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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 2.0] Rescue with a side order of Calamari


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Atsui stepped off the shuttle that had transferred her from the Heitan to the Chiharu Star Fortress. She was making her way to the temple for a ceremony. Later today would be the first time the 21st Squadron was going to actually get to fly another mission. For the past two weeks the closest thing the squadron had logged to flying was simulator time. As she made her way to the briefing room, she was reviewing the results of the investigations.

The first incident investigation was for the shooting down of Munkata's and Silic's fighter, and the injuries Vas had sustained. The board had ruled that the collision with the battlepod was unavoidable, and no fault was found on the pilots part. Munkata was returned to flight status. Silic-Hei had recovered from his injuries and was also released to flight status.

The second incident investigation was looking into the injuries that her EWO Cutter had sustained. The team had found that Yoshi's seat area in the cockpit had been hit by several pieces of flak from the initial barrage. His failed air hose was a result of that damage as a piece of shrapnel had cut the hose, and the stress and forces of the dog fight had caused the tear to continue to spread until he was not receiving sufficient O2. Cutter had been released from the medical section within two days the incident.

The next was the after event investigation the Taisho had initiated to try and determine how the NMX had located Daichi. The investigation concluded that the NMX force had followed a group of supply ships to the location, and that until that moment they did not have any idea as to what was going on in SX-04. The board recommended that as a result of this that the 2XF step up their work to deploy a

The only bright spot was the day before, when she received word that the unit had was to receive a commendation for their overall performance in the defense of Ryou. Which was why she was currently strolling down the corridor to the temple. The Taisho had decided that this location was appropriate for holding such ceremonies, and Atsui was not going to dispute her decision.

Once she entered the temple she paused briefly to take it all in. If she had not just come from a ship corridor she would have thought she was standing on a planet surface. She looked around and spotted Onikisu Hide-Shosa the Taisho's aide. She walked over and bowed to Hide, "Numa-Chui reporting as ordered ma'am." she said.

"Good day Numa-Chui, when the rest of your unit arrives please have them wait here with you. When the Taisho calls the room to order, and asks for the units being recognized to present, you will lead them to the designated spot in front of the podium. The ceremony will be short, and then you can brief your people. Although your mission has been changed." Hide replied as she held out an envelope, "With the Taisho's compliments."
Wearing formal uniform, Kobayashi Tai was walking up the slope to the actual temple slowly, taking in the scenery. She had never seen the actual temple back on Yamatai, and was enjoying the view before doing double time to get there. Slowly coming up, she bowed to her superiors. "Kobayashi Tai, reporting." she told them, straightening after a bit.
Yaeko stretched as she got out of bed and yawned. After a quick shower she got dressed and glanced down at her comm. Noticing that orders had been issued she caught the next shuttle to the star fortress. She started her way through the fortress, trying to find the temple. I wonder if the canned Shin for his blatant insubordination, she thought as she slowly navigated her way. Once at the temple she paused to make sure her uniform was in order and then stepped in. She approached the Chui to informed her that she had arrived, noticing the Taisho's aide as she walked across the room. I wonder if this means that the Taisho is showing up. This is exciting! She bowed the the aide and then the Chui, responding respectively, "Shosa, it is an honor. Reporting as order Numa-Chui."
Nobutora's pace was swift as he strode into the temple, his eyes watching the deck before him and his face cast in its usual slight frown. His mind was still working overtime, mulling over the daily intelligence packet he had perused during the shuttle trip. He never liked hearing about the NMX and liked even less the most recent appraisals of the 2XF's posture. Glancing up briefly, he realized he would have to stow such thoughts for the moment. Tweaking the hem of his tunic, he ground to a halt in front of the two officers, bowing formally. “Ma'am. Ma'am,” he said, acknowledging each with a slight dip in his bow before straightening up entirely.
Hayachi Hachirou - Shoi soon arrived, with Lynn Yagami on his heels. They were wearing the normal duty uniform, and they each carried an NSP.

When Hachirou arrived, he bowed to both Atsui and the Shosa, then took his place in front of where the line should have been.

