Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 2.0] Rescue with a side order of Calamari

Hachirou stood next to Silic, and waited.

"I hope the others get here quickly. I'm beginning to think they didn't hear your order, Numa-Chui." He said dryly. Apparently, he wasn't in a good mood.
Nobutora stopped next to the XO and looked up from his datapad. “Sir,” he said in acknowledgment, with a slight bow of his head, before looking back down at the reports he had been perusing. The ceremony had been a little awkward for him, as he hadn’t participated in the events the 21st was being recognized for. As ever, though, he could count on focusing on his work to alleviate whatever social unease he felt. Not that his work always left him feeling particularly better about things; certainly the intelligence brief he had just finished reading on the topic of NMX butcher rooms had done little to cheer him up. Deactivating the reader, Nobutora tried to dismiss the grimace his face had taken on as he pondered the information. He was moderately successful in stilling his expression and he turned to look up at the Chui, hoping the briefing would take his mind off things.
Yaeko quietly listened to the speech given during the ceremony, trying best not to let her mind wander. After what felt like hours and the ceremony was finished, she was about to head over and ask the Chui what their assignment was, but Atsui beat her to it and called them over to the tree. Yaeko had started heading her way over, but had stopped half way because she noticed the nice scenery. Suddenly, she felt like she was back home. After realizing that she should be hurrying, she rushed herself over to where the Chui was and bowed.
Ira wearing is formal uniform stood silently ad made little conversation as he awaited the ceremony and briefing. Ira wore two new ribbons he had recently received. In truth he cared little for recognitions and commendations, but it seemed to make others feel betters, and in this fleet, these recognitions were marks of experience, and Ira was going to be getting plenty of it.

Ira would move into his position of formation and snap to attention when the Taisho called for it. Ceremony’s and briefings were always fun days. During these events he ceased being Ira, and became Ramirez Kohosei.
Silic nervously looked away from Hachirou nervously, and twiddled with his prosthetic hand, trying to avoid eye contact. As Nobutora came up, the metal fist slowly flexed closed with a quiet whir of electric motors.
Nobutora barely heard the faint sound, but he did hear it and turned toward its origin. His eyes narrowed as he silently inspected the Nepleslian; the man – one Silic Vas, if he remembered the roster correctly – had apparently been in the hospital before so Nobutora hadn't had an opportunity to be introduced. He couldn't think of anything he had done to give offense, but unless he was hugely mis-analyzing Vas's clenched fist something was definitely the matter. Choosing to confront the issue head-on, he cleared his throat. “Is something wrong, Itto Hei?”
Silics eye implants flicked in Nobutora's direction, “No sir, just a system check, sir.” he answered simply. The hand fell back to his side and slowly unclenched, his other hand rested on his belt, eyes stared straight ahead away from Nobutora. The man leaned sideways towards Hachirou and said something quiet to the officer, his eyes flicking towards Nobutora for a split second as he whispered.
"Vas-Hei," Hachirou said, turning to the much taller Nepleslian. "I don't remember conspiracy theory being a required course in Basic Training. I thought it was left to the Intelligence Personnel, in fact. Did you ever apply?"
Atsui took a quick head count and decided that enough of the squadron was present that she could proceed. "Heads up folks. Here is the drill, twenty-four hours ago two Nozomi left Daichi to check out enemy positions. Most likely for some sort of a counter-attack, but you did not hear that from me." she started.

"In four hours the Heitan and her escort are getting underway. We are proceeding to an unexplored system designated "Rabbit Hole" approximately forty light-years away. This is where the Heitan and those SAINT operated Nozomi are going to rendezvous. The 21st's mission when the Heitan arrives is to explore the system, identify any threats, and keep the meeting point secure until the SAINT teams arrive." She paused for a moment.

"We have some new additions to our group so we will be assigning wingman prior to launch. In the meantime, there is a shuttle heading from Chiharu back to the Heitan, make sure you get on it. Once there head down to medical so Doc can give you a once over and get your mental backup either created or updated. Any questions?" she asked
Tai had shaken her head, understanding almost exactly what the overall plan was at the moment. The fighter pilot had decided to relish the opportunity to finally fly with her new squadron, ready to go to the Medical wing as soon as dismissed.
Ira listened to Atsui’s brief very intently, as short as it was Ira had several questions, be he decided to weed them out to just one which he found to be a rather pertinent one. Ira hesitated and looked around as he noticed he had the clear to speak, and not interrupt anybody who may have had something more pressing “What kind of resistance are we expecting, Ma’am?”

