Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.0] Spirits in the dark

Flitter bay

As he walked in the bay carrying the Brain with him, Memi looked around and saw the Flitter ahead. "I'm right here, sorry it took so long. This thing is heavy as all get up." His suit's enhanced muscles strained a little as he moved the case with the brain in it to the hatch for the flitter.

Looking into the little flier he realized how small and cramped it was, He put the brain into a spot along with the satchel bag with all of the date, then looked at the rest of the away team. "I'll ride out side... Let's go." He stepped out of the flitter, and moved over to a damage control station. He opened it up and grabbed a tether along with a few clips to help him secure himself to the roof of the little craft. Moving back to the flitter, he climbed on top and found a good spot to strap himself down. As soon as he did he radioed, "I'm secure."
Flitter Bay.

"Okay, Miali, button up the Flitter. I want to get everyone back to the ship now. " Toidorno sent across his comm.

He looked at those waiting outside. Either grab a tether like Sar-Memi did, or grab hold and lock your boots to the surface." He said to the rest of the team. He then found a secure place to hang on and gripped the exterior of the flitter.

The grey-furred Âdornorpa'a was itching to get the show on the road, so the reappearance of Memi lugging the brain with him and the resulting orders from Toidorno were music to her ears. They twitched a few times for emphasis and her tail waved from side to side, as she replied with a crisp, "Aye, Tin-To'a! ...Okay cats and kittens, make you're strapped in nice and tight, now. It's time to bow out of this stage with a flourish. Next stop, home base."

With that she began securely sealing all hatches and doors on the pale green craft, and activating the life support systems to stabilize the interior atmosphere at a comfortable level for the trip. The maneuvering thrusters began to flare to life soon after, as Miali hesitated in her undocking procedure just long enough to make sure that all exterior riders were secure. This also gave time for the plasma thrusters to begin warming up with a pleasing hum to signaled the Yome was not far away now.
Flitter Interior

La'tâ's medical scan showed that Murr in face had a hernia. The patch to her abdominal wall, must have torn with all the bending and stooping that Murr had been doing earlier. Then her moving about in her seat must have exacerbated the situation. While serious and would need surgery to repair. It was not immediately life threatening. The Yome was only a short flight away, and then Murr could be taken to a fully operational medical facility.
Flitter Interior

Seeing the results on her scanner La'tâ gave a slight frown and then spoke up. "Murr it appears you have a hernia from the strain. It's nothing life threatening but we will need to operate again when we get back to the ship. You might find relaxing your breathing to help ease the pain as well, you have Iasa Niuos in your system so you shouldn't need to breath as hard." She then stepped out of the Flitter to get ready to depart.

While outside she saw Memi securing himself to the ship and decided to head over and give his suit a quick check for any damage that would make it no longer space worthy. "Any pain anywhere Memi?"
Flitter (inside)

Murr nodded, slowed down her breathing. It was sage advice and all it would do, would get everyone nervous if she kept up her nervous breathing. She returned back to working on her unfinished report. She had to smile, cause whomever had to read this was in for an all-nighter. It was a good thing it was on a electronic pad, otherwise she could claim writers cramps as an additional injury.

That thought brought a smile to her pained expression as her claw tips made clicking sounds against the pads keys. Plus it gave her an advantage over the others who still had to go through the debriefing on their portion of the mission. Also Command wouldn't have to wait while she was in treatment and recuperating from her injuries.


"... Murr Whisk! I don't know whats going on in your furry little head at times!" Her mother exclaimed , voice filled with concern. "Why can't you be like the rest of the baqli? You go and set fire to yourself! Get thrown meters by your unsupervised experiments after all the trouble we've gone to keep you part of our family. Do you have a death wish?"

Seeing the concerned look of her mother in a room full of beeps and whooshes, she shook her head slowly back and forth.

"Well, next time you get that urge, let one of us to supervise, or one of your instructors at the school! At least think...think before you act!," Mother would reach out and tap her head. "Oh I should get help in getting your hair washed. It still has debris in it from your unexpected escapades!"

Then Murr would stoically suffer through the brushing and grooming of hair and fur....


Murr gave a soft sighing exhale. Did she have a death wish like her mother always berated her after a nasty after effect of an experiment gone wrong. At least she would be helping those she was with to survive longer.

All of the Flitter systems were operating within normal parameters. Then the lights in the flitter bay flickered. While La'tâ was checking on Memi the containment force field for the bay switched off. The hatch on the Flitter slammed shut with the loss of atmosphere. The flitter was then ejected from the bay by the rushing air. While the speed was not very high the Flitter tumbled as it cleared the door.
On top of the flitter

Memi was about to respond to the question but paused to think it over, Was there anything wrong, was he injured. he started to take a mental inventory of his person when the containment field blew open. Memi stared in horror for a fraction of a second before throwing his arms out to grab La'tâ as she started to be blasted out of the bay. He groped at the armored being before him with hopes to pull her in and hold her tight against him.