"I see a few pilots that need to line up for the briefing." He growled just loud enough for the 21st Squadron to hear. The Aide likely heard as well, but it was hopefully low enough to give the benefit of a doubt.

Hachirou said:
Ma'am, what is this about? Is there something I'm not aware of?
He sent silently to Atsui.
Atsui turned towards Hachirou. "Good to see you this morning." she said with a smile.

The Taisho is going to be making presentations. Both the Fighting Diamonds and the Blood Rubies are being given Unit Citations for our actions during the raid. A measure of boosting morale I believe, and acknowledging the units that did well. After the ceremony I will be briefing the rest of the squadron, but you can go ahead and read the orders. she sent telepathically while handing him the document.
Yaeko squeaked as she realized the Shoi was correct and they should be in line at attention. She quick slipped into a spot behind Hachirou and stood at attention. She motioned to Nobutora to do the same, figuring that it would look bad if they got in trouble before the mission even started.
Tsukino Ren stood near the others, looking alert. Her pacifier was hidden in a small bag that dangled from her pacifier's chain around her neck. She was suckling on a fairly large and polished rock, holding it in her mouth and rolling her tongue around it. She tried not to give any hint that she was sucking on, or chewing on anything, so as to not upset the CO again.

She was quite nervous and uncertain. Her first mission, and the disaster that had occurred with her pilot, had done little to give her confidence.
Tai didn't make a sound as she moved back into position, getting to attention. She had an apologetic look on her face as she waited, wishing the meeting out start already.
Atsui noticed the Taisho at the entrance to the temple area. "Diamonds fall in to attention by rank." she called out. we do not need to make a bad impression on Mikasa. she thought.

Yoshi, Kayo and Silic arrived just moments before and quickly took there places in the line up.

Sorano entered the temple chamber and strode towards the platform with the podium. Kiyoshi seeing the Taisho enter called out "Group attention." while coming to attention herself.
Behind Ren, a hand lightly bumped her shoulder “Buck up, Short-stuff.” said Silic quietly, “It's not all bad.” before quickly shuffling into line with the others. The man was looking a lot better than he had on the hospital bed, although he'd yet to find a replacement for his old glasses, so occasionally he'd self consciously brush his eyes, the scarring and implants not a pretty sight.
Atsui watched as the Taisho strode through the room. The platform that has been put in place had a podium for the Taisho to speak, and two flags. The first was the Yamatai flag, and the other was the 2XF.

Once the Taisho reached the podium, Sorano turned to the assembly. "At ease, please be seated. Good Morning. We are gathered here to recognize two of our squadrons that performed admirably during the recent attack on Daichi. These two squadrons heavily outnumbered threw themselves into the thick of the enemy to protect both our civilian and military assets." Sorano said

Hide made her way down to a point just beneath the podium. "21st and 26th Squadrons, fall in to be recognized." she called out in a clear voice.

Atsui turned her head over her shoulder, "21st Squadron, forward march." She then moved forward executed a left face and began marching towards Hide.

Kenta the commander of the 26th mirrored her actions and the two squadrons moved together along the path towards the platform.

When they were two paces from Hide's position, they both executed another turn which had the two units moving away from each other. They ascended stairs at each end of the platform and moved to their marks.

Once Atsui reached her mark she stopped moving forward and softly gave the command of "Mark-time march." she marched in place for three seconds and called out "Right-face march," and executed a quick turn to the right and called out "Squadron halt."
Hachirou came to rest exactly where he was supposed to be with practiced, mechanized ease. Echoes from his earliest days in boot camp allowed him to do it without even thinking, and he hoped it was the same for the rest of the squadron. He hoped that Binky knew where to fall in place, hoped that Lynn had snapped directly into her training, and that everyone remembered their training in Basic and knew what to do.

Because, honestly, if any of them messed up he would be forced to kill them. It would be painful, bloody, and he would make sure that when they resurrected they were shipped off to the closest Training Center on Daichi.

