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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II Mission 2.0 - Pearl and Engine

"Copy that," Roy responded, switching channels to the 4th squad's comms. "Good news, you'll be deployed soon. Make your final checks and get ready to move." There was a resounding affirmative from the squad before he'd contact the armorer.

"Obara, whip us up some of those Mindys, will you? We need enough for an extra squad. Officers, so add a mint or two on the pillows," he'd say with a chuckle, which was met with an exasperated sigh.

"If you're going, then I'm just short one mint. Armors will be ready by the time the officers come to suit up. Who is coming along?" There was already sounds of shuffling as the minkan got to work on the request.

Roy turned to Tachiko with a thumbs up. "Armors are getting prepped, captain. Armorer's asking who'll be needing them."
("Watch it!") The squad narrowly dodged yet another stream of plasma fire-that purple crap the Mishu used was a nightmare for infantry and even tanks-as they wrestled a trio of soul savior pods towards the Mazu. Morris was once again reminded as he looked below him of just how much he despised open-void combat. At least aboard a ship or on a planet you had solid ground and could at least predict where the enemy was going to come from to a degree; too many threat vectors and an increased likelihood of something coming up from below like some creature of myth to snap you up.

Bad analogy now that he thought about it, given the circumstances.

("We've got 3 more squads inbound with more of these things, including one with an escape pod-!") One of the yeomen said over the comms as he hefted the bulky rifle he carried; doing his level best to keep an eye on their surroundings, ("Roger, keep an eye out for hostiles.") He toggled the comlink; "Mazu, this is Yeoman Sergeant Morris-we're inbound with soul savior pods and a live one, mind your fire, over!"


Alexei was currently dialing in one of the gunsights on the cannon, wondering if he should try and call for some of their own void-borne backup. It would technically be an overreach of his authority as Morris was in charge of the operation, but given the circumstances it may be justified. For now though he was content to adopt a sit-and-wait approach while ensuring their equipment remained functional.