it rocket forward, then it snapped back, thrusting towards Eden, who jumped out of its way, waiting for it to find the end of its rope. On the third reckless thrust, it did, but the armor pivoted inside of its chained shackles and pointed its forearms to Hildr, spraying its plasma blasts her way before thrusting forward and back to aim at Alastair, himself- the armor's could-be jailer.

On the other side of the door being protected by Dalida, Wyatt, and Kikios, a sound of banging erupted after the handle was restlessly turned. Someone was trying to kick in the door, but stopped trying very soon after. Sounds of yelling and brainstorming could be heard by the team there.
Kuvexian Planet
Dying Quarters

Mikael was determined to stall the lone Kuvexian, deciding to take the approach of maximum firepower with his shoulder-mounted and handheld submachine guns firing scalar energy at the foe. "Dang this one can take a beating." Mikael largely said to himself, possibly picked up by the helmet's mic. But the Kuvexian just kept coming closer and closer. At this particular moment, as the Kuvexian kept getting closer, Mikael realized he really needed a proper aether melee weapon other than the bayonet he was now attaching to his sub-machine gun.

What Mikael was not expecting was the faint bubble shield being developed around the two. "What the...!?" Mikael said as he initiated his teleportation module to jump outside of the radius of what he could only assume was a shield of some sort. Though if the child was within the radius of the radiation, he wouldn't complete the jump and instead lunge at the armor with his aether bayonet.

He relayed the best he could any data his sensors and imagery his suit was getting to the Kaiyo II.
Kuvexian Planet
Living Quarters

The sudden rattle and shake of the building made Saya flinch and cover the girl as best she could with her sturdy suit of armor. As the shaking stopped and she saw Mayumi come to help her and Oleera, the medic smiled and lifted the Kuvexian girl up to help her into the suit before she quickly secured it. Making sure it was sealed once, twice, and a third time out of simple worry for the scared child, Saya then wrapped her arms around Oleera in a hug and called to Gravity.

"Gravity, this is Saya. I have the VIP, I will be at the rendezvous point in fifteen seconds." She had broadcast it to the rest of the team that was with her at the same time, ready to move at a moments notice as she let her teleportation unit begin to charge. It needed time to get the distance, but she had set the system to teleport her and the Kuvexian girl roughly seventy-five Kilometers outside of the base to give them a chance to make some distance as needed. She wanted to make sure Gravity could get to them, but still keep distance so as to not allow the enemy to give chase so easily. With a few seconds left, Saya sent a message to the Kaiyo itself.

"Chusa, I have the VIP, and I am teleporting out to a rendezvous point for Gravity to pick us up." Her marker indicated as such as soon as she was done with the message, and in the blink of an eye for those around her, Saya was gone with a sudden shock wave to announce her departure. She made sure as she reappeared to keep a solid grip on the girl with her. Not enough to hurt her, but to make sure she didn't fall from the height they were at, which was above any trees in the area to make sure Gravity could see them.