Syaboa stayed in her position and looked at the others letting a smile hide what she was thinking, she hated the idea of who had died looking at the ultrasound print. She looked at the others "C-Can someone take these away from me or something as they are bringing back bad memories" she looked down and avoided eye contact with the others.
On top the Flitter

La'tâ was not exactly ready for the sudden launch of the flitter, and despite having a power armor that could easily navigate space, she still found herself clinging to Memi in desperation, not wanting to find herself lost in the vast expanse. She did not here his response to her question, if he even answered it but at the moment she did not care about that.
Flitter (inside)

Murr huffed air out as the fliiter suddenly moved. flailing an arm, and trying to get her sense of balance back, grabbed the first thing she felt with her hands. The pictures that Syaboa was holding. But they weren't as secured as she had planned.

She blinked at the pictures she was holding, briefly. At first she didn't understand what she was seeing as her innards were doing acrobatics when they shouldn't be. Her eyes crossed briefly at the sensation. They must be important to Syaboa otherwise she wouldn't have brought them with her. She just added them to the doctor's satchel that held the stuff she had collected for the Yome's Labs to go over.

She would return them later to Syaboa once they was back on the Yome.

Sogi was about to take the pictures when Murr did. She turned to Murr and got closer. "May I see those." She asked reaching to take them from her. They belonged to Tagar Saarq. He was apoloa to my pialoa. His imatloi gave them to him before we left Sotâka Ruomâqi. I will give them to her." she said her ears dropped and her eyes glistening."

Murr looked at the pictures and then gave Syboa a questioning look. She then recognized the unborn forms within the womb. She handed them over to Sogi, reverently. Hoping this would make Syaboa more cheerful. Seeing the expression on Sogi. Wished she didn't ask for the pictures, yet the pictures was hers and Togi's property as the sole surviving members of A-Ibaka.

This time she did reach out and gave a gentle head rub to Sogi. For she was taking on a mission that someone way older than baqli should be doing.

Silently Murr renewed her vows of being the best Daho'a to bring the criminals to justice by cleansing fire or by trial. Enemy of the empire will die when discovered. So that the young will have the time to grow up at their pace.

Syaboa smiled "Thank you both of you, the Ultrasound was hard to think about, I am a twin so I hate the idea that they died on here" she looked at Murr and signed *Thank you so much for trying to help me, here let me help you up* she helped Murr sit down and smiled "I may be a bit easier to sit of if it is uncomfortable for you."

It was a good thing that Miali was itching to launch and her hands were poised right on the controls and power plant warmed up fully... so when there was a sudden loss of containment field in the Flitter bay she reacted instinctively to immediately engage the maneuvering thrusters to try to stabilize the Dyet'una's tumble into space and level it off. She also saw the red lights blinking indicating the entry hatch had executed a immediate closure to preserve interior pressure and that Latâ was also no longer in her acceleration chair. In her rush to check on Memi it seemed now she was outside along with him, desperately trying to grab on.

"Qopo! That boy always seems to make things interesting," remarked the Tuoro to herself as she kept her cool in the pilot's seat and turned up the throttle a bit to fight the suction effects and make sure Memi was in the right spot to grab the Wapoin'a to safety. She breathed a sigh of relief, as the gravity field around the Flitter would likely hold them fast in their Dahome armors for rest of the trip along with the others already riding steerage. "You cool out there, Sar?" asked Miali, as she began to again stabilize the small spacecraft. "Last minute change of seating, eh? Not the coziest place for you two, but can't beat the view." Se added this last somewhat suggestive part with a sly grin, finally adjusting on course back towards the Yome Ismâopate with a flare of the plasma engines.
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Murr nodded her thanks to Syaboa as she accepted the help to resettle in the seat. It seamed that you had to take all of the slack out of the safety straps to work properly. A lot of harsh lessons were being learned all over again. But that was nothing new to Murr. Her life was all about relearning them over and over.

~~ curiosity kill the cat .... satisfaction brought it back....~~ thought raced through her mind and if it was true that felines had nine lives, She was definitely living on borrowed time as she would've had used them all up in the first year of walking on two legs... well maybe once she had developed a fascination for pyro-techniques. Now she was putting that knowledge to good use. ~~Listen to me roar! ~~

Murr gave an absentminded nod to her thoughts with eyes glittering in the ambient light. Ears perked up and looking over at the other baqli, Toga, wondering what was going through his mind. At least he was smart enough to secure himself to the seat from her perspective. She gave him a smile, followed by a questioning look to see how he was faring in the chaos of departure from his home.

Sogi went back to Tota leaned into her friend. She held the images carefully in her hand and thought about that happy day when Tagar came aboard showing them to everyone. She carefully tucked them into one of the suit's pockets and let silent tears trickle down inside of her helmet.


Those on the exterior had a few moments of erratic movement before Miali got control of the flitter. Once headed in the right direction, they could see the Yome shining brightly in the darkness. His running lights were on and another craft could be seen docked along side of him. Hewid looked to the others. "Well, that was a fun departure. Glad you decided to ride back like a warrior Memi, you even saved a fellow crew member." he said with a friendly chuckle.

The distance between the two ships was relatively small for a flitter to cross so in a matter of minutes the Yome was looming large in front of them.

Continued in : Mission 2.2 Return and Recover
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