...and if only he were just half-joking to himself.
Yaeko followed the people in line around her, struggling to get the marching commands precise. When they finally came to a halt she let out a sigh of relief. I hate being in front of crowds, or important people. She glanced at the rest of the squadron through her peripherals to see if anyone had screwed up. Suddenly her eyes glanced to the left and, seeing the look on Hachirou's face like he was going to kill someone, snapped her eyes back forward.
Tai followed the line correctly, doing her best not to get out of time or move out of place, smiling politely to the people gathered there.
Despite his relative lack of training, thought-sim training took over and Silic kept up with the others, his problems began right after everyone's feet had snapped to the floor for the final time. A split second after the final stamp there was a soft chink, soft enough so only he could hear it. His eyes darted down away from the other squadrons and managed a fugitive glance down. Laying there on the floor, lay the dark metal of his prosthetic pinky, rolling back and forth slightly.

Of all times why now, Silic stared ahead, reeling at the damning evidence by his left foot. Realising he was now mucking with the jaws of death, he quietly sweated an ocean while his mind tried to figure out some way out of this social inconvenience. His mind whirred and fizzed at a million miles per hour, probably something along these lines.

Could he opt for the strategy used when someone farts in an elevator? Pretend not know anything about it, he who smelt it dealt it after all. No, that wasn't going to work. How would he pick it up afterwards? Did anyone else see it happen? No, it looked like he was safe for now. Why couldn't these boots have toes? Was it really that hard? And presumably a long string of four letter words that cannot be put into print here.

Seconds ticked by, and Silic stood with balls of steel next to the metaphorical bomb beside him, his look of stony indifference giving nothing away. Trapped next to his own little David, the Goliath did the only thing he could. He made a note to wear gloves next time. Around him, the ceremony went on.
Atsui was grateful that everyone had made it to the platform without incident. Okay, everyone made it up here without mishap, that's good. No embarrassing events in front of the Taisho is very a good thing. she thought.

Atsui noticed that Sorano was about to begin her speech.

"Today we are here to recognize two groups of individuals who exemplify what it means to be in the Star Army. ..." Sorano began.

Atsui stood and listened to the Taisho's speech. But in truth her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about their upcoming assignment. There was something in the works, but what it was she did not know. All too soon it was time for her to step forward and receive the commendation for the squadron. With practiced skill she smoothly executed the maneuver and bowed. Then she stepped back into formation so that the Taisho could give Kenta the one for the Rubies.

The Taisho then turned to the audience and concluded the ceremony. There was the perfunctory applause from their peers. The Taisho turned and walked off the platform. Once the Taisho had left the area Atsui took a step forward and turned to leave, she started walking in front of her squadron when she noticed something on the surface. She paused to look at it closer. A finger? What? Silic-Hei. she squatted down and scooped it up.

Atsui turned to Vas and held out her hand, "I believe you dropped this." she said with a slight smirk. After handing it to the soldier she looked to the others.

"Join me over by the Yew tree. I will give you folks our mission briefing before we head back to the Heitan. Fall out." she said.

She turned and walked briskly across the platform, and down the stairs. She walked over to the Yew and loosened her tunic while she waited for the others to arrive.
Silic sheepish thanked Numa as she handed him his missing digit, before taking a very deep sigh of relief as she walked away. The santo-hei took a moment to reattach his finger before scooting over to join her, looking at the tree curiously, muttering “...tree on a space ship? What will they think of next.” his tone definitely not making it a question. He shook his head and stood easily, arms folded, waiting for Numa to start speaking.
Tai looked at her pin, turning it over a little before pocketing it for right now, listening and watching as the meeting continued.

(God short post but I don't have a whole lot)
Atsui looked around the area as she waited for the squadron members to join her.

"This is nice, a small piece of Yamatai out here on the frontier, to help remind us what we are fighting for." she said to those near her. And perhaps to preserve that small piece in the event the worst should happen to the Capital. she thought.

Yoshi walked over to join the Atsui and the others. "So Solitaire any chance you can tell us what all the hush hush is about. There has been all sorts of activity and chatter, but no one seems to know what's up." he inquired.

"Unfortunately Cutter, whatever the scuttlebutt is about its taking place at a rank higher than mine. Once I know and am cleared to share it. I'll let everyone know." she answered.
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