Considering how things nearly ended up on the last mission, Ira knew to expect the worst, as did all Star Army personnel, the squadron had a few rookies this time around, so it was obvious his question was not an attempt to undercut his CO, but rather to get the virgins ready for their initial initiation.
Nobutora stared at the Nepleslian for just a moment longer; resolving to delve into the man’s background a little deeper and to speak to the XO, he turned away. Given the Chui’s call for question, his first instinct was to ask about piloting duties, but that was merely his fears about operating with the squadron for the first time talking. Instead, he jumped to the next concern. “Contributing to the Shoi Kohosei’s point, ma’am, do we have any appraisal as to what the SAINT ships were expecting to reconnoiter, warship-wise? Do their protocols dictate rendezvousing even if engaged or detected?”
Atsui waited until she had several questions so for efficiency she could answer them all at once.

"Rabbit Hole is supposed to be an uncharted system about twenty light-years from the closest NMX system. So we are not expecting any local resistance. If we do encounter some local traffic, we will need to evaluate it quickly, make a threat determination, and take whatever action is deemed prudent.

The SAINT teams orders are very direct, they are to avoid detection, if detected avoid engaging the enemy. The 2XF is still only using our Quantum Relays on a limited basis so the SAINT teams can not just broadcast from their locations. If the SAINT teams are pursued their orders are to make their way to the rendezvous point, under no circumstances should they make for Daichi if they are being followed. They are also operating under communications blackout orders. So if they get into trouble they are on their own unless they reach Rabbit Hole.

Any more questions? If not we can make our way to the shuttle. I will update the squadron prior to launch if we have any updates." Atsui said answering the questions.
Yaeko listened intently, making mental notes of things that she figured would be important. She also noted the other questions and started forming her own based off of those. After Atsui had answered a few of the questions she added in her own, "What's the ETA of the SAINT operatives after our own arrival. And will we be assisting them through either communications or combat once they arrive?
Ren was jittering nervously, especially in the light of the mission at hand. This sounded like a fairly difficult mission. Still, she had no questions that she could think of at the moment, except "Will we be being issued special equipment to assist us in avoiding detection?" she asked "Or will we be running with standard loadout?"
Atsui considered the newest questions. "At present the time line is for the Heitan to arrive before the the SAINT ships. Of course in war how often do things go according to plan. As for load out, we have several new pilots and we will have two T8 Teisatsu which will be carrying some alternate equipment to help round out the squadron. Before we launch I will have wingman and load out posted so the techs can get the fighters configured." she said.
“Aye Ma’am.” Ira said. Ira had rank over the enlisted personnel and wished get this thing rolling. Questions would not win this war and if he was going to be an officer he may as well act like one. “Alright people you heard the Chui, no time like the present, we have all the information we need, so let’s get to it.” Ira spoke in a firm commanding voice, but maintained an almost expressionless face.

This was his second mission with Atsui, and at this point she had earned his respect, as did the majority of this squadron. Though he was not sure why they had been switched to a scouting force.
Atsui waited for one more moment and with no more questions said, "Okay, everyone report to the shuttle for transfer to the Heitan, then once we're aboard everyone get your medical work taken care of. Dismissed."

Atsui then turned and walked towards the nearest exit, she allowed herself to admire the beauty of the Temple room one last time as she paused in the doorway. Then turned to walk down the hallway.

Let's see there are about a hundred things that can go wrong with this mission. But the squadron has been getting some simulator time together so hopefully things will go more smoothly. Once I get to the Heitan, I need to work out the flight roster. she thought making her way down to the shuttle area.

Stepping into the bay, she easily spotted Kayo the squadron's admin standing by a T7 Shuttle. Atsui headed towards the shuttle.

"Good day, Numa Chui," Kayo said as she approached, "The shuttle is prepped and the pilot standing by to launch on your order."

"Thank you Kayo-Hei. I'm sure the others will be her shortly." She said as she walked to the front of the shuttle and took a seat waiting for the rest of the Squadron to arrive.
Silic sighed at the reminder about backups “If Neps were made for soul transfers, they'd have been born with digital brains.” He said to no one in particular. While patients were usually drugged before having a backup made, his slower metabolism meant he'd have to go all natural, or end up half asleep in the cockpit. That, and the fact that he was about four or five times the average age of the rest of the crew meant a rather nasty headache coming up.

He uncrossed his arms, and started for the shuttle unhurriedly, pain is not something one walks to gladly.
Tai hurried onto the shuttle, catching it just as it left, taking a seat. She didn't look like she was looking forward to the backup either, but looked bright anyways. "As much as I should hope that we don't have to see any action during the mission, I almost want to. The chance to properly push our fighter's to the absolute maximum is just too exciting to ignore." she says to the other 21st squadron members in the shuttle, smiling